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the number of construction workersとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 建設要員数

JST科学技術用語日英対訳辞書での「the number of construction workers」の意味

the number of construction workers

「the number of construction workers」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 21


To reduce the number of construction processes and the necessary number of workers by decreasing the times of pressure test in the process of constructing a reactor power plant.例文帳に追加

原子力プラントの建設途上において、耐圧試験の回数を減らして建設工程の短縮,必要作業人員の削減すること。 - 特許庁

During 5 years since 2005, the medium industrial category in which the number of the employed increased the most was the industry of "social insurance, social welfare, and care services" (such as welfare and care services for the elderly people), followed by "industries unable to classify," "medical and other health services," "postal activities," "manufacture of general-purpose machinery" and "food take out and delivery services .The number of the employed decreased the most in "construction" followed by "employment and worker dispatching services," "agriculture," "wholesale trade," "postal services" and "manufacture of textile mill products ." (Increasing professional and engineering workers) Looking at the long-term transition of the employment composition by occupation, the ratio of "professional and engineering workers" increased from 6 .6% in 1970 to 14 .5% in 2010, and the ratio of "clerical workers" increased from 14 .0% in 1970 to 18 .4% in 2010 (Figure 16) .(Decrease in public capital formation which greatly affected regional employment) By plotting the relationship between the changes in the composition ratio of public capital formation to the gross prefectural product and the changes in the regional increase rate of the employed and the ratio of the number of workers in the construction industry to the number of workers in the region, we can see that the decrease of public capital formation had a more profound effect on the decrease of the number of workers in the regional blocks including Hokkaido, Tohoku and Shikoku, than the 3 major urban regions, i .e .例文帳に追加

産業中分類別に、2005年からの5 年間で最も就業者数が増えたのは老人福祉・介護事業などの「社会保険・社会福祉・介護事業」であり、以下「分類不能の産業」「医療業」「郵便業」「はん用機械器具製造業」「持ち帰り・配達飲食サービス業」と続く 。 - 厚生労働省

The number of workers required for each kind of job can be easily leveled by shifting on a progress diagram and the construction scheduling can be automatically changed by interlocking with the changes in the number of workers required.例文帳に追加

推移図52上でブロックを移動させることで職種毎の必要作業者数を容易に平準化でき、必要作業者数の変更に連動して工程計画も自動的に変更される。 - 特許庁

A look at employers by industry shows that in terms of number of people, the manufacturing and service industries have an overwhelmingly large number of workers. However, in terms of proportions of foreign workers in each industry, the agriculture, forestry and fishery industry, and the construction industry have large proportions of foreign workers with 13.2 percent and 11.0 percent shares,respectively.例文帳に追加

就労先を産業別に見ると、人数では製造業、サービス業に従事している労働者が圧倒的に多いが、各産業における外国人労働者の占める割合を見てみると、農林水産業(13.2%)、建設業(11.0%)が大きくなっている。 - 経済産業省

While the number of manufacturing workers decreased throughout the 1990s, the number of construction workers, which had supported the total employment, also decreased from the latter half of the 1990s, resulting in a decline of the number of workers on the whole. The decrease of manufacturing workers may have been influenced by the globalizing economy, and was high in some industrial agglomeration areas.例文帳に追加

製造業就業者数が1990年代を通じて減少する中、雇用の下支えとなっていた建設業就業者も90年代後半より減少となり、就業者数全体も減少となった。製造業就業者の減少には、経済の国際化の影響が考えられ、産業集積地域において減少の大きい地域がみられる - 厚生労働省

To perform an operation simultaneously with the other related operations and positioning and disposing vertical and horizontal reinforcements rapidly and accurately so as to reduce the number of workers and shorten a construction period.例文帳に追加

その他の関連作業と併行して同時に作業ができ、縦横の鉄筋を迅速且つ正確に位置付けて配列する。 - 特許庁


To provide an interior construction method for multiple dwelling house capable of efficiently performing the construction of partition walls, ceilings, floors, and fittings, and air conditioning equipment construction and electric work in connection therewith in a series of processes by a small number of all-round workers.例文帳に追加

間仕切壁、天井、床、建具等の施工、及びこれに連動する空調設備工事、電気工事などを、一連の工程の中で少数の多能工により効率的に施工できる集合住宅の内装工事の施工方法を提供する。 - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「the number of construction workers」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 21


To provide a mounting structure of a ceiling panel and an installation method capable of shortening a construction period without requiring works under the ceiling because of easy construction work and, at the same time, reducing the number of workers.例文帳に追加

施工作業が簡単で天井裏での作業を必要とせず施工期間の短縮を可能にするとともに、作業員の数を削減し得るようにした天井パネルの取付構造および架設方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

By industry, the number of manufacturing workers decreased throughout the 1990s and the construction industry, through its public works projects in the first half of the 1990s, supported employment. Since the latter half of the 1990s, the number of construction worker has decreased as well, resulting in decreased numbers of workers in the total industries例文帳に追加

就業者数の動向につき産業別でみると、1990年代を通じて製造業就業者数が減少する中、90年代前半は公共工事の下支えもあり建設業が雇用の受皿となっていたが、90年代後半からは建設業就業者数も減少に転じており、産業計でみても就業者数が減少となった - 厚生労働省

Looking at the increase or decrease of workers in and after 2005 by medium industrial category, we can see thatthe number of workers increased in the industries of social insurance, social welfare, and nursing care, includingwelfare for the elderly people, and medical and other health services including hospitals; on the other hand, thenumber of workers drastically decreased in the construction industry which is considered to be affected by thereduction of public works, and the employment and worker dispatching services, agriculture, and wholesale trade .例文帳に追加

2005年以降の就業者の増減を産業中分類別にみると、老人福祉・介護事業などの社会保険・社会福祉・介護事業や病院等の医療業で就業者数が増えた一方、大きく減少したのは、公共事業の見直し等の影響を受けたと考えられる建設業をはじめ、職業紹介・労働者派遣業、農業、卸売業などである。 - 厚生労働省

Concerning differences of the collective dose between Japan and Western countries, the factors such as differences in workload during plant outage (amount of construction/modification work and the number of workers), length of operation cycle and difference of maintenance policy seem to be related.例文帳に追加

我が国と欧米諸国との集団線量の違いについては、プラント停止期間中の作業量(工事量及び作業者数)、運転サイクル期間、保守の考え方の相違等が関係していることが考えられる。 - 経済産業省

Given this background, the "Population Census" conducted by theStatistics Bureau of MIC shows that, in the shift of worker distribution by industry during the 1990s, the number of workers in primary industries (eg.agriculture, forestry, and fisheries) decreased to a largeextent, whereas, among the secondary industries (e.g.mining, construction, and manufacturing), thenumber of workers in the mining sector decreased significantly while those in manufacturing continued todrop throughout the 1990s. In the first half of the 1990s, the number of workers in the construction sectorexpanded, although in the latter half of the same decade, it began to fall, resulting in the reduction ofnumbers in the secondary industries as a whole.例文帳に追加

こういった中、総務省統計局「国勢調査」により産業別就業者数の1990年代の変化をみると、第1次産業(農林漁業)の就業者数は大幅に減少しており、第2次産業(鉱業、建設業、製造業)においては、鉱業が大幅に減少する中で製造業が1990年代を通じて減少し、1990年代前半には増加した建設業も90年代後半に減少に転じることで第2次産業全体として就業者数が減少している。 - 厚生労働省

A breakdown of the number of employees by sector shows that the figures for temporary dispatch workers, regarded as a leading indicator, took a favorable turn in October 2009. Employment in the manufacturing, retail and construction industries are following this trend and their respective decreases are slowing (see Figure 1-2-1-15).例文帳に追加

雇用者数の推移を業種別に見ると、雇用の先行指標として注目される人材派遣が2009 年10 月に増加に転じ、続いて製造業、小売業、建設業についても減少に歯止めがかかりつつある(第1-2-1-15 図)。 - 経済産業省

To provide a building method capable of further quickly and safely completing erection by a small number of workers by improving the building method for a building built by a framework construction method.例文帳に追加

軸組構法による建築物の建築方法を改善し、少ない人数でより早くかつ安全に建方を完了させることが可能な建築方法の提供。 - 特許庁


To provide a high-quality foundation structure for a house which enables even a worker who does not have a high degree of skilled technique to perform construction work with an extremely limited number of workers within a short period of time without depending on the weather or air temperature, which can reduce construction costs including transportation costs, and which is superior in earthquake resistance and durability.例文帳に追加

天候や気温に左右されずに短期間で、然も高度の熟練技術を持たない作業員でも極めて限定された人数で施工作業が実行でき、運搬コストを含む施工コストを削減でき、然も、耐震性及び耐久性に優れた、高品質の住宅用基礎構造体を提供する。 - 特許庁


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