英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


形容詞able bodied (not comparable)Alternative spelling of able-bodied...
名詞able seaman (複数形 able seamen)Alternative form of able-bodied seaman...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2011/08/08 09:46 UTC 版) 名詞able-bodied seamenPlural form of able-bodied seaman....
名詞stand-up hockey (uncountable)(disability sports) Conventional able-bodied hockey, as compared ...
音節A.B.《略語》 able‐bodied seaman; 《主に米国で用いられる》 Bachelor of Arts....
【名詞】1頑健な身体を持つ人間を優先する差別(discrimination in favor of the able-bodied)...
【名詞】1頑健な身体を持つ人間を優先する差別(discrimination in favor of the able-bodied)...
【名詞】1頑健な身体を持つ人間を優先する差別(discrimination in favor of the able-bodied)...
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