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意味・対訳 管轄受理官庁

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「competent receiving office」の意味

competent receiving office

「competent receiving office」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 9


Where the Office is the competent receiving office under the Treaty, an international application shall be filed at it in English in triplicate, accompanied by the prescribed transmittal fee.例文帳に追加

庁が条約に基づく適格の受理官庁である場合は,国際出願は,英語で3通を,所定の送付手数料を添えて庁に提出する。 - 特許庁

An international utility model application shall be filed with a patent office or an international organization which is competent under the Treaty and the Regulations to receive such an application (receiving Office).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

国際実用新案出願は,条約及び規則に基づいて国際出願を受領する権限を有する特許庁又は国際機関(受理官庁)に行わなければならない。 - 特許庁

An international patent application shall be filed with a patent office or an international organisation which is competent under the Treaty and the Regulations to receive such an application (receiving Office).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

国際特許出願は,前記の国際条約及びその規則に基づいて当該出願を受領する権限を有する特許当局又は国際機関(受理官庁)に提出しなければならない。 - 特許庁

(1) Where the Registry is the competent receiving Office under the Patent Co-operation Treaty, an international application for a patent shall be filed at it in English in triplicate.例文帳に追加

(1) 登録局が特許協力条約に基づいて適格の受理官庁である場合は,国際特許出願書類は,登録局に英文により3通提出する。 - 特許庁

(2) The competent minister may have officials of the Ministry enter the office, factory, workplace, or warehouse of a Vehicle Manufacturer, etc or a person receiving an entrustment therefrom and inspect account books, documents, and other objects pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order to the extent necessary for enforcing this Act,.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 主務大臣は、この法律の施行に必要な限度において、政令で定めるところにより、その職員に、自動車製造業者等又はその委託を受けた者の事務所、工場、事業場又は倉庫に立ち入り、帳簿、書類その他の物件を検査させることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The competent office may delegate to public or private bodies the power of receiving applications for registration and other submissions or documents associated with industrial property. In that case the documents in question shall be considered filed at the time of receipt thereof by the delegated body.例文帳に追加

所轄当局は,願書,申立書又は産業財産に関係するその他の書類を受理する権限を他の公的機関又は民間機関に委任することができる。このような場合は,対象となる書類は受任機関が当該書類を受理した時に提出されたものとみなされる。 - 特許庁


The Autonomous Communities which, by statute, are empowered to enforce industrial property legislation shall, subject to coordination with the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, publish in their respective Official Gazettes the date on which the competent bodies of the Autonomous Communities shall start their work of receiving and examining applications in accordance with this Law. Until the establishment of said bodies, the registration functions entrusted to them shall be performed by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.例文帳に追加

工業所有権法令を施行する権限を法令により与えられた自治州は,スペイン特許商標庁との調整を条件として,それぞれの官報において,当該自治州の所轄官庁が本法に従い出願を受領し,審査する業務を開始する日を公告する。当該官庁の設立まで,それらに委任された登録機能は,スペイン特許商標庁によって履行される。 - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「competent receiving office」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 9


(2) Additionally, state of the art shall also be deemed to be the content of the following patent applications with earlier relevant filing dates which have been made available to the public only on or after the date relevant for the priority of the later application: 1. national applications as originally filed with the Patent Office; 2. European applications as originally filed with the competent authority where protection is sought for the Federal Republic of Germany and if the designation fee for the Federal Republic of Germany has been paid in accordance with Article 79(2) of the European Patent Convention, and if it is an application for a regular European patent based on an international application (Article 153(2) EPC) that fulfills the conditions set out in Article 153(5) of the European Patent Convention; (Article 153(2) EPC) that fulfills the conditions set out in Article 153(5) of the European Patent Convention; international applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty as originally filed with the receiving office when the Patent Office has been designated for the application. When the earlier date relevant for priority of an application is based on a claim to priority of a prior application, the first sentence of subsection (2) shall be applicable only to the extent that the content of the application to be considered in accordance therewith does not go beyond the content of the prior application. Patent applications under no. 1 of the first sentence of subsection (2), which are the subject of an order under Section 50(1) or (4) of this Act, shall be considered to have been made available to the public upon expiry of the eighteenth month following their filing. (3) The provisions of subsections (1) and (2) shall not exclude from patentability any substance or substance mixture included in the state of the art when such is intended for use in a process cited in Section 2a(1), no. 2, and its use for such a process is not included in the state of the art.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

(2) 更に,先の優先日を有する次の特許出願の内容であって,後の出願の優先日以後に初めて公衆も利用に供されたものも,技術水準とみなされる。1. ドイツ特許庁に最初になされた国内出願2. 所轄当局に最初になされた欧州出願であって,その出願においてドイツ連邦共和国における保護が求められ,かつ,その出願に関してドイツ連邦共和国についての指定手数料が欧州特許条約第 79条(2)に従って納付されているもの,及び国際出願に基づく正規の欧州特許出願(欧州特許条約第 153条(2))であって,欧州特許条約第 153条(5)に規定された条件を満たしているもの3. 受理官庁に最初になされた特許協力条約に基づく国際出願であって,その出願についてドイツ特許庁が指定官庁であるもの 出願の優先権に関する先の基準日が先の出願に係る優先権の主張に基づくものである場合は,(2)第 1文は,それに従って考慮される出願の内容が先の出願の内容を超えていない範囲に限り適用する。(2)第 1文 1.に基づく特許出願であって,それに対して第 50条(1)又は(4)に基づく命令が出されたものは,その提出後 18月が経過したときに,公衆の利用に供されたものとみなされる。 - 特許庁


(4) Where a nonresident or foreign corporation receives payment of interest on general foreign-issued company bonds issued during the period from April 1, 1998, to March 31, 2008, and the nonresident or foreign corporation has submitted, upon receiving payment of interest, a written application stating that he/she or it seeks the application of the provision of this paragraph with respect to the interest receivable, as well as his/her or its name and his/her domicile or residence or the location of its head office or principal office, each of which is located outside Japan, and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "written application for tax exemption"), via the person who pays the interest (in the case where the said interest is paid via a person in charge of handling payment specified by a Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph, paragraph (7) and paragraph (11) as a "person in charge of handling payment"), submission shall be made via the said person in charge of handling payment and the person who pays the interest), to the competent district director having jurisdiction over the place for tax payment pursuant to the provision of Article 17 of the Income Tax Act which pertains to the person who makes payment in terms of the said interest (in the case where another place has been designated pursuant to the provision of Article 18(2) of the said Act: the designated place for tax payment), income tax shall not be imposed on the interest to be received; provided, however, that this shall not apply to such interest to be paid to a nonresident having permanent establishments in Japan, which is attributed to a business conducted by such nonresident or which is otherwise specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

4 非居住者又は外国法人が、平成十年四月一日から平成二十年三月三十一日までの間に発行された一般民間国外債の利子の支払を受ける場合において、その支払を受けるべき利子につきこの項の規定の適用を受けようとする旨、その者の氏名又は名称及び国外にある住所若しくは居所又は本店若しくは主たる事務所の所在地その他財務省令で定める事項を記載した申告書(以下この条において「非課税適用申告書」という。)を、その支払を受ける際、その利子の支払をする者(当該利子の支払が支払の取扱者で政令で定めるもの(以下この項、第七項及び第十一項において「支払の取扱者」という。)を通じて行われる場合には、当該支払の取扱者及び利子の支払をする者)を経由してその支払をする者の当該利子に係る所得税法第十七条の規定による納税地(同法第十八条第二項の規定による指定があつた場合には、その指定をされた納税地)の所轄税務署長に提出したときは、その支払を受ける利子については、所得税を課さない。ただし、当該利子のうち、国内に恒久的施設を有する非居住者が支払を受けるものでその者の国内において行う事業に帰せられるものその他の政令で定めるものについては、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


「competent receiving office」の意味に関連した用語
管轄受理官庁 英和専門語辞典

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