
「意見が異なる」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 34



Opinions vary from person to person. - Tatoeba例文


Opinions vary from person to person.  - Tanaka Corpus


My opinion differs from most of the other students in my class. - Tatoeba例文


My opinion differs from most of the other students in my class.  - Tanaka Corpus



of two parties in conflict, to come together  - EDR日英対訳辞書



the difference of one judge's opinion from that of the majority  - 日本語WordNet


someone who identifies and punishes people for their opinions  - 日本語WordNet


There have been no cases in which the Minister of Justice has made a disposition not in conformity with the opinions of the refugee examination counselors (should they differ in opinion, then the opinions of the majority of the counselors prevail).  - 特許庁


shouting to interrupt a speech with which you disagree  - 日本語WordNet



the action of people with differing opinions, positions or ideas compromising with each other and thereby coming to an understanding  - EDR日英対訳辞書



Depending on the researcher, there is some doubt as to whether the woman had a happy ending or not.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As it is useful that while mankind are imperfect there should be different opinions, so is it that there should be different experiments of living;  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


Additionally, opinions are divided over whether the "aiki" of Aikido and the "aiki" of other martial arts such as Daito school are the same or different.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(1) 特許庁は,手続において専門家の相互に異なる意見が提出された場合において,裁判所又は検察庁からの要請により,特許に影響する問題について意見を提供するよう要求される。例文帳に追加

(1) The Patent Office shall be required to provide opinions at the request of the courts or the public prosecutor’s office onquestions affecting patents if divergent expert opinions have been submitted in proceedings.  - 特許庁


Yet others say that it was not exactly the same because the Japanese Emperor used his clout at important political situations.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Any decision in which the Minister departs from the opinion of the Commission and any decision in which he refuses an application shall be reasoned.  - 特許庁


But on every subject on which difference of opinion is possible, the truth depends on a balance to be struck between two sets of conflicting reasons.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


It is especially useful to select panelists and reviewers with opposing biases and different professional backgrounds to ensure different points of view, and to increase the credibility of the product in the eyes of the public. - 英語論文検索例文集


It is especially useful to select panelists and reviewers with opposing biases and different professional backgrounds to ensure different points of view, and to increase the credibility of the product in the eyes of the public. - 英語論文検索例文集


It is especially useful to select panelists and reviewers with opposing biases and different professional backgrounds to ensure different points of view, and to increase the credibility of the product in the eyes of the public. - 英語論文検索例文集


We appreciate that commentators differ in their views as to when due diligence and, potentially, a Conflict Minerals Report is required under the language of the Conflict Minerals Statutory Provision. - 経済産業省


Given the disagreement, and that materiality is a fact-specific inquiry, we are not persuaded that this is a reason to provide that the information should be “furnished.” - 経済産業省


Decisions to remove or to refuse re-entry or decisions by which the Minister departs from the opinion of the Commission must be reasoned.  - 特許庁


To obtain a method which enables systematic rearrangement and easy browsing and entry when ideas are gathered from many people of different fields by opening a workshop or using a network and opinions are put together to solve problems. - 特許庁


With regard to safeguard policies, including environment and involuntary resettlement policies, it should be pointed out that it is essential to fully coordinate views on these matters with bilateral donors and other stakeholders prior to proceeding with harmonization of those policies, as circumstances vary by donor.  - 財務省

第五十八条の九 法務大臣は、三人の難民審査参与員によって構成する複数の班を設け、意見を聴くべき班の順序を定めるものとする。この場合において、法務大臣は、異なる専門分野の難民審査参与員によつて班が構成されるよう配慮するものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 58-9 (1) The Minister of Justice shall establish multiple groups composed of three refugee examination counselors and shall decide the order in which he/she will consult with the groups. The Minister of Justice shall exercise care so that each group is composed of refugee examination counselors with different specialized fields.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) (1)に述べる訴訟と異なる訴訟が提起された場合は,裁判官は前項に定めるような意見書を産業財産登録庁に請求することができる。また,裁判官は,当該登録庁に助言を得るため専門家を指名することを求めることもできる。産業財産登録庁及び当該専門家の双方は,当該特許分野における訴訟の専門家としての資質を有するものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) Where an action distinct from that specified in paragraph (1), above, is brought, the judge may request a report from the Registry of Industrial Property in the form provided for in the preceding paragraph. He may also request the Registry to designate any of its experts in order to advise him. Both the Registry of Industrial Property and its experts shall have the quality of experts for proceedings in the patent field. - 特許庁


The reasons for refusal in terms of novelty and inventive step, etc. were notified by referring to a prior art document in the first notice of reasons for refusal and an amendment against it was made. In this case, the reasons for refusal should be notified using other new prior art document on a claim which was not amended, where it is discovered that the previous reason for refusal on the claim was not appropriate after taking the written opinion into account.  - 特許庁


As discussed above in response to commentators’ suggestions that we exempt smaller reporting companies, we similarly believe that separate disclosure requirements for small entities that would differ from the final reporting requirements for other issuers, or exempting them from those requirements, would not achieve Congress’s objectives of Section 13(p). - 経済産業省


However, KIPO is of the opinion that the material of the dispensing top and the combination structure between a dispensing top and a container in the claimed invention obviously differ from that of the cited document, whereas, JPO and SIPO does not regard the material of the dispensing top and the combination structure between a dispensing top and a container as factors which render the claimed invention novel.  - 特許庁


Another commentator noted that issuers are going to be required to utilizesignificantly different processes to comply with the new reporting requirement that are outside the scope of processes developed for regular year-end reporting, and it may be a burden to complete the necessary inquiry and due diligence pertaining to conflict minerals on the same timetable asan annual report. - 経済産業省


There can be a choice between this scheme and a system of full protection of those deposits under the deposit insurance system.  - 金融庁

2 厚生労働大臣は、一般に食品として飲食に供されている物であつて当該物の通常の方法と著しく異なる方法により飲食に供されているものについて、人の健康を損なうおそれがない旨の確証がなく、食品衛生上の危害の発生を防止するため必要があると認めるときは、薬事・食品衛生審議会の意見を聴いて、その物を食品として販売することを禁止することができる。例文帳に追加

(2) Regarding articles which have generally been served for human consumption but are served in a manner extraordinarily different from ordinary manners, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may prohibit the sales of such articles as food, by hearing the opinions of the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council, when there is no evidence to prove that the articles involve no risk to human health and he/she finds it necessary to prevent food sanitation hazards.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


「Active Aging1」をテーマに2013年12月3日から5日まで東京において開催された第11回ASEAN・日本社会保障ハイレベル会合で、ASEAN+3各国の保健、社会福祉及び労働分野の参加者は、今年がASEAN日本友好40周年であり、我が国とASEAN各国の間でこれまでの友好的な関係を想起し、今後のさらなる協力関係の強化と戦略的なパートナーシップを目指し、ASEAN・日本社会保障ハイレベル会合を2003年より開催している日本政府のイニシアティブに感謝するとともに、第11回会合は、保健、社会福祉及び労働分野におけるActive Agingに関する情報共有と意見交換のための有効な場であることを認識し、また、本年11月に日本政府がジャカルタにおいてASEAN地域における高齢化に係る国際貢献に関する講演会(ASEAN-Japan Seminar, The Regional Cooperation for the Aging Society)が行われたことを評価しつつ、地域協力に関する努力の継続とさらなる連携の促進を期待し、世界の高齢化は急速に進行しており、2050年には60歳以上の人口が20億人に達することを留意し、ASEAN諸国においては今後急速に高齢化が進み、高齢者の健康保持や、福祉及び社会保障ニーズへの対応、高齢者の孤立・貧困防止などの対策が急務であることを認識し、保健・福祉・労働分野における高齢化の現状及び対策の推進に際して、ASEAN諸国は多様であり、また、ASEAN諸国と日本では置かれている状況や文化・社会的背景が異なること、それゆえ現在直面している課題が異なることを考慮し、さらに、「国際的なActive Ageingにおける日本の貢献に関する検討会」での議論成果に留意する。例文帳に追加

We, the participants representing health, social welfare and labour sectors of the ASEAN plus 3 countries at the 11th ASEAN & Japan High Level Officials Meeting on Caring Societies (hereafter referred to as the Meeting) held in Tokyo, Japan, on 3-5 December 2013, which carried the themeActive Aging”;Remembering that this year marks the 40th year since the relations between ASEAN and the Japanese Government began, and that we have kept cordial relationships throughout this time, aiming to further enhance our cooperations and build strategic partnerships in the future;Acknowledging with appreciation the initiative of the Government of Japan to convene the ASEAN-Japan High-level Officials Meeting on Caring Societies since 2003, particularly this 11th Meeting as an effective platform of information sharing and exchange of views on the health, social welfare and labour aspects ofActive Aging”;Also, acknowledging with appreciation the active initiatives by the Government of Japan for holding the “ASEAN-Japan Seminar, The Regional Cooperation for the Aging Societyin Jakarta this November, with hopes that these efforts will continue and promote further collaborations in the future;Noting that aging is progressing worldwide, and by 2050 the population of age 60 years and over will reach 2 billion;Recognizing that ASEAN countries will experience rapid aging in years to come, and face new challenges such as maintaining health, responding to welfare and social security needs, prevention of isolation and poverty of the elderly that require urgent attention;Considering that the current situation of aging in the health, labour and welfare sector and the promotion of measures related to aging in ASEAN countries vary, and that cultural and social backgrounds differ between ASEAN member states and Japan, therefore the current issues that are faced by each country may not be the same;Also, noting the results of the discussions made by the “Study Group for Japan’s International Contributions to Active Aging.” - 厚生労働省


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Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
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