








英訳・英語 damage classification




該当件数 : 10


一 当該消費者契約の解除に伴う損害賠償の額を予定し、又は違約金を定める条項であって、これらを合算した額が、当該条項において設定された解除の事由、時期等の区分に応じ、当該消費者契約と同種の消費者契約の解除に伴い当該事業者に生ずべき平均的な損害の額を超えるもの 当該超える部分例文帳に追加

(i) As to a clause which stipulates the amount of liquidated damages in case of a cancellation or fixes the penalty, when the total amount of liquidated damages and the penalty exceeds the normal amount of damages to be caused by the cancellation of a contract of the same kind to the business operator in accordance with the reason, the time of the cancellation and such other things The part that exceeds the normal amount.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第一条の六 損害保険契約者保護機構(第二百六十五条の三十七第二項に規定する損害保険契約者保護機構をいう。以下同じ。)は、特例期間資金援助及び特例期間引受けに係る業務を終了した日として政令で定める日の属する事業年度終了の日において、前条第三項の規定による政府の保証に係る借入金の残額があるときは、当該借入金に係る債務の弁済に関する経理については、他の経理と区分し、特別の勘定(以下「清算勘定」という。)を設けて整理しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 1-6 (1) The Non-Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation (referring to the Non-Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation prescribed in Article 265-37, paragraph (2); the same shall apply hereinafter) shall, at the end of the business year to which belongs the day to be specified by a Cabinet Order as the date of termination of the business pertaining to the Financial Assistance in the Special Provision Period and the Underwriting in the Special Provision Period, create a Special Account (hereinafter referred to as "Liquidation Account") to arrange for the separate accounting of any outstanding borrowings guaranteed by the Government under paragraph (3) of the preceding Article, with regard to the account related to the performance obligations pertaining to such borrowings.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 前項の規定により同項に規定する者(以下「旧外国保険事業者法の免許を受けた外国保険会社等」という。)が受けたものとみなされる新法第百八十五条第一項の大蔵大臣の免許は、その者が旧外国保険事業者法第二条第一項の外国生命保険事業者又は外国損害保険事業者のいずれであるかの区分に応じ、それぞれ新法第百八十五条第四項の外国生命保険業免許又は同条第五項の外国損害保険業免許とする。例文帳に追加

(2) The license of the Minister of Finance set forth in Article 185, paragraph (1) of the Current Act that the person prescribed in the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as "Foreign Insurance Company, etc. Licensed under the Former Foreign Insurance Business Operators Act") shall be deemed to have received pursuant to the provision of that paragraph shall be the foreign life insurance business license set forth in Article 185, paragraph (4) of the Current Act or the foreign non-life insurance business license set forth in paragraph (5) of that Article, according to whether the person is the foreign life insurance business operator or foreign non-life insurance business operator set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Former Foreign Insurance Business Operators Act.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 第二条第一項第一号から第九号まで、第十二号又は第十五号に掲げる不正競争によって営業上の利益を侵害された者は、故意又は過失により自己の営業上の利益を侵害した者に対し、次の各号に掲げる不正競争の区分に応じて当該各号に定める行為に対し受けるべき金銭の額に相当する額の金銭を、自己が受けた損害の額としてその賠償を請求することができる。例文帳に追加

(3) A person whose business interests have been infringed by unfair competition listed in items 1 to 9, item 12, or item 15 of Article 2(1) may claim, from the person who has intentionally or negligently infringed such business interests, an amount equivalent to the amount of money that should be awarded against the acts prescribed respectively in the following items for the classification of unfair competition listed therein, as the amount of damages suffered by the infringed person:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 前項の規定により同項に規定する者(以下「旧法の免許を受けた保険会社」という。)が受けたものとみなされる新法第三条第一項の大蔵大臣の免許は、その者に係る旧法第一条第一項の免許(旧法第百五十九条等の規定により受けたものとみなされる場合における当該免許を含む。)が旧法の生命保険事業又は損害保険事業のいずれを営むことにつき受けた免許であるかの区分に応じ、それぞれ新法第三条第四項の生命保険業免許又は同条第五項の損害保険業免許とする。例文帳に追加

(2) The license of the Financial Minister set forth in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Current Act that shall be deemed as obtained by the persons prescribed in the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "Insurance Companies Licensed under the Former Act") pursuant to the provision of that paragraph shall be the life insurance business license as defined in Article 3, paragraph (4) of the Current Act or the non-life insurance business license as defined in paragraph (5) of that Article, in accordance with the category of business, i.e. the life insurance business or non-life insurance business, that the person was allowed to carry on under the license set forth in Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Former Act (including the license that the person is deemed to have obtained pursuant to the Provision of Article 159 of the Former Act, etc.).発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六十六条 第二種特定目的会社が定款の変更をする場合において、優先出資社員に損害を及ぼすおそれがあるときは、当該定款の変更は、第百五十条の規定による決議のほか、当該優先出資社員を構成員とする総会(当該定款の変更が損害を及ぼすおそれのある優先出資社員に係る優先出資の種類が二以上ある場合には、当該二以上の種類別に区分された優先出資に係る優先出資社員を構成員とする各総会)の承認がなければ、その効力を生じない。ただし、当該総会において議決権を行使することができる優先出資社員が存しない場合には、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 66 (1) In cases where a Type 2 Specific Purpose Company changes its articles of incorporation, if any damages are likely to be caused to the Preferred Equity Members, said change to the articles of incorporation shall not become effective unless approved at a general meeting of said Preferred Equity Members (in cases where there are two or more classes of Preferred Equity pertaining to Preferred Equity Members who are likely to incur damages as a result of the changes to the articles of incorporation, the general meeting for each such class of Preferred Equity pertaining to such Preferred Equity Members) in addition to the resolution under Article 150; provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where there are no Preferred Equity Members who may exercise their voting rights at said general meeting.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第二百五十一条 資産信託流動化計画において特定目的信託に係る受益権を内容の異なる数種の受益権に分割した場合において、権利者集会の決議(第二百六十九条第一項第一号の承諾の決議、第二百七十三条第一項、第二百七十四条第一項及び第二百七十六条第一項の決議並びに第二百七十五条第一項の承認の決議に限る。)が、ある種類の受益権を表示する受益証券の権利者に損害を及ぼすおそれがあるときは、権利者集会の決議のほかに、当該種類の受益権に係る受益証券の権利者の集会(以下「種類権利者集会」という。)の承認(権利者集会の決議が損害を及ぼすおそれのある受益権の種類が二以上ある場合には、当該二以上の種類別に区分された受益権に係る受益証券の権利者を構成員とする各種類権利者集会の承認)を受けなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 251 (1) In cases where the beneficial interest pertaining to a Specific Purpose Trust has been divided into multiple classes of beneficial interest with different features under an Asset Trust Securitization Plan, if any damages are likely to be caused to holders of Beneficiary Certificates representing a certain class of beneficial interest as a result of a resolution at a Beneficiary Certificate Holders' Meeting (limited to a resolution for approval set forth in Article 269(1)(i), the resolution set forth in Article 273(1), Article 274(1), or Article 276(1), or a resolution for approval set forth in Article 275(1)), approval shall be obtained at a meeting of the Beneficiary Certificate Holders pertaining to the relevant class of beneficial interest (hereinafter referred to as a "Class Beneficiary Certificate Holders' Meeting") (in cases where there are two or more classes of beneficial interest for which damages are likely to be caused as a result of the resolution of the Beneficiary Certificate Holders' Meeting, the approval of each Class Beneficiary Certificate Holders' Meeting composed of the Beneficiary Certificate Holders categorized by the class of such two or more classes of beneficial interest), in addition to the resolution that was made at the Beneficiary Certificate Holders' Meeting.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「損害区分」の英訳



該当件数 : 10


2 前項の規定による承認の決議は、同項の定款の変更が損害を及ぼすおそれのある優先出資社員に係る発行済優先出資の総口数(当該決議が二以上の種類別に区分された優先出資に係る優先出資社員を構成員とする各総会において行われる場合には、当該種類別の各総会の構成員たる優先出資社員に係る発行済優先出資の口数)の過半数に当たる優先出資を有する優先出資社員が出席し、かつ、その議決権の三分の二以上に当たる多数をもって行わなければならない。この場合においては、当該決議の要件に加えて、一定の数以上の優先出資社員の賛成を要する旨その他の要件を定款で定めることを妨げない。例文帳に追加

(2) The resolution for approval under the preceding paragraph shall be made by at least a two-thirds majority of the votes of Preferred Equity Members attending the general meeting, where those Preferred Equity Members who are in attendance hold the majority of the total number of units of issued Preferred Equity pertaining to Preferred Equity Members who are likely to incur damages as a result of the changes to the articles of incorporation as referred to in that paragraph (in cases where said resolution is to be made at each general meeting for Preferred Equity Members who hold Preferred Equity which is categorized into two or more classes, the total number of units of issued Preferred Equity pertaining to Preferred Equity Members who are the members of the relevant general meeting of each such class). In this case, it shall not be precluded for the articles of incorporation to provide to the effect that the assent of at least a certain number of Preferred Equity Members is required, nor shall it be precluded for them to provide any other conditions in addition to the relevant conditions for a resolution.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百一条 設立しようとする株式会社が種類株式発行会社である場合において、次に掲げる事項についての定款の変更をすることにより、ある種類の設立時発行株式の設立時種類株主に損害を及ぼすおそれがあるときは、当該定款の変更は、当該種類の設立時発行株式の設立時種類株主を構成員とする種類創立総会(当該設立時種類株主に係る設立時発行株式の種類が二以上ある場合にあっては、当該二以上の設立時発行株式の種類別に区分された設立時種類株主を構成員とする各種類創立総会)の決議がなければ、その効力を生じない。ただし、当該種類創立総会において議決権を行使することができる設立時種類株主が存しない場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 101 (1) In cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Class Shares, if effecting any amendment in articles of incorporation with respect to any of the following matters is likely to cause detriment to the Class Shareholders at Incorporation of any class of Shares Issued at Incorporation, such amendment in the articles of incorporation shall not become effective unless a resolution is made at an Class Organizational Meeting constituted by the Class Shareholders at Incorporation of the Shares Issued at Incorporation of such class (in cases where there are two or more classes of Shares Issued at Incorporation relating to such Class Shareholders at Incorporation, referring to the respective Class Organizational Meetings constituted by the Class Shareholders at Incorporation categorized by the class of such two or more classes of Shares Issued at Incorporation); provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where there is no Class Shareholder at Incorporation who may exercise his/her votes at such Class Organizational Meeting:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第三百二十二条 種類株式発行会社が次に掲げる行為をする場合において、ある種類の株式の種類株主に損害を及ぼすおそれがあるときは、当該行為は、当該種類の株式の種類株主を構成員とする種類株主総会(当該種類株主に係る株式の種類が二以上ある場合にあっては、当該二以上の株式の種類別に区分された種類株主を構成員とする各種類株主総会。以下この条において同じ。)の決議がなければ、その効力を生じない。ただし、当該種類株主総会において議決権を行使することができる種類株主が存しない場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 322 (1) In cases where a Company with Class Shares carries out an act listed in the following items, if it is likely to cause detriment to the Class Shareholders of any class of shares, such act shall not become effective unless a resolution is made at a Class Meeting constituted by the Class Shareholders of the shares of such class (in cases where there are two or more classes of shares relating to such Class Shareholders, referring to the respective Class Meetings constituted by the Class Shareholders categorized by the class of such two or more classes of shares. The same shall apply hereinafter in this Article); provided, however, that this shall not apply to the case where there exists no Class Shareholder who may exercise his/her votes at such Class Meeting:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



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