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意味・対訳 名付け親になってくれと頼まれる

Weblio英和対訳辞書での「be asked to name」の意味

be asked to name [give a name to]


「be asked to name」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 14


I was waiting for my name to be asked.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

名前を聞かれるのを待っていた。 - Weblio Email例文集

The printer name should automatically be appended to the device name.If you are installing a remote printer, you will be asked for the URI to the printer:例文帳に追加

プリンタ名が自動的にデバイス名に追加されているでしょう。 リモートプリンタをインストールするのなら、プリンタのURIを尋ねられるでしょう。 - Gentoo Linux

He asked Emperor Goshirakawa to allow him to have the Minamoto family name and to be demoted from nobility to subject, however he was not allowed to do so, he then lived in Sagano and married FUJIWARA no Muneie's daughter.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

後白河天皇に源姓下賜を求めたが、許されず、嵯峨野に住んで藤原宗家の娘を妻に迎えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The era name was changed into Keio, and Motsugai was asked to be a mediator for the First conquest of Choshu, so he made a petition and submitted it to the Imperial court.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

改元して慶応元年、物外は第一次長州征伐の調停役を依頼され、願書をしたためて朝廷に奉呈する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to stay some days.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

彼らに命じて,イエス・キリストの名においてバプテスマを受けさせた。それから彼らは彼に頼んで,数日のあいだ滞在してもらった。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 10:48』

He is also known for naming the brand for a watch company, CITIZEN Watch Co., Ltd., (as the president of the company was his friend and asked for a name of a new pocket watch, he gave the name CITIZEN to the watch "to be loved by citizens of Japan."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

新平はシチズン時計の名付け親でもある(彼と親交のあった社長から新作懐中時計の命名を頼まれ、「市民から愛されるように」とCITIZENの名を贈った)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Prince Kunihide reached adulthood in May 1930 to be an Imperial representative of the House of Peers, but, to take over religious services of the Higashifushiminomiya family, he asked for and received a family name of 'Higashifushimi' in April 1931 to become a peer with a countship.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

邦英王は、1930年(昭和5年)5月に成年となり、貴族院皇族議員となったが、東伏見宮家の祭祀を継承するため、1931年(昭和6年)4月に願いにより「東伏見」の家名を賜い、華族に列せられ、伯爵を授けられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「be asked to name」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 14


Ogasawara's local government asked the Institute to change the name back to Ioto, and the Institute decided to call the island Ioto on the maps that will be issued in September.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

小笠原村役場は,国土地理院に名称を「いおうとう」に戻すよう要請し,国土地理院は9月に発行される予定の地図でこの島の名称を「いおうとう」とすることを決定した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

Though the name of Wakamurasaki is used in the title of the fifth chapter, the name doesn't appear in the chapter but only appears in "Murasaki Shikibu Diary", 'When FUJIWARA no Kinto got drunk, turning up around the place where Shikibu was supposed to be, and asked, 'Is my Wakamurasaki there?''発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

なお「若紫」は第5帖の題名であり作中には出てこず、他には『紫式部日記』に「左衞門のかみあなかしこ此のわたりにわかむらさきやさふらふとうかゝいたまふ」(藤原公任が酔って式部のいるあたりを「私の若紫おいでですか?」といいたまう)とあるのみである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(3) The registration of an industrial design shall include a representation of the industrial design and shall specify - (a) the number of the industrial design; and (b) the name and address of the registered owner; and (c) the name and address of the agent, if any; and (d) the name and address of the creator, except where he has asked not to be named in the registration; and (e) if the priority has been claimed, and the claim has been accepted, the priority date and the country or countries in which or for which the earlier application was filed; and (f) the kind of products for which the industrial design is to be used.例文帳に追加

(3) 意匠の登録においては,意匠の表示を含め,かつ,次のものを明示するものとする。 (a) 意匠番号 (b) 登録所有者の名称及び宛先 (c) 代理人が存在する場合は,その名称及び宛先 (d) 創作者の名称及び宛先。ただし,創作者が登録において記名しないように求めた場合を除く。 (e) 優先権が主張され,かつ,この主張が受け入れられた場合は,優先日,及び先の出願がなされた国又は先の出願が指定してなされた国,及び (f) 意匠が使用される製品の種類 - 特許庁

According to Shinobu ORIGUCHI's interpretation, Iitoyo no himemiko was a miko or a mysterious figure near to it, and she did not administer but was asked for shintaku (oracle) 'who should be on the throne,' after the demise of Emperor Seinei, and she delivered an oracle of the name of Oke no mikoto brothers who had not been found at that stage.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

折口信夫の解釈によれば、飯豊皇女は巫女であるか、ないしはそれに近い神秘的な人物であり、執政していたのではなく、清寧天皇崩御後に、巫女として「誰に皇位についてもらうべきか」と神託を仰がれて、その段階ではまだ発見されていなかった億計尊・弘計尊の兄弟の名を託宣したのだという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(5) The publication of the reference to the grant of the patent shall include - (a) the number of the patent; and (b) the name and address of the owner of the patent; and (c) the name and address of the inventor, except where he has asked not to be named in the patent; and (d) the name and address of the agent if any; and (e) the filing date; and (f) if priority has been claimed and the claim has been accepted, a statement of the priority, the priority date and the name of the country or countries in which or for which the earlier application was filed; and (g) the effective date of grant of the patent; and (h) the title of the invention; and (i) the abstract; and (j) the most illustrative of the drawings, if any; and (k) the symbol of the International patent Classification.例文帳に追加

(5) 特許付与の件の公告には,次のものを含める。 (a) 特許番号 (b) 特許所有者の名称及び宛先 (c) 発明者の名称及び宛先。ただし,発明者が特許において記名しないように求めた場合を除く。 (d) 代理人が存在する場合は,その名称及び宛先 (e) 出願日 (f) 優先権が主張されかつ主張が認められた場合は,優先権に係る陳述,優先日及び先の出願がなされた国又は先の出願が指定してなされた国の名称 (g) 特許付与の発効日 (h) 発明の名称 (i) 要約 (j) 図面が存在する場合は,そのうちで最も説明に役立つもの,及び (k) 国際特許分類記号 - 特許庁

I told him (the chairman) that the FSA intends to take appropriate measures to deal with the growing wave of failures and voluntary liquidations, and I sought his understanding on my proposed measures, including the moratorium scheme. As the chairman expressed his understanding, I asked him to give me his opinions and advice as to how we can draft a good bill based on the banking industry's knowledge of the practical affairs of the banking business as we prepare to enact the bill, whose formal name has not yet been decided. He expressed his willingness to do so, and as he is a quick decision maker, he proposed that consultations be started next week. For my part, I proposed next Wednesday as the starting date in light of our schedule. Several representatives from the Japanese Bankers Association, which is comprised of second-regional banks and larger banks, will hold consultations with our senior vice minister and parliamentary secretary. The chairman said, “As we will send several representatives to you, please listen to our explanations of the current situation and our opinions,” and we agreed on next Wednesday as the starting date. I instructed the senior vice minister to deal with this matter appropriately.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

それと、先ほども経済産業大臣に会いまして、既にワーキングチームに経済産業省の政務官が加わって一緒に検討していただいておりますけれども、中小企業の方々の代表者、ぜひ経済産業省のほうで、ひとつこれを選んでいただいて、うちのそうした副大臣、政務官に意見、要望、知恵をいただく、そういうことをひとつお願いしたいと言ったらば、「分かりました。 - 金融庁


The ubuya not being completely thatched was a childbirth folkway (Okinawa), the ubuya built on the seaside was associated with the demonstration of the spiritual power of the newborn using the mysterious power of water, the fact that the husband asked Toyotama-hime the name of the newborn can be traced back to the system when the mother had the naming rights as in the article of Emperor Suinin in 'Kojiki,' and when Toyotama-hime intercepted Unazaka and the traffic between land and sea came to an end, it was an outburst of a sense of strange land among the ancient Japanese, centered around the area of residence, similar to Yomotsu Hirasaka (the slope that leads to the land of the dead).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

産屋を完全に葺かずにおくことは生産習俗であり(沖縄)、産屋を海浜に設けるのは水の神秘的勢能による生児の霊力の証示と関連し、夫がトヨタマヒメに生児の名を問うたのは「古事記」垂仁天皇条と同じく命名権が母に存した制の名残であり、トヨタマヒメが海阪を塞き止め海陸往来が絶えたのはヨモツヒラサカと同じく古代日本人の住域を中心とする異郷意識の発露である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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