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To summarize, an analogy might be useful: a Very Little Language is like a knife, which
be able to access information that is actually useful about the subject, and not just whats needed f
an aircraft to fly along a chosen heading with useful accuracy.
Temocillin has no useful activity against Gram positive organisms, Acin
been around for over 100 years and provides a useful activity for the children of Horrabridge and t
His 50-diamond power was especially useful, adding an extra hit point to the hit point to
He added: "He will be a very useful addition to the squad and I am excited he has
creation feature of the game, while seen as a useful addition to the game, was found to be difficul
e such) would be an interesting and culturally useful addition to this article.
d a citation for this -- I think it would be a useful addition to the article if so.--Plane nutz (ta
London's Chatham House, says Turkey would be a useful addition for the European Union.
If you're interested and think it would be a useful addition, please feel free to include it.
If you're interested and think they would be a useful addition, please feel free to include any of t
Cheese especially mozarella is a useful addition.
on, and the identity property would provide no useful additional information.
"A thundering classic appears again with useful additions.
ru Wilson and Lloyd to see if they supply more useful adjectives for these named principals.
veloped his left arm medium pace bowling, as a useful adjunct to his batting.
It has proved itself to be a useful adjunct to the Town Hall of 1834-50.
ance, he subordinated his clerical policy to a useful administration in commercial matters, includin
A useful advantage in practical applications is that th
Bouton commented that Maglie rarely gave useful advice to the pitchers, and frequently second-
gain jazz guitar tuition from Ike Isaacs, and useful advice on a personal level from the guitarist
arts of most levels and tailwhipping him gives useful advice.
he royal household, where they found in Jane a useful advocate to the Queen when requesting approval
elated to this ability, V2O5 catalyses several useful aerobic oxidation reactions, the largest scale
ndustrial sites and make those sites clean and useful again.
These siege guns were no longer useful against modern armored fortresses by the outbr
etres from the point of detonation, and proved useful against infantry as well as tanks.
These siege guns were no longer useful against modern armored fortresses by the outbr
rculigosides are natural phenols that could be useful against β-amyloid aggregation in Alzheimer's d
rtifications the 12 cm siege gun was no longer useful against modern armored fortresses by the outbr
ser rangefinders and laser-guided weapons less useful against military targets, various military arm
lyphenols found in C. orchioides that could be useful against β-amyloid aggregation in Alzheimer's d
s, whose large-calibre firepower was generally useful against both soft and hard targets.
ured French battleships-but that they could be useful against foreign cruisers, although the ships w
a common topical treatment for acne and can be useful against some methicillin-resistant Staphylococ
It is most useful against Tinea versicolor.
, armament such as torpedo tubes that would be useful against surface ships was reduced.
the CIA came to the point of not even having a useful agent in the Middle East in the period leading
utstanding figure on the board, but he pursued useful aims of a moderately radical kind.
The possibility of establishing a useful air route into China was under serious discuss
uring the war, these weapons never fulfilled a useful air defense niche.
The British controlled several useful airports necessary for the development of Amer
an orderly mathematical space with potentially useful algebraic properties: most computation takes p
es are a commercial source of pharmaceutically useful alkaloids.
a purgative and solvent for several medically useful alkaloids.
These colourless liquids are useful alkylating agents in organic synthesis.
Most other industrially useful alkyne derivatives are prepared from acetylene
He was a useful all-rounder who was engagede by the Leeds St.
orn in Yeadon, Yorkshire, England, Myers was a useful all-rounder, who took 303 wickets in his 210 f
f that the CIA would try to assassinate such a useful ally, and it is preposterous to to suggest the
It had a useful alteration to the original design in the use o
and epistle before the Latin dictionary) many useful alterations, emendations, and additions of ety
It is a useful alternative to azathioprine when Aza toxicity
was cutting controls on the sale of militarily useful American products to China.
The fruit of this species is one of the most useful among hawthorns.
car chassis were not powerful enough to move a useful amount of armour or fire power on the battlefi
To calculate the useful amount of work provided by a computer, a speci
-metal quarries this mountain contributes some useful amount of revenue to the Vadipatti Taluk.
om the tin smelters then contains economically useful amounts of tantalum, which is leached from the
he yield is low and the effort required to get useful amounts of material is great.
Hydroxydione proved to be a useful anaesthetic drug with a good safety profile, b
HC metabolite 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC which shows useful analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects withou
It has been shown to produce useful analgesic, antidepressant and anxiolytic effec
A useful analogy to this process is the uncorking of a
g berries for the ranchers who find their help useful and profitable.”
t alternative programming models are sometimes useful and highly productive.
ll spare no efforts to make his administration useful and successful."
Finding useful and effective criteria, or heuristics, to judg
Active Class Patrol Boats were one of the most useful and long lasting in the service.
Nonetheless, the enzyme was extraordinarily useful and important.
ny more than the term "Puritan" can be given a useful and precise definition outside the particular
ed on Rashi; the book being even to-day a most useful and almost indispensable aid toward understand
ith recalled his time there as by far the most useful and therefore as by far the happiest and most
operating conditions these connections are not useful and are not indicated on RATP maps.
The American Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge was established by
this reason, such techniques may be seen as a useful and powerful way to progress in the language,
His special attack is mildly useful, and benefits greatly from the decreased charg
ging the style and formatting to make the list useful and well-constructed.
A scout is to be useful and to help others.
casionally find Maddy's latent magical ability useful, and dispensing with marauding goblins is one
guishing characteristics of what makes the map useful and important.
From: American Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge, 1836
His tarot readings are said to be remarkably useful and exceptionally up-market.
lley, he soon learns Arabic, which proves very useful and is one reason why his comrades begin to re
rowers contributing, then editors redacting is useful and appropriate.
ct designed to make the whole web increasingly useful and meaningful to today's and the future's inf
But the Suwarian tradition was resilient and useful, and it is probably similar to the positions o
they proved to be of too low resolution to be useful and combined with concerns that transmitting r
analysis, Grant and co-workers pioneered many useful and versatile algorithms and methods ranging f
(...) However, his hobby is indeed useful and he has advanced historical knowledge by a
imple link to a video on youtube would be more useful, and the viewer can set his own description fo
It is a useful and common tool, particularly because it helps
Rex who, encouraged by Gabriel to do something useful and earn some money at the same time, reluctan
gh Renaissance Wax is generally agreed to be a useful and stable material for conservation work, thi
ll's work appeared in the American Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge and other publicati
Boston Massacre, in: American Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge, 1835
o Rangiahua was not seen as being particularly useful and had been plagued by slips.
on to their historical value, perhaps the most useful and interesting part of the Phantom Access pro
phases of the war rendered these efforts less useful and the practice was abandoned by 1942.
entioned : as also all other subjects that are useful and appertain to our English language : a work
F leader Lloyd Stinson once called him "a most useful and cooperative member of caucus", assisting o
Following criticism of the loss of a useful and distinctive name, FCC has somewhat relente
endency-checking capability to be an extremely useful and often overlooked feature that all such too
nge in facilities I suppose it's possible this useful and long-standing diner shorthand has been dro
His knowledge of the country proved useful, and he was instrumental in the capture of the
It would be a lot more useful and tidy to collect them all in one place, as
illiams at DH where his still powerful bat was useful and where his play in the field was not a liab
ocal ownership to the airwaves and disseminate useful and meaningful information to the public, not
cial status, etc., allowing users to find both useful and silly information on their peers.
ented in an Historical Collection: shewing how useful and serviceable the Clergy have been to this N
ons, directs or maintains the moral drive in a useful and beneficial way.
Chloride is also a useful and reliable chemical indicator of river / gro
Especially useful and successful is the joint work (since 1987)
He was said to have played a useful and consistent game at half.
The launch, described by Mr Bezos as "both useful and fun", was watched by friends, family and a
as a model for later construction, due to its useful and economical floor plan.
She became a highly useful and popular writer of tales for young people.
nifesto which advocated "in favour of the more useful and more lasting forms of communication" over
The American Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge was a monthly magaz
The flexible branches were useful and sought after for twisting into basketry an
ollection of Old and New, Weird and Wonderful, Useful and Outlandish Words, John Wiley & Sons Inc; R
scipline which is important to mould them into useful and capable citizens.The watch words of the Tr
The service was most popular and useful, and was largely used by the native population
s (315 taxa), greenhouse plants (250 species), useful and medicinal plants (175 taxa), and aromatic
They are provided useful and informative books.
ary relationship between plants but still is a useful and popular system of classification based on
on and strict impartiality; and will recommend useful and economical expenditures only, so that taxe
the Rolls in 1494, while Henry VII found him a useful and clever diplomatist.
aditional gene knockout studies and hence more useful and practical in its approach.
has been tarmaced by the council and is now a useful and busy cycle/footpath for many residents of
the criticism of the 'official' story may have useful angles in it.
6-hydroxydopamine toxicity in rodents may be a useful animal model for the syndrome, although this i
ed as a pet and companion, it was considered a useful animal by all classes of Tibetans.
eeding because its crossbred progeny were such useful animals, much like the Narragansett Pacer bree
ys the most interesting questions and the most useful answers first.
They may have useful anti-cancer properties.
s still in widespread clinical use, due to its useful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects in add
nist partisans, but the concept served as very useful anti-Muslim propaganda after 1945.
depressant in the 1970s, and was found to be a useful antidepressant at doses of 50-225 mg per day,
A young Romani hero is a useful antidote to a rigid social class system.
s means that while SCH-50911 is likely to be a useful antidote for GHB overdose in non-addicted indi
r's Choice Award" from PCMag.com and the "Most Useful App" award from Macworld.com.
ilor, and one shoemaker, who are considered as useful appendages to the fraternity."
Capel's Remains, being an useful Appendix to his excellent Treatise of Tentatio
Includes various useful appendixes such as sample letters, speeches, a
Another useful application of dimethoxymethane is to protect
Instead it is aiming to be a useful application that is attractive to the mass con
Some useful applications of RubyCocoa are exploration of a
These little gems have all sorts of useful applications.
It has many useful applications.
dle (though oppositional) planet can also be a useful approach.
dable questions, one can still attempt to give useful approximate solutions.
Granted, a useful aqueduct system ultimately depends on a fresh
18:3) is main (27.4%) and the next is the very useful arachidic acid (C-20), 22.4%.
Slightly less robust, but much more useful, are 'quasi-delay-insensitive circuits' (also
l. ‘Racial Categories in Medical Practice: How Useful Are They?'.
nted water to be flumed away, either to a more useful area, funnelled into a receptacle, or run into
It is stated that great quantities of this useful article were sent for the use of the navy, and
ed articles by Contempo Magazine blog as being useful articles for Congressional bills regarding vet
Port aux Choix in Newfoundland, treasured and useful articles, as well as carved images of animals
Committee of the Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts in 1805, and was also President of the Me
rning in such of the languages and liberal and useful arts as shall be recommended."
and tried to elevate them by teaching them the useful arts of life, and strove to teach them the pri
The Myrtle-nymphs taught him useful arts and mysteries, how to curdle milk for che
three volumes, and Tomlinson's Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts, 1854.
he history and antiquities of America, and the useful arts, and generally to disseminate useful know
or improving Husbandry, Manufactures and other Useful Arts.
create and maintain organic cations which are useful as intermediate molecules in numerous reaction
In the long run, photostimulation may be useful as a therapy, using light to adjust the biolog
panese-English bilingual dictionary, but it is useful as an all-in-one dictionary.
While extremely useful as a food packaging agent, the major disadvant
agrams, illustrations, and photographs, and is useful as a concise introduction to the nature of the
opic action, which might potentially make them useful as study aids.
Pseudoephedrine may be useful as antitussive drug (suppressing of cough).
ow this phenomena works, and how to make it as useful as possible.
assortment of 100 mm ammunition - made it less useful as a field gun.
r exposure to the JG method of diagramming was useful as a point of reference in teaching/learning f
You will find this useful as a reference source for this article and the
It is useful as a synthetic intermediate in organic chemist
It's also useful as a base when wrapping a bicycle handlebar wi
d, because of her ferryboat structure, she was useful as a gun platform or for carrying passengers o
is color-changing property makes this compound useful as a pH indicator.
r London was under construction which would be useful as a hub for airline traffic through to Contin
Both these methods are useful as they are either cheaper or free, effective,
His Arabic skills made him useful as a diplomat: he negotiated with Saladin on b
ponding agencies and their equipment did prove useful as their hoses only represented a small part o
upied Germany decided that Reinefarth could be useful as a witness at the Nuremberg Trial.
d at high tide preventing the beach from being useful as either a swimming or surfing beach.
"Irish conscripts would be as useful as conscripted Germans."
Decon foam is also useful as an area denial weapons medium for crowd con
It rapidly became clear that it would be more useful as part of X than as a standalone program, so
gently shimmering blue and red" and found them useful as "a way of tracking [his] enemies".
the emission spectrum of tryptophan, making it useful as an acceptor in FRET experiments.
sult, well test analysis started becoming more useful as reservoir description tool both during expl
Crown ethers are useful as phase transfer catalysts.
od-brain barrier penetration make it primarily useful as a research ligand.
These trees have a resilient wood, useful as timber, for construction and as firewood.
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