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ウィキペディア英語版での「Council for National Policy」の意味

Council for National Policy

「Council for National Policy」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 7


For the draft policy of the new government prepared by Kosei YURI (feudal retainer of Echizen) and had been carried over from January, Takachika FUKUOKA of Tosa Domain who belonged to the lords conference group inserted the phrase 'Establish a council by feudal lords' to the beginning of the Article 1 and amended the title to 'Kaimei (pledge of feudal lords)', and submitted it after Kido's proposal for national policy in March, but the necessity of the council by feudal lords had already been lost by then.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

1月より持ち越しの由利公正(越前藩士)が起草した新政府の方針案では、諸侯会議派である土佐藩の福岡孝弟が第一条冒頭に「列侯会議ヲ興シ」の字句を挿入し、表題も「会盟」と改めており、3月の木戸による国是建議の後提出したが、もはやこの時期には列侯会議は必要性を失していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for matters deliberated by this council, basically, I would like you to direct questions to the Cabinet Secretariat's National Policy Unit. However, as Mr. Ogushi, the Parliamentary Secretary of the FSA, participates in this council, I understand that a survey will be conducted on the current status of dormant accounts in Japan and abroad as needed.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

当会議における検討に係る事項については、内閣官房(国家戦略室)に基本的にはご質問いただきたいと思いますけれども、当会議に我が金融庁からも(大串)大臣政務官が、今、メンバーとしてこのことについて出ていますので、必要とあれば、その都度、(国内外の)休眠口座に関する現状について、必要な調査を行うものと承知いたしております。 - 金融庁

In March 2003, the Japan Investment Council, consisting of the Prime Minister as the chairperson, the Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy as the vice-chairperson, and other ministers including the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, put together a promotion program for foreign direct investment into Japan (‘Promotion of Foreign Direct Investment into Japan’). The program consists of the following five categories: the dissemination of information on investment opportunities in Japan both domestically and internationally, the improvement of the business environment, the reexamination of administrative process, the creation of favorable employment and living environments and the improvement of local and national structures and systems.例文帳に追加

2003年3月には、「対日投資会議」(内閣総理大臣を議長、経済財政担当大臣を副議長とし、経済産業大臣等の閣僚が構成員)において、「内外への情報発信」、「企業の事業環境整備」、「行政手続の見直し」、「雇用・生活環境の整備」、「地方と国の体制・制度の整備」の5分野からなる「対日投資促進プログラム」が取りまとめられた。 - 経済産業省

Concerning the lines east of Ikoma Station, the construction of a line between Ikoma and Takanohara and of a line branching out somewhere between these two stations and extending toward Seika-cho and Nishi-Kizu Station were included in the 'Basic Plan for Kansai Scientific City' announced in 1982 by the National Land Agency (now the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport); moreover, in the tenth report by the Council for Transport Policy in 1989 it was described that a line should be constructed between Ikoma and Takanohara by 2005 and that the construction of a line branching out somewhere between these two stations and extending up to around Hosono Station (Shin-Hosono station in the eighth report by the Council for Kinki Regional Transport in 2004) had to be investigated together with the construction of a line up to the area between Takanohara and Kizu Station in Kyoto Prefecture.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

生駒駅以東については、1982年に国土庁(現・国土交通省)が発表した「関西学術研究都市基本構想」で、生駒~高の原駅間と同区間から分岐して精華町・西木津駅方面へ向かう路線が示され、1989年の運輸政策審議会答申第10号では、生駒~高の原間が2005年までに整備すべき路線、同区間から分岐して祝園駅付近(2004年の近畿地方交通審議会答申第8号では新祝園駅)までと高の原~木津駅_(京都府)方面までが整備を検討すべき路線として盛り込まれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As State Minister and proportional representative of the Peoples New Party (Kokumin Shinto), I am one of the State Ministers listed as an interested party in paragraph 2, Article 5 of the Act for Establishment of the Security Council of Japan, along with State Minister Koichiro Genba. The National Defense Program Outline (NDPO) was formulated for the first time in six years, the first since the change in government. I, along with others, had long participated in the meetings of the Council. The NDPO, which sets forth Japan’s defense policy for the coming decade, was officially adopted by the Cabinet today.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

本日、私は国務大臣で国民新党の副代表でもございますから、安保会議の正式な(安全保障会議設置法)5条2項関係者ということで私と玄葉国務大臣、他は決まった国務大臣が入っておりますが、6年ぶりに政権交代後、初めてとなる防衛計画の大綱が策定されました。私もこの会議にずっと参加をさせていただいておりましたが、今日閣議で正式に、この防衛計画の大綱、大体10年間ぐらいの日本の防衛政策を規定するものでございますが、閣議決定させていただきました。 - 金融庁

(3) In the case of the preceding paragraph, the provisions of paragraph (6) through paragraph (12) of Article 39 (Compensation for Loss) shall apply mutatis mutandis. In this case, "the prefectural government concerned" in paragraph (6), paragraph (10) and paragraph (11) of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the national government in the case of a Wide Sea-area Fisheries Adjustment Commission or the Fisheries Policy Council, or the prefectural government concerned in the other case"; and "by the Governor concerned, after he/she hears the opinions of the Sea-area Fisheries Adjustment Commission concerned" in paragraph (8) of the same Article, with "by the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister, after he/she hears the opinions of the Wide Sea-area Fisheries Adjustment Commission concerned or the Fisheries Policy Council in the case of the commission or the council, or by the Governor concerned, after he/she hears the opinions of the Sea-area Fisheries Adjustment Commission concerned in the other case."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 前項の場合には、第三十九条第六項から第十二項まで(損失補償)の規定を準用する。この場合において、同条第六項、第十項及び第十一項中「都道府県」とあるのは「広域漁業調整委員会又は水産政策審議会にあつては国、その他の場合にあつては都道府県」と、同条第八項中「都道府県知事が海区漁業調整委員会」とあるのは「広域漁業調整委員会又は水産政策審議会にあつては農林水産大臣がその委員会又は審議会の意見を聴き、その他の場合にあつては都道府県知事が海区漁業調整委員会」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(vi) The provisions for revising Article 23-13 of the Horse Racing Act, Article 13 of the Japan Racing Association Act, Article 5, paragraph 4 of the Act for Establishment of the Atomic Energy Commission and the Nuclear Safety Commission, Article 7, paragraph 4 of the Act for Establishment of the Council for Science and Technology Policy, Article 7, paragraph 4 of the Act for Establishment of the Space Activities Commission, Article 78, paragraph 4 of the City Planning Act, Article 11 of the Northern Territories Issue Association Act, Article 15, paragraph 4 of the Public Notice of Land Prices Act, Article 6, paragraph 4 of the Act for Establishment of the Aircraft Accidents Investigation Commission, and Article 39, paragraph 5 of the National Land Use Planning Act pursuant to Article 28;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

六 第二十八条の規定による競馬法第二十三条の十三、日本中央競馬会法第十三条、原子力委員会及び原子力安全委員会設置法第五条第四項、科学技術会議設置法第七条第四項、宇宙開発委員会設置法第七条第四項、都市計画法第七十八条第四項、北方領土問題対策協会法第十一条、地価公示法第十五条第四項、航空事故調査委員会設置法第六条第四項及び国土利用計画法第三十九条第五項の改正規定 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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