



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 英和対訳 > make an entry of an itemの意味・解説 

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意味・対訳 事項を記入[登録]する

Weblio英和対訳辞書での「make an entry of an item」の意味

make an entry of an item


「make an entry of an item」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 5


make an entry of an item発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

事項を記入[登録]する. - 研究社 新英和中辞典

(3) In the case referred to in paragraph (1), if the testator has written on the sealed document is in his/her own hand, a notary public shall make an entry to that effect on the sealed document in lieu of the entry of statement in the provision of item (iv) of paragraph 1 of Article 970.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 第一項の場合において、遺言者が封紙に自書したときは、公証人は、その旨を封紙に記載して、第九百七十条第一項第四号に規定する申述の記載に代えなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(7) If an alien residing in Japan who desires to depart from Japan with the intention of landing again in Japan falls under all of the following items (except for item (iii) in the case of a special permanent resident) and desires to have his/her prescribed data recorded pursuant to the provision of paragraph (4) of this Article at the port of entry or departure at which he/she lands, the Minister of Justice may make a registration to that effect pursuant to the provisions of a Ministry of Justice ordinance.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

7 法務大臣は、本邦に在留する外国人で本邦に再び上陸する意図をもつて出国しようとするものが、次の各号(特別永住者にあつては、第三号を除く。)のいずれにも該当し、かつ、その上陸しようとする出入国港において第四項の規定による記録を受けることを希望するときは、法務省令で定めるところにより、その旨の登録をすることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

SMEs make up 99.7 percent of all companies in Japan. Accordingly, I am particularly concerned about this issuevery strongly. It is an issue that absolutely must be solved one way or another to overcome the business downturn at hand. Well, the initiative I am talking about today has been put together through extensive joint efforts of administrative staff members. The development and strengthening of a system of support for the entry of SMEs and other companies into Asia was identified in the Interim Draft of the "Action Plan for Invigoration, etc. of Financial/Capital Markets and Financial Industry," which we announced on December 7, as an item for which specific measures should be examined jointly with related authorities.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

そういったことで、私も問題意識を大変強く持っておりまして、そこを何とか解決しなければ、日本の99.7%は中小企業ですから、この不況を乗り越えられないということです。ということで、今日お話しするこういったことは、事務方の人が大変よく協力してまとめたわけでございます。中小企業等のアジア進出支援体制の整備・強化につきましては、12月7日に公表しました「金融資本市場及び金融産業の活性化等のためのアクションプラン中間案」において、関係機関とも連携を図りながら具体的な方策について検討することとされたところであります。 - 金融庁


(2) The provision of Article 271-27 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Company with subsidiary companies including a Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Provider, any Subsidiary, etc. of the Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Company (referring to a Subsidiary Company or any other person to be prescribed by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as a juridical person whose management is controlled by the Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Company; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), or any subcontractor of the Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Company; the provision of Article 271-28, paragraph (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Company with subsidiary companies including a Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Provider; the provisions of Article 271-28, paragraphs (2) and (4) shall apply mutatis mutandis to any Subsidiary, etc. or subcontractor of a Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Company; the provision of Article 271-28, paragraph (3) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the personnel who make an entry, ask questions or conduct inspection under those provisions; the provision of Article 271-29, paragraph (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Company; the provision of Article 271-29, paragraph (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the subsidiary Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Provider of a Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Company; and the provision of Article 271-30 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Company or a subsidiary small amount and short term insurance provider of a Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Holding Company. In this case, the term "Article 128, paragraph (1)" in Article 271-27, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 272-22, paragraph (1)"; the term "Article 129, paragraph (1)" in Article 271-28, paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 272-23, paragraph (1)"; the terms "authorization given to the Insurance Holding Company under Article 271-18, paragraph (1) or the proviso to Article 271-18, paragraph (3)," "authorization set forth in Article 271-18, paragraph (1)" and "said authorization" in Article 271-30, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "approval given to the Insurance Holding Company under Article 272-35, paragraph (1) or the proviso to Article 272-35, paragraph (3)," "approval set forth in Article 272-35, paragraph (1)" and "said approval," respectively; the term "authorization set forth in Article 271-18, paragraph (1) or the proviso to Article 271-18, paragraph (3)" in Article 271-30, paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "approval set forth in Article 272-35, paragraph (1) or the proviso to Article 272-35, paragraph (3)"; the term "Article 271-10, paragraph (2)" in Article 271-30, paragraph (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 272-31, paragraph (2)"; the term "authorization set forth in Article 271-18, paragraph (1)" in Article 271-30, paragraph (4), items (i) and (ii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "approval set forth in Article 272-35, paragraph (1)"; the term "Article 271-18, paragraph (3) without the authorization set forth in the proviso thereto" in Article 271-30, paragraph (4), item (iii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 272-35, paragraph (3) without the approval set forth in the proviso thereto"; and the term "authorization under Article 271-18, paragraph (1) or the proviso to Article 271-18, paragraph (3)" in Article 271-30, paragraph (4), item (iv) shall be deemed to be replaced with "approval under Article 272-35, paragraph (1) or the proviso to Article 272-35, paragraph (3)."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 第二百七十一条の二十七の規定は少額短期保険業者を子会社とする少額短期保険持株会社、当該少額短期保険持株会社の子法人等(子会社その他当該少額短期保険持株会社がその経営を支配している法人として内閣府令で定めるものをいう。以下この条において同じ。)又は当該少額短期保険持株会社から業務の委託を受けた者について、第二百七十一条の二十八第一項の規定は少額短期保険業者を子会社とする少額短期保険持株会社について、同条第二項及び第四項の規定は少額短期保険持株会社の子法人等又は当該少額短期保険持株会社から業務の委託を受けた者について、同条第三項の規定はこれらの規定による立入り、質問又は検査をする職員について、第二百七十一条の二十九第一項の規定は少額短期保険持株会社について、同条第二項の規定は少額短期保険持株会社の子会社である少額短期保険業者について、第二百七十一条の三十の規定は少額短期保険持株会社又は少額短期保険持株会社の子会社である少額短期保険業者について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、第二百七十一条の二十七第一項中「第百二十八条第一項」とあるのは「第二百七十二条の二十二第一項」と、第二百七十一条の二十八第一項及び第二項中「第百二十九条第一項」とあるのは「第二百七十二条の二十三第一項」と、第二百七十一条の三十第一項中「第二百七十一条の十八第一項若しくは第三項ただし書の認可」とあるのは「第二百七十二条の三十五第一項若しくは第三項ただし書の承認」と、「同条第一項の認可」とあるのは「同条第一項の承認」と、「当該認可」とあるのは「当該承認」と、同条第二項中「第二百七十一条の十八第一項又は第三項ただし書の認可」とあるのは「第二百七十二条の三十五第一項又は第三項ただし書の承認」と、同条第三項中「第二百七十一条の十第二項」とあるのは「第二百七十二条の三十一第二項」と、同条第四項第一号及び第二号中「第二百七十一条の十八第一項の認可」とあるのは「第二百七十二条の三十五第一項の承認」と、同項第三号中「第二百七十一条の十八第三項ただし書の認可」とあるのは「第二百七十二条の三十五第三項ただし書の承認」と、同項第四号中「第二百七十一条の十八第一項又は第三項ただし書の認可」とあるのは「第二百七十二条の三十五第一項又は第三項ただし書の承認」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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