
「税制の改革」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 97



the reform of the tax system  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


The report argues for the reform of current tax policy.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Fundamental tax reform for ensuring reliable source of revenue - 厚生労働省


The pressure for tax reform is growing. - Tatoeba例文



The Republicans are floating the idea of a tax reform  - 日本語WordNet



The pressure for tax reform is growing.  - Tanaka Corpus


The second challenge is tax reform. - 財務省


The tax reform will not touch the banking industry. - Tatoeba例文


The tax reform will not touch the banking industry.  - Tanaka Corpus



Wesupport the progress made to reform tax and regulatory regimes, labour markets and pension systems.  - 財務省



The second challenge is to undertake a comprehensive tax reform. - 財務省

2004 年 4 月、税制及び労働市場の改革に議論を集中。例文帳に追加

In April 2004, we centered our discussion on tax and labor market reforms.  - 財務省

まず、2000 年代を通じて行ってきた韓国の税制改革をみていく。例文帳に追加

First, we examine the tax reform implemented by South Korea through the 2000s. - 経済産業省


We intend to execute four major reforms as soon as possible on a grand scale, namely, tax system reform, regulatory reform, expenditure reform, and the aforementioned financial system reform. While accelerating structural reform, we will take all possible measures for economic management in cooperation with relevant ministers, in order to put the economy on the path of sustainable growth.  - 金融庁


The Schroeder government which came into power in 1998 on a structural reform platform launched immediately into improving unemployment and reforming the tax system. - 経済産業省


This is the result of structural reform in various areas promoted under the policy of "without reform there will be no growth".  - 財務省


We would like to promote a nationwide discussion on the prospective comprehensive tax reform as well, as a part of "integrated expenditure and revenue reform." - 財務省

ここでは、韓国政府が行ってきた一連の国内事業環境改革税制改革、FTA 網の構築、起業促進についてみていく。例文帳に追加

Here, we examine the series of reforms that have been implemented by the South Korean government in the domestic business environment; tax reform, building an FTA network, and promotion of entrepreneurship. - 経済産業省


Along with the Comprehensive Reform of the Tax System, the social security reform will sequentially be implemented without delay in each area, according to the schedule. - 厚生労働省


Further progress on tax reform is required in many emerging and advanced economies to reduce distortions.  - 財務省


We now focus on the two domestic reforms in (1) labor market and (2) tax system implemented in Germany as a response to this situation. - 経済産業省


Standpoints of the reforms of individual income taxation, corporation taxation, consumption taxation, and property taxation - 厚生労働省

○ 長期投資の促進に向けた証券税制の見直し等、金融資産の有効活用に資する金融税制改革の一層の推進例文帳に追加

Further promotion of financial tax reform contributing to the effective utilization of financial assets, such as reviewing the securities taxation system in order to promote long-term investment  - 金融庁


In fleshing out the details of the tax reform, we will maintain revenue neutrality on a multi-year basis with a view to maintaining so as to maintain fiscal discipline.  - 財務省

このうち、我が国の法人実効税率は1990 年代末の税制改革で低下した後は、今般の引き下げまでおおむね横ばいで推移してきた。例文帳に追加

In Japan, the tax reforms in the late 1990s lowered the effective corporate tax rate, and since then it has remained almost unchanged until the recent reduction. - 経済産業省


In China, a system for financial transfers from the central government to local governments was introduced following reforms to the tax-sharing system in 1994. - 経済産業省


Regarding the draft budget and the tax reform for FY2005, we will take measures to reform both expenditures and revenues, taking the matters mentioned above into account. - 財務省


To reduce business costs by identifying appropriate effective corporate tax rates that are in line with the drastic tax reforms. - 経済産業省


South Korea has improved the domestic business environment in a short period of time through tax reform, expansion of the FTA network, and the encouragement of entrepreneurship. - 経済産業省


Sound pro-growth policies in our countries have contributed to this recovery through such measures as tax reform, more flexible labor, product, and capital markets, reduced regulatory burdens, pension reforms, and strengthened financial sectors and macroeconomic policy frameworks.  - 財務省


We believe that tax reform isfrom the viewpoint of how best to utilize national vitality for economic recovery and othersone of the significant pillars of structural reforms that the government is undertaking. - 財務省


The Japanese government has been making every effort to pursue financial, regulatory, tax, and fiscal expenditure reforms aimed at overcoming prolonged deflation and revitalizing the economy.  - 財務省


With regard to tax reform, we will frontload tax reductions in order to revitalize the economy.  - 財務省


Upon the implementation of the Comprehensive Reform of the Tax System, we will formulate an arrangement that can flexibly respond to unpredicted economic fluctuation. - 厚生労働省


The Japanese government has made every effort to overcome prolonged deflation and revitalize the economy through reforms in the financial sector, as well as in regulatory, expenditure, and tax policies, and these efforts are gradually paying off.  - 財務省


Tax reform to enhance productivity by removing distortions and improving the incentives to work, invest and innovate.  - 財務省


In 1870 Takahira KANDA also submitted 'A Proposal for Land-Tax Reform'; in the proposal he suggested to correct inequality in taxes among domains and make a fair tax system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To that end, the government will make every effort with a view to drawing up the fundamental and integrated tax reform including consumption tax by around the end of Fiscal Year 2007, through substantive and concrete discussions after early autumn this year.  - 財務省


3. We intend to promote drastic reform of the tax system, while presenting a clear path toward the reform, based on the outline of tax reform announced recently by the ruling parties, in order to realize a fair and vigorous economy and society by tackling various challenges, such as establishment of a sustainable social security system and promotion of decentralization. - 財務省


In line with the direction described above, we are engaging in urgently required reforms as part of the drastic reform of the taxation systems, under the taxation system reform of 2010 and 2011. We will continuously aim for the earlier realization of the taxation system revision in 2011 as currently deliberated in the Diet. - 厚生労働省


In the light of the concept of securing stable financial resources under social security reform this time, we will comprehensively sort out the entire picture and estimated costs of the social security benefits including the local independent projects and implement the reform of local tax systems etc. in the comprehensive reform of the tax system in order to secure the necessary and stable financial resources for local independent projects. - 厚生労働省


India commits to strengthening revenue mobilization through tax reforms, including a unified goods and services tax, and overhauling the personal and corporate tax code.  - 財務省


In addition, in order to promote public interest activities undertaken by the private sector, we will take necessary tax measures in line with the reform of the public interest corporation system and revise the tax system for donation. - 財務省


In the FY2011 revision of the tax system, we will make it our particular priority to tackle issues such as economic revitalization, the recovery of tax redistribution functions, and global warming countermeasures, in response to the current harsh economic and employment situations. This will be done under a framework of concerted efforts to promote economic revitalization and fiscal consolidation aimed at achieving radical reform across all areas of taxation, including income, consumption and assets. At the same time, we will approach reforms from the perspective of taxpayers and consumers, etc. , and will implement reforms with a high level of urgency, as part of a radical reform of the tax system.  - 財務省


To vitalize the economy, we specified in the Program that we will powerfully promote deregulation measures that will contribute to employment creation as well as review taxation on securities and further accelerate the final disposal of non-performing loans as part of the structural reform of the securities markets and the financial system. - 財務省


In promoting fiscal structural reform, we believe that it is necessary to discuss the establishment of an ideal taxation system, the reform of the social security system and even the relationship between the national and local governments from a broad perspective, while at the same time bearing in mind the blueprint for the desirable Japanese economy and society. - 財務省


Specifically, we will pursue the following three policies in an integrated manner: (I) an "economic revitalization strategy" to restore competitiveness; (ii) "tax reform" to reinvigorate society; and (iii) accelerated fiscal expenditure reform, including enhancing the efficiency of fiscal expenditures, with the aim of achieving "a small government worthy of bearing the costs".  - 財務省

最も顕著なことは、ドバイ会合以来、世界経済の拡大が持続的であり、G7 各国が、例えば税制改革、労働市場改革、規制による負担の軽減、医療・年金制度の長期的な持続可能性確保のための改革、金融セクターの改善を通じ、長期的な成長プロセスを推進していくための具体的な行動を実施したという点である。例文帳に追加

Most significantly, since the Dubai meeting, the global expansion has been sustained, and our countries have taken specific actions to move the long-term growth process along, for instance through tax reforms, labor market reforms, reduced regulatory burdens, reforms to ensure the long-run viability of health and pension systems and improving financial sectors.  - 財務省


To realize the people’s security amid declining birthrates and an aging population, the Cabinet reached a decision on Basic Principles of Social Security Reform in December last year. In the Principles, the government and ruling parties set out to formulate a reform plan to strengthen the social security system and to identify the financial resources needed for the reform, and also put forward a tax reform agenda which aims to secure the financial resources needed as well as to achieve fiscal consolidation simultaneously.  - 財務省



In the 21st Century, realization of a tax system that is neutral, undistorted, simple and easy to understand is needed. At the same time, tax reform must adequately deal with structural changes such as the aging of the population and declining birthrate, internationalization, and computerization. - 財務省


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