
「つまり ということですか」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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つまり ということですかの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 88



"Would you rather put it off for a few days?"  - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』


and that means they must transform society.  - R. Landor『カール・マルクス Interview』

つまり、XDM は 9番目仮想端末で起動されるということです例文帳に追加

This means that XDM will start running on the 9th virtual terminal.  - FreeBSD

つまり、PECL 拡張を GPL とするとGPL に違反してしまうということです例文帳に追加

That means you can not GPL a PECL extension or you would be violating the GPL.  - PEAR


つまり、pickle 化や unpickle 化を行うカスタムのサブクラスを導出することができないということです例文帳に追加

This means that you cannot use them to derive custom pickling and unpicklingsubclasses. - Python



This means that it seems as though more than one program is running at once.  - FreeBSD


The first one is regardinginternal coding - how the XML-tags are placed.  - Gentoo Linux

つまり、全ての既存の COFF ライブラリを同名の OMF ライブラリに置き換えてもかまわないということです例文帳に追加

This also means you could replace all existing COFF-libraries with OMF-libraries of the same name. - Python


Namely, we cannot implement an interest rate hike on the ground that prices are rising.  - 金融庁



continue at the beginning when it has approached the end)mtrr:n - Gentoo Linux



This means that the field can have VARCHAR data that is 128 bytes. - Gentoo Linux


Am I correct in understanding that the decision on mandatory application may be delayed beyond 2012, that is, to 2013 or later depending on the results of discussion by the Business Accounting Council?  - 金融庁


My point is this. Although the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions is an excellent law, it is unclear how it is strategically positioned. I am asking you whether there is any strategy.  - 金融庁


So let me make sure I've understood you; you want a raise? - Eゲイト英和辞典


To have made them of a special character would have been to adapt them to the needs of one section -- one nation of workmen alone.  - R. Landor『カール・マルクス Interview』

これらのすべてのトークンはレベル 1 ですつまり、これらはひとつのスコープ条件で囲まれているということです例文帳に追加

All these tokens are at level 1, indicating that they are enclosed in 1 scope condition, and all these tokens are enclosed in a single condition; an if statement.  - PEAR


This makes the Static renderer only useful if your form does not change on runtime.  - PEAR

つまり、仮に NULL を指定したとすると、その属性が削除されてしまうということです!値がひとつだけの場合は文字列で指定することもできます。例文帳に追加

This means, if you specify a NULL value for an attribute, this attribute will get deleted! You may specify single values as string too.  - PEAR


In relation to the previous question, am I correct in understanding that you will change your approach somewhat and conduct supervision and inspection so as to ensure that non-performing loans are categorized as such?  - 金融庁


These teach that things are right because they are right; because we feel them to be so.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

つまり、個々の ports だけを更新していると、奇妙なエラーで構築に失敗する可能性が非常に高くなるということです例文帳に追加

The very first thing to do in this case is to make sure that your ports-base subcollection is up to date. Important: If you are going to be building your own local copy of ports/INDEX, you must accept ports-all (the whole ports tree).  - FreeBSD

つまり、タブは禁止でありそれ以上のスペースはダメということです。 さらに、タブはGuideXMLドキュメントのなかでは禁止されています。例文帳に追加

That means no tabs and not more spaces.Besides, tabs are not allowed in GuideXML documents.  - Gentoo Linux


This means that users may have to learn the in's and out's of a lot of licenses.  - PEAR

TYPE パラメータがHOME および INTERNET に設定されています(つまり、家で使うためのインターネットメールアドレスということです)。例文帳に追加

It has a TYPE parameter of HOME and INTERNET (meaning an internet email address for home).  - PEAR


This means that an attacker cannot gain root access even if the services has a security flaw. - Gentoo Linux

つまり、ファイルの最後にカーソルを移動させると、PHP 終了タグの 1 つ下の行にカーソルがあるようにすべきと言うことです例文帳に追加

This means that when the cursor is at the very end of the file, it should be oneline below the closing PHP tag.  - PEAR


It's important to note that it isn't necessary to have a database running locally to run Jffnms and except for the fact that you need to run this commands on the remote host, the procedure is the same. - Gentoo Linux

ただそうであっても、これは開発用ブランチの一つであるということに注意してください。 つまり、ある時点におけるFreeBSD-STABLE のソースが どんな場合にも使えるものであるとは限らないということです例文帳に追加

This is still a development branch, however, and this means that at any given time, the sources for FreeBSD-STABLE may or may not be suitable for any particular purpose.  - FreeBSD


That is because it is all but impossible to curb the rising prices by raising interest rates in Japan, since this is import price inflation.  - 金融庁


In short, that is the post-disaster recovery. Are the recovery scheme, the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions and the double loan problem being discussed in relation to one another within the government?  - 金融庁


I hope you will now see that the perfection of a processthat is, its utilityis the better point of beauty about it.  - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』


You have just said that there has been no decision made but you have a serious concern about the issue of credit card cash advancescan I take it that the matter is under review?  - 金融庁


Moreover, in March, the FSA was forced to provide explanations with regard to 11 typical cases of misunderstanding about the internal control (report system). Is there not concern about the possibility of a similar situation occurring in relation to these principles? That is to say, are you not worried that there will be an overreaction to what the regulatory authorities have introduced this time as well?  - 金融庁


namely, the existence of classes of persons with an interest opposed to what is considered as the public weal, and whose mode of living is grounded on the counteraction of it.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


That means, you can have your users' data scattered amongst many data containers and have the LiveUser class try each defined container until the user is found.  - PEAR

このメソッドを使用すると、ワークシート内の特定の領域を指定し、それを "凍結" することが可能となります。 つまり、ワークシートをスクロールさせてもその領域は影響を受けず、画面の中に残り続けるということです例文帳に追加

One can use this method to mark certain regions in the worksheet so that they are "frozen" in the sense that when scrolling through the worksheet these regions are not affected by the scrolling and remain where they are on the screen.  - PEAR

ふたつ目の(省略可能な)パラメータを指定すると、ディレクトリを再帰的に作成することができます(つまり、たとえ './my' が存在しなくても './my/new/dir' を作成できるということです例文帳に追加

The second (optional) parameter lets you create directories recursively (meaning you can create './my/new/dir' even if '/my' doesn't exist.  - PEAR

しかし、これは明示的にインストールされたものしか確かめません(そうしたアプリケーションは/var/lib/portage/worldにリストされています)。 つまり、それらの依存関係は確認しないということです例文帳に追加

However, it will only verify the versions for the applications you have explicitly installed (the applications listed in/var/lib/portage/world) - it does not thoroughly check their dependencies. - Gentoo Linux


Both these gases are colourless; they stand over the water without condensing; they are alike in all thingsI mean in all apparent things; and we have here an opportunity of examining these bodies and ascertaining what they are.  - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』

すべての PEAR 開発者にとって、PEAR は自由時間に作業を行うプロジェクトですつまり、PEAR の開発から直接にお金を得ないということを意味しています。例文帳に追加

For all the PEAR developers, PEAR is a project they are working on in their free-time, which means that they don't earn any money with it.  - PEAR

つまり、12 個の Alt-ファンクションキーすべてでログインプロンプトを 出したいのならば、残念ながら X は利用できないということです。 同じマシンで X サーバーも動かしたいのならば11 個しか使えません。例文帳に追加

That is to say that if you want to have a login prompt pop up for all twelve of your Alt-function keys, you are out of luck -- you can only do this for eleven of them if you also want to run an X server on the same machine.  - FreeBSD

つまり、シリンダ 0、ヘッド 0、セクタ 2 からシリンダ 0、ヘッド 0、セクタ 63 までを空けておき、 パーティションをシリンダ 0、ヘッド 1、セクタ 1から開始するということです例文帳に追加

That is, leave the space from Cylinder 0, Head 0, Sector 2 through Cylinder 0, Head 0, Sector 63 unallocated, and start your first partition at Cylinder 0, Head 1, Sector 1.  - FreeBSD

つまり、このメカニズムを使って、標準モジュールに対する修正版のインストールはできないということです。 )パスは絶対パスでも相対パスでもよく、相対パスの場合には .pthファイルのあるパスからの相対になります。例文帳に追加

This means you can't use this mechanism for installing fixed versions of standard modules.)Paths can be absolute or relative, in which case they're relative to the directory containing the .pth file. - Python


In short, may I take it that although there is no cause for concern regarding savings in the new accounts, which are treated in the same way as bank deposits, savings deposited before the postal savings business was taken over by Japan Post, namely before the privatization, may be affected?  - 金融庁

これはつまり、暗号鍵を持った安全なワークステーションがあって、この暗号鍵で残りのシステムとアクセスできるようになっている場合に、安全でないマシンへ sshを行なう時に暗号鍵が見えてしまうということです例文帳に追加

What this means is that if you have a secure workstation holding keys that give you access to the rest of the system, and you ssh to an insecure machine, your keys are usable.  - FreeBSD

つまり、テンプレートを動的に変更できるということです。 Sigma は入れ子状のブロックの状態を判断し、どのブロックがどのブロックの配下にあるかを認識します。例文帳に追加

This means you can dynamically change your template.Sigma analyses the way you've nested blocks and knows which block belongs into another block.  - PEAR


So far from setting any value on individualityso far from respecting the right of each individual to act, in things indifferent, as seems good to his own judgment and inclinations, judges and juries cannot even conceive that a person in a state of sanity can desire such freedom.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


Specifically, when the duty ratio of he switching element Q3 is minimized, no hard switching is effected so that the load output can be adjusted in a wide range, without increasing the stress or noise. - 特許庁

cvsremoveは再帰的に処理されます。 つまり一連のファイルを削除しておいて、それから親ディレクトリで「cvsremove」を他の引数無しで実行すれば大丈夫ということです例文帳に追加

cvs remove is recursive, which means that you can delete a bunch of files, and then run the cvs remove command with no other arguments from a parent directory. - Gentoo Linux


つまり、インストールされている Java SE 6 を使用してシステムを実行するよう、アプリケーションを配備できるということです。 アプリケーションをパッケージ化するときに、Swing レイアウト拡張ライブラリを含める必要はありません。例文帳に追加

This means that you can deploy the application to run on systems with Java SE 6 installed and you do not need to package your application with the Swing Layout Extensions library. - NetBeans


Copyright © Benesse Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright(C) 2024 金融庁 All Rights Reserved.
この対訳コーパスは独立行政法人情報通信研究機構の研究成果であり、Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedでライセンスされています。
© 2010, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.
Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Copyright 2001-2004 Python Software Foundation.All rights reserved.
Copyright 2000 BeOpen.com.All rights reserved.
Copyright 1995-2000 Corporation for National Research Initiatives.All rights reserved.
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum.All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2001 - 2008 by the PEAR Documentation Group.
This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v1.0 or later (the latest version is presently available at http://www.opencontent.org/openpub/ ).
Copyright 1994-2010 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved. license
Copyright 2001-2010 Gentoo Foundation, Inc.
The contents of this document are licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution / Share Alike license.
この対訳コーパスは独立行政法人情報通信研究機構の集積したものであり、Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedでライセンスされています。
原題:”The Great Gatsby”

This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

Copyright (C) F. Scott Fitzgerald 1926, expired. Copyright (C) Kareha 2001-2002,waived.

邦題:『カール・マルクス Interview』
This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

by R・ランドール、訳:山形浩生 <hiyori13@alum.mit.edu> リンクやコピーは黙ってどうぞ。
原題:”On Liberty”

This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.
(C) 1999 山形浩生
プロジェクト杉田玄白 正式参加作品。詳細はhttp://www.genpaku.org/を参照のこ
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