





該当件数 : 32


FreeBSD のブートローダがハードディスクのジオメトリを正しく認識していないようです例文帳に追加

FreeBSD's boot loader is incorrectly recognizing the hard drive's geometry.発音を聞く  - FreeBSD


The most frequent problem is not understanding the correct format of /etc/exports.発音を聞く  - FreeBSD

システム上で、DSSSL/make のセットアップが正しく動作しない場合に特に有用です例文帳に追加

This is especially useful for systems where the DSSSL/make setup does not work properly.発音を聞く  - PEAR

言葉を換えると、先ほど明らかであると書いたの は実は正しくないです:オペレーティングシステム自身は本当はパスワードを知らないです例文帳に追加

In other words, what we told you a moment ago was obvious is not even true: the operating system itself does not really know the password.発音を聞く  - FreeBSD

プログラムを正しく動作させるために 17 個もの別個の情報が必要だとしたら、その方法 はさして問題にはなりません --ユーザはプログラムを正しく動作させられないうちに諦め、立ち去ってしまうからです例文帳に追加

If your program requires 17 distinct pieces of information inorder to run successfully, it doesn't much matter how you get that information from the user--most people will give up and walk awaybefore they successfully run the program. - Python


Such learning is performed about all perceptrons, and all patterns can be correctly responded by repeating the learning. - 特許庁


There was a fixed rule that they must never hit back at meals, but should refer the matter of dispute to Wendy by raising the right arm politely and saying, "I complain of so-and-so;"発音を聞く  - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』


To provide a die-molded self-standing bag capable of correctly and cleanly cutting an unsealing scheduled portion to spout a content agent. - 特許庁


To correctly perform stereo image photographing while the function for generating two or more images at one time of photographing is effective. - 特許庁

必須なら、それはオプション(省略可能) ではないです!プログラムを正しく動作させるのに絶対的に必要な情報があるとすれば、そこには固定引数を割り当てるべきなのです例文帳に追加

If it's required, then it's not optional!発音を聞く  - Python

より重要なことは、FreeBSDが再起動の際にそれらを検出することです。 Note: FreeBSD がディスクをすべて検出しないときは、ジャンパを正しく設定してあるか確認してください。例文帳に追加

More importantly, FreeBSD detected them on reboot: Note: If FreeBSD does not detect all the disks, ensure that you have jumpered them correctly.発音を聞く  - FreeBSD

binhex 形式を使ってエンコードできなかった場合 (例えば、ファイル名が filename フィールドに収まらないくらい長かった場合など) や、入力が正しくエンコードされた binhex 形式のデータでなかった場合に送出される例外です例文帳に追加

Exception raised when something can't be encoded using the binhex format (for example, a filename is too long to fit in the filenamefield), or when input is not properly encoded binhex data. - Python

I/Oエラーのようなdbm特有のエラーが起ったときに上げられる値です。 また、正しくないキーが与えられた場合に通常のマッピングエラーのようなKeyErrorが上げられます。例文帳に追加

Raised on dbm-specific errors, such as I/O errors.KeyError is raised for general mapping errors like specifying an incorrect key. - Python

1.1 のような数は、2 進数の浮動小数点型では正しく表現できません。 エンドユーザは普通、2 進数における1.1 の近似値が1.1000000000000001 だからといって、そのように表示してほしいとは考えないものです例文帳に追加

In contrast, numbers like1.1 do not have an exact representation in binary floating point.End users typically would not expect 1.1 to display as1.1000000000000001 as it does with binary floating point.発音を聞く  - Python


Although all of graphenes are not regularly arranged on the carbon fiber surface in contrast with a multilayer carbon nanotube, an increase in the joint between C planes remarkably increases the electrical conductivity of the fiber. - 特許庁


having hope toward God, which these also themselves look for, that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust.発音を聞く  - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 24:15』

オンラインスキーマファイルを参照しているほかのスキーマ参照は、今後使用しないので削除します。 これで、スキーマファイルからノードにアクセスでき、正しく参照していることを示します。例文帳に追加

Delete the other schema reference, which refers to the onlineschema file, which we do not want to refer to anymore, and then you will see that you can access nodes from the schema file,indicating that you have now correctly referenced it. - NetBeans


Furthermore, it is possible to obtain all correct similarity determination results without omission by similarity determination by using the time series data before dimensional compression when the similarity determination using the dimensionally compressed time series data is difficult. - 特許庁


When they had come, they asked him, “Teacher, we know that you are honest, and don’t defer to anyone; for you aren’t partial to anyone, but truly teach the way of God. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?発音を聞く  - 電網聖書『マルコによる福音書 12:14』


To provide a drawing processing device capable of correctly executing block transfer irrespective of a positional relation between a source area and a destination area of a graphic image in a display screen. - 特許庁

拡張モジュールを (サブ) インタプリタ間で共有する方法のために、拡張モジュールによっては正しく動作しないかもしれません; 拡張モジュールが (静的な) グローバル変数を利用している場合や、拡張モジュールが初期化後に自身のモジュール辞書を操作する場合には特にそうです例文帳に追加

Because of the way extensions are shared between (sub-)interpreters, some extensions may not work properly;this is especially likely when the extension makes use of (static)global variables, or when the extension manipulates its module'sdictionary after its initialization. - Python


He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinions of others, to do so would be wise, or even right.発音を聞く  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


In a continuous paper mode, deskewing is not performed, so that even if the end of continuous paper is cut diagonally to a paper feeding direction, initial setting can correctly performed in the paper feeding direction; also, stopping the conveying roller does not cause rotation of the paper feed roller, so that slip will not occur and no sound is generated to achieve noise reduction. - 特許庁


It would not be appropriate for me to comment on that with prejudgment. However, this problem is very regrettable given that Mizuho Bank is a major bank with a public nature and is strongly required to serve public goods at this time of emergency when tens of thousands of people have been killed by the earthquake and tsunami disaster.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

引用符はバックスラッシュでエスケープすることができますが、バックスラッシュ自体も残ってしまいます; 例えば、r""" は不正でない文字列リテラルで、バックスラッシュと二重引用符からなる文字列を表します; r"" は正しくない文字列リテラルです (raw 文字列を奇数個連なったバックスラッシュで終わらせることはできません)。例文帳に追加

String quotes can be escaped with a backslash, but the backslash remains in the string; for example, r""" is a valid string literal consisting of two characters: a backslash and a double quote;r"" is not a valid string literal (even a raw string cannot end in an odd number of backslashes). - Python


Let me speak in general terms. Today, I read a newspaper article - although I don't know whether it is accurate or not - about a financial industry leader, the chairman of some organization or other, who expressed anger and stated that if an investment management company were to deliberately commit wrongdoing like this, preventing it would be impossible. However, business people should naturally not only observe laws but also maintain moral integrity, or I should say business ethics.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


To provide a stream recording and reproducing device and a program recording medium with which a picture quality can be more improved in comparison with a conventional device even when the packet rate of an inputted stream exceeds an upper limit rate capable of temporary recording. - 特許庁


To shorten or eliminate the stop time of a photograph seal automatic vending device in the business hours of at least amusement facilities by switching electronic flashes which emit light and to always provide a photograph seal sheet of normal photography through normal lighting of the electronic flashes. - 特許庁


Well, no, I guess that the meaning did not get delivered quite correctly. The civil or criminal responsibilities being referred to are associated with criminal procedures with respect to the bank's failure and Mr. Kimura and others who have already been arrested, and the point that the Minister made was that, apart from those issues, he would like to examine the entirety of the case by putting into perspective the moral responsibility question as well. Therefore, the reference to civil and criminal aspects and the one to the moral responsibility of Mr. Takenaka, etc. are not mutually connected.発音を聞く  - 金融庁



As a substantial number of employee pension fund operators managing assets for major companies have returned the portion of pensions entrusted by the government, so the number has rapidly decreased. There used to be 1,800 to 1,900 employee pension fund operators, so I suppose that the amount of pension assets managed by such fund operators was much larger than now. In any case, I expect that the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will make an announcement in due course. Pension funds are entrusted on the premise that our precious assets accumulated over a long time of period, whether they be employee pensions or private pensions, are appropriately managed so that we can live a comfortable life in old age. As I said earlier in the Diet, deregulation has proceeded since the 1990s, following the Japan-U.S. financial consultations. At that time, there was the so-called regulation concerning employee pension funds (which required more than 50% of pension funds to be invested in safe assets while limiting investments in both stocks and foreign-currency assets to 30% or less, and those in real estate to 20% or less) so as to ensure investments in safe and secure assets, and this was a low-risk, low-return system.発音を聞く  - 金融庁






It is not right








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