英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


語源semi- +‎ choric形容詞semichoric (not comparable)Relating to a semichorus....
固有名詞Chirco (複数形 Chircos)A surname​.アナグラムchoric, ochric...
語源chiroptero- +‎ -choric名詞chiropterochoric (uncountable)(biology) relating to chiropterochory同...
[<《ドイツ語》 Sprechchor]【演劇】 choral speaking; choric speaking [speech]〈デモ隊の〉 yelling 《a slogan》 in choru...
[<《ドイツ語》 Sprechchor]【演劇】 choral speaking; choric speaking [speech]〈デモ隊の〉 yelling 《a slogan》 in choru...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2011/05/10 22:09 UTC 版) 形容詞choric (not comparable)Including or involving a Greek ch...
語源Latin canticum (“chant, song”)名詞canticum (複数形 cantica)A canticle.A part song in an ancient play.La...
語源poly- +‎ choric形容詞polychoric (not comparable)(music) Of or pertaining to the use of more tha...
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