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household industriesとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 家内工業

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「household industries」の意味

household industries

「household industries」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 14


Oftentimes, products of industries with a high ratio of independent enterprises are consumed by the household sector or used for capital investment of an enterprise.例文帳に追加

独立型企業比率の高い業種では、製品が家計部門で消費されたり、企業の設備投資に用いられることが多い。 - 経済産業省

To provide a composition suitably used in coating papers and fibers, taking care of the human body, taking care of household goods, taking care of automobiles, application to petroleum industries, and application to various surfaces and substrates of silicone polymers.例文帳に追加

紙や繊維のコーティング、身体の手入れ、家庭用品の手入れ、自動車の手入れ、および石油産業、シリコーンポリマーの種々の表面や基板への適用に有用な組成物の提供。 - 特許庁

In light of the above, the government put the postal service in place, constructed the railway system, developed export industries (with an example being Tomioka Seishi-jo (Tomioka Silk Mill)) (encouragement of new industry) and implemented conscription (which, since the household head was exempt from this legislation and the other sons of the family or male members of the poor peasant class were drafted into military service, caused the blood tax revolt (anti-conscription revolt)).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

このため、郵便制度の整備、鉄道の敷設、輸出産業の育成(一例が富岡製糸場)を行い(殖産興業)、徴兵制を実施した(戸主は徴兵を免除されたので、主に戸主以外の次三男層や貧農層の子弟が兵役を担った為、血税一揆が起きた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

1. The FY 2003 tax reform will implement necessary measures, taking into account the current economic and fiscal situation and further utilization of household assets, as well as providing assistance to the activities of industries in new areas.例文帳に追加

1従来の制度を大幅に見直し、個人の資産のより一層の活用と企業の新分野への取組みの支援を念頭におき、平成十五年度税制改正において、現下の経済・財政状況を踏まえ、所要の措置を講ずることといたします。 - 財務省

The aqueous suspension preparation improved in re-dispersibility comprises at least one kind of active ingredient selected from an agrochemical active ingredient, antiseptic and antifungal active ingredients for industries and household, a water-soluble cellulose ether, silica and water.例文帳に追加

農薬活性成分、工業用・家庭用防腐防かび活性成分から選ばれた少なくとも1種の活性成分、水溶性セルロースエーテル、シリカおよび水を含有することを特徴とする再分散性の改良された水性懸濁製剤。 - 特許庁

Taiwan is primarily accepting so-called unskilled workers in the construction and manufacturing industries,household workers, fishing industry employees, personal care-givers, and so forth based on labor market tests which presume assurance of the employment of Taiwanese citizens (the residency period is, in principle, two years which can be extended by one year only one time).例文帳に追加

台湾は、台湾住民の雇用確保を前提とする労働市場テストに基づき、建設業、製造業、家事労働者、漁業従事者、私的介護人等のいわゆる単純労働者を中心に受け入れている(在留期間は原則2年間、1回に限り1年間の延長が可能)。 - 経済産業省


It is partly because city dwellers have higher incomes. However, the development of tertiary industries in accordance with urbanization promotes an increase in water demand since domestic water consumption per household is hardly likely to change even when the income of city dwellers increases.例文帳に追加

この要因として、都市居住者の所得が高いこともあるが、一般に個々の家庭の生活用水使用量は所得が増大してもそれほど増加しないと考えられるため、むしろ都市化に伴う第三次産業の発達が水需要の増加に影響していると考えられる。 - 経済産業省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「household industries」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 14


Second, the relationship between the real economic sectors, including the household and industrial sectors, and the financial sector is becoming increasingly close. In addition, the population of children is shrinking and the aging of society is advancing. We intend to realize the development of both “financing that supports households and industries” and “financing as an industry” and achieve a positive cycle of these two functions complementing each other.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

三つ目の捉え方のうちの2点目でありますが、家計・産業等の実体セクターと金融セクターの関連は、ますます密接になってきていると考えております。また、少子高齢化も進展しております。「家計・産業等を支える金融」と「産業としての金融」、この両立・好循環を実現していくという心構えで臨みたいと考えているところであります。 - 金融庁

However, according to the Japan Machinery Center for Trade and Investment, constituent ratio of "electronic parts" among the total sales of the main 16 machine-associated industries is around 5%, and securing of export scale and job creation is difficult to make up for decline of ratio in major industrial domestic production which account for the core of the export of our country including car and household appliance (Table 3-1-2-25).例文帳に追加

しかしながら、日本機械輸出組合によると、機械関係主要16 業種の総売上高に占める「電子部品」の構成比は5%程度で、自動車・家電など我が国の輸出の中核を担う主要産業の国内生産比率低下を補うだけの輸出規模確保・雇用創出は難しい(第3-1-2-25 表)。 - 経済産業省

Furthermore, these companies cover a broad range of industries including beer manufacturing (Tsingtao Brewery), household electrical appliances (Guangdong Kelon Electrical Holdings Company Ltd.) and air transport (China Eastern Airlines, etc.).In addition, looking at the degree of contribution by type of demand to real GDP after the 1990s, it is clear that the growth had been driven by fixed capital formation reflecting the investment boom caused by the surge of FDI into China and other factors, which had been prompted by the acceleration of reform and open-door policies in the first half of the 1990s.例文帳に追加

また、業種別で見ると、ビール製造(青島ビール)、家電(広東科龍電器)、空運(中国東方航空等)と、多岐の業種にわたっている。なお、1990年代以降の実質GDPの需要項目別寄与度を見てみると、1990年代前半に改革・開放政策の加速を受けて、対中直接投資の急増等の投資ブームが起きたことを反映して、固定資本形成が成長を大きく牽引したことがわかる。 - 経済産業省

It can be assumed that the cause of the sluggish growth of income in the household sector in the current economic expansion phase includes not only the impacts of globalization, as pointed out in Section 1 ((1) lowering negotiating ability of laborers and (2) progress of capital and technology intensification in industries), but also the deterioration in the terms of trade due to the crude oil price rise that almost coincided with the commencement of the current economic expansion phase (February 2002).例文帳に追加

今回の景気拡張局面における家計所得の伸びの低迷には、本節1.で指摘したようなグローバル化の影響(①労働者の交渉力の弱体化、②産業の資本技術集約化の進展)だけでなく、今回の景気拡張局面の開始(2002年2月)とほぼ同時期に始まった原油価格の高騰による交易条件の悪化も影響していると考えられる。 - 経済産業省

As analyzed in Part I, such differences between the manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries are thought to be attributable to the fact that business conditions for machine-related manufacturers are good due to continuing strong exports and capital investment, whereas business conditions for the manufacturing industry other than machinery-related manufacturers and for the non manufacturing industry are not so good, due, in part, to sluggish household consumption.例文帳に追加

このような製造業と非製造業の相違は、第1部で分析したとおり、輸出や設備投資が堅調に推移しているため、機械関連の製造業の業況が良い一方、家計消費の伸び悩み等を背景として、機械関連以外の製造業や非製造業の業況が相対的に良くないことによるものと考えられる。 - 経済産業省

China has announced policy measures for industrial development and for stimulation of consumption, aimed at promoting industries, stabilizing society and expanding domestic demand. Such measures include large-scale economic policy measures at a scale of approximately 4 trillion RMB for the purpose of constructing housing for the low- to medium-income classes and the improvement of rural agricultural areas, such as projects costing 1.5 trillion RMB for accelerating the improvement of important infrastructures including railways, roads, airports and electricity facilities. The measures also include financial aid aimed at encouraging consumption of household electrical appliances, which will be granted for four years from February 2009. In November 2008, South Korea announced the provision of 14 trillion won in total (approximately ¥1.1 trillion) for the Comprehensive Policy Measures to Overcome the Ongoing Financial Crisis, and in January 2009, it announced the Green New Deal project, for which it will spend a total of 50 trillion won (approximately ¥4 trillion) by 2012.例文帳に追加

中国では、鉄道・道路・空港・電力等の重大インフラ整備の加速に1兆5千億元を実施するなど、中低所得者層向け住宅建設や、農村のインフラ整備などに、約4兆元の大規模な景気対策を打ち出したほか、2009年2月から4年間にわたり、家電消費促進のための財政補助を行うなど、産業振興、社会安定、内需拡大を目的として産業振興策や消費刺激策が打ち出されている。 - 経済産業省


The underlying factors behind this electric power shortage include, on the demand side, i) overinvestment and overproduction in electric intensive industries such as steel and aluminum, ii) growing penetration rate of household electric appliances such as air conditioners, and iii) modernization in the commercial and distribution fields in urban areas (newly built large-scale commercial facilities and convenience stores). Although demand for electric power has surged, supply side factors behind the electric power shortage include i) plans to build new electric power facilities were delayed and investment restriction measures were taken as a result of the temporary oversupply of electric power, caused by economic stagnation following the currency and financial crisis in Asia, ii) there was a restricted supply of coal that could be used as fuel (such as abandonment of small coal mines due to industrial structural reform and insufficient railway transport capacity), and iii) supply did not keep up with demand because of such issues as the decline in the operating rate of hydroelectric power plants due to water shortages, thereby widening the supply-demand gap.例文帳に追加

こうした電力不足の背景には、需要サイドの要因として、①鉄鋼・アルミ等の電力多消費型産業による過剰投資・過剰生産、②エアコン等の家電製品の普及率上昇、③都市部の商業・流通分野の近代化(大型商業施設やコンビニの新設)等があり、電力需要が急速に拡大した一方で、供給サイドの要因として、①アジア通貨・金融危機以降の景気低迷により一時的に電力供給過剰となったため、新規発電設備計画を延期し投資抑制策がとられたこと、②燃料用石炭の供給逼迫(産業構造改革による小型炭坑の閉山、鉄道輸送能力不足等)、③水不足による水力発電所稼働率の低下等の問題によって供給が追いつかず、需給ギャップが拡大したことが挙げられる。 - 経済産業省


「household industries」の意味に関連した用語

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