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shareholders presentとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 出席株主

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「shareholders present」の意味

shareholders present

「shareholders present」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 27


Article 309 (1) Unless otherwise provided for in the articles of incorporation, the resolution of a shareholders meeting shall be made by a majority of the votes of the shareholders present at the meeting where the shareholders holding a majority of the votes of the shareholders who are entitled to exercise their votes are present.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第三百九条 株主総会の決議は、定款に別段の定めがある場合を除き、議決権を行使することができる株主の議決権の過半数を有する株主が出席し、出席した当該株主の議決権の過半数をもって行う。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 324 (1) Unless otherwise provided for in the articles of incorporation, resolutions of a Class Meeting shall be made by a majority of the votes of the shareholders of that class present at the meeting where the shareholders who hold a majority of the votes of all shareholders of the shares of such class are present.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第三百二十四条 種類株主総会の決議は、定款に別段の定めがある場合を除き、その種類の株式の総株主の議決権の過半数を有する株主が出席し、出席した当該株主の議決権の過半数をもって行う。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) A resolution of a shareholders meeting set forth in paragraph (1) shall be adopted by at least a two-thirds majority (in cases where a higher proportion is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such proportion or more) of voting rights of the shareholders present when Shareholders holding a majority (if a proportion of one-third or more has been specified by articles of incorporation, at least such proportion) of the voting rights of Shareholders who are entitled to exercise voting rights at said shareholders meeting are present. In this case, the Stock Company-Type Financial Instruments Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger shall not be precluded from prescribing in its articles of incorporation a requirement to obtain the consent of a certain number or more of shareholders or other requirements in addition to the requirement for such resolution.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

4 第一項の株主総会の決議は、当該株主総会において議決権を行使することができる株主の議決権の過半数(三分の一以上の割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合以上)を有する株主が出席し、出席した当該株主の議決権の三分の二(これを上回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合)以上に当たる多数をもつて行わなければならない。この場合においては、当該決議の要件に加えて、一定の数以上の株主の賛成を要する旨その他の要件を定款で定めることを妨げない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The resolution of the shareholders meeting set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be adopted by at least a two-thirds majority (in cases where a higher proportion is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such proportion) of voting rights of the shareholders present when shareholders holding a majority (if a proportion of one-third or more has been specified by the articles of incorporation, at least such proportion) of the voting rights of shareholders who are entitled to exercise voting rights at said shareholders meeting are present. In this case, the Stock Company-Type Financial Instruments Exchange Extinguished upon a Consolidation-Type Merger shall not be precluded from prescribing in its articles of incorporation a requirement to obtain the consent of a certain number or more of shareholders or other requirements in addition to the requirement for such resolution.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 前項の株主総会の決議は、当該株主総会において議決権を行使することができる株主の議決権の過半数(三分の一以上の割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合以上)を有する株主が出席し、出席した当該株主の議決権の三分の二(これを上回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合)以上に当たる多数をもつて行わなければならない。この場合においては、当該決議の要件に加えて、一定の数以上の株主の賛成を要する旨その他の要件を定款で定めることを妨げない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) A resolution of a general meeting of shareholders set forth in paragraph (1) shall be adopted by at least a two-thirds majority (if a larger proportion has been specified by articles of incorporation, such proportion) of votes of the shareholders present when shareholders holding a majority (if a proportion of one-third or more has been specified by articles of incorporation, at least such proportion) of the voting rights of shareholders who are entitled to exercise voting rights at said general meeting of shareholders are present. In this case, the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger shall not be precluded from prescribing in its articles of incorporation a requirement to gain the consent of more than a certain number of shareholders or other requirements in addition to the requirement for such resolution.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

5 第一項の株主総会の決議は、当該株主総会において議決権を行使することができる株主の議決権の過半数(三分の一以上の割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合以上)を有する株主が出席し、出席した当該株主の議決権の三分の二(これを上回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合)以上に当たる多数をもつて行わなければならない。この場合においては、当該決議の要件に加えて、一定の数以上の株主の賛成を要する旨その他の要件を定款で定めることを妨げない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) A resolution of a general meeting of shareholders set forth in paragraph 1 shall be adopted by at least a two-thirds majority (if a larger proportion has been specified by articles of incorporation, such proportion) of votes of the shareholders present when shareholders holding a majority (if a proportion of one-third or more has been specified by articles of incorporation, at least such proportion) of the voting rights of shareholders who are entitled to exercise voting rights at said general meeting of shareholders are present. In this case, the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger shall not be precluded from prescribing in its articles of incorporation a requirement to gain the consent of more than a certain number of shareholders or other requirements in addition to the requirement for such resolution.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

5 第一項の株主総会の決議は、当該株主総会において議決権を行使することができる株主の議決権の過半数(三分の一以上の割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合以上)を有する株主が出席し、出席した当該株主の議決権の三分の二(これを上回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合)以上に当たる多数をもつて行わなければならない。この場合においては、当該決議の要件に加えて、一定の数以上の株主の賛成を要する旨その他の要件を定款で定めることを妨げない。 - 経済産業省


(2) A resolution of a general meeting of shareholders set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be adopted by at least a two-thirds majority (if a larger proportion has been specified by the articles of incorporation, such proportion) of votes of the shareholders present when shareholders holding a majority (if a proportion of one-third or more has been specified by the articles of incorporation, at least such proportion) of the voting rights of shareholders who are entitled to exercise voting rights at said general meeting of shareholders are present. In this case, the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger shall not be precluded from prescribing in its articles of incorporation a requirement to gain the consent of more than a certain number of shareholders or other requirements in addition to the requirement for such resolution.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 前項の株主総会の決議は、当該株主総会において議決権を行使することができる株主の議決権の過半数(三分の一以上の割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合以上)を有する株主が出席し、出席した当該株主の議決権の三分の二(これを上回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合)以上に当たる多数をもつて行わなければならない。この場合においては、当該決議の要件に加えて、一定の数以上の株主の賛成を要する旨その他の要件を定款で定めることを妨げない。 - 経済産業省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「shareholders present」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 27


(2) The number of the votes exercised in writing pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be included in the number of the votes of the Shareholders at Incorporation who are present at the meeting.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 前項の規定により書面によって行使した議決権の数は、出席した設立時株主の議決権の数に算入する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) The number of the votes exercised by an Electromagnetic Method pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) shall be included in the number of the votes of the Shareholders at Incorporation who are present at the meeting.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 第一項の規定により電磁的方法によって行使した議決権の数は、出席した設立時株主の議決権の数に算入する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The number of the votes exercised in writing pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be included in the number of the votes of the shareholders who are present at the meeting.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 前項の規定により書面によって行使した議決権の数は、出席した株主の議決権の数に算入する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) The number of the votes exercised by an Electromagnetic Method pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) shall be included in the number of the votes of the shareholders who are present at the meeting.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 第一項の規定により電磁的方法によって行使した議決権の数は、出席した株主の議決権の数に算入する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) In the case where a Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in a Consolidation-Type Merger is a company issuing classified shares, if the whole or a part of shares of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by a Consolidation-Type Merger to be delivered to shareholders of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in a Consolidation-Type Merger are transfer restricted shares, the Consolidation-Type Merger shall not come into effect without a resolution of a general meeting of class shareholders consisting of class shareholders of the class of shares subject to the allotment of transfer restricted shares (excluding the transfer restricted shares) (if there are two or more classes of shares pertaining to such class shareholders, general meetings of the respective class shareholders consisting of class shareholders grouped by each class of said two or more classes of shares); provided, however, that this shall not apply if there are no shareholders who are entitled to exercise their voting rights present at said general meeting of class shareholders.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

4 新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所が種類株式発行会社である場合において、新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所の株主に対して交付する新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の株式の全部又は一部が譲渡制限株式であるときは、当該新設合併は、当該譲渡制限株式の割当てを受ける種類の株式(譲渡制限株式を除く。)の種類株主を構成員とする種類株主総会(当該種類株主に係る株式の種類が二以上ある場合にあつては、当該二以上の株式の種類別に区分された種類株主を構成員とする各種類株主総会)の決議がなければ、その効力を生じない。ただし、当該種類株主総会において議決権を行使することができる株主が存しない場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) In the case where a Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger is a company issuing classified shares of stock, if the whole or a part of shares of stock of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger to be delivered to shareholders of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger are transfer restricted shares of stock, the Incorporation-Type Merger shall not come into effect without a resolution of a general meeting of class shareholders consisting of class shareholders of the class of shares of stock subject to the allotment of transfer restricted shares (excluding the transfer restricted shares of stock) (if there are two or more classes of shares of stock pertaining to such class shareholders, general meetings of the respective class shareholders consisting of class shareholders grouped by each class of said two or more classes of shares of stock); provided, however, that this shall not apply if there are no shareholders who are entitled to exercise their voting rights present at said general meeting of class shareholders.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

4 新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所が種類株式発行会社である場合において、新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所の株主に対して交付する新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の株式の全部又は一部が譲渡制限株式であるときは、当該新設合併は、当該譲渡制限株式の割当てを受ける種類の株式(譲渡制限株式を除く。)の種類株主を構成員とする種類株主総会(当該種類株主に係る株式の種類が二以上ある場合にあつては、当該二以上の株式の種類別に区分された種類株主を構成員とする各種類株主総会)の決議がなければ、その効力を生じない。ただし、当該種類株主総会において議決権を行使することができる株主が存しない場合は、この限りでない。 - 経済産業省

Article 73 (1) Resolutions of an Organizational Meeting shall be made by a majority of the votes of the Shareholders at Incorporation entitled to exercise their votes at such Organizational Meeting, being a majority of two thirds or more of the votes of such Shareholders at Incorporation who are present at the meeting.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第七十三条 創立総会の決議は、当該創立総会において議決権を行使することができる設立時株主の議決権の過半数であって、出席した当該設立時株主の議決権の三分の二以上に当たる多数をもって行う。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(2) Resolutions of a Class Organizational Meeting shall be made by a majority of the votes of the Class Shareholders at Incorporation who are entitled to exercise their votes at such Class Organizational Meeting, being a majority of two thirds or more of the votes of such Class Shareholders at Incorporation who are present at the meeting.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 種類創立総会の決議は、当該種類創立総会において議決権を行使することができる設立時種類株主の議決権の過半数であって、出席した当該設立時種類株主の議決権の三分の二以上に当たる多数をもって行う。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


「shareholders present」の意味に関連した用語
出席株主 英和専門語辞典


Trocellen 百科事典

franking Wiktionary英語版

Brewers' Distributor 百科事典

superminority Wiktionary英語版

shareholders presentのページの著作権
英和・和英辞典 情報提供元は 参加元一覧 にて確認できます。

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