








英訳・英語 sex determination




該当件数 : 12



The characteristics information and a predetermined character representation mode rule are collated in a character image creation part 15, and the display mode of the character such as the size, color, character spacing, etc., of the character when displaying the character series of a recognized result on a monitor image-receiving part 16 are determined. - 特許庁


In deciding whether or not to commence disciplinary proceedings against a registered patent attorney, the Board may take into account patterns of behaviour of the attorney when deciding whether or not it is satisfied that there is a reasonable likelihood of the attorney being found guilty of an offence under subregulation (2).発音を聞く  - 特許庁


A notice to the Controller under paragraph 9(3) of the Third Schedule to the Act, claiming to have the registrability of a mark determined in accordance with the provisions of this Act, shall be in Form No. 2. - 特許庁


A notice to the Registrar under sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 11 of the Third Schedule to the Act, claiming to have the registrability of the mark determined in accordance with the provisions of the Act, shall be in the Form TM 10.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


Features that determine aesthetic and (or) ergonomic peculiarities of the exterior of an article, its form and configuration, ornament and combination of colors are considered to be the essential features of an industrial design. - 特許庁


Not only the degree of importance of a specific apparatus but also the deterioration and damage sensitivity of the specific apparatus are evaluated, and a maintenance mode of the specific apparatus is determined on the basis of this evaluation. - 特許庁



To provide a maintenance mode determination method which allows each apparatus for use in a plant to be maintained and treated in accordance with its characteristics without excessively increasing costs by excessive maintenance while surely avoiding the occurrence of unallowable situations caused by poor maintenance. - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 12


(4) 特許庁は,発明の内容が第6条及び第7条の規定により特許による保護を受けることができ,また,特許クレームに表示されている発明の内容が,技術水準と比較したときに,第8条に定めた特許の基準を遵守しており,また,特許出願書類の様式及び内容が,第19条(4)に基づいて定めた様式及び内容に関する要件を遵守していると認定したときは,特許出願の審査を終結させ,特許証発行の決定をし,出願人にその旨を書面で通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(4) If the Patent Office finds that the subject of the invention can be protected by a patent pursuant to the provisions of §§ 6 and 7 of this Act and the subject matter of the invention as expressed in the patent claims complies, when compared to the state of the art, with the criteria of patentability established in § 8 of this Act and that the form and contents of the patent application documents comply with the requirements relating to form and contents established on the basis of subsection 19(4) of this Act, the Patent Office shall terminate the examination of the patent application, make a decision to issue the patent and shall notify the applicant thereof in writing.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(5) 特許庁は,発明の主題が第6条及び第7条の規定により特許による保護を受けることができず若しくは特許クレームに表示されている発明の内容が技術水準と比較したときに第8条に定めた特許の基準を遵守しておらず若しくは出願人が第9条(3)により定めた日までに単一の要件に違反する発明を特許出願から分離せず若しくは特許出願書類の様式及び内容が第19条(4)に基づいて定めた様式及び内容に関する要件を遵守していないと認定した場合又は出願人が訂正若しくは補正をせず若しくは説明を提示せず若しくは(2)により請求された翻訳文を提出せず若しくは(3)により請求された決定書謄本を提出しなかった場合は,特許出願の審査を終結させ,特許出願を拒絶する決定をし,出願人にその旨を書面で通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(5) If the Patent Office finds that the subject of the invention cannot be protected by a patent pursuant to the provisions of §§ 6 and 7 of this Act or the subject matter of the invention as expressed in the patent claims does not comply, when compared to the state of the art, with the criteria of patentability established in § 8 of this Act or the applicant fails to separate an invention which violates the requirement of unity from the patent application by the due date set pursuant to subsection 9(3) of this Act or that the form or contents of the patent application documents do not comply with the requirements relating to form and contents established on the basis of subsection 19(4) of this Act or if the applicant fails to make the corrections or amendments or provide the explanations or submit the translations requested pursuant to subsection (2) or to submit the copies of decisions requested pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, the Patent Office shall terminate the examination of the patent application, make a decision to reject the patent application and shall notify the applicant thereof in writing.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

本規則において,文脈上別異に解することを必要としない限り, 「法」とは,1953年意匠法をいう。 「代理人」とは,局長の納得するよう適法に委任された代理人をいう。 「連邦国」とは,英連邦の加盟国をいい,その国際関係につき当該国の政府が責任を有する地域をすべて含む。 「条約出願」とは,法第21条に基づくニュージーランドにおける出願をいう。 「提出」とは,特許庁局長宛てに差し出し,行い,届け出る,又は料金前払書簡を郵便によって送付することをいう。 「登録簿」とは,法第25条に基づき保管されている意匠登録簿をいう。 「見本」とは,意匠を適用した物品をいう。 「繊維品」とは,繊維反物,ハンカチーフ,及びショールをいい,局長が随時決定することができる格が類似する他部類の物品も含む。 番号付き様式をいう場合は第2附則にその番号を付した意匠の様式をいう。例文帳に追加

In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,-- “The Actmeans the Designs Act 1953: “Agentmeans an agent duly authorized to the satisfaction of the Commissioner: “Commonwealth countrymeans a country that is a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations; and includes every territory for whose international relations the Government of that country is responsible: “Convention applicationmeans an application in New Zealand under section 21 of the Act: “Lodgedmeans given, made, or filed, or sent through the post by a prepaid letter addressed to the Commissioner at the Patent Office: “Registermeans the register of designs kept under section 25 of the Act: “Specimenmeans an article with the design applied to it: “Textile articlemeans textile piece goods, handkerchiefs, and shawls; and includes such other classes of articles of a similar character as the Commissioner may from time to time decide: A reference to a numbered form is a reference to the designs form so numbered in the Second Schedule to these regulations. - 特許庁

(2) (1)の一般を害することなく,規則では次のことについて規定することができる。 (a) 特許代理人登録簿の大臣が決定する者による管理 (b) 特許代理人としての登録を求める申請の様式及び方法,登録のための資格その他の要件,登録のために納付するべき手数料,並びに登録の条件 (c) 登録特許代理人に対する業務証明書の交付 (d) 特許代理人登録簿中の誤記の訂正及び記入事項の更新 (e) 特許代理人としての個人の登録に関する経過事項。また,当該経過事項に関する本法の適用を排除又は変更することもできる。例文帳に追加

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the rules may provide -- (a) for the keeping, by such person as the Minister may determine, of a register of patent agents; (b) for the form and manner of application for registration as a patent agent, the qualifications and other requirements for registration, the fees payable for registration, and the conditions of registration; (c) for the issue of practising certificates to registered patent agents; (d) for the correction of errors and updating of entries in the register of patent agents; and (e) for transitional matters in relation to the registration of individuals as patent agents, and exclude or vary the operation of this Act in relation to such transitional matters. - 特許庁


(1) (a) 優先出願の写しを規則9B(4)に基づいて提出し, (b) 当該優先出願が英語以外の言語によるものであり, (c) 優先権主張の有効が,関係発明が特許を有するか否かを決定する上で重要であり,かつ (d) 登録官が,出願人又は場合により所有者に送付する通知により,当該優先出願の英語翻訳文を登録局に提出するよう同人に対し要求する場合は, 当該出願人又は場合により所有者は,当該通知の日から2月以内に, (i) (A) 当該優先出願の英語翻訳文,及び (B) 証明書類の写しであって, (BA) 登録官の要求に従って作成し,かつ (BB) 当該翻訳文が当該優先出願の原文に対応することを証明するもの, の双方を同時に登録局に提出するものとし,又は (ii) 当該優先出願の英語翻訳文が登録局に保管されているときは,登録官の要求に従う代わりに, (A) 当該翻訳文の写しが作成されるべき旨の請求書,及び (B) 当該作成された写しを認証するよう登録官に請求する特許様式26, を提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(1) Where -- (a) a copy of any priority application is furnished under rule 9B(4); (b) that priority application is in a language other than English; (c) the validity of the claim to priority is relevant to determining whether the invention concerned is patentable; and (d) the Registrar, by notice sent to the applicant or proprietor, as the case may be, requires him to furnish to the Registry an English translation of that priority application, the applicant or proprietor, as the case may be, shall, within 2 months from the date of the notice -- (i) furnish to the Registry both of the following at the same time: (A) an English translation of that priority application; (B) a copy of a verification document -- (BA) made in accordance with the Registrar’s requirements; and (BB) verifying that the translation corresponds to the original text of that priority application; or (ii) if an English translation of that priority application is kept at the Registry, as an alternative to complying with the Registrar’s requirement, file -- (A) a request that a copy of the translation be prepared; and (B) Patents Form 26 requesting the Registrar to certify the prepared copy. - 特許庁



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