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equality  - EDR日英対訳辞書

2 プラス 5 イコール例文帳に追加

7. Two and five make [is] seven.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典

2 プラス 5 イコール例文帳に追加

Two plus five equals seven..  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


a brand of heat-resistant glass called {Vycor}  - EDR日英対訳辞書



Name recognition is synonymous with success. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文



Period in which chugu was empress  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They equate religion with church-going. - Tatoeba例文


Everybody knows that two and two make four. - Tatoeba例文


Everybody knows two and two make four. - Tatoeba例文



He equates wealth with happiness . - Eゲイト英和辞典



Made in Japan is a synonym for quality. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


They equate religion with church-going.  - Tanaka Corpus


We cannot consider that 'rice for producing sake' is 'sakamai.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Period in which chugu was Kotaifujin (title for previous retired emperors' wife)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


an oral drug (trade name Baycol) to reduce blood cholesterol levels  - 日本語WordNet


Sets whatever follows the equals as the root password, which is required for dosshd since we scramble the root password. - Gentoo Linux


It's nothing to do with me, equals, I don't have to be here. So I'm getting out of here, whatever anybody says! - Tatoeba例文


If it is treated as part of a character representation scheme such as ASCII, it would represent the '=' character.  - コンピューター用語辞典


It's nothing to do with me, equals, I don't have to be here. So I'm getting out of here, whatever anybody says!  - Tanaka Corpus

イ コールドエリア側に露出する面の面積が〇・〇九平方メートルを超えるもの例文帳に追加

(a) Windows with an area exceeding 0.09 square meters for the surface that protrudes into the cold area  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Until the Edo period, because of this record, it was thought that Himiko was, in fact, Empress Jingu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


We strongly reaffirm the importance of continuing our policy consultations based on our equal partnerships. - 財務省


Improving the business environment and system infrastructure to ensure international equal footing - 経済産業省


If an equal footing is not provided, Japanese companies may have to move their business bases out of Japan. - 経済産業省


His performance was acknowledged not only by audiences in Osaka and Kyoto, but also by audiences in Tokyo, leading to Ganjiro Nakamura being regarded as a synonym for Kansai Kabuki.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, bushi in districts existed as kaihatsu-ryoshu, the financial basis, but kaihatsu-ryoshu was bushi and did not necessarily lead bushidan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The light-shielding member 4 is made of opaque quartz glass or Vycor (R) glass, into which light-shielding materials absorbing or scattering the ultraviolet rays are dispersed. - 特許庁


It is important to ensure an equal footing in terms of competitive environment as represented by environmental regulation, corporate tax, exchange rates and enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Act. - 経済産業省


In the switching system which can use a call by call function in ISDN, a control circuit 31 detects whether input to release the set call by call function has been performed or not and discriminates whether the maximum number of lines preliminarily set for the trunk group which originate a call are all busy or not. - 特許庁


The thin film electrochemical element 100 is provided with a Vycor glass 1, a first conductive layer 2 as an electron conductive layer formed on the surface of the Vycor glass 1, a primer layer 3, a first electrode 4 having a photocatalytic function, an electrolyte layer 5, a second electrode 6 having a function for reducing oxygen, and a second conductive layer 7 as the electron conductive layer. - 特許庁


However, it might not be appropriate to think that the range of the Yamato sovereignty's domain and the distribution of the Yamato race at that time were equal because the Yamato sovereignty appeared to be a coalition government of various tribes which had their own sovereignty.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When comparison results in the 3rd block are not equal, the parameter of the measured value is stored as the current state value in a storage medium, and the stored value is outputted to the circuit 53. - 特許庁


ASEM is a significant forum for Asia and Europe in that: (1) it emphasizes equal partnership; and (2) it promotes dialogue and cooperation regarding a wide range of issues including not only economy but also politics and cultural exchange. - 経済産業省

なお、ここで注意を喚起したいのは、「経済成長」を目標とする ことイコールGDP(またはGNP)の最大化、では決してなく、また、いわゆる経済成長至上主義を展開しようとしているのではないことである。例文帳に追加

Further, it should be noted that in this analysis the objective of economic growth does not equate with the maximization of GDP or GNP, nor is so-called "economic growth supremacyadvocated. - 経済産業省


Toyotomi clan' family name is an original surname similar to 'Minamoto clan,' 'Taira clan,' and 'Fujiwara clan,' and original surnames are not equal to the mere family names such as 'Tokugawa clan,' 'Oda clan,' and 'Hashiba clan' (for more information, refer to sections for original surname and family name respectively.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the transitional period, this restriction is to be eased gradually based on opinions provided by the Privatization Committee and in light of whether Japan Post Bank is competing with other financial institutions on an equal footing and how its management condition is.  - 金融庁


Now that private companies can choose where to operate, it is important to achieve an international equal footing as for tax system. - 財務省

+∞=−∞=1=−1=0 の数式から「1」イコール無限大の宇宙である可能性があるので、質量1(元素記号番号1)の水素原子を精度の高い顕微鏡で観察するとそこに無限の宇宙を観察する事ができる事により、この問題を解決する。例文帳に追加

Since a formula +∞=-∞=1=-1=0 may cause the possibility that "1" equal to the infinite universe, the observation of a hydrogen atom of mass 1 (atomic number 1) with a highly accurate microscope enables the observation of the infinite universe, thereby solving the problem. - 特許庁


Since it is guaranteed that the result of index retrieval is the object identifier of the specified object in an equal partial set and processing is possible without extracting a common part between the retrieved result and the object identifier group of objects in the partial set, retrieval time can be shortened. - 特許庁


A coating composition, wherein a spiropyran dye solution is mixed with one or more solutions selected from the group consisting of glycolic chelates of titanic acid, silicic acid, zirconic acid, and stannic acid, is applied to and dried on glass, car bodies, hulls, railway vehicles, or buildings for the formation of metallic chelate coatings. - 特許庁


To provide a regeneration technique which can easily regenerate water glycol based hydraulic fluid even without separating and removing the same expensively, can reduce a release agent waste liquid and can contribute to reduction in load on the earth environment, particularly, to provide a vehicle for a regeneration business. - 特許庁


For investment and location, if one considers the fact that companies pay attention to the business environment and systems where they invest and locate, improving Japan’s business environment and ensuring equal footing of systems from an international perspective is said to be important from the aspect of strengthening Japan’s international competitiveness. - 経済産業省


As described in the "Japan's Course and Strategy - Path to New Creation and Growth" adopted at the Cabinet meeting in January 2007, Japan needs to improve tax, legal, and other system infrastructures and make its investment environment more attractive to investors by securing an equal footing from the international perspective. - 経済産業省


If the maximum number of lines are al busy, the control circuit 31 validates the input to release the call by call function and discriminates whether or not an idle line exists in another trunk group in the channel group to which this trunk group belongs, and the control circuit 31 uses the idle line to perform call originating processing when existence of the idle line in another trunk group is detected. - 特許庁

2007 年1月に閣議決定された「日本の進路と戦略~「新たな創造と成長」への道筋~」においても述べられているように、国際的に見たイコール・フッティングの確保等の観点から税制、企業法制などの制度インフラの整備を促進し、我が国の投資環境を魅力あるものにしていく必要がある。例文帳に追加

As stated in the January 2007 cabinet resolutionJapans New Path and Strategy - the Road toNew Creation and Growth’ ”, from the aspect of ensuring equal footing when seen from an international perspective tax system, it is necessary to promote improved system infrastructure such as the company legal system, and make Japan’s investment environment attractive. - 経済産業省


I think that your question has already been answered when I explained the major viewpoints earlier. The committee on the privatization of Japan Post has indicated how to address the issue of an expansion of the range of Japan's Post's businesses during the transition period. In my opinion, critical viewpoints for the FSA include whether an "equal footing" between Japan Post, still partly owned by the government, and private-sector financial institutions is ensured within the framework of the privatization of Japan Post and whether Japan Post is well prepared to execute business properly when it starts new business.  - 金融庁


When I visited the United States in August last year, Undersecretary of the Treasury Brainard asked me about that point. I assured her that there is no violation of the spirit of the WTO as management freedom and independence, as well as equal competitive conditions, are legally ensured. In Europe and the United States, government officials have asked similar questions and the Japanese ambassadors have apparently replied along the same line.  - 金融庁


Given that insurance is intended to cover accidents under those conditions and that insurance is affected by the accident rate, I think that if an increase in the premium rate is decided, it will be inevitable to accept it in light of the various circumstances.  - 金融庁



It is appropriate to make the “payment and settlement depositwidely available, as a deposit to be used exclusively, in principle, for payment and settlement.  - 金融庁


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