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該当件数 : 118



How do you feel about this matter?  - 金融庁


Let me ask one more question about Iran.  - 金融庁


Or are there already plans to introduce such regulations? Please share your thoughts on this matter with us.  - 金融庁


If you have any good ideas, please feel free to suggest them to me.  - 金融庁



Could you tell me why your inspection of the Vocational Museum, scheduled for today, has been cancelled?  - 金融庁



Many of them have swung back into the black. How do you assess the results?  - 金融庁


Could you explain anew the current status of deliberation on the SME (Small and Medium-size Enterprise) Financing Facilitation Act?  - 金融庁


How do you feel about his death and what impact do you expect on the Japanese economy and financial market?  - 金融庁


Please explain the framework of the inspection committee on administrative actions against the Incubator Bank of Japan in more detail.  - 金融庁



Could you tell me what the major topics of discussion will be at the meeting of the insurance working group of the Financial System Council tomorrow?  - 金融庁



As Japan's financial supervisor, specifically what kind of cooperation do you have in mind?  - 金融庁


At the end of last week, a second trial court ruling was issued regarding Daiwa Toshi Kanzai. Could you tell me how you view this ruling and how the FSA will respond to it?  - 金融庁


Could you tell me once again about what problems the FSA recognizes and what measures it will take to prevent a recurrence of cases like this?  - 金融庁


Could you tell us about problems that have come to light through the hearings and provide a rough schedule for when a draft plan will be drawn up?  - 金融庁


Could you tell me again whether you think that the FSA has responsibility to bear? And what are the points to reflect upon?  - 金融庁


Please tell me specifically what countermeasures and preventive measures you have in place as the top official for financial administration.  - 金融庁


Q.Could you sum up your achievements during your tenure as minister and tell me what you would like the next cabinet to do?  - 金融庁


Earlier today, Mr. Taro Aso was elected new president of the Liberal Democratic Party. What do you think of his election?  - 金融庁


Could you tell us how you view the stock market condition and what impact you expect stock price movements will have on the management of financial institutions?  - 金融庁


Could you tell us how you view international moves to strengthen financial regulations and how Japan will respond to them?  - 金融庁


How will the FSA deal with this case and how do you think FX transactions should be regulated?  - 金融庁


I have just one question, which concerns the SME Financing Facilitation Act. The answers you have given so far were vague, so I would appreciate clarification.  - 金融庁


There have been various types of minister for financial services, such as Mr. Kamei, Mr. Jimi, and Mr. Takenaka. Could you tell me what kind of minister you would like to be? Also, tell me about your specific objectives, if you have any.  - 金融庁


Could you tell me by when the results of the first-round survey will be tallied and which parts of the results you are considering publishing?  - 金融庁


From what I remember, the SESC conducted criminal investigation in this case in the past. Could you tell me about the current status of this case?  - 金融庁


On Friday, insurance companies submitted reports on their improvement plans. Could you tell me about the points you will pay close attention to and about the matters you put priority on, with regard to the prevention of the recurrence (of the non-payment of insurance claims)?  - 金融庁


As you mentioned in your answer, I understand that last week, the FSA started dispatching senior officials across the country in order to conduct hearings. Could you tell me about details such as the method and period of the hearings, and how do you intend to reflect the findings in financial regulation?  - 金融庁


Also, tell me again, although you mentioned this in your opening remarks, about what you achieved and what you left undone during the nearly two months of your tenure as the minister for financial services and administrative reform.  - 金融庁


I would like you to tell me about your thoughts on international accounting standards. Could you tell me about the future direction of the discussion being held by the Business Accounting Council?  - 金融庁


It has come to light that Resona Holdings is planning to increase its capital and, using the funds, to repay the public funds injected into it. Please tell us how you are receiving this news.  - 金融庁


Why will the FSA inspect the bank now and what specific points will it focus on in the inspection with regard to the financial condition and business operations?  - 金融庁


Could you comment on the arrest and also tell me about the status of your deliberation on measures to prevent a recurrence of a case like this, including when you will likely work out the measures?  - 金融庁


At a meeting yesterday of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, Prime Minister Fukuda expressed his concern over financing for small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). Could you tell me about the status of deliberations on measures to be taken by the FSA, which I understand will be announced this month?  - 金融庁


Could you comment on that? Also, what do you think of the fact that the posts of the Minister of Finance and the Minister for Financial Services have been divided between Mr. (Hirohisa) Fujii and Mr. Kamei?  - 金融庁


We are not considering extending the act again another time. In your latter statement, you mentioned a five-year extension. I understand that these measures have so far been extended every three years. Why have you decided on a five-year extension this time?  - 金融庁


How do you feel about the insider trading case at Chuo Mitsui Asset Trust & Banking? Also, how do you feel about the fact that Nomura Securities, which is the largest securities company in Japan, provided the insider information, and what impact do you expect?  - 金融庁


Like the Bank of Japan (BOJ), the FSA issued a request to financial institutions yesterday. Could you tell me about what other measures the FSA may take?  - 金融庁


It has come to light that Sony and Panasonic are negotiating about an alliance on next-generation televisions. How do you feel about that and what impact do you expect on the Japanese economy and other Japanese companies.  - 金融庁


I would like to ask you about what is called the “moratorium” scheme. How much chance do you think that there is of the bill being enacted during the extraordinary Diet session, whose period is limited, and what have you discussed about this with Secretary-General Ozawa and Prime Minister Hatoyama?  - 金融庁


I understand that specific measures will be worked out based on this policy by the end of this month. Could you tell me what specific measures the FSA (Financial Services Agency) can take?  - 金融庁


Regarding the revised Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, I understand that the FSA is explaining the contents of this act to financial institutions. Could you tell me about how you are explaining this act and how financial institutions are responding to the explanation?  - 金融庁


I would also like to add one more question if I may. I see that a meeting of the Revised Money Lending Business Act Follow-Up Team was held once in September - can you please let me know the approximate time of the next meeting, or any other occasion in which people from the industry will be gathered.  - 金融庁


Regarding the move by Germany to ban naked short selling of government bonds, sovereign CDSs, etc., please tell us what you think about it, as well as how the Japanese government views it.  - 金融庁


As you are living in Japan as natives, I presume that there is all the more reason for you to have good ideas in this regard, so please feel free to suggest your ideas to me.  - 金融庁


Or if more applications are filed, can the FSA process them by shortening the screening period? Could you tell us about your thinking in this regard?  - 金融庁


It is stipulated that the review committee is responsible for reviewing administration actions taken in relation to this bank. Could you elaborate a little more, including on the purpose and background?  - 金融庁


Also, seeing as the bank was known to be contemplating boosting its capital and there is still some time left before the interim financial closing at the end of September, can you please let us know the reason why and how the whole procedures are taking place at this time?  - 金融庁


There has been a media report that the government will undertake reinsurance for crude oil imports from Iran. Please tell me about the status of preparation for that.  - 金融庁


The SME Financing Facilitation Act just mentioned is due to expire in half a year. What will your decision on the postponement of its expiration be based upon?  - 金融庁



To what points do you attach the greatest importance? There has been a media report that top managers will resign to take responsibility for the insider trading cases. Will their manner of taking responsibility be one of the key points?  - 金融庁


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