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As It Is in Heavenとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 『歓びを歌にのせて』(よろこびをうたにのせて、スウェーデン語: Så som i himmelen、英語: As It Is in Heaven)は、2004年のスウェーデン映画。

Weblio英和対訳辞書での「As It Is in Heaven」の意味

As It Is in Heaven

歓びにのせて』(よろこびをうたにのせて、スウェーデン語: Så som i himmelen、英語: As It Is in Heaven)は、2004スウェーデン映画

「As It Is in Heaven」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 15


He said to them, “When you pray, say, ‘Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

彼は彼らに言った,「あなた方が祈るときにはこう言いなさい, - 電網聖書『ルカによる福音書 11:2』

In Arufumi Vol. 2 (supplement volumes of explanatory notes in Nihonshoki), it is referred to as Amatsu Kami (god of heaven), and Futsunushi no Kami and Takemikazuchi no Mikoto say they would first kill an evil god called Amenokagaseo, otherwise known as Amatsumikaboshi in Takamanohara (plain of high heaven), before the conquest of Ashihara no nakatsukuni.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二の一書では天津神となっており、経津主神・武甕槌命が、まず高天原にいる天香香背男、別名を天津甕星という悪い神を誅してから葦原中国平定を行うと言っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And it is said that a satirical poem ridiculing her appearance was scribbled in Kyoto as follows, 'a person that seemed like a celestial being, came down from the heaven to the beach of Sakai, and turned into a gargoyle.'発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

「天人と思ひし人は鬼瓦 堺の浦に天下るかな」との落首が京都で貼られたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness. As it is written, ‘He gave them bread out of heaven to eat.’”発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

わたしたちの父祖たちは荒野でマンナを食べました。『天からパンを与えて彼らに食べさせた』と書いてあるとおりです」。 - 電網聖書『ヨハネによる福音書 6:31』

The name of the king of Wa (written asin Japanese, but it is generally said that the Chinese character of 俀 should actually be ), whose last name was Ame, was Tarashihiko (written as in Japanese, but it is generally thought that the character had been originally and his name should be written as ), and it is thought that his full name, Ametarashibiko, meant a noble man who was originally from heaven.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

俀王(通説では俀は倭の誤りとする)姓の阿毎はアメ、多利思北孤(通説では北は比の誤り多利思比孤とする)はタラシヒコ、つまりアメタラシヒコで、天より垂下した彦(天に出自をもつ尊い男)の意とされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Jodo Shinshu Sect, however, it is believed that a person who died while having faith in Amida Nyorai (Amitabha Tathagata) (Tarikihongan (salvation through the benevolence of Buddha)) is able to go immediately to the Pure Land (land where Amida Nyorai resided) and reincarnate as a Buddha (Ojo soku Jobutsu (going to heaven and immediately becoming a Buddha)).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

しかし浄土真宗においては、阿弥陀如来に帰依して(他力本願)亡くなった者は速やかに極楽浄土(阿弥陀如来の仏国土)に往き仏として生まれる(往生即成仏)とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The first chapter of the book begins with the following poem, emphasizing Japan's prosperity based on a continuous imperial throne occupied by a single dynasty and comparing it with downfalls of the Chinese dynasties such as Qin or Han by "Ekisei Kakumei" (the revolution decreed by Heaven when the incumbent emperor is found lacking in moral virtue).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

同書の第一は下記引用の詩に始まるが易姓革命による秦、漢に代表される中華王朝の傾きに対比して本朝の皇統の一貫に基づく、国体の清華を強調している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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ウィキペディア英語版での「As It Is in Heaven」の意味

As It Is in Heaven

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/25 21:16 UTC 版)

As It Is in Heaven (Swedish: som i himmelen) is a 2004 film directed by Kay Pollak and starring Michael Nyqvist and Frida Hallgren. It was a box office hit in Sweden and several other countries. It was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the Hollywood 77th Academy Awards.

「As It Is in Heaven」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 15


Since it has been famous from ancient times, examples can be found in literature, such as the poem by KOSHIKIBU no Naishi in the Hyakunin-isshu, "By Mt. Oe the road to Ikuno is long, I have not yet seen Amanohashidate"; and in the Tango no Kuni Fudoki it is written that Izanagi had a ladder to climb to heaven, but it fell over while he was sleeping and became Amanohashidate.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

古くから名所として知られており、一例として百人一首の小式部内侍の歌「大江山いく野の道の遠ければまだふみもみず天橋立」が見られるほか、丹後国風土記には、イザナギが天に昇るためのはしごが、イザナギが寝ている間に倒れて天橋立になったとの記述がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is prescribed in the Kushiki-ryo (law on state documentary forms) in the Taiho Code, and it says that ketsuji should be used when words such as the following appear: 'a grand shrine,' 'the Imperial tomb for a certain emperor,' 'the son of Heaven', 'an Imperial carriage,' 'shosho,' 'chokushi,' 'an Imperial edict and Imperial order,' 'an emperor's cultivating his or her virtue,' 'Emperor's blessings,' 'Emperor's grace,' 'Emperor's words,' 'Your Imperial Majesty,' 'the Emperor's residence,' 'an Empress,' 'the Imperial Court,' 'the Crown Prince,' 'His or Her Imperial Highness.'発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

大宝律令公式令に定めがあり、具体的には「大社」「○○陵」「乗輿」「車駕」「詔書」「勅旨」「明詔」「聖化」「天恩」「慈恩」「慈旨」「御(至尊)」「闕庭」「中宮」「朝廷」「春宮」「殿下」などの語に対して用いるべきとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the Japanese drum had already been used as a means of the information transmission during the Jomon Period, and the history of the drum in Japan is very old and can even be traced back to a scene in the Japanese myth "ama-no-iwato" (the door of the rock room in heaven) in which a tub was placed bottom upward to make a sound.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

和太鼓は、縄文時代には既に、情報伝達の手段として利用されていたといわれており、日本における太鼓の歴史は非常に古く、日本神話の天岩戸の場面でも桶を伏せて音を鳴らしたと伝えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In this government, the Emperor ruled the politics directly without regents or chancellors [chief advisers to the Emperor] as a matter of form, and his time, which was admired as 'Engi no chi (the peaceful era of Engi),' continued for 34 years; however, it is said that the Shotai no Hen (the Shotai Incident), which occurred in 901 when SUGAWARA no Michizane's position was lowered to Dazai no Gon no Sochi after Tokihira made a false charge against him, was the biggest mistake of the government ruled by a son of Heaven.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

その治世は34年の長きにわたり、摂関を置かず形式上の親政を行っていたため、後世「延喜の治」と崇められたが、昌泰4年(901年)、時平の讒言を聞き菅原道真を大宰権帥に貶めた昌泰の変は、聖代の瑕と評されることであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Yamato Katsuragi Hozan-ki", the Shinto book of Shugendo (Japanese ascetic and shamanistic practice in mountainous sites), explains that Amenonuboko is a mystical object generated at the time of tenchi-kaibyaku (creation of heaven and earth), which is an incarnation of Bonten (Brahma, a major Hindu deity thought to be responsible for creating the world), and that it is regarded as a vajra which has a power to smash the evil and has another name Amanomagaeshi no hoko.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

修験道の神道書『大和葛城宝山記』では、天沼矛を天地開闢(日本神話)の際に発生した霊物であり梵天を化生したとし、金剛杵と見なされ魔を打ち返す働きを持つとして別名を天魔反戈というとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Our Father in the heavens, your name shall be holy. Thy kingdom come. May your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Please give us our daily bread today as well. Please forgive us our sins. We also forgive men. Please do not tempt us, Please save us from evil. The country, power and glory are yours forever. [Amen]例文帳に追加

天におられるわたしたちの父よ、 み名が聖とされますように。 み国が来ますように。 みこころが天に行われるとおり 地にも行われますように。 わたしたちの日ごとの糧を 今日もお与えください。 わたしたちの罪をおゆるしください。 わたしたちも人をゆるします。 わたしたちを誘惑におちいらせず、 悪からお救いください。 国と力と栄光は、永遠にあなたのものです。 [アーメン] - Tatoeba例文

Its major tenets are worship of nature and of the dead (animism), and also emphasizes an extended understanding of and respect for the lives, souls, and gods of one's ancestors, conceiving of these things as the essence of life, and whose material substance it is possible to know; it also views existence as divided between the Tokoyo (the spiritual world, the realm of gods, heaven and hell) and the Utsushiyo (this world, the realm of human beings), and also affirms the existence of Kinsokuchi, places where gods dwell (within whose hallowed borders one may not enter), as well as barriers that prevent crossing between the realms, and the efficacy of prayers and fortune-telling (shamanism), including in the determining of government policy, and finally in the creation of a mythology of the world and of human beings.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

その要素は自然崇拝・精霊崇拝(アニミズム)または、その延長線上にある先祖崇拝としての命・御魂・霊・神などの不可知な物質ではない生命の本質としてのものの概念や、常世(とこよ・神の国や天国や地獄)と現世(うつしよ・人の国や現実世界)からなる世界観と禁足地や神域の存在とそれぞれを隔てる端境とその往来を妨げる結界や、祈祷・占い(シャーマニズム)による祈願祈念とその結果による政(まつりごと)の指針、国の創世と人の創世の神話の発生があげられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although it is not clear since when Mitsuhide made his mind to rebel, there is a view that he made his mind to rebel at the time of the party for renga (linked-verse) in the Atago-gongen Shrine before going to battle from the Kameyama-jo Castle by understanding the first line made by Mitsuhide, 'Tokihaima amegashitashiru satsukikana' (The time is now in May which everybody knows), as 'toki' means Mitsuhide himself, who belonged to the Toki clan which descended from the Minamoto clan and 'amegashitashiru' as 'to govern the area under the heaven,' namely governing the whole country.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

光秀がいつ頃から謀反を決意していたかは明らかではないが、亀山城出陣を前にして、愛宕権現での連歌の会で光秀が詠んだ発句、「時は今 天が下知る 五月哉」は、「時(とき)」は源氏の流れをくむ土岐氏の一族である光秀自身を示し、「天が下知る」は、「天(あめ)が下(した)治る(しる)」、すなわち天下を治めることを暗示していると解し、この時点で謀反の決意を固めていたのだとする説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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