
「地域社会活動」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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participate in community activities  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


the sports activities in a community  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Do you take part in any community activities? - Tatoeba例文


Do you take part in any community activities?  - Tanaka Corpus


(意義) ・社会的責任の一環として、セーフティステーション活動により地域社会に貢献する。例文帳に追加

Significance: Convenience stores contribute to the community through Safety Station activities, helping to fulfill their social responsibility.  - 経済産業省



To make a recommendation against social activities in a area in consideration of residents' sense of environment. - 特許庁


Distribution companies are operating the business in local communities, and they make the bases indispensable for the lives of residents, which means that they have many contact points with local communities.  - 経済産業省


Distribution companies are operating the business in local communities, and sometimes they can have some external effect that gives good influence on the local community, for example, by convenience stores at nighttime providing a function as a safe shelter at a time of emergency.  - 経済産業省

二 犯罪の予防を図るため、世論を啓発し、社会環境の改善に努め、及び地域住民の活動を促進すること。例文帳に追加

(ii) For the purpose of ensuring crime prevention, enlightening the public, making efforts for improvement of the social environment and promoting the activities of the local residents;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



Expanding these kinds of economic activities will contribute to the realization of “a society that evokes feelings of comfort and affluence” . - 経済産業省


48CSRとは、Corporate Social Responsibilityの略で、企業が、事業活動において利益を優先するだけでなく、顧客、株主、従業員、取引先、地域社会などの様々なステークホルダーとの関係を重視しながら果たす社会的責任。例文帳に追加

48 CSR stands for corporate social responsibility, which is the social responsibility taken by a company not only while profitability is prioritized during business activities but also while the relationship with various stakeholders such as customers, stockholders, employees, business partners, and local communities are regarded as important.  - 経済産業省


It isalso important to enhance the placement function of the public employment agency, through the promotionof wide-ranging employment placements. - 厚生労働省

21 この法律において「地域活動支援センター」とは、障害者等を通わせ、創作的活動又は生産活動の機会の提供、社会との交流の促進その他の厚生労働省令で定める便宜を供与する施設をいう。例文帳に追加

(21) The term "local activity support center" as used in this Act means the facilities to which persons with disabilities, or others commute, and provide opportunities for creative and productive activities and other benefit prescribed in Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

コンビニ各社は、コラム No.22にあるようにそうした機能を地域の安全安心の拠点「セーフティステーション」活動と明確に位置づけ、地域社会からも高く評価されている。例文帳に追加

As shown in Column No. 22, each convenience store operator clearly regards this function in the "Safety Station" project as a base of the safety and security of local communities, which is highly evaluated also by local communities.  - 経済産業省


The participants actively discussed common challenges and activities to address these challenges which they intend to pursue in the future at the national and regional levels in order to realize an inclusive society including health and social welfare services for children with disabilities. - 厚生労働省


Towards the realization of an ageless society in which the elderly can play active roles, we will enhance and strengthen employment assistance and re-employment support for the elderly, and will also enhance employment opportunities for them through Silver Human Resource Centers in order to expand the fields in which the elderly can locally work and engage in activities supporting society. - 厚生労働省

四 障害者等につき、地域活動支援センターその他の厚生労働省令で定める施設に通わせ、創作的活動又は生産活動の機会の提供、社会との交流の促進その他の厚生労働省令で定める便宜を供与する事業例文帳に追加

(iv) Service that offers persons with disabilities, others opportunities for creative or productive activities and which promotes their interaction with their communities and provides other conveniences prescribed in Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare by enabling them to commute to community activity support centers or other facilities prescribed in Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 地方公共団体は、前項の活動地域社会の安全及び住民福祉の向上に寄与するものであることにかんがみ、これに対して必要な協力をすることができる。例文帳に追加

(2) Local governments may, considering that the activities set forth in the preceding paragraph contribute to improving the safety of the local community and the welfare of residents, provide necessary cooperation for such activities.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In the middle of the 19th century, overseas Chinese and laborers who moved to Hong Kong, Shanghai or abroad used to observe Joso as a mutual support activity in the Chinese societies of people from the same province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


We will increase our efforts to conduct G20 consultation activities in a more systematic way, building on constructive partnerships with international organizations, in particular the UN, regional bodies, civil society, trade unions and academia.  - 財務省


They represent a voluntary, industry-wide initiative spearheaded by the Japan Franchise Association with the goal of "having convenience stores contribute to the safety and security of communities," with a wide range of activities and achievements thus far.  - 経済産業省


43, as 62.6 percent of the correspondents "want to be helpful for the society," the will to participate in local vitalization, environmental preservation, and volunteer activities in our country is in the upward trend in the long term.  - 経済産業省


To enable an advertiser to make effective and cost-effective advertisement and to simultaneously appeal the support to an area society as an indirect participation to volunteer activity by attaching the advertisements of enterprises and individual persons to support the area-limitation type bills distributed among the clubs having the middle-aged and elderly members making the volunteer activity, etc., within the area. - 特許庁

2 国は、農林水産業その他の人の活動により特有の生態系が維持されてきた里地、里山等の保全を図るため、地域の自然的社会的条件に応じて当該地域を継続的に保全するための仕組みの構築その他の必要な措置を講ずるものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) The government shall, for the purpose of conservation of satochi and satoyama (rural landscapes), etc. where a unique ecosystem has been maintained through agriculture, forestry and fisheries and other human activities, establish a mechanism to continuously conserve such regions according to the natural and social conditions of the regions and take other necessary measures.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The Financial Action Task Force should take concrete steps to bring OFCs, and under - regulated and non-cooperating jurisdictions, into compliance with the 40 recommendations against money laundering and to protect the international financial community from the adverse impact of those that do not comply.  - 財務省


Because the community functions supported by the preparation for crimes and disasters and by the volunteer work are also indispensable to maintain safe and secure local societies, we can ask ourselves if a distribution company, which is a conspicuous entity in a local community, is allowed to be ignorant of these challenges.  - 経済産業省


The specific measures the company takes in this direction include community experiential learning activities and free classes for middle and high school students. It also directs effort into reducing environmental impact and has acquired community certification of environmental protection activities (Kobe Environmental Management System or KEMS), with a view to contributing to the community through these activities. - 経済産業省

第十七条 地方公共団体は、保護司、保護司会及び保護司会連合会の活動が、犯罪をした者の改善及び更生を助けるとともに犯罪を予防し、地域社会の安全及び住民福祉の向上に寄与するものであることにかんがみ、その地域において行われる保護司、保護司会及び保護司会連合会の活動に対して必要な協力をすることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 17 The local governments may, in light of the fact that the activities of the volunteer probation officers, Volunteer Probation Officers Associations and Federations of Volunteer Probation Officers Associations assist in the improvement and rehabilitation of persons who have committed offenses and in the prevention of crime, and contribute to the safety of the community and improvement of the welfare of its residents, extend necessary cooperation to the activities of the volunteer probation officers, Volunteer Probation Officers Associations and Federations of Volunteer Probation Officers Associations.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十七条 地方公共団体は、保護司、保護司会及び保護司会連合会の活動が、犯罪をした者及び非行のある少年の改善更生を助けるとともに犯罪を予防し、地域社会の安全及び住民福祉の向上に寄与するものであることにかんがみ、その地域において行われる保護司、保護司会及び保護司会連合会の活動に対して必要な協力をすることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 17 The local government may, in light of the fact that the activities of the volunteer probation officers, Volunteer Probation Officers' Associations and Federations of Volunteer Probation Officers' Associations assist persons who have committed crimes and juvenile delinquents to improve and rehabilitate themselves, prevent crimes, and contribute to the safety of the community and improvement of the welfare of its residents, extend cooperation to the activities of the volunteer probation officers, Volunteer Probation Officers' Associations and Federations of Volunteer Probation Officers' Associations as necessary.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


As a result, community businesses formed for the purpose of solving the problems of local communities are expected to provide the means to overcome the limitations on government to provide social services, and, in fact, the number of specified non-profit corporations, one of the main actors in community business, is increasing remarkably - 経済産業省


To provide a construction method for a divided bridge body type traffic route capable of lessening influence imparting to economic activity of a peripheral local society and environment by constructing a divided bridge body type traffic route without regulating existing traffic condition. - 特許庁


As described above, there is a discussion on "distribution companies to provide public activities that contribute to the local societies" such as consignment of governmental services and services for senior citizens, about which people tend to have misunderstanding, thinking that only the distribution companies are obliged to burden some heavy load.  - 経済産業省


Boosting women’s employment and strengthening the ties between women and their communities and society is crucial not only to provide Japan with the labor that it needs as its population of working age declines, but also to stimulate consumption through growth in household incomes.  - 経済産業省

若者や子どもが定住するためには雇用と所得の確保が必要。経済活動や雇用機会の源泉となる産業の定着を図るとともに、 「地域包括ケア」を通じ、良質な医療・介護等サービスが受けられる社会を構築することが重要。例文帳に追加

Ensuring employment and income is necessary for young people and children to be secure. It is important to build a society that can provide high-quality medical and long-term care services through ‘Community General Support’, along with the establishment of businesses that become a source of economic activities and employment opportunities. - 厚生労働省


The museum has attracted attention as an example to be followed in other regions in that the city and the university jointly collects, exhibits and preserves materials so that the systematic study of manga and animation can help promote the lifelong learning, tourism activation, development of human resources and creation of new industries, the fruits of which can be shared and can contribute to the cultural activities of local communities.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Finally, I will talk about the national movement. For this is a national issue, we felt the necessity to raise interest among the public about the employment of young workers. For this and for the raise of the desire to work, we have to promote cooperation among the economic world, the labour trade union world, local governments, etc, by holding a conference at national level. - 厚生労働省


Our basic stance is that the reform would be meaningless unless “shinkin banks,” credit cooperatives and insurance brokers operate vigorously at the same time as post offices make contributions to local communities and the whole of Japan through their vigorous activity, so we are struggling to find a desirable approach.  - 金融庁

もっとも、この判決では、ⅰ)人が費用や労力をかけて情報を収集、整理するこ224 とで、データベースを作成し、ⅱ)そのデータベースを製造販売することで営業活動を行っている場合において、ⅲ)そのデータベースのデータを複製して作成したデータベースを、その者の販売地域と競合する地域において販売する行為については、公正かつ自由な競争原理によって成り立つ取引社会において、著しく不公正な手段を用いて他人の法的保護に値する営業活動上の利益を侵害するものとして、不法行為を構成するとしている。例文帳に追加

This decision held that (1) the database was created by a person who expended labor and money to collect and organize the information; and (2) such person engaged in business activities to compile and sell the database; and (3) the acts of reproducing the data of the database and compiling a new database to sell in a geographic area that competes with the sales geography of such person were deemed to constitute illegal acts using conspicuously unfair means that infringed upon the business interests of another person in the trading society subject to legal protection under the principle of fairness and free competition.  - 経済産業省


Universities, which are supposed to be a base to create knowledge and innovation, are also expected to work for entrepreneurship education and put their knowledge into practical and commercial use to return what they have obtained to communities. Most of them also function as a hub, or center, of research institutions in a community, so they are expected to work as a member of an academy-industry alliance there or as catalyst to create a new industry in the region. That is why great expectations are placed on university-originated ventures, new businesses founded by universities to use their knowledge for practical and commercial purposes.  - 経済産業省

第十四条 国は、ものづくり基盤産業における事業活動の効率化、高度化等を図るため、自然的経済的社会的条件からみて一体である地域における工業団地等の施設の整備、ものづくり事業者の交流又は連携の推進等ものづくり事業者の新たな集積の促進又は既存の集積の有する機能の強化に必要な施策を講ずるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 14 (1) In order to ensure the increased efficiency and sophistication of, and any other improvements in, business activities in the core manufacturing industry, the State shall take necessary measures for promoting a new agglomeration of manufacturing business operators and strengthening the functions of the existing agglomeration, such as the establishment of such facilities as industrial parks and the promotion of exchange and cooperation among manufacturing business operators in an area that is regarded as a single domain in light of natural, economic and social conditions.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


As mentioned above, the after effect of the earthquake, tsunami and subsequent leakage of radiation from Fukushima Dai-ichi NPS had a great impact on the economy of Japan. The impact extended to transportation and distribution, sightseeing, shipping and aviation. As a result of the radiation leakage, some countries/regions strengthened inspections of Japan's export goods, and some countries even banned the import of Japan's agricultural products. Japan was required to provide quick and accurate information about radiation to the global community and Japan tried its best to comply. - 経済産業省


And one of the Japan APEC?s Growth Strategy (refer to this chapter, section 4, sub-number 3, described later in Establishing APEC region's Growth Strategy), it should grow based on Innovation and Knowledge Economy, organizing Intellectual Property such as Patent screening cooperation, actualizing intelligent social economic activities utilizing IT, promoting Excellent Human Resources. - 経済産業省


Based on the information presented during this high level officials meeting, participants exchanged their views about their policies for delivering maternal and child health care and social welfare and actively discussed common challenges and activities to address these challenges which they intend to pursue in the future at the national, regional and community levels, from the viewpoint of the current status and ideals of health and social welfare services concerning the “healthy next generation”. - 厚生労働省

住民の減少、単身世帯の増加等により、地域のつながりが希薄化し、相互扶助機能の弱まりが今後ますます懸念される。 ・特に地方では、人口減少の中で、生活関連サービスの確保が困難になることが懸念され、基礎自治体レベルでは、高齢者の増加 と医療・介護等サービスに従事する現役世代の減少により、医療、介護、福祉等のサービス提供も難しくなるおそれがある。 ・若者や子どもが定住するためには雇用と所得の確保が必要。経済活動や雇用機会の源泉となる産業の定着を図るとともに、 「地域包括ケア」を通じ、良質な医療・介護等サービスが受けられる社会を構築することが重要。 ・人々の孤立を防ぎ、「居場所」と「役割」を提供(社会的包摂)する場にすることが重要。 ※ 「社会保障と税の一体改革」における取組み例文帳に追加

Due to a decrease in the number of residents, and an increase in single-person households, community relations have become weakened, which weakens the mutual assistance function and which will worsen in the future. - 厚生労働省

2 前項の場合において、国及び地方公共団体は、地域の特性を考慮して良好な環境に配慮した土地の高度利用、土地利用の適正な転換又は良好な環境の形成若しくは保全を図るため特に必要があると認めるときは土地利用計画を詳細に策定するものとし、地域における社会経済活動の広域的な展開を考慮して特に必要があると認めるときは土地利用計画を広域の見地に配慮して策定するものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the State and local public entities shall formulate the Land Use Plans in detail if they find it particularly necessary for an intensive use of land that attends to a favorable environment, proper conversion of land use, or formation or preservation of a favorable environment in consideration of the characteristics of the area, and they shall formulate the Land Use Plans by taking a wide area into view if they find it particularly necessary in consideration of a wide-area development of the social and economic activities in the area.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


For assuring safety, the guidelines on responsibilities of the Government and licensees, development and establishment of safety culture and continuous improvement of operation management, utilization of risk information, measures for aging management, and communication on nuclear emergency preparedness and safety activities are provided. The guarantee of peaceful uses, treatment and disposal of radioactive waste, development and securing of human resources and coexistence of nuclear energy and the public/local communities should be strengthened as the basic activities for nuclear utilization. - 経済産業省

第二条 地域における産業集積の形成及び活性化は、産業集積が事業者相互間における効率的な分業、事業高度化に資する情報の共有、研究開発における緊密な連携等を促進することにより、効率的かつ創造的な事業活動を可能とし、もって地域経済に活力をもたらすとともに我が国経済の生産性の向上に資するものであることにかんがみ、地方公共団体が緊密に連携して、企業立地の動向を踏まえつつ、地域における自然的、経済的及び社会的な特性に適合し、かつ、当該地域において産業集積の核となるべき業種について、集中的かつ効果的に施策を講ずることを旨として、行われなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 2 Considering that industrial clusters will enable efficient and creative business activities through promoting an efficient division of work among business operators, sharing information that may contribute to business innovation, and promoting closer coordination in research and development and will thereby re-energize local economies and contribute to the improvement of the productivity of the entirety of the Japanese economy, the formation and development of regional industrial clusters shall be carried out under close collaboration among local public entities, based on trends in the establishment of new business facilities, in view of taking measures intensively and effectively for industries that conform to the natural, economic and social characteristics of respective regions and can become the core of industrial clusters therein.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

大学等において、研究成果の民間企業への移転を促進し、それらを効果的にイノベーションに結びつけるために、文部科学省は、2008 年度から「産学官連携戦略展開事業」を開始し、大学等の研究成果を戦略的に創出・管理・活用を図る体制の強化(国際的な基本特許の権利取得及び大学間連携による知的財産活動体制の構築などに対する支援)や、文部科学省産学官連携コーディネーターを通じた大学等の産学官連携活動の支援(産業界、地域社会に向けた研究成果の社会還元等の推進)を実施している。例文帳に追加

In order to promote the transfer of research results from universities to private companies so as to ensure that they lead to innovation in an effective manner, MEXT started the project for strategic development of industry-university-government collaboration in fiscal 2008. In this project, MEXT is strengthening systems for the strategic creation, management and use of research results (support for the acquisition of basic patent rights abroad and the establishment of a system for using intellectual properties through inter-university collaboration) and is supporting universities involved in industry-academia-government collaborative activities (promotion of the return of research results to industries and local communities) through its industry-academia-government collaboration coordinators. - 経済産業省


In the Government Work Report of the National People’s Congress (NPC) held in March 2004, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao set the 2004 goal for economic growth at around 7 percent, aiming at balanced sustainable economic and social growth, and cited the moderate curtailment of the scale of fixed asset investment and stoppage of blind investment and substandard redundant construction that is being observed in some industries and regions as important issues for macroeconomic adjustment in 2004. - 経済産業省



For example, students with intellectual disabilities are trained so as to develop a readiness to participate in society on their own by improving knowledge and skills necessary for workers and fostering the concept of work and occupation through monodzukuri-related experienced-based programs and practical lessons in the workplace that are provided in collaboration with local communities and local industries, mainly in the "occupation/home economics" subject at the junior high school level and the "occupation" subject at the senior high school level. - 経済産業省


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