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該当件数 : 50



a menacing attitude  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


his threatening behavior  - 日本語WordNet

一 威嚇的又は侮辱な尋問例文帳に追加

(i) intimidating or insulting questions;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide an animal threatening device which can effectively threaten animals. - 特許庁



When power supply is shut off, threat light and threat sound are automatically generated by the warning machine. - 特許庁



The ancestor in the painting is staring down menacingly  - 日本語WordNet


He assumed a threatening attitude towards the teacher. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


To perform exact intimidation operation by an intimidating device when a human detection sensor disposed outdoors detects a person. - 特許庁


To provide a foamable solid for threatening an aquatic animal which is a foaming body for threatening a fish group, and also is suitable for threatening the fish group at comparatively deep water depth. - 特許庁



Its content was based on militarism that emphasized to suppress crimes by punishment and intimidation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



A static intimidating body, such as, an animal repellent 9 and a reflector 10, is placed at an intermediate location of the post 2. - 特許庁


Since the cracker can be launched in a moment of catching the noxious animal with the wire by the structure, the noxious animal is not accustomed to the threatening sound as opposed to a method for normally periodically producing the threatening sound, and the apparatus is effective. - 特許庁


To reliably perform a threatening operation when it is decided that a detected moving subject is for the purpose of crime, and for suppressing the threatening operation when the detected moving subject is an animal other than a human-being or is not for the purpose of crime. - 特許庁


By the structure, the harmful birds and animals do not become accustomed to the frightening sound compared to a system of generating the frightening sound constantly and periodically because the crackers can be shot at the moment when the birds or the animals tackle to the feed. - 特許庁


To provide a wildlife repulsing device repulsing damage of wildlife occurring in agricultural, forestry industries and fisheries, life space, air terminal, etc., by a composite threatening means free from capturing or killing/wounding the wildlife, excellent in a secure operation, a long lasting threatening effect and safety of fire. - 特許庁


deliberate actions of calculated psychological manipulation intended to intimidate or confuse (usually for competitive advantage)  - 日本語WordNet


Fukushima Domain dispersed the revolt with its saber-rattling, but fully accepted the their demands for fear that the insurgence would be radicalized.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an antitheft device for a vehicle capable of improving antitheft effect for a vehicle by positively threatening a person trying to steal the vehicle. - 特許庁


To give an effective intimidation to an arsonist to prevent arson by devising cooperation between flame detection and a lighting device. - 特許庁


This constitution can thus suppress the lowering of the volume of the alarm sound so as to effectively intimidate a thief trying to steal the vehicle. - 特許庁


To provide a device for repelling birds, having an intimidating sound of a small volume, and usable for a steel tower in a residential section. - 特許庁


To provide a crime prevention system for effectively intimidating a suspicious person regardless of the intrusion position of the suspicious person. - 特許庁


Thus, a center side can take a quick and proper countermeasure such as threatening by speaker sound, instruction to a monitored area, and dispatch of personnel. - 特許庁


This representative device 8 for repelling the birds is characterized by having a sensor for outputting a detecting signal when the birds approach, and having a variable directivity, a sound source part 6 connected with the sensor and emitting an intimidating sound when the detection signal is inputted, a speaker 7 for radiating the intimidating sound and having the variable directivity, and a battery, and constituting them as one unit. - 特許庁


The United States has repeatedly imposed or threatened unilateral measures under Section 301 as a means for settling trade disputes to its advantage. - 経済産業省


While the statues of Shitenno after aging generally shows strenuous movement and a menacing pose, the Shitenno statues of the Taima-dera Temple stand with a gentle look on its face and an exotic facial expression.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This constitution can thus suppress the lowering of the volume of the alarm sound while preventing the breaking of the theft alarm siren 10 from the outside of the vehicle so as to effectively intimidate a thief trying to steal the vehicle. - 特許庁


To improve possibility for avoiding bird strike by calculating the speed of a flying object in real time even without using a high performance computer, detecting that the flying object is a bird and performing effective intimidation against the bird. - 特許庁


To provide a theft warning system for imaging the vehicle theft site with sufficient illuminance and having a collective intimidation effect. - 特許庁


To provide an apparatus for preventing invasion, which exhibits threatening effect from a relatively remote distance and keeps the same performance for a long period of time. - 特許庁


To provide a security device capable of reducing the number of components without having a luminous intensity sensor and a timer and determining day and night at low costs and effectively preventing crime by regularly lighting a warning light at night only. - 特許庁


To prevent that a suspicious person intrudes into a dwelling unit by determining whether the suspicious person intrudes in a building or not, and turning on lights based on a decision result thereof to properly threaten the suspicious person. - 特許庁


To provide a security device at low cost by simple construction work for intimidating an intruder at the site of intrusion using a warning sound, while leaving an intruder's image recorded. - 特許庁


To provide a device for properly deciding a situation requiring caution to perform processing for the caution, a threat or the like as the need arises, instead of merely detecting approach of a person or the like to be cautious. - 特許庁


To provide a crime prevention system which informs of the presence of an invader and issuing an alarm to intimidate the invader at the same time when the invader from the outside with the intention of a criminal act tries to invade a building. - 特許庁


The tear gas for repulse at the second time is irradiated, without missing the target with proper timing, while the culprit, a bear, or the like will wince at a high warning sound. - 特許庁


To continuously threaten an action suspicious person who is estimated to be pertinent to a criminal in order to impose a mental pressure before a key part is broken or a door is opened, and to make the suspicious person to given up the crime for preliminarily preventing the crime, and for minimizing the damage. - 特許庁


The invention relates to the device for repulsing wildlife by the composite means comprising capture of the wildlife by an invader sensor composed of electronic members, generation of a threat warning sound and a control of an electric heater 67 and a mechanical structure to burst a firecracker 56. - 特許庁


To provide a method for preventing birds and animals from intruding by a multiple irradiation of laser beams, capable of exhibiting a permanent intimidation performance by hitting the laser beam surely to the naked eyes of the birds and animals giving a strong dazzling irritation to their retinas and also being advantageous both in view of the cost of equipment and running cost. - 特許庁


Because no detailed description is attached to it, no one can be sure what kind of Yokai (specter) the Yama-arashi represents, but some say that the Yama-arashi is not Yokai but merely an illustrated figure of the real animal, porcupine (yama-arashi in Japanese), or that fragmented information that a porcupine uses its spines to threaten other animals created the fictitious Yokai, Yama-arashi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Paying attention to the record of the Emperor Keiko where it says that the Saekibe 'sawai-da' (made noise), it is also said that 'Saekibe was engaged in the work of magical ceremonies such as shouting out to drive away evil spirits and powers and to intimidate the opposition', and that the Saekibe is 'Sawagube' (the Shinabe that made noise).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an approaching person information recording device, which can properly identify an approaching person coming close to a monitoring target even if appearance feature quantities including a face image of the approaching person are changed, and an approaching person intimidation device using the approaching person information recording device. - 特許庁


To make it possible in an intruder sensing device to fully and avoiding waste, carry out setting and release of a caution state of the intruder sensing device, or ID certification required for execution of intimidation processing, without inviting large capacity of device, and high cost. - 特許庁


To provide a crime prevention system for a dwelling house capable of issuing an intimidatory notification when an outdoor crime sensor detects abnormality not so significant for crime prevention, and capable of issuing a warning mode to a resident and the neighborhood when an indoor crime sensor detects abnormality significant on the crime prevention. - 特許庁


Since the alarm sound N1 reported from the speaker 45 of the magnet sensor 30 installed to the window 20 reaches widely to the periphery of a user's house 10, it becomes a direct and effective threat to an intruder trying to forcibly enter the user's house 10 by opening the window 20. - 特許庁

すなわち、他国の貿易政策・措置について、WTO協定等の国際に認知された手続によることなく、自国の基準・判断に基づいて「(WTO協定等)国際なルール違反である」又は「不公正な措置である」などと一方に判定し、これに対抗する手段として制裁措置(retaliatory measures)をとり、また、制裁措置の発動という威嚇を背景として他国の政策・措置の変更を迫ってきたのである。例文帳に追加

Section 301 allows the United States to unilaterally determine that a certain trade-related policy or measure of another country isunfair” without following the procedures provided by the relevant international agreements. In the name of rectifyingunfairpractices, the United States has often threatened to use unilateral measures, and occasionally implements such measures to coerce the target country into changing the trade laws or practices at issue. - 経済産業省


To provide a construction for preventing feeding damage due to animals that prevents the approach of distant animals to vegetation by intimidating the animals and preventing the feeding damage of the vegetation, as much as possible, even if the animals approach vegetation, that is easy to install according to the extent of the protection area without troubles, or does not spoil the landscape since spot-like shapes are developed. - 特許庁


By using the valve lens, the specific monochrome light which is emitted from the semiconductor light emitting devices and in which the visual sensitivity of birds is high, is further converged or diverged to efficiently threaten birds. - 特許庁


A technology is provided which is related to a system with which an individual, using a mobile telephone terminal and a public electrical communication line, can securely and economically monitor, at any place, a monitoring signal from a monitored place without using a center for a service provider and can boot an alarm device at the monitored place through a telephone line, to output an warning alarm to an intruder or the like. - 特許庁



An inverter control part 5 is programmed so as to execute remote control for lighting, putting out, or dimming a fluorescent lamp 10 by using a remote control transmitter 20, and crime prevention control to flicker the fluorescent lamp 10 in a short cycle to threaten a suspicious person when receiving a detected signal from a crime prevention sensor 21, by alternatively switching them. - 特許庁


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