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該当件数 : 19



mushrooms and related fleshy fungi (including toadstools, puffballs, morels, coral fungi, etc.)発音を聞く  - 日本語WordNet


Not only health troubles caused by eating fish, fowl, mushrooms and noodles in unsuitable combination, but also all other diseases immediately disappear as if it's a work of God.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

四十 住宅に附属して屋外に設置するバルコニー、車庫、物置その他これらにする簡易なプレハブ式の工作物の部材例文帳に追加

(40) balconies, garages, storage sheds, and other similar simple prefabricated structures that are installed outdoors attached to housing発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

九 住宅に附属して屋外に設置するバルコニー、車庫、物置その他これらにする簡易なプレハブ式の工作物の組立て又は設置例文帳に追加

(9) assembling or installing of outdoor balconies, garages, storage sheds, and other similar simple prefabricated structures that are installed outdoors attached to housing発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To obtain nutritive feed for animals by using waste cereals and beans, its choice residue and process residue as a medium, and culturing especially mushroom mycelium containing a large amount of β-glucon and other medicinal components. - 特許庁


Of them, the silver belt fittings significantly resemble copper belt fittings unearthed from tumuli in the six-dynasty period, including the Western Jin tomb in Yixing County, Jiangsu Province, and they are quite likely to have been brought from Konan (Jiāngnán) or to have been affected by those from Konan.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Links between ACZ are classified into links based on the structure of OTT links based on the structure of a sequential tree with an annular fringe and the other by-pass links. - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 19



For the number of declarations by beverage including alcohol, accounts for the highest of all declared products, 174,782 (8.3%), followed by fresh meat (including internal organs) 161,944 (7.7% of all declared products), preparations of vegetables (other than processed mushroom, spices, processed herb and tea), 155,863 (7.4%), tableware, 150,753 (7.2%), other tools and apparatus, 117,904 (5.6%), and processed fish product, 96,616 (4.6%). - 厚生労働省


For the number of declarations by beverage including alcohol, accounts for the highest, 156,015 (8.6 % of all declared products) ,followed by product,processed vegetables (excluding processed mushroom,spices, processed herb and tea) accounts for the highest, 150,907 (8.3% of all declared products),fresh meat (including internal organs) 149,898 (8.2%), Tableware , 101,484 (5.6%).and milk and milk product, 94,371(5.2%). - 厚生労働省

第三十七条 商品取引所は、法第九十九条第一項の規定により、当該商品市場において取引をする会員等の純資産額の最低額を定めるときは、当該商品市場における取引の種、取引単位、取引高その他の取引事情及び商品市場における取引の公正かつ円滑な履行の確保を考慮して定めなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 37 When a Commodity Exchange determines the minimum amount of the net assets of Members who carry out transactions on the Commodity Market pursuant to the provisions of Article 99, paragraph (1) of the Act, it shall take into consideration transaction types, transaction units, transaction amounts, and other circumstances on said Commodity Market and the securing of the fair and smooth performance of transactions on the Commodity Market.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 法第百四十一条第一号から第三号までに掲げる外国法人は、国内事業管理親法人株式の交付を受けた場合には、その交付を受けた日の属する事業年度終了の日の翌日から二月以内に、その交付を受けた日の属する事業年度終了の時に有する国内事業管理親法人株式の銘柄及び数その他の財務省令で定める事項を記載した書を、納税地の所轄税務署長に提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(5) Where a foreign corporation listed in items (i) through (iii) of Article 141 of the Act received the issuance of the parent corporation's shares managed in a domestic business, the foreign corporation shall submit documents stating brands and the number of the parent corporation's shares managed in a domestic business that it owns at the end of the business year containing the day of receiving the issuance and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance to the district director of the tax office governing its place for tax payment, within two months from the following day of the final day of the business year containing the day of receiving the issuance.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十四条 経済産業大臣は、居住者による特定資本取引(第二十条第二号に掲げる資本取引(同条第十二号の規定により同条第二号に準ずる取引として政令で定めるものを含む。)のうち、貨物を輸出し、又は輸入する者が貨物の輸出又は輸入に直接伴つてする取引又は行為として政令で定めるもの及び鉱業権、工業所有権その他これらにする権利の移転又はこれらの権利の使用権の設定に係る取引又は行為として政令で定めるもの(短期の国際商業取引の決済のための資本取引として政令で定めるものを除く。)をいう。以下同じ。)が何らの制限なしに行われた場合には、我が国が締結した条約その他の国際約束を誠実に履行することを妨げ、若しくは国際平和のための国際的な努力に我が国として寄与することを妨げることとなる事態を生じ、この法律の目的を達成することが困難になると認めるとき又は第十条第一項の閣議決定が行われたときは、政令で定めるところにより、当該特定資本取引を行おうとする居住者に対し、当該特定資本取引を行うことについて、許可を受ける義務を課することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 24 (1) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry finds that if specified capital transactions by a resident (meaning capital transactions listed in Article 20, item 2 (including those specified by Cabinet Order as transactions equivalent to item 2 of the said article pursuant to the provision of item 12 of the said article), which are specified by Cabinet Order as transactions or acts committed by a person who imports or exports goods directly accompanying the import or export of the goods, or which are specified by Cabinet Order as transactions or acts pertaining to the transfer of the mining right, industrial property right or other right equivalent thereto or establishment of the right to use these rights (excluding those specified by Cabinet Order as capital transactions to settle short-term international commercial transactions)), are conducted without any restrictions, it will cause a situation that prevents Japan from sincerely fulfilling obligations under the treaties and other international agreements it has signed or from making its contribution to international efforts for achieving international peace, which will make it difficult to achieve the purpose of this Act, or when a cabinet decision set forth in Article 10, paragraph 1 has been made, he/she may impose, pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order, on a person who intends to commit the specified capital transactions, the obligation to obtain permission for the implementation of the specified capital transactions.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

次のものは,登録することができない:, 第9条(1)の意味での標章ではない標識 , 識別性を欠く標章 , 登録出願される商品又はサービスに関し,ブルガリア共和国における現行の言語又は確立された商慣行において慣習的となっている標識又は表示のみをもって構成される標章 , 標章であって,商品又はサービスに関する種,品質,数量,用途,価額,原産地,商品生産の時期若しくは方法又はサービスの提供方法,又はその他の特徴を示す標識のみによって構成されるもの , 商品自体の性質に起因する形状 , 技術的効果を得るために必要な商品の形状 , 商品に対し実質的価値を与える形状 , 公の秩序及び承認された倫理基準に反する標章 , 商品又はサービスの内容,品質又は原産地について消費者に誤認させる虞がある標章 , 標章であって,パリ条約締約国の紋章,旗章若しくは他の記章又はそれらの模倣,並びに国際政府間機関の紋章,旗章その他の記章,完全な若しくは略式の公式名称によって構成されるか又はそれらを含むもの , 公的な管理及び保証のための標識及び証印から構成されるか又はそれらを含む標章であって,その標識及び証印が同一又は似の商品を示すために使用されている場合 , 文化省によって指定されている,ブルガリア共和国の歴史的及び文化的記念物の名称又は表示によって構成されるか又はそれらを含む標章例文帳に追加

The following shall not be registered: signs which are not marks within the meaning of Article 9(1) , marks which are devoid of any distinctive character; marks which consist exclusively of signs or indications that have become customary in the current language or in the established practices of the trade in the Republic of Bulgaria with respect to the goods or services filed for registration; marks which consist exclusively of signs designating the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin, time or process of production of the goods or the manner of rendering of the services, or other characteristics of the goods or services; the shape which results from the nature of the goods themselves; the shape of goods which is necessary to obtain a technical result; the shape which gives substantial value to the goods; marks which are contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality; marks which may deceive the consumers as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of the goods or services; marks which consist of or include escutcheons, flags or other emblems of States party to the Paris Convention, or imitations thereof, as well as escutcheons, flags or other emblems or the full or abbreviated official names of international intergovernmental organizations; marks which consist of or include official control and warranty signs and stamps where such signs and stamps are used to mark identical or similar goods; marks which consist of or include the name or a representation of historical and cultural monuments of the Republic of Bulgaria, as specified by the Ministry of Culture;発音を聞く  - 特許庁

第三百四十四条 主務大臣は、第二種特定施設開設者の業務の運営に関し、取引の対象となつている商品又は取引の対象となつている商品指数若しくは当該商品指数に似する商品指数を上場している商品取引所の健全な運営に支障を及ぼすおそれがあると認めるとき、取引の対象となつている商品の売買等を業として行つている者又は取引の対象となつている商品指数の対象となる商品の売買等を業として行つている者の利益を害するおそれがあると認めるときその他公益又は取引の公正の確保のため必要かつ適当であると認めるときは、当該第二種特定施設開設者に対し、その業務の運営の改善に必要な措置をとるべきことを命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 344 (1) With regard to the operation of the business of an Establisher of a Type 2 Specified Facility, when the competent minister finds that there is a risk of causing a hindrance to the sound operation of a Commodity Exchange which lists the Commodity subject to transaction, the Commodity Index subject to transaction, or a Commodity Index similar to said Commodity Index, or a risk of harming the interests of a person who, in the course of trade, engages in the Buying and Selling, etc. of the Commodity subject to transaction or a person who, in the course of trade, engages in the Buying and Selling, etc. of a Commodity subject to the Commodity Index subject to transaction, or he/she finds it necessary and appropriate in order to ensure public interest or the fairness of transactions, he/she may order said Establisher of a Type 2 Specified Facility to take the necessary measures for improving the operation of its business.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


1 主務大臣は、第二種特定施設開設者の業務の運営に関し、取引の対象となつている商品又は取引の対象となつている商品指数若しくは当該商品指数に似する商品指数を上場している商品取引所の健全な運営に支障を及ぼすおそれがあると認めるとき、取引の対象となつている商品の売買等を業として行つている者又は取引の対象となつている商品指数の対象となる商品の売買等を業として行つている者の利益を害するおそれがあると認めるときその他公益又は取引の公正の確保のため必要かつ適当であると認めるときは、当該第二種特定施設開設者に対し、その業務の運営の改善に必要な措置をとるべきことを命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

(1) With regard to the operation of the business of an Establisher of a Type 2 Specified Facility, when the competent minister finds that there is a risk of causing a hindrance to the sound operation of a Commodity Exchange which lists the Commodity subject to transaction, the Commodity Index subject to transaction, or a Commodity Index similar to said Commodity Index, or a risk of harming the interests of a person who engages commercially in the Buying and Selling, etc. of the Commodity subject to transaction or a person who engages commercially in the Buying and Selling, etc. of a Commodity subject to the Commodity Index subject to transaction, or he/she finds it necessary and appropriate in order to ensure public interest or the fairness of transactions, he/she may order said Establisher of a Type 2 Specified Facility to take the necessary measures for improving the operation of its business.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


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