
「規格に適合」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 規格に適合の意味・解説 > 規格に適合に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 275


9. 強制規格、任意規格及び適合性評価手続例文帳に追加

9. Technical Regulations, Standards and Conformity Assessment Procedures  - 経済産業省


This performance conforms to that standard. - Weblio Email例文集


Use of Machines, etc., Comply with Standards  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


make normal or cause to conform to a norm or standard  - 日本語WordNet



...'s G.Lite Technology Compliant with ITU's Approved G.992.2 Standard  - コンピューター用語辞典



Steel Pipe Scaffolding Conforming to the Steel Pipe Standards  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Steel Pipe Scaffolding Constructed by Steel Pipes Other Than Those Conforming to the Steel Pipe Standards  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


It must conform to the brewing standard.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

第一節 日本工業規格への適合の表示例文帳に追加

Section 1 Labeling of Compliance with the Japanese Industrial Standards  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



Labeling of Compliance with the Japanese Industrial Standards of Mineral or Industrial Products  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



Labeling of Compliance of a Processing Technology with the Japanese Industrial Standards  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide a storage device compatible with SATA standard or SAS standard. - 特許庁


To provide a method of manufacturing a semiconductor device by which a semiconductor substrate no passing a predetermined standard is subjected to a re-processing to pass the standard. - 特許庁

第四章 鉱工業品等の日本工業規格への適合性の認証例文帳に追加

Chapter IV Certification of Compliance of Mineral or Industrial Products, etc. with the Japanese Industrial Standards  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

この規格では、"POSIX Conformance (POSIX 準拠)"と"XSI Conformance (XSI 準拠)"の二段階の適合性を定義している。例文帳に追加

The standard defines two levels of conformance: "POSIX conformance"  - JM


Then, as for the product judged to be out of the standards, the standards are switched to those having a cultivation article adaptive reference whose grade is lower than that of the cultivation article adaptive reference owned by the standards, and the product is produced and shipped as the cultivation article with standards whose grade is low. - 特許庁


The method of manufacturing a semiconductor device is the method of subjecting the semiconductor substrate to a processing including a pre-process and a post-process, inspects the characteristics of the semiconductor substrate to be processed, judges whether it passes the predetermined standard or not, and subjects the semiconductor substrate not passing the standard to the re-processing to pass the standard. - 特許庁

二 日本工業規格X六二二三に適合する九十ミリメートルフレキシブルディスクカートリッジ例文帳に追加

(ii) a 90-mm flexible disk cartridge that conforms to Japanese Industrial Standards X6223.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) 第3項から第5項に定める成分規格に適合するもの ((1)に該当するものを除く。)例文帳に追加

(2) When foods meet the compositional standards given in Paragraphs 3 through 5 below (excluding cases falling into section (1) above. - 厚生労働省

一 格付の表示を付された農林物資が日本農林規格に適合しないと認めるとき。例文帳に追加

(i) When such person finds that the agricultural and forestry product to which the Grade Label was affixed is not conforming to the Japanese Agricultural Standards; or  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第一節 日本工業規格への適合の表示 (第十九条—第二十四条)例文帳に追加

Section 1 Labeling of Compliance with the Japanese Industrial Standards (Articles 19 to 24)  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Some slopes and curves in the present section between the Chayamachi Station and the Kojima Station do not meet Shinkansen specifications.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Labeling of compliance of mineral or industrial products, etc. manufactured by foreign manufacturer with the Japanese Industrial Standards  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To make a non-standard device such as an FPGA which is not suitable for a standard value relating to required output delay coexist with a standarid device on the same bus. - 特許庁


To provide a facsimile equipment in which the possibility to perform unsuitable operation is low or unsuitable operation is not performed in a country where the equipment is used when using the equipment in each of countries by matching standards according to parameters in terms of software or matching standards according to substrate installation in terms of hardware. - 特許庁


To accurately discriminate whether an input television signal is a standard signal conforming to its specifications or a non-standard signal not conforming to the specifications. - 特許庁

HD DVD-VR規格に適合したHD DVD-VRコンテンツをHD DVD-Video規格に適合したインターオペラブルコンテンツへ変換し記録するのに優れた情報記録装置を提供すること。例文帳に追加

To provide an information recording device which is excellent in that HD DVD-VR contents adapted to HD DVD-VR standard are converted into inter-operable contents adapted to HD DVD Video standard and recorded. - 特許庁

HD DVD-VR規格に適合したHD DVD-VRコンテンツをHD DVD Video規格に適合したインターオペラブルコンテンツへ変換し記録するのに優れた情報記録装置を提供すること。例文帳に追加

To provide an information recording device which is excellent in that HD DVD-VR contents adapted to HD DVD-VR standard are converted into inter-operable contents adapted to HD DVD Video standard and recorded. - 特許庁

第五百六十条 事業者は、鋼管足場に使用する鋼管については、日本工業規格A八九五一(鋼管足場)に定める鋼管の規格(以下「鋼管規格」という。)又は次に定めるところに適合するものでなければ、使用してはならない。例文帳に追加

Article 560 (1) The employer shall, as regards the steel pipes used for steel pipe scaffolding, not use unless they conform to the standards of steel pipes of the Japanese Industrial Standard A 895l, (Steel Pipe Scaffoldings) (hereinafter referred to as the "steel pipe standards"), or conform to the following provisions:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 事業者は、鋼管足場に使用する附属金具については、日本工業規格A八九五一(鋼管足場)に定める附属金具の規格又は次に定めるところに適合するものでなければ、使用してはならない。例文帳に追加

(2) The employer shall, as regards the fittings used for steel pipe scaffoldings, not use unless they conform to the standards of fittings of the Japanese Industrial Standard A 8951 (Steel Pipe Scaffoldings) or conform to the following provisions:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Thus, installation work can be performed easily and rapidly in order to conform to communication standards, irrespective of the length of the coaxial cable 5 or the standards of the antenna unit 2. - 特許庁

検疫所は、法第 27 条の規定に基づく輸入届出等により、法第 11 条又は法第 18 条の規定に基づく食品等の規格又は基準(以下「規格基準」という。)をはじめとする法への適合について確認する。例文帳に追加

Through the import-notification documents submitted under Article 27 of the Act, the quarantine stations shall check as to their compliance with the specifications and standards for foods (hereinafter referred as “the standards”) under Article 11 and Article 18 of the Act. - 厚生労働省


(5)Through the import-notification documents submitted under Article 27 of the Act, the quarantine stations shall check as to their compliance with the specifications and standards for foods (hereinafter referred as “the standards”) under Article 11 and Article 18 of the Act. - 厚生労働省

一 工業標準化法(昭和二十四年法律第百八十五号)に基づく日本工業規格(以下「日本工業規格」という。)X六二二一に適合する九十ミリメートルフレキシブルディスクカートリッジ例文帳に追加

(i) a 90-mm flexible disk cartridge that conforms to the Japanese Industrial Standards under Industrial Standardization Act (Act No. 185 of 1949) (hereinafter referred to as "Japanese Industrial Standards") X6221; or  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

我々は,適合性評価を改善し,国際標 準化に関する協力を促進し,各エコノミーが任意規格や強制規格に関する問題に対処する能力構築を行うための作業を前進させるようAPECに促した。例文帳に追加

We encouraged APEC to advance work to improve conformity assessment, promote cooperation on international standardization and build capacity of economies in addressing issues related to standards and technical regulations.  - 経済産業省


To perform operation suitable for specifications by preventing the user of a transmitter having the possibility of deviating from the specification of frequency stability in wireless communication equipment having a transmission function in a plurality of channels with different occupied frequency bandwidths. - 特許庁


Therefore, a command signal indicating the standard of the transmitted high frequency signal is imparted to the switch circuit, thereby setting the attenuations suited to the standard to the attenuator units in the case of reception. - 特許庁


Arbitrary video contained in a plurality of video information conforming to the DVD-RTR standard is recorded while being suited to the jacket picture of the DVD-Video standard. - 特許庁

日メキシコEPA では第3章第3部に、日マレーシアEPA では第5章に、強制規格、任意規格及び適合性評価手続章を設けている。例文帳に追加

Section 3 of Chapter 3 of the Japan-Mexico EPA is in respect of technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures, and Chapter 5 of the Japan-Malaysia EPA is in respect of the same. - 経済産業省


10. In order to strengthen REI in the Asia-Pacific, it is essential to ensure that standards, technical regulations, and conformity assessment procedures do not create unnecessary obstacles to international trade.  - 経済産業省


ISO as international standards, therefore, provide Guide 64 (Guide for the inclusion of environmental aspects in product standards) and TR14062 (Environmental management - Integrating environmental aspects into product).  - 経済産業省


At first, a selecting means (31) selects optical fibers appropriate to the user standards among an inventory with reference to a user standard DB (database) (22) and an inventory DB (21). - 特許庁


The ladder circuit is compliant with a predetermined safety standard, and as the function blocks thereof, function blocks entirely according to the safety standard are used. - 特許庁


Thus, a connection part fitted to the connector 3 in the prescribed standard can easily and inexpensively be formed by only forming the bend part 1b in the film 1. - 特許庁


To provide a positive mutual authentication system which improves the processing efficiency of an apparatus and conforms to International Standards. - 特許庁

十三 水上ヘリポートにあつては、次の表に掲げる規格に適合した着陸帯及び誘導水路を有するものであること。例文帳に追加

(xiii) In the case of a water heliport, it shall have a runway strip and taxi waterway conforming to the standards listed in the following table:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To enable adapting to standards of each country by realizing a common use of a transformer molded with an expensive metal mold, using extremely simple components. - 特許庁


Thus, the memory card 8 stores the image data recorded in compliance with the standards and the image data are compatible with data of other devices. - 特許庁


The IC card component is compatible with a wide range of products compliant with the JICSAP standard, which has come into widespread use in Japan.  - コンピューター用語辞典


四 発生器及び安全器は、法第四十二条の規定に基づき厚生労働大臣が定める規格に適合するものとすること。例文帳に追加

(iv) To conform the acetylene gas generator and safety equipment to the standards provided by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare pursuant to the provision of Article 42 of the Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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