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英訳・英語 earnest money

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「契約証拠金」の英訳



該当件数 : 32



Contract in lieu of the deposition of clearing margin発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


a sum of money paid in advance as security or to show good faith, called deposit発音を聞く  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Application mutatis mutandis of provisions of contract in lieu of the deposition of clearing margin pertaining to Commodity Clearing Organization発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

8 前項の場合において、当該商品取引所は、当該契約の効力の存する間に限り、当該契約において当該商品取引所に預託されることとなつている額に相当する取引証拠の全部又は一部については、その預託を猶予することができる。例文帳に追加

(8) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Commodity Exchange may allow a grace period for deposit of the whole or a part of the clearing margin corresponding to the amount of money to be deposited with the Commodity Exchange under said contract, limited to the period during which said contract remains in force.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

8 前項の場合において、当該商品取引所は、当該契約の効力の存する間に限り、当該契約において当該商品取引所に預託されることとなつている額に相当する取引証拠の全部又は一部については、その預託を猶予することができる。例文帳に追加

(8) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Commodity Exchange may allow a grace period for deposit of the whole or a part of the clearing margin corresponding to the amount of money to be deposited with the Commodity Exchange under said contract, limited to the period during which said contract remains in force.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

二 受託契約に関して顧客が預託すべき取引証拠等(法第二百十七条第一項第一号に規定する取引証拠等をいう。以下この条において同じ。)がある場合にあつては、その額又は計算方法例文帳に追加

(ii) In cases where there is a Clearing Margin, etc. (which means the Clearing Margin, etc. prescribed in Article 217, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) to be deposited by the customer with regard to a Brokerage Contract, the amount or calculation method thereof発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


一 当該受託契約に基づく取引(第二条第八項第四号に掲げる取引にあつては、同号の権利を行使することにより成立する同号イからハまでに掲げる取引)の額(当該受託契約に係る上場商品構成物品又は上場商品指数に係る商品指数ごとに商品取引所の定める取引単位当たりの価額に、当該受託契約に基づく取引の数量を乗じて得た額をいう。)が、当該取引について顧客が預託すべき取引証拠、委託証拠、取次証拠又は清算取次証拠(次号及び第二百二十条の二第一項において「取引証拠等」という。)の額に比して著しく大きい旨例文帳に追加

(i) The fact that the amount of the transaction based on said Brokerage Contract (in the case of a transactions set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (iv), it shall be any transaction set forth in (a) to (c) inclusive of the same item which is closed by exercising the right under the same item) (such amount means an amount obtained by multiplying the value per transaction unit specified by the Commodity Exchange for each of the Listed Commodity Component Products or each Commodity Index pertaining to the Listed Commodity Index pertaining to said Brokerage Contract by the volume of transaction based on said Brokerage Contract) is extremely high in comparison to the amount of the clearing margin, customer margin, intermediation margin or clearing intermediation margin (referred to as the "Clearing Margin, etc." in the following item and Article 220-2, paragraph (1)) to be deposited by the customer for said transaction発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 32



(i) The fact that the amount of the transaction based on said Consignment Contract (in the case of a transactions set forth in Article 2, paragraph 8, item 4, it shall be any transaction set forth in (a) to (c) inclusive of the same item which is closed by exercising the right under the same item) (such amount means an amount obtained by multiplying the value per transaction unit specified by the Commodity Exchange for each of the Listed Commodity Component Products, etc. or each Commodity Index pertaining to the Listed Commodity Index pertaining to said Consignment Contract by the volume of transaction based on said Consignment Contract) is extremely high in comparison to the amount of the clearing margin, customer margin, intermediation margin or clearing intermediation margin (referred to as the "Clearing Margin, etc." in the following item) to be deposited by the customer for said transaction発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

四 法第百三条第七項(法第百七十九条第七項において準用する場合を含む。)に規定する契約を締結し、法第百三条第八項(法第百七十九条第七項において準用する場合を含む。)に基づき取引証拠の預託の猶予を受けた場合にあっては、当該預託の猶予を受けた取引証拠に相当する銭及び有価証券例文帳に追加

(iv) in the case where closing a contract prescribed in the provisions of Article 103, paragraph (7) of the Act (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179, paragraph (7) of the Act) and obtaining a suspension of a deposit of clearing margins based on Article 103, paragraph (8) of the Act (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179, paragraph (7) of the Act): cash and Securities equivalent to the clearing margins for which a suspension was obtained for said deposit;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

四 法第百三条第七項 (法第百七十九条第七項 において準用する場合を含む。)に規 定する契約を締結し、法第百三条第八項(法第百七十九条第七項において準用す る場合を含む。)に基づき取引証拠の預託の猶予を受けた場合にあっては、当該預 託の猶予を受けた取引証拠に相当する銭及び有価証券例文帳に追加

(iv) in the case where closing a contract prescribed in the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 7 of the Act (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179, paragraph 7 of the Act) and obtaining a suspension of a deposit of clearing margins based on Article 103, paragraph 8 of the Act (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179, paragraph 7 of the Act): cash and Securities equivalent to the clearing margins for which a suspension was obtained for said deposit;発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

二 信託業務を営む融機関への銭信託(融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律第六条の規定により元本の補てんの契約をしたものであって、取引証拠であることがその名義により明らかなものに限る。)例文帳に追加

(ii) by using cash in the trust of Financial Institutions Engages in Trust Business (limited to those with contracts for the replacement of losses pursuant to the provisions of Article 6 of the Act on Additional Operation of Trust Business by a Financial Institution and in trust accounts that are clearly identifiable as clearing margins by the account name);発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二信託業務を営む融機関への銭信託(融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律 第五条の四の規定により元本の補てんの契約をしたものであって、取引証拠であ ることがその名義により明らかなものに限る。)例文帳に追加

(ii) by using cash in the trust of financial institutions which engage in the trust business (limited to those with contracts for the replacement of losses pursuant to the provisions of Article 5-4 of the Act on Additional Operation of Trust Business by a Financial Institution and in trust accounts that are clearly identifiable as clearing margins by the account name);発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

①商品取引員の商号②商品取引員である旨③手数料、報酬、費用その他いかなる名称によるかを問わず、受託契約に関して顧客が支払うべき対価の種類ごとの額若しくはその上限額又はこれらの計算方法の概要及び当該額の合計額若しくはその上限額又はこれらの計算方法の概要(これらの表示をすることができない場合にあっては、その旨及びその理由)④受託契約に関して顧客が預託すべき取引証拠等がある場合にあっては、その額又は計算方法⑤受託契約に基づく取引が、当該取引について顧客が預託すべき取引証拠等の額に比して著しく大きい旨及び当該取引の額の当該取引証拠等の額に対する比率(当該比率を算出することができない場合にあっては、その旨及び理由)⑥商品市場における相場の変動により受託契約に基づく取引について顧客に損失が生ずることとなるおそれがあり、かつ、当該損失の額が取引証拠等の額を上回ることとなるおそれがある旨及びその理由⑦商品取引員が商品先物取引協会に加入している場合にあっては、その旨及び当該商品先物取引協会の名称 例文帳に追加

(A) Trade name of the futures commission merchant; (B) The fact that the merchant is a futures commission merchant; (C) The breakdown and total amount of consideration payable by customers under whatever titles including but not limited to commission, remuneration and expenses in connection with the consignment contract or, alternatively, the maximum amounts thereof, or the outline of their calculation method (if it is impossible to indicate them, that fact and the reasons thereof); (D) In the case of transactions which require the customers to deposit a clearing margin, etc., the amount thereof and its calculation method; (E) If the transaction amount under the consignment contract is significantly larger than that of the clearing margin, etc. to be deposited by customers for the transaction, that fact, and the ratio of such transaction amount to such clearing margin, etc. (if such calculation is impossible, that fact and the reasons thereof); (F) The fact that transactions under the consignment contract involve a risk of loss incurred by customers due to the fluctuations in the commodity market and, furthermore, that the amount of such loss may exceed that of the clearing margin, etc., and the reasons thereof; and (G) If the futures commission merchant is a member of the Commodity Futures Association of Japan, that fact and the name of the specific association.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

(3) 取引委託者の計算による商品市場における取引についての取引証拠として商品取引所又は商品取引清算機関に預託するために信託契約の解除又は一部の解除を行おうとする場合例文帳に追加

3. in the case where there is an intention to cancel the whole or a portion of the Trust Contract in order to deposit funds as clearing margins for transactions on a Commodity Market on a Transaction Customer's account with a Commodity Exchange or a Commodity Clearing Organization;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


二 商品市場における相場の変動により当該受託契約に基づく取引について当該顧客に損失が生ずることとなるおそれがあり、かつ、当該損失の額が取引証拠等の額を上回ることとなるおそれがある旨例文帳に追加

(ii) The fact that there is a risk of said customer incurring a loss with regard to the transaction based on said Brokerage Contract due to fluctuation in the quotations on the Commodity Market and the risk that the amount of such loss could exceed the amount of the Clearing Margin, etc.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



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