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Taxation Measures etc.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

また、平成23 年12 月には震災特例法を一部改正する法律が成立し、事業承継税制の特例や復興特別区域に係る税制の特例措置の追加措置を講じた。例文帳に追加

The Act to Partially Revise the Earthquake Special Provisions Act was additionally passed in December 2011 to enable implementation of further measures, including special tax measures to facilitate business successions and special tax measures for businesses in special reconstruction zones.  - 経済産業省


The government will also reform tax exemption of interest income on certain small deposits owned by the elderly, etc (Rojin Maruyu) and apply the exemption only to small deposits owned by disabled persons, etc. Furthermore, the government will significantly review the Special Taxation Measures and take taxation measures for economic promotion in Okinawa. - 財務省

2003 年に創設された総額試験研究税制(試験研究費の総額について一定割合を税額控除できる研究開発促進税制。2006 年に恒久措置。)は、控除限度額が当期の法人税額の 20%であり、多くの製薬企業においては控除限度額に達してしまうため、当該税制を十分に活用できていない。さらに、2006 年に増加試験研究税制の控除率が縮小され、総額試験研究税制への乗せを可能としたが、法人税額 20%という控除限度額内での措置のため、同様に十分活用できていない。例文帳に追加

Under the tax scheme for total experimental research costs established in 2003 (the research and development tax incentive scheme allowing fixed rate tax relief on total experimental research costs; made a permanent measure in 2006) the maximum relief is 20% of current term corporation tax, but the scheme is underused since the majority of pharmaceutical companies are fully up to this limit. Furthermore, although in 2006 the relief rate for the incremental tax scheme for experimental research was reduced, allowing the tax scheme for total experimental research costs or other schemes to be topped up, this measure is similarly underused due to the constraint of the 20% maximum corporation tax relief. - 厚生労働省



Prefectural Governments were notified that when they provisionally use farmlands, to which a moratorium on donation tax payment had been applied based on the Act on Special Measures concerning Taxation, for the purpose of emergency provisional housings, there are procedures to continuously apply the special measures on taxation. (June 20, 2011) - 厚生労働省


第八十二条 国は、エネルギーの使用の合理化を促進するために必要な財政、金融及び税制措置を講ずるよう努めなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 82 The State shall endeavor to take fiscal, financial and taxation measures necessary to promote the rational use of energy, etc.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In addition, JST also implements the “Technical Transfer Support Center Program,” which technically supports universitiesintellectual property-related activities.  - 経済産業省


Sound pro-growth policies in our countries have contributed to this recovery through such measures as tax reform, more flexible labor, product, and capital markets, reduced regulatory burdens, pension reforms, and strengthened financial sectors and macroeconomic policy frameworks.  - 財務省


For the smooth implementation of triangular restructuring, the government is studying new tax measures responding to new flexibility of compensation for mergers taking into account securing taxation fairness while preventing tax avoidance. - 経済産業省



Also, in addition to comprehensively designating frameworks to support the facilitation of business successions and tax treatment of unlisted shares, comprehensive support measures will be implemented, such as the establishment of a support network among business persons. - 経済産業省



As a result of the FY2007 revisions to the tax system, it is advisable that the following measures be taken to strengthen the financial bases of SMEs, improve productivity, etc. - 経済産業省


In addition, there is a special tax measure that allows the deduction, from corporate and income tax statements, of a certain proportion of research expenses for joint experimental research by private companies and universities - 経済産業省


In order to support this trend and invigorate private economic activity, it is important to focus the government's policy measures, such as fiscal and tax measures and deregulation, on areas identified as having high growth potential, while at the same time ensuring fiscal discipline.  - 財務省


Regarding taxation on securities, we have already submitted to the Diet the Bill for Partial Amendment of the Special Tax Measures Law, etc. The Bill provides that, from January 2003, capital gains on securities will be made subject to a separate tax system based on self assessment, where tax rates shall be lower and carry-overs of losses-offset from past transactions shall be permitted. Moreover, as an emergency and exceptional measure, no tax will be imposed on capital gains on listed stocks of value of less than 10 million yen that have been newly purchased before the end of 2002. - 財務省


Various forms of support, including the provision of tax-based support, support for fresh R&D and commercialization of medical devices, and support for the development of unique technologies to prevent the feared leakage of technologies that can occur when expanding overseas, in order to encourage SMEs to take on fresh research and technological challenges.  - 経済産業省


The Government shall promptly consider financial and tax measures related to the child support, by taking into consideration the impacts of the child allowance payment as provided for in the Child Allowance Act revised by this Law, income taxes, and the abolition of prefectural and municipal inhabitants tax deductions for dependents. Based on the results of such deliberations, the Government shall take necessary relevant measures. - 厚生労働省


The SME investment promotion tax system is a system that permits a 30% special depreciation or a 7% tax credit for the base price of purchase of certain machinery or equipment, and is intended to promote capital investment by SMEs and raise their productivity.  - 経済産業省


SMEs will additionally be encouraged to tackle new research and technological challenges through implementation of tax-based measures and the fresh provision of support for empirical research conducted by joint research groups that optimally combine the resources of local SMEs and other resources in industry, academia, and the public sector.  - 経済産業省

第二十二条 国及び地方公共団体は、犯罪被害者に対して行われる各般の支援において犯罪被害者の援助を行う民間の団体が果たす役割の重要性にかんがみ、その活動の促進を図るため、財政及び税制措置、情報の提供必要な施策を講ずるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 22 In view of the importance of roles that private entities play in providing many kinds of support for Crime Victims, the State and Local governments shall take such necessary measures as introducing financial and tax measures and providing information, in order to promote support activities by private entities.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Requirements for companies and other entities approved under the business succession taxation scheme (consisting of special provisions to allow deferral of payment of tax on non-listed shares and similar assets), such as hiring requirements, were eased for companies that (1) suffered severe damage to business assets, (2) suffered damage to business establishments employing large numbers of workers, or (3) experienced a large decline in sales as a result of the Great East Japan Earthquake.  - 経済産業省

2011年4 月1日から2014 年3 月31 日までの期間内に始まる各事業年度において、雇用保険の一般被雇用者数が5人(中小企業者は2 人。)以、かつ、10%以増加の要件を満たす企業に対し、増加した雇用保険の一般被保険者1 人当たり20万円を税額控除することができる税制措置である。例文帳に追加

This is a tax measure to allow enterprises that meet certain requirements, including having at least five ordinary employees (two in the case of SMEs) covered by employment insurance and achieving job growth of at least 10% in each business year beginning in the period between April 1, 2011, and March 31, 2014, to receive a tax credit worth ¥200,000 per extra employee insured under employment insurance.  - 経済産業省


With a view to promoting inward FDI and drawing excellent human resources from abroad, therevisions to the tax system in FY2003 included elements to develop an educational environment forforeign children living in Japan. As a result, school juridical persons, who are primarily designated toestablish certain international schools, were added to the scope of designated public-service promotioncorporations. In addition, the tax revisions established that contributions by individuals or corporationsare covered by preferential tax treatments, including contribution deductions. - 経済産業省


The commission made the report in a bid to improve the industrial competitiveness of the United States, proposing expanded tax breaks for research and development, the elimination of Antitrust Act barriers against joint research deals, the enhancement of intellectual property rights protection, the elimination of budget deficits, and effective talks among government, industry and labor sectors, etc. The report has greatly influenced later U.S. science, technology and innovation policies. - 経済産業省

中小企業情報基盤強化税制は、大企業と比べてIT 活用の遅れが顕著な中小企業の生産性の向を実現し、高度な情報セキュリティの確保された質の高いIT 投資を促進するため、一定の要件を備えたIT設備の投資をした場合に、その投資額の30%の特別償却又は7%の税額控除の選択適用を認める措置である。当該税制につき、平成24年3 月31 日まで延長を行った。例文帳に追加

The purpose of the taxation scheme to strengthen SMEsinformation infrastructure is to promote investment in secure, high-quality IT leading to improvements in productivity at SMEs that lag considerably behind large enterprises in their use of IT. It achieves this by allowing SMEs that have invested in IT equipment meeting certain conditions to choose between a 30 % special depreciation or a tax credit for 7% of the amount of investment. The period of effect of this taxation scheme was extended to March 31, 2012.  - 経済産業省


The earthquake, tsunami and the nuclear accident brought about huge difficulties for the Japanese economy. Nevertheless, the Japanese government has compiled a reconstruction budget of about 4 percent of GDP within a short period of time, relying for its funding not on issuing special deficit-financing bonds but on temporary measures for individual and corporate income taxes, expenditure cuts and so on.  - 財務省

よって、引き続き中小企業のIT利活用を促進するための環境整備を行い、生産性向や経営の高度化を実現するため、中小企業が実践するIT 経営のベストプラクティス収集・普及事業、クラウドコンピューティングの利用促進に向けた環境整備、政府系金融機関の情報化投資融資制度及び高度な情報セキュリティの確保された質の高いIT 投資を促進するための税制上の措置等を講じた。例文帳に追加

Action therefore continued to be taken to develop the environment to encourage SMEs to use IT, and measures including the following were implemented to raise productivity and enhance management: compilation of information on instances of best practice in IT management by SMEs and encouragement of adoption of such practices, development of conditions to encourage greater use of cloud computing, provision of loans for investment in IT by government-affiliated financial institutions, and tax measures to encourage investment in high-quality IT ensuring advanced information security.  - 経済産業省


Against such a background, the government and the ruling coalition parties, recognizing that more attractive incentives must be offered to increase angel investment, have decided to introduced anincome exemption systemas part of the 2008 amendment of the tax code. Under the system an angel who made an angel investment in a start-up established within past three years which satisfies specific conditions is allowed to deduct from his or her total income for the year of investment the amount of money substantially equivalent to the investment (less 5,000 yen, with the upper limit of 10 million yen), and he or she can choose either the new exemption system or the existing treatment, as stated above in (a).  - 経済産業省

具体的には、1.グローバル企業に対する補助金や税制などのインセンティブ措置を強化することにより、我が国の立地競争力を高めること、2.総合特区制度を活用することにより投資を呼び込み、地域における雇用創出につなげること、3.社会資本の整備や規制の見直し、行政手続の透明性向、行政の英語化、事業環境の整備を進めること、4.外国人向けの教育・医療、生活環境の整備を進めること、5.政府による我が国の立地環境の魅力の PR、風評被害の払拭に向けた情報発信を充実させること、という 5 つの柱に沿って、個別の施策に取り組むこととされている。例文帳に追加

Specifically, individual measures shall be promoted in line with the following five pillars: 1. strengthening locational competitiveness of Japan by reinforcing incentive measures for global enterprises, including subsidy programs and tax systems; 2. encouraging investments by utilizing the comprehensive special zone program and others so as to create employment in local regions; 3. promoting the development of business environment through such methods as developing social infrastructure, reviewing regulations and others, improving the transparency of administrative procedures, and using English in administrative affairs; 4. promoting the development of a better living environment through such method as improving education and medical care for foreigners; and 5. promoting the governments PR activities to emphasize the appeal of locational environment of Japan and enhancing the dissemination of information to eliminate harmful rumors. - 経済産業省


2. Specifically, we will carry out measures such as the following as a package: Tax reductions for R&D and focused investment incentives, for improving the competitiveness of Japanese industries; Integration of inheritance and gift taxes for encouraging the smooth transfer of assets from the older generation to the younger generation and cuts in tax rates; Reduction and simplification of taxation of financial transactions and stocks for encouraging a shift from 'deposits' to 'investment'; Cuts in the tax rates of registration and license taxes for promoting utilization of land; Abolition of' special allowance for spouse' (exceeding the amount of the 'allowance for spouse')to simplify personal allowances, etc.; Reduction of the tax-exempt threshold, etc., to increase people's trust in the consumption tax and improve its transparency; Review of tobacco and liquor taxes; and other measures - 財務省


(ⅱ)ベンチャーへの資金供給を大幅に拡大する。このため、現行のエンジェル税制を使い勝手の良いものに改善し、民間企業の資金を活用したベンチャー企業への投資を促す方策を検討し、必要な措置を講ずる。大企業からの独立(スピンオフ)や地域のリソースを活用した起業・創業も強力に推進する。【本年8月末までに結論】 また、ベンチャーなど新規・成長企業と投資家をインターネットサイトで結び付け、多数の投資家から少額ずつ資金を集める仕組み(クラウド・ファンディング)について検討し、本年中に制度改正が必要となる事項を整理する。【本年中に策定】例文帳に追加

(ii) Significantly increase fund supplies for venture businesses. Make the existing angel tax system more user-friendly and review measures that promote investment in venture companies utilizing private company funds, etc, and take necessary measures. Push for the establishment of spinoffs from major companies and start-up businesses utilizing local resources. (Reach conclusion by end of August) Conduct a study on and identify institutional reforms which need to be made with regard to a mechanism that will connect new and growing companies, including venture businesses, and investors on an Internet website, and raise small amounts of funds from many investors (crowdfunding) by the end of this year. (Formulate by end of the year)  - 経済産業省


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