
「団体交渉」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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collective bargaining  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


a governmental group called a negotiation body  - EDR日英対訳辞書


the right of a labour union called the right to collective bargaining  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a group negotiation by a labour union with the employer  - EDR日英対訳辞書


2 職員団体と当局との交渉は、団体協約を締結する権利を含まないものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) The negotiation between the employee organization and the proper authorities shall not include the right to conclude a collective agreement.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


4 職員団体交渉することのできる当局は、交渉事項について適法に管理し、又は決定することのできる当局とする。例文帳に追加

(4) The proper authorities with whom the employee organization may negotiate shall be those who may lawfully administer the matters to be negotiated or make decisions thereon.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


under the Japanese constitution, the three basic rights of laborers  - EDR日英対訳辞書

第二十八条 勤労者の団結する権利及び団体交渉その他の団体行動をする権利は、これを保障する。例文帳に追加

Article 28. The right of workers to organize and to bargain and act collectively is guaranteed.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 使用者が雇用する労働者の代表者と団体交渉をすることを正当な理由がなくて拒むこと。例文帳に追加

(ii) to refuse to bargain collectively with the representatives of the workers employed by the employer without justifiable reasons;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



With the intense reaction to this, the Mokuyo-kai was recognized as a group having a legislative bargaining position in the Diet through join of baronial members in other factions and nominated members of the House of Peers the following year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


日本経済団体連合会「日・EU経済統合協定交渉の開始を求める-日・EU EPAに関する第三次提言-」(2009 年11 月17 日)例文帳に追加

Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Foundation), "Seeking the economic integration agreement negotiation between Japan and EU ? third phase proposal regarding Japan-EU EPA" (November 17, 2009) - 経済産業省


The date of establishment mentioned above, however, is when the group went through the official procedure to have a legislative bargaining position in the Diet; in fact, the gathering had already existed as a social group by the beginning of the year ("Takashi HARA Diary").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The club had originally been a social group consisting of either councilors of imperial nomination or councilors in the top tax bracket who support the second Saionji Cabinet of Rikken seiyukai, and then the club was officially launched as a negotiating body within the House on December 24, 1912 when they went through the official procedure.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

5 交渉は、職員団体と当局があらかじめ取り決めた員数の範囲内で、職員団体がその役員の中から指名する者と当局の指名する者との間において行なわなければならない。交渉に当たつては、職員団体と当局との間において、議題、時間、場所その他必要な事項をあらかじめ取り決めて行なうものとする。例文帳に追加

(5) The negotiation shall be conducted between the persons designated by the employee organization from among its officers and the persons designated by the proper authorities, within the number of such representatives as agreed upon in advance between the two parties concerned. In conducting the negotiation, the employee organization and the proper authorities shall agree, in advance, upon the agenda, time and place of the meeting and other necessary matters concerning the negotiation.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第九条の二の二 前条第十二項の交渉の当事者の双方又は一方は、当該交渉ができないとき又は団体協約の内容につき協議が調わないときは、行政庁に対し、そのあつせん又は調停を申請することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 9-2-2 (1) Both parties or either party of the negotiations under paragraph (12) of the preceding Article may, when said negotiations cannot be held or when no agreement is reached with regard to the contents of the collective agreement, file an application for mediation or conciliation with an administrative agency.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

6 前項の場合において、特別の事情があるときは、職員団体は、役員以外の者を指名することができるものとする。ただし、その指名する者は、当該交渉の対象である特定の事項について交渉する適法な委任を当該職員団体の執行機関から受けたことを文書によつて証明できる者でなければならない。例文帳に追加

(6) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the employee organization may, if special circumstances exist, designate persons other than its officers. However, the persons so designated shall be the ones who were able to prove by document that they have been lawfully authorized by the executive organ of the said employee organization to negotiate on specific matters that are the subjects of the said negotiation.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Provisions on recognition vary among the agreements. Some agreements (such as the India-Singapore FTA) explicitly provide sectors subject to mutual recognition be negotiated by professional associations and the timing of the implementation of such mutual recognition (“accounting and auditing, architecture, medical (doctors), dental and nursingwithin twelve months of the date of entry into force of this Agreement”) be determined pursuant to a separate agreement; some agreements such as Australia-Singapore FTA and Australia-Thailand FTAencouragenegotiations by professional associations in respect of mutual recognition and some agreements provide that contracting parties “may” recognize under agreed conditions. - 経済産業省

ロ 契約、交渉又は争訟に係る事務に関し、国、独立行政法人等、地方公共団体又は地方独立行政法人の財産上の利益又は当事者としての地位を不当に害するおそれ例文帳に追加

(b) Risk of causing unjust damage to the property benefit of the State, an Incorporated Administrative Agency, etc., a local public entities or a Local Incorporated Administrative Agency concerning affairs pertaining to contracts, negotiations or administrative objections and litigations.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 警察職員及び海上保安庁又は刑事施設において勤務する職員は、職員の勤務条件の維持改善を図ることを目的とし、かつ、当局と交渉する団体を結成し、又はこれに加入してはならない。例文帳に追加

(5) Police officials and officials working in the Japan Coast Guard or in penal facilities shall not organize or join an organization which has as its purpose the maintenance and improvement of their working conditions and which conducts negotiations thereon with the proper authorities.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六条 労働組合の代表者又は労働組合の委任を受けた者は、労働組合又は組合員のために 使用者又はその団体と労働協約の締結その他の事項に関して交渉する権限を有する。例文帳に追加

Article 6 Representatives of a labor union or those to whom the authority has been delegated by the labor union shall have authority to negotiate with the employer or the employers' organization on behalf of the labor union or the members of the labor union with respect to conclusion of collective agreements and other matters.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


OKUMA was attacked with an explosive bomb by a member of the right-wing group who opposed to the revision plan and was seriously injured, losing his right leg, which led to the collapse of the KURODA Cabinet and ended the revision negotiation again.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Mokuyo-kai refers to a faction within the Diet of House of Lords (Japan) in the Meiji Period (July 28, 1897 - January 26, 1913, in addition it was established as a group having a legislative bargaining position in the Diet on March 10, 1898).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

多くのFTA/EPA において相互承認に関する規定があるが、中にはより踏み込み、職業団体による相互承認の枠組みの交渉を行うことを期限や分野とともに明記している協定(印シンガポール)もある。例文帳に追加

Many FTAs/EPAs contain such provisions on mutual recognition. Some agreements go a step further and explicitly provide that the contracting parties negotiate on the framework of mutual recognition by professional associations, and some even require such negotiation to be completed by specific deadlines and/or in respect of certain sectors (see, for example, the India-Singapore FTA). - 経済産業省

第一条 この法律は、労働者が使用者との交渉において対等の立場に立つことを促進することにより労働者の地位を向上させること、労働者がその労働条件について交渉するために自ら代表者を選出することその他の団体行動を行うために自主的に労働組合を組織し、団結することを擁護すること並びに使用者と労働者との関係を規制する労働協約を締結するための団体交渉をすること及びその手続を助成することを目的とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 (1) this Act are to elevate the status of workers by promoting their being on equal standing with their employer in their bargaining with the employer; to defend the exercise by workers of voluntary organization and association in labor unions so that they may carry out collective action, including the designation of representatives of their own choosing to negotiate working conditions; and to promote the practice of collective bargaining, and procedures therefore, for the purpose of concluding collective agreements regulating relations between employers and workers.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The group continued losing members, particularly after the 1919 formation of the Koseikai (Fairness Group) by the Barons in the House of Peers, at which point, having lost the majority of its members, the Doyokai had lost the qualification as a internal negotiation faction of the House of Peers, and it was therefore decided to merge the group with the first Mushozoku (Unaffiliated Group).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

このため、政府に加え民間の産業団体、これら関係機関からなる「対外投資戦略会議」を2008 年11 月に設置し、これまでに2回の本会議、6 回の連絡会議を開催し、投資協定交渉候補国、関連ツールの有効活用について具体的な検討を行っている。例文帳に追加

Therefore, in addition to government and private industry organizations consisting of those agencies, the "Foreign Investment Strategy Council," was established in November 2008. Two plenary sessions and six coordination meetings were held, discussing investment agreement negotiating with candidate countries and the effective use of related tools. - 経済産業省

また、2011 年7 月には、EU 韓国FTA が暫定発効することから、我が国産業界は、欧州市場で競争上不利になることを懸念しており、日本経済団体連合会から日EU・EIA 交渉の早期開始の要望が出されるなど、日EU・EIA 実現を求める声が高まっている。例文帳に追加

There's a growing voice among Japanese businesses seeking the realization of the Japan-EU EIA, as is shown by the Japan Business Federation‟s move to request an early start of the EIA negotiations, against the backdrop of the concern that they would be put in a disadvantageous position, with the EU-South Korea FTA coming into force in July 2011. - 経済産業省

2008 年11 月に設置された「対外投資戦略会議」では、これら関係機関や民間団体を含めて、これまでに3 回の本会議、7 回の連絡会議を開催し、投資協定交渉候補国、関連ツールの有効活用について検討を行っている。例文帳に追加

The Council for the External Investment Strategy, established in November 2008 with the involvement of these organizations and the private sector, has held three plenary meetings and seven liaison meetings so far, discussing the candidates for negotiating new investment treaties as well as the effective utilization of related tools. - 経済産業省

また、2011 年 7 月には、EU 韓国 FTA が暫定発効したことから、我が国産業界は、欧州市場で競争上不利になることを懸念しており、日本経済団体連合会から日 EU・EPA 交渉の早期開始の要望が出されるなど、日 EU・EPA 実現を求める声が高まっている。例文帳に追加

As the EU-South Korea FTA took provisional effect in July 2011, it is concerned that Japanese industries are in a disadvantageous position in European markets; there are increasing calls for the realization of the EU-Japan EPA, such as the request submitted by the Japan Economic Federation for earlier initiation of EU-Japan EPA negotiation. - 経済産業省

2008 年 11 月に設置された「対外投資戦略会議」では、これら関係機関や民間団体を含めて、これまでに 3 回の本会議、9 回の連絡会議を開催し、投資協定交渉候補国、関連ツールの有効活用について検討を行っている。例文帳に追加

With the participation of these related entities and private organizations, the Outward Investment Strategy Conference, which was established in November 2008, held three plenary meetings and nine liaison meetings examining the candidate nations for negotiations toward investment agreements and effective use of related tools. - 経済産業省


Establishing an agenda of decent work in each country also means that realizing basic working rules such as freedom of association, protecting the right of collective bargaining, the elimination of discrimination within labor, as well as the elimination of child labor and forced labor. - 厚生労働省

12 事業協同組合又は事業協同小組合の組合員と取引関係がある事業者(小規模の事業者を除く。)は、その取引条件について事業協同組合又は事業協同小組合の代表者(これらの組合が会員となつている協同組合連合会の代表者を含む。)が政令の定めるところにより団体協約を締結するため交渉をしたい旨を申し出たときは、誠意をもつてその交渉に応ずるものとする。例文帳に追加

(12) An entrepreneur (excluding a small-scale entrepreneur) who has a business relationship with a business cooperative or a minor business cooperative shall respond to negotiations with sincerity when the representative person of the business cooperative or minor business cooperative (including the representative person of a federation of cooperatives of which said cooperative is a member) has indicated a desire to conduct negotiations for concluding a collective agreement pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四条 この法律は、労働関係の当事者が、直接の協議又は団体交渉によつて、労働条件その他労働関係に関する事項を定め、又は労働関係に関する主張の不一致を調整することを妨げるものでないとともに、又、労働関係の当事者が、かかる努力をする責務を免除するものではない。例文帳に追加

Article 4 Nothing in this Act shall be construed either to preclude the parties from determining for themselves their labor relations including labor conditions or from adjusting differences in their claims concerning labor relations through direct consultations or collective bargaining or to relieve the parties concerned with labor relations of their responsibility for making such efforts.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百八条の五 当局は、登録された職員団体から、職員の給与、勤務時間その他の勤務条件に関し、及びこれに附帯して、社交的又は厚生的活動を含む適法な活動に係る事項に関し、適法な交渉の申入れがあつた場合においては、その申入れに応ずべき地位に立つものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 108-5 (1) When a registered employee organization proposes lawfully to negotiate with the proper authorities on officials' remuneration, hours of work or other conditions of work or, in connection therewith, on matters pertaining to lawful activities including social and welfare activities, the authorities concerned shall place themselves in the position to respond to such proposal.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 刑法(明治四十年法律第四十五号)第三十五条の規定は、労働組合の団体交渉その他の行為であつて前項に掲げる目的を達成するためにした正当なものについて適用があるものとする。但し、いかなる場合においても、暴力の行使は、労働組合の正当な行為と解釈されてはならない。例文帳に追加

(2) Article 35 of the Penal Code (Act No. 45 of 1907) shall apply to collective bargaining and other acts of labor unions which are justifiable and have been performed for the attainment of the purposes of the preceding paragraph, provided, however, that in no case shall exercises of violence be construed as justifiable acts of labor unions.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

労働規制を緩和することにより投資を 促進することは適切でないとし、団結権、団体交渉 権、強制労働の禁止、児童労働者の最低賃金等を含 む若年労働者の保護、労働時間、保健衛生等、国際 的に認められた労働者の権利を弱めるような措置 を執らないよう努力する義務を規定している。例文帳に追加

The chapter provides that it is inappropriate to encourage investment by weakening or reducing the protections afforded in domestic labor laws and that each party shall strive to ensure that it does not waive or otherwise derogate from, or offer to waive or otherwise derogate from, such laws in a manner that weakens or reduces adherence to the internationally recognized labor rights such as: the right of association; the right to bargain collectively; prohibition on the use of any form of forced or compulsory labor; labor protections for children and young people, including minimum wage for the employment of children; and acceptable conditions of work with respect to minimum wages, hours of work, and occupational safety and health. - 経済産業省

労働原則の実現 米、カナダ、メキシコの3国は、各国の国内法に 従って、1)結社の自由、2)団体交渉の権利、3) スト権、4)強制労働の禁止、5)年少者労働の禁 止、6)雇用最低基準、7)労働差別の撤廃、8)男 女給与均等化、9)労働災害の防止、10)労働災害に 対する補償、11)移民労働者の保護等の労働原則の 実現を促進する。例文帳に追加

Promotion of Labor Principles The United States, Canada and Mexico shall, in accordance with their respective domestic laws, promote: i) freedom of association; ii) right to organize; iii) right to strike; iv) prohibition of forced labor; v) labor protection for children and young persons; vi) minimum employment standards; vii)elimination of employment discrimination; viii) equal pay for women and men; ix) prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses; x) compensation for occupational injuries and illness; and xi)protection of migrant workers. - 経済産業省

本条は、両国のILO加盟国としての 義務を再確認するとともに、団結権、団体交渉権、 強制労働の禁止、児童労働者の最低賃金、最低賃金 や労働時間等の労働環境等の、国際的に認められ た労働者の権利が、国内法で保護されるよう確保 する努力義務を定めている(第1項)。例文帳に追加

The parties thereto shall strive to ensure: compliance with such labor principles and internationally recognized labor rights, such as the right of association; the right to organize and bargain collectively; prohibition on the use of any form of forced or compulsory labor; a minimum age for the employment of children; and acceptable conditions of work with respect to minimum wages, hours of work, and occupational safety and health (Item 1). - 経済産業省

例えば、EU チリ協定 (2003年発効)では、経済発展と連携した社会的 発展の重要性を認め、雇用の創出と基本的社会権 の尊重に優先順位を与えることとし、特に団結の 自由、団体交渉権、差別の撤廃、強制労働・児童労 働の撤廃、男女平等等を担保するILOの関連規約 を促進するとしている(第44条第1項)。例文帳に追加

For example, the EC-Chile Association Agreement (in force since 2003) recognizes the importance of social development along with economic development, and gives priority to the creation of employment and respect for fundamental social rights, notably by promoting the relevant conventions of the ILO covering such topics as the freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining and nondiscrimination, the abolition of forced and child labor, and equal treatment between men and women(Article 44, Item 1). - 経済産業省

このため、政府に加え民間の産業団体、これら関係機関からなる「対外投資戦略会議」を2008 年12 月に設置したところであり、こうした場での議論も踏まえつつ、二国間投資協定交渉の優先順位の在り方、関連ツールの有効活用について具体的な検討を進めていくことが求められる。例文帳に追加

The Council for the External Investment, consisting of the government, private industrial associations and the related organizations, was established in December 2008 for that purpose. Taking the discussions at the Council into account, it is necessary to proceed with specific discussions about priorities of bilateral investment negotiations and effective use of related tools. - 経済産業省

二 団体の運営のための経費の支出につき使用者の経理上の援助を受けるもの。但し、労働者が労働時間中に時間又は賃金を失うことなく使用者と協議し、又は交渉することを使用者が許すことを妨げるものではなく、且つ、厚生資金又は経済上の不幸若しくは災厄を防止し、若しくは救済するための支出に実際に用いられる福利その他の基金に対する使用者の寄附及び最小限の広さの事務所の供与を除くものとする。例文帳に追加

(ii) which receives the employer's financial assistance in paying the organizations' operational expenditures, however, that this shall not prevent the employer from permitting workers to confer or negotiate with the employer during working hours without loss of time or wage and shall not apply to the employer's contributions for public welfare funds or welfare and other funds which are actually used for payments to prevent or relieve economic adversity or misfortunes, nor to the giving office of minimum space  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第一条 この法律は、消費者と事業者との間の情報の質及び量並びに交渉力の格差にかんがみ、事業者の一定の行為により消費者が誤認し、又は困惑した場合について契約の申込み又はその承諾の意思表示を取り消すことができることとするとともに、事業者の損害賠償の責任を免除する条項その他の消費者の利益を不当に害することとなる条項の全部又は一部を無効とするほか、消費者の被害の発生又は拡大を防止するため適格消費者団体が事業者等に対し差止請求をすることができることとすることにより、消費者の利益の擁護を図り、もって国民生活の安定向上と国民経済の健全な発展に寄与することを目的とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 The purpose of this Act is to protect the interests of consumers, and thereby contribute to the stabilization of and the improvement in the general welfare and life of the citizens and to the sound development of the national economy, in consideration of the discrepancy in quality and quantity of information and the negotiating power between consumers and business operators, by permitting a rescission of manifestation of intentions to offer or accept contracts made by consumers when they misunderstood or are distressed by certain acts of business operators, and nullifying any clauses, in part or in whole, that exempt the business operators from their liability for damages or otherwise that unfairly harm the interests of consumers, in addition to providing a right to qualified consumer organization to demand an injunction against business operators, etc. for the purpose of preventing the occurrence of or the spreading of damage to other consumers.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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