英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


語源Latin [Term?]名詞res cogitans (uncountable)(philosophy) A nonphysical substance of which minds are c...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/12/25 08:24 UTC 版)語源non- +‎ physically副詞nonphysically ‎(not comparable)In a no...
語源non- +‎ physical発音.mw-parser-output .k-player .k-attribution{visibility:hidden}形容詞nonphysica...
別の表記lalalandLala landla-la landLa-La Land名詞Lalaland (uncountable)A fictional, nonphysical place wher...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2015/12/03 22:19 UTC 版)語源From Latin animus ‎(“the mind, in a great variety of meani...
別の表記girl-crush名詞girl crush (複数形 girl crushes)(informal) A strong but usually nonsexual fondness expe...
【形容詞】1 nonphysical, intangible物質または実体を欠く(lacking substance or reality)that intangible thing--the sou...
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