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該当件数 : 58


亡くなったのは 90 歳だから年に不足はない.例文帳に追加

He died at the age of ninety, which is more than we can usually reckon on.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


He died full of years and honours.  - 斎藤和英大辞典


The editor and the year of establishment are unknown due to the circumstances of the transmission of this book and insufficient historical information.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On top of shortages of basic commodities such as food, common people, who didn't have enough clothes even in the black market, started to wear old clothes released from the General Headquarters of the Allied Powers in 1948.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In 801, jifuku was bestowed on some members of the Imperial Family who were assigned to some jobs for the government but could not receive kiroku (stipend) due to shortage of their service days.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



After Imperial Hisahito was born in 2006, there was a sense of relief to have an Imperial successor, however the situation is still the same that there are not enough successors to succeed to the throne.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Depending on the ages and characteristics (insufficient IT literacy25 etc.) of the residents, there are some cases where the existing food home delivery services cannot be fully used.  - 経済産業省


If we look at whether enterprises intending to expand sense a shortage of directors or permanent employees and break the results down by age of enterprise (Fig. 3-3-10), we do not find that the proportion of enterprises sensing a shortage of permanent employees is lower than older enterprises simply because it is the first year after startup. - 経済産業省


How are those SMEs that are unable to recruit as many younger employees including new graduates as they would like making up for the shortage? - 経済産業省



In recent years, as the securing of employees has become difficult, the feeling of an insufficiency of regular employees has mounted. Variation in that feeling of insufficiency can be seen by business segment, and there is concern that the restructuring of employment during the 1990s is resulting in the loss of the human capital that had been accumulated within SMEs. - 経済産業省


2 支援センターは、第四十三条に掲げるそれぞれの勘定において、毎事業度、損益計算において損失を生じたときは、前項の規定による積立金を減額して整理し、なお不足があるときは、その不足額は、繰越欠損金として整理しなければならない例文帳に追加

(2) When a loss is incurred based on the profit and loss calculation of the respective accounts under Article 43 for a business year, the JLSC shall keep the accounts by reducing the amount of the reserve funds based on the provision set forth in the preceding paragraph. Thereafter, if there is any shortage, the amount of the shortage shall be booked as a loss carried forward.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 支払基金は、介護保険関係業務に関し、毎事業度、損益計算において損失を生じたときは、前項の規定による積立金を減額して整理し、なお不足があるときは、その不足額は繰越欠損金として整理しなければならない例文帳に追加

(2) The Payment Fund, with respect to the business related to insured long-term care, in the event that a deficit is incurred according to the calculation of surplus and deficit for every fiscal year, shall settle said deficit by reducing the reserve fund pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, and, if there still remains a deficit, settle said deficit as an item to be carried forward to the following fiscal year.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

ケニアの継続した進捗不足、特にテロ資金供与対策関連法の制定に係る進捗不足を考慮し、もし同国が 2012 10月までに顕著な措置をとらない場合には、FATFは全ての加盟国に対し、同国に関連するリスクに応じた対抗措置の適用を要請する。例文帳に追加

Taking into account Kenya's continued lack of progress, in particular in enacting the CFT legislation, if Kenya does not take significant actions by October 2012, the FATF will call upon its members to apply countermeasures proportionate to the risks associated with Kenya.  - 財務省


After the Pacific War began in 1941, since the shortage of rice became more serious in the inland of Japan, the food-control system was established in 1942, under which rice for sake brewing was rationed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In September 2006, the male Imperial member, Imperial Prince Akishinonomiya Hisahito was born for the first time in forty one years, however the issue of the shortage of male Imperial members was yet unsolved, the Imperial succession problem still remains the same.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

ピーク時電力の需給ギャップを見ると、近では改善傾向にあるものの、2005 12月時点で不足率が10.5%となっており、経済成長に伴う需要の伸びに供給が追いついていない状況である(第1-4-23 図)。例文帳に追加

Looking at the gap between electric power supply and demand during peak hours, there has been a trend toward improvement in recent years. However, the rate of shortage in December 2005 reached 10.5% and supply has failed to keep pace with the increase in demand that has accompanied economic growth (Figure 1-4-23). - 経済産業省


Breaking down persons in employment by age group, however, suggests that the sense of sufficiency of employment may not be entirely uniform. According to the Shoko Chukin Bank's Survey of Wage Systems and Employment Trends at Small and Medium Enterprises (conducted in November 2003), 60.6% of enterprises reported a shortage of employees aged under 30, and 2.5% reported having too many. There was thus found to be a very strong sense of shortage of employees in this age group. As age increases, however, so too does the perception of over-employment (Fig. 1-1-26). - 経済産業省

これら 2つの分野における同国の継続した進捗不足を考慮し、もし同国が 2012 10月までに顕著な措置をとらない場合には、FATFは全ての加盟国に対し、同国に関連するリスクに応じた対抗措置の適用を要請する。例文帳に追加

Given Turkey's continued lack of progress in these two areas, if Turkey does not take significant actions by October 2012, the FATF will call upon its members to apply countermeasures proportionate to the risks associated with Turkey.  - 財務省

ミャンマーの継続した進捗不足を考慮し、もし同国が 2012 10月までに顕著な措置をとらない場合には、FATFは全ての加盟国に対し、同国に関連するリスクに応じた対抗措置の適用を要請する。例文帳に追加

Given Myanmar's continued lack of progress, if Myanmar does not take significant actions by October 2012, the FATF will call upon its members to apply countermeasures proportionate to the risks associated with Myanmar.  - 財務省


They granted certification as 'Kunaisho Kogeiin' (craftsperson of the Imperial Household Ministry) the following year, which is said to be the predecessor of Teishitsu Gigeiin, but unfortunately the true nature of it is unclear because of insufficient historical materials.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the northern region of Vietnam, there is currently a shortage of fundamental generating capacity and there are concerns about power shortages occurring over the next several years. Despite improvement measures, such as strengthening the capacity of thermoelectric power stations and expanding transmission line networks, no basic solution exists yet to meet rapidly growing electric power demand. - 経済産業省


In the case that the working record period is less than 10 years, a monthly earning rate of an insufficient period is supplied by using a rise and fall rate of an index recorded to an index data storing part 24. - 特許庁


When the operation result period is less than ten years, monthly earning rate of a period running short is supplemented using an advance-decline line of an index recorded in an index data storage part 24. - 特許庁


The control system controls its hydrogen storage volume through the year by monitoring power generation volumes and power demand at all times so that a short-term generation shortage is compensated with either or both of the auxiliary power supply system and the fuel cell system, and a long-term generation shortage is compensated with the fuel cell system. - 特許庁

インドでは、経済成長に伴い々増加する電力需要に供給量が追いつかず、産業活動の源泉となる電力が不足する事態が生じている(第2-4-2-1 図)。例文帳に追加

In India, demand for electricity that is rising every year along with economic growth does not match with supply. As a result, it is causing the shortage of power supply which is a source of industrial activities (see Figure 2-4-2-1). - 経済産業省


Further, developing countries tend to suffer extended shortages in production quantity within their areas. It is expected that, in 2030, production in developed countries will exceed demand by 202 million tons a year, while demand in developing countries will exceed production by232 million tons a year (Figure 2-2-4-12). - 経済産業省

2 前項の規定による短期借入金は、当該事業度内に償還しなければならない。ただし、資金の不足のため償還することができないときは、その償還することができない金額に限り、法務大臣の認可を受けて、これを借り換えることができる。例文帳に追加

(2) The short-term borrowing under the provision of the preceding paragraph shall be reimbursed within the business year in question. However, when the short-term borrowing cannot be reimbursed because of a lack of funds, only the amount that cannot be reimbursed may be borrowed again with the approval of the Minister of Justice.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 第一項の規定による短期借入金は、当該事業度内に償還しなければならない。ただし、資金の不足のため償還することができないときは、その償還することができない金額に限り、厚生労働大臣の認可を受けて、これを借り換えることができる。例文帳に追加

(3) Short-term debt pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) shall be repaid within said fiscal year, however, provided that when said short-term debt fails to be repaid due to a lack of funds, only said lack of funds portion may be refinanced, after obtaining the approval of the Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2011 は東日本大震災やタイの洪水による部品の供給途絶や遅延の影響を受けて生産が落ち込むことがあったものの、その後の調達不足の解消や後半からの米国の新車販売台数の回復に伴い上昇基調を維持している。例文帳に追加

Despite the production decline in 2011 affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the disruptions and delays of supply of parts due to the flood in Thailand, it maintains an upward trend with the resolution of the procurement shortfall afterwards and the sales recovery of new automobiles in the latter half of the year in the U.S. - 経済産業省


China has been working to prevent the reoccurrence of power shortages in 2007, bringing the Atsuka electric power facility on line in July 2007 and having begun construction of a nuclear power plant in the suburbs of Dalian City (Renboten City). In Guangdong Province, however, the power shortages are not attributed to a lack of generating capacity but to problems involving the transmission networks, and many companies have expressed concern as to whether the increase in electric power demand over such a wide area can be met. - 経済産業省


With regard to inward direct investment, China, until the late 1990, promoted a policy of introducing foreign capital in the country in order to compensate for the capital shortage in China. This resulted in the establishment of numerous production bases by foreign companies in China in rapid succession by taking advantage of the cheap labor. - 経済産業省


To avoid a condition wherein a learning value is inappropriate as a value for restricting the occurrence of knocking caused by a lack of renewal of the learning value in a range, in which the unevenness of influences of aged deterioration of an internal combustion engine to the occurrence of knocking within a basic learning region is large. - 特許庁


As seen in section 1, the employment situation in Japan is rapidly worsening, and the active opening rate in February 2009 was significantly lower than 1. However the active opening rate in the technology and specialist industries was over 1, and there is still a shortage of engineers (Fig. 2-4-12). - 経済産業省


For the economy to sustain development in a labour-restricted era, it is vital that the healthydevelopment of and self-reliance among young people, who are responsible for the next generation, arepromoted. - 厚生労働省


Although it is said that Kokumotsu-in was a kind of social welfare institution which was established in the Daido era (Japan) using Joheiso (Johei storehouse) of Tang Dynasty as a model, actually it assumed from the very beginning the role of generating slush money to finance naitei-hiyo (daily living and other expenses for the Imperial Family) which was deficient due to the decline of the Ritsuryo system (a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Further, since the panel 400 is formed by aluminum die-casting, such problems as the strength shortage of the panel 400 against the tension force of the belt 310 and the deterioration with age of the panel 400 (creep deformation) do not arise, and a sufficient tension force can be continuously secured. - 特許庁

2 地代等の増額について当事者間に協議が調わないときは、その請求を受けた者は、増額を正当とする裁判が確定するまでは、相当と認める額の地代等を支払うことをもって足りる。ただし、その裁判が確定した場合において、既に支払った額に不足があるときは、その不足額に一割の割合による支払期後の利息を付してこれを支払わなければならない例文帳に追加

(2) If no agreement may be reached between the parties regarding the increase in the amount of Rent, etc., until the judicial decision on establishing the increased amount as valid becomes final and binding, it shall be sufficient for the party which has received that request to pay Rent, etc. in an amount that is deemed to be reasonable; provided, however, that when said judicial decision becomes final and binding, if the amount that has already been paid is insufficient, the amount of the shortfall shall be paid with the addition of interest on late payments at the rate of ten percent per year.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 建物の借賃の増額について当事者間に協議が調わないときは、その請求を受けた者は、増額を正当とする裁判が確定するまでは、相当と認める額の建物の借賃を支払うことをもって足りる。ただし、その裁判が確定した場合において、既に支払った額に不足があるときは、その不足額に一割の割合による支払期後の利息を付してこれを支払わなければならない例文帳に追加

(2) If no agreement may be reached between the parties regarding the increase in the amount of the building rent, until the judicial decision on establishing the increased amount as valid becomes final and binding, it shall be sufficient for the party which has received that request to pay the building rent in an amount that is deemed to be reasonable; provided, however, that when said judicial decision becomes final and binding, if the amount that has already been paid is insufficient, the amount of the shortfall shall be paid with the addition of interest on late payments at the rate of ten percent per year.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


After World War II, the Imperial family had princesses such as Imperial Princess Aiko, but no prince was born for about 40 years since the birth of Imperial Prince Akishinonomiya Fumihito and now no one could have the right to succeed to the Imperial throne.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In one trend of recent years, Chancellor Gerhard Schröder made a statement at the computer fair in Hanover in February 2000 regarding the simplification of temporary work permit (green card)acquisition procedures in order to solve the shortage of labor in the information and communications sector. In response, an ordinance stipulating the issue of green cards came into force in August 2000 (Fig.3.2.7). - 経済産業省

また、平成23度3次補正予算編成以降、円高、タイ洪水、欧州債務危機等を背景として、経済の先行きに不透明感が広がってきたことを受け、度末に向けて必要な資金に不足が生じないよう、平成23 度4 次補正予算で予算額7,413 億円、追加事業規模9.25 兆円を確保し、セーフティネット保証・貸付等の支援を行った。例文帳に追加

Secondly, in response to increased uncertainty over the economic outlook since compilation of the third fiscal 2011 supplementary budget owing largely to the appreciation of the yen, flooding in Thailand, and the European debt crisis, ¥741.3 billion was allocated under the fourth fiscal 2011 supplementary budget and an additional ¥9.25 trillion was provided for safety net guarantees and loans, etc. to prevent shortages of necessary funding from arising before the end of the fiscal year.  - 経済産業省


In a capital enhancement plan as of January 2012, prepared by a bank that was indicated as having a capital shortage by the European Banking Authority in December 2011, 77% of its capital enhancement will be implemented through capital increase measures such as financing from the market by issuing new stocks and accumulation of retained earnings. - 経済産業省


If we look at factors according to the Results of a Questionnaire Survey of TMOs (SME Agency, fiscal 2004), we find that the "factors behind the decline of shopping districts in central urban areas" reported include i. new commercial clusters in the suburbs, ii. individual stores being unable to respond to changes in consumer needs, iii. declines in the residential population of central urban areas, iv. the emergence of vacant stores and vacant lots, and v. the inability of shopping districts to adapt to consumer needs due to their industrial makeup. - 経済産業省

若い従業員が急に増えたことにより、『班長と部下の齢が近く、友達感覚になってしまい、組織として弱い。』、『班長の技術・技能レベルが不明で、部下から信頼が得られない。』、 『機械の操作は教えられるが、材料・電気・保守といった総合的な知識が不足しており、部下の指導に自信がない。』等の課題を抱えていたという。例文帳に追加

Because of a rapid increase in the number of young employees, the company once faced problems such as: that the organization was weakened by the cronyism resulting from the narrow age gap between team leaders and subordinates; that team leaders' cannot win the trust of subordinates due to uncertainty over their levels of expertise and skills; and that team leaders do not have the confidence to give guidance to subordinates because they do not have comprehensive knowledge about materials, electricity and maintenance, despite their know-how about machinery operation. - 経済産業省


Fig. 3-1-31 also shows that the sense of worker insufficiency is becoming stronger in some industries, such asmedical, health care and welfare.” Looking at the movement of SME employees “who have quit a job in the last five years and are now working in another place of employmentin these kinds of industries, it can be seen that although the ratio of movement within the same industry is high, there is no shortage of movement in from other industries (Fig. 3-1-34). - 経済産業省

これら 2つの分野における同国の継続した進捗不足を考慮し、FATFは、対抗措置として、20132月22日までに、①テロ資金供与罪に関する欠陥に適切に対処するための法律の採択、及び②FATF勧告に整合的な、テロリスト資産を特定し凍結するための適切な法的枠組みの確立がなされない場合、同日付けで同国のメンバーシップを一時停止することを決定した。例文帳に追加

Given Turkey’s continued lack of progress in these two areas, as a counter-measure, the FATF has decided to suspend Turkey’s membership on 22 February 2013 unless the following conditions are met before that date: (1) Turkey adopts legislation to adequately remedy deficiencies in its terrorist financing offence; and (2) Turkey establishes an adequate legal framework for identifying and freezing terrorist assets consistent with the FATF Recommendations.  - 財務省

3 事業主は、納付した労働保険料の額が前二項の労働保険料の額に足りないときはその不足額を、納付した労働保険料がないときは前二項の労働保険料を、前二項の申告書に添えて、有期事業以外の事業にあつては次の保険度の六月一日から四十日以内(保険度の中途に保険関係が消滅したものについては、当該保険関係が消滅した日から五十日以内)に、有期事業にあつては保険関係が消滅した日から五十日以内に納付しなければならない例文帳に追加

(3) The business operator shall, if the amount of the labor insurance premiums paid is in short of the labor insurance premiums prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs, pay such shortfall, or, if no such labor insurance premiums have been paid, pay the labor insurance premiums prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs, with the declaration form prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs, within 40 days from June 1 of the following insurance year in case of businesses other than the businesses with a definite term (or, in case of extinction of the insurance relation in the midst of an insurance year, within 50 days from the day such insurance relation becomes extinct), or within 50 days from the day on which the insurance relation becomes extinct in case of businesses with a definite term.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Specifically, information on poor working conditions at foreign-invested companies which unfairly calculate overtime wages and holidays and do not adhere to labor laws has spread to workers with the diffusion of cell phones and the Internet in recent years. This has presumably led workers to migrate to Shanghai and areas in the western region of Zhu Jiang (Guangzhou, Foshan, and Zhongshan) with good working conditions, resulting in a labor shortage. - 経済産業省

65 HDD の在庫水準は、今2 月には既に前同月比でプラスになっており、市場でいまだに供給が逼迫していることとの間の解釈は難しいが、①輸出用が多いために一定程度の在庫を積み上げてから出荷する体制になっているか、②直接の被災を免れたHDD 製造企業が供給不足による価格上昇局面を維持するために、意図的に在庫を積み上げて出荷を制限しているかのどちらかあるいはその双方を示しているのではないかと思われる。例文帳に追加

65 The inventory level of HDDs already recorded a positive growth in February 2012 compared with the same month a year ago, and it is difficult to find reasons why the supply is still tight in the market. Nonetheless, either or both of the following factors appear to be the cause: (A) products are delivered after certain level of inventory is secured since many products are intended for exports and/or (B)HDD manufacturers that escaped direct damage have intentionally held up inventory and restricted the shipment and created a tight supply situation to maintain the high price level. - 経済産業省



You say that finance is blood, comparing the Japanese economy to a human body, and the fact is that the Japanese economy is in deflation due to the lack of energy, or insufficient overall demand, which presumably requires better blood circulation. Given that there are financial policies that exist separately, could you please tell us which of the FSA's actions in the past year that you think contributed to improve the blood circulation, for example?  - 金融庁


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