



英和・和英辞典で「article 3 budget」に一致する見出し語は見つかりませんでしたが、

「article 3 budget」の部分一致の例文検索結果

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3. In the event that a Subsidized Company has assigned the claims based on the proviso to Paragraph 1, the performance to be made by the Minister shall take effect upon the time when the Minister makes a notification of the decision of payment to the Center Disbursing Officer prescribed in Article 1, Item 3 of the Cabinet Order Concerning the Budget, Auditing and Accounting (Imperial Ordinance No. 165 of 1947), pursuant to the provisions of Article 42-2 of the said Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 第1項ただし書に基づいて補助事業者が第三者に債権の譲渡を行った場合においては、大臣が行う弁済の効力は、予算決算及び会計令(昭和22年勅令第165号)第42条の2の規定に基づき、大臣が同令第1条第3号に規定するセンター支出官に対して支出の決定の通知を行ったときに生ずるものとする。 - 経済産業省

Article 36-7 (1) A Designated Examining Body shall, prior to the beginning of each business year (or without delay after designation under Article 34, paragraph 3 in the case of a business year that contains the date of designation), prepare a business plan and income and expenditure budget for the business year, and obtain approval of them from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry. The same shall apply when a Designated Examining Body intends to revise them.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第三十六条の七 指定試験機関は、毎事業年度開始前に(第三十四条第三項の指定を受けた日の属する事業年度にあつては、その指定を受けた後遅滞なく)、その事業年度の事業計画及び収支予算を作成し、経済産業大臣の認可を受けなければならない。これを変更しようとするときも、同様とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Subsidized Company may employ electromagnetic means (the means specified by the Minister based on the provisions of Article 26-4, Paragraph 1 of the Budget Execution Act. The same shall apply hereinafter) for the application for the Subsidy pursuant to paragraph 1 of the preceding article, the withdrawal of the application pursuant to Article 7, the application for approval for change of plan pursuant to Article 9, Paragraph 1, the notification of conclusion of a contract pertaining to the implementation pursuant to Article 10, Paragraph 2, the application for approval for assignment or transfer of the rights pursuant to Article 11, Paragraph 1, an Accident Report pursuant to Article 12, a Progress Report pursuant to Article 13, a Project Result Report pursuant to Article 14, Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2, the request for payment pursuant to Article 16, Paragraph 2, a report after determination of the amount of tax deductions for taxable purchase for consumption tax, etc. pursuant to Article 17, Paragraph 1, or the application for approval for asset disposal pursuant to Article 20, Paragraph 3 (hereinafter referred to asApplication for the Subsidy, etc.”).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

補助事業者は、前条第1項の規定に基づく交付の申請、第7条の規定に基づく申請の取下げ、第9条第1項の規定に基づく計画変更の申請、第10条第2項の規定に基づく実施契約締結の届出、第11条第1項の規定に基づく権利の譲渡若しくは承継の承諾の申請、第12条の規定に基づく事故の報告、第13条の規定に基づく状況報告、第14条第1項若しくは第2項の規定に基づく実績報告、第16条第2項の規定に基づく支払請求、第17条第1項の規定に基づく消費税等仕入控除税額の額の確定に伴う報告又は第20条第3項の規定に基づく処分の承認申請(以下「交付申請等」という。)については、電磁的方法(適正化法第26条の4第1項の規定に基づき大臣が定めるものをいう。以下同じ。)により行うことができる。 - 経済産業省

(6) In respect of cases where the employees involved in said bid rigging etc. are liable for damage under the provisions of Article 3, paragraph 2, of the Act on the Responsibility of Government Employees who Execute the Budget (Act No. 172 of 1950) (including the case of application under the provisions of Article 9, paragraph 2, of the same Act mutatis mutandis), the Heads of Ministries and Agencies or the heads of government corporations (meaning the heads of government corporations stipulated in paragraph 1 of the same Article) shall, irrespective of the provisions of paragraph 2, paragraph 3 (limited to the part concerning the investigation of paragraph 2), paragraph 4 (limited to the part concerning the publication of the results of the investigation of paragraph 2) and the preceding subsection, paragraph, as provided for by the same Act, necessary measures promptly. In this case, "without delay" in Article 4, paragraph 4, of the same Act (including cases of application under Article 9, paragraph 2, of the same Act mutatis mutandis) shall read "promptly accompanied by the result of the investigation of Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Act concerning involvement in bid rigging etc. by the said government employees who execute the budget (meaning the involvement in bid rigging etc. stipulated in Article 2, paragraph 5, of the Act on Elimination and Prevention of Involvement in Bid Rigging etc. and Punishments for Acts of Employees that Harm Fairness of Bidding, etc. (Act No. 101 of 2002))."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

6 入札談合等関与行為を行った職員が予算執行職員等の責任に関する法律(昭和二十五年法律第百七十二号)第三条第二項(同法第九条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により弁償の責めに任ずべき場合については、各省各庁の長又は公庫等の長(同条第一項に規定する公庫等の長をいう。)は、第二項、第三項(第二項の調査に係る部分に限る。)、第四項(第二項の調査の結果の公表に係る部分に限る。)及び前項の規定にかかわらず、速やかに、同法に定めるところにより、必要な措置をとらなければならない。この場合においては、同法第四条第四項(同法第九条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)中「遅滞なく」とあるのは、「速やかに、当該予算執行職員の入札談合等関与行為(入札談合等関与行為の排除及び防止並びに職員による入札等の公正を害すべき行為の処罰に関する法律(平成十四年法律第百一号)第二条第五項に規定する入札談合等関与行為をいう。)に係る同法第四条第一項の調査の結果を添えて」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2. In the event that a Subsidized Company files an Application for the Subsidy, etc. by electromagnetic means pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, but cannot submit electromagnetic records (the records specified by the Minister based on the provisions of Article 26-3 of the Budget Execution Act. The same shall apply hereinafter) in lieu of attached documents that should be submitted together with the electromagnetic records to be prepared in lieu of an application form, the Subsidized Company may send the attached documents by mail or directly bring them to the Minister within three (3) days from the date on which the electromagnetic records were submitted in lieu of an application form.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 補助事業者は、前項の規定に基づき電磁的方法により交付申請等を行う場合に、申請書に代えて作成する電磁的記録(適正化法第26条の3の規定に基づき大臣が定めるものをいう。以下同じ。)に添えて提出すべき添付書類に代わる電磁的記録を提出できないときは、申請書に代わる電磁的記録を提出した日から3日以内に大臣宛て郵送し、又は直接持参する方法により、添付書類を提出することができる。 - 経済産業省

(3) For the time being, the national government may, within the scope of the budget, provide loans without interest to a prefectural government or a Designated City, etc. with regard to the expenses spent for such new construction, repair, renovation, expansion or improvement (excluding those for which the national government provides subsidies for expenses pursuant to the provision of Article 56-2 paragraph (3)) of institutions that is intended for the services for providing the aid for children or pursuing sound upbringing of children and that falls under Article 2 paragraph (1) item (ii) of the Act on Special Measures concerning Infrastructure Development. If such new construction, repair, renovation, expansion or improvement is implemented by said prefectural government or Designated City, etc., the loans from the national government shall be provided for part of funds to be appropriated to the expenses spent therefor by said prefectural government or Designated City, etc., and if implemented by a municipal government or a social welfare corporation other than Designated Cities, etc., the loans from the national government shall be provided for part of funds to be appropriated to the expenses subsidized therefor by said prefectural government or Designated City, etc.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 国は、当分の間、都道府県又は指定都市等に対し、児童の保護を行う事業又は児童の健全な育成を図る事業を目的とする施設の新設、修理、改造、拡張又は整備(第五十六条の二第三項の規定により国がその費用について補助するものを除く。)で社会資本整備特別措置法第二条第一項第二号に該当するものにつき、当該都道府県又は指定都市等が自ら行う場合にあつてはその要する費用に充てる資金の一部を、指定都市等以外の市町村又は社会福祉法人が行う場合にあつてはその者に対し当該都道府県又は指定都市等が補助する費用に充てる資金の一部を、予算の範囲内において、無利子で貸し付けることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 72 (1) For the time being, the national government may, within the scope of the budget, provide loans without interest to a prefectural government (including Designated Cities, etc., in the case where they handle the affairs set forth in Article 56-2 paragraph (1) that are supposed to be handled by a prefectural government pursuant to the provision of Article 59-4 paragraph (1); the same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph and paragraph (7)), and any such loan shall be in the amount equivalent to the amount that can be subsidized by the national government pursuant to the provision of Article 56-2 paragraph (3) (including the provisions of the laws and regulations, if any, which provide for other different percentages that can be subsidized by the national government; the same shall apply hereinafter). Such loans shall be funded to be appropriated to the expenses subsidized by said prefectural government to social welfare corporations established pursuant to the provision of Article 31 paragraph (1) of the Social Welfare Act, the Japanese Red Cross Society or non-profit incorporated associations or non-profit incorporated foundations, if such subsidies from said prefectural government are granted for the expenses spent for such Construction, etc. of institutions for mentally retarded children, etc. that can be subsidized by the national government pursuant to the provision of pursuant to the provision of Article 56-2 paragraph (3) and that falls under Article 2 item (ii) paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures concerning Promotion of Development of Infrastructures by Utilization of Revenues from the Sale of Shares of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (Act No. 86 of 1987) (hereinafter referred to as "Act on Special Measures concerning Infrastructure Development").発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第七十二条 国は、当分の間、都道府県(第五十九条の四第一項の規定により、都道府県が処理することとされている第五十六条の二第一項の事務を指定都市等が処理する場合にあつては、当該指定都市等を含む。以下この項及び第七項において同じ。)に対し、第五十六条の二第三項の規定により国がその費用について補助することができる知的障害児施設等の新設等で日本電信電話株式会社の株式の売払収入の活用による社会資本の整備の促進に関する特別措置法(昭和六十二年法律第八十六号。以下「社会資本整備特別措置法」という。)第二条第一項第二号に該当するものにつき、社会福祉法第三十一条第一項の規定により設立された社会福祉法人、日本赤十字社又は公益社団法人若しくは公益財団法人に対し当該都道府県が補助する費用に充てる資金について、予算の範囲内において、第五十六条の二第三項の規定(この規定による国の補助の割合について、この規定と異なる定めをした法令の規定がある場合には、当該異なる定めをした法令の規定を含む。以下同じ。)により国が補助することができる金額に相当する金額を無利子で貸し付けることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 1-2-14 (1) The Government may, when it finds that if the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation was to cover the costs of Financial Assistance and other activities pertaining to its members (limited to those subject to the disposition ordering administration under Article 242, paragraph (1) between 1 April 2006 and 31 March 2009 and any other members to be specified by a Cabinet Order; referred to as "Members under Special Provisions" in paragraph (3) of the following Article) solely with the assessments paid by the members of the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation pursuant to the provision of Article 265-33, paragraph (1), the financial conditions of the members of the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation would deteriorate significantly, making it difficult to maintain the credibility of the insurance industry and hence posing the risk of causing serious consequences in the lives of the citizenry and the financial market (limited to the cases where the sum total of the amount of outstanding debts of the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation as of the date specified by a Cabinet Order and the amount to be specified by a Cabinet Order as the amount of additional debts to be incurred if the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation should have to finance such costs through borrowings exceeds the amount to be specified by a Cabinet Order taking into consideration the long-term balance of payments of the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation), provide assistance to the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation in an amount corresponding to the whole or part of such costs (limited to those required for the Specified Activities) within the amount prescribed by the budget.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第一条の二の十四 政府は、生命保険契約者保護機構がその会員(平成十八年四月一日から平成二十一年三月三十一日までの間に第二百四十二条第一項に規定する管理を命ずる処分を受けたものその他政令で定めるものに限る。次条第三項において「特例会員」という。)に係る資金援助その他の業務に要した費用を第二百六十五条の三十三第一項の規定により当該生命保険契約者保護機構の会員が納付する負担金のみで賄うとしたならば、当該生命保険契約者保護機構の会員の財務の状況を著しく悪化させることにより保険業に対する信頼性の維持が困難となり、ひいては国民生活又は金融市場に極めて重大な支障が生じるおそれがあると認める場合(政令で定める日における当該生命保険契約者保護機構の借入残高に、当該生命保険契約者保護機構が当該費用を借入れにより賄うとした場合の当該借入れの額として政令で定める額を加えた額が当該生命保険契約者保護機構の長期的な収支を勘案して政令で定める額を超える場合に限る。)には、予算で定める金額の範囲内において、当該生命保険契約者保護機構に対し、当該費用(特定業務に要したものに限る。)の全部又は一部に相当する金額を補助することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム






Article 36の意味を調べる


「article 3 budget」に近いキーワードやフレーズ



「article 3 budget」を「Weblio翻訳」で翻訳して得られた結果を表示しています。






article /άɚṭɪkl/
(新聞・雑誌の)記事, 論説
budget /bˈʌdʒɪt/
(政府などの)予算案, 予算(額), 経費
3-base hit; 三塁打; 三塁
et /ɪt/

「article 3 budget」を解説文の中に含む見出し語

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