
「調達する」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(20ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 1308



M&A has become one of the important growth strategies for companies faced with intensifying global competition, and financial institutions may be increasingly expected to provide advisory functions such as the development of appropriate financing schemes. - 経済産業省


The development of systems relevant to JDR is currently underway. The use of JDR is also proposed as one of the means to acquire funds from “Japan for the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor,” and increased use of JDR by companies from all over Asia is expected in the future. - 経済産業省


More specifically, grain majors provided farmers loans to procure the materials necessary for agricultural operations, including seeds, fertilizers, and agrichemicals, and buy crops from them at a certain price later in the harvest season. Thus, farmers received money for repayment. - 経済産業省


The guidebook is written with the needs of Cipher Procurement personnel in mind however, those less familiar with cryptography terms should also be able to understand it.  - 経済産業省



Looking into details of industrial linkage effects of the electrical machinery industry, it is found that such effects have been decreasing in the first-half process of Japanese companies supplying product parts to the rest of the East Asian region while the effects have been increasing in the second-half process of Japanese companies procuring parts from other East Asian countries. - 経済産業省



No significant progress was made at first, but at the EU-GCC Ministerial meeting in 2005, it was agreed to accelerate negotiations by (i) focusing on the areas of trade in services, import duties on industrial goods, and public procurement, and (ii) conducting negotiations in a "Single Undertaking method," which requires agreement in all areas for settlement. - 経済産業省


One characteristic of Japanese SMEs is that, because of refinancing, a portion of borrowings from financial institutions effectively does not require procurement of repayment funds. For SMEs, these funds are regarded as capital in nature and are said to supplement the equity capital of SMEs. - 経済産業省


This Agreement is aimed at not only reducing and eliminating tariffs on the bilateral trade of the two countries, but also regulating the National Treatment in services, investment, government procurement and other areas. It further seeks economic coordination in a wide range of areas by means such as setting up a committee to establish the business environment. - 経済産業省


Amid the globalization of corporate activities and the diversification of the procurement environment, the risk of defective parts and materials being used in the production process is expected to increase. However, recognition of this risk and the measures taken to deal with it vary according to company size. - 経済産業省


我が国やEU、カナダをはじめとする貿易相手国の強い反対にも関わらず盛り込まれた同条項は、同法に基づき実施される公共事業等において調達される鉄鋼(all of the iron and steel) 及び製造品(manufactured goods)を、米国製に限定することを義務付けるものである8。例文帳に追加

This provision, adopted not withstanding strong protests raised by trade partners including Japan, the EU and Canada, provides that all of the iron and steel and manufactured goods to be procured for the public works implemented under the Act shall be limited to American products. - 経済産業省


「アジア経済倍増に向けた成長構想」を具体化するためには、ⅰ 鉄道や道路などの基幹インフラⅱ 発電所、工業団地などの関連インフラⅲ 産業開発の計画ⅳ 資金調達の仕組みⅴ 通関等の改善すべき制度について総合開発計画を策定する必要がある。例文帳に追加

In order to make the Growth Initiative toward Doubling the Size of Asia's Economy more specific, it is necessary to formulate a comprehensive development plan regarding the following: i) arterial infrastructure, such as railways and roads, ii) relevant infrastructure that should be developed in the surroundings, such as power plants and industrial parks, iii) industrial development plans, d) finance structure, and e) systems that need to be improved, such as customs clearance. - 経済産業省


Recently, in the wake of "sweatshop" problems, the scope of CSR activities has extended beyond companies concerned to cover supply chains for the selection of suppliers of materials from the viewpoints of human rights and labor conditions, the global environment and so on. - 経済産業省

翻って、援助資金を前倒しで調達するInternational Finance Facility構想については、実現可能なオプションであり更に作業を進めることが重要との意見が見られますが、我が国としては法制上及び予算制度上参加が困難であることに加え、援助資金の前倒し調達を行う結果、将来の援助資金が急減すること、既存の国際機関との重複が生ずることなどの問題があり、この構想を更に掘り下げて議論することが有益だとは考えておりません。例文帳に追加

As for the International Finance Facility (IFF), a concept of frontloading aid funds, while some believe that this is a feasible option and that we should further our work on this concept, we are afraid that delving into this matter and having further discussions might not reach productive outcomes.To begin with, it is difficult for Japan to join this facility because our legal and budgetary systems do not allow our government to make long-term political commitments.Besides, once aid funds are frontloaded, the aid flows in the future will decline drastically.There will be overlaps with existing international organizations.  - 財務省


B. Whether the investment corporation has, while taking into consideration the market environment, financing environment and the individual situations of the corporation, drawn up rules regarding the acquisition price of the property under a forward commitment, etc. and the maximum period from the conclusion of the contract until the delivery of the property, as well as the method for procuring funds for payment, and complies with such rules; in particular, in the case of a listed investment corporation, whether the corporation has developed a control environment for carefully considering a forward commitment, etc., under which it might have to pay an excessive penalty compared with the dividend resources, including the delisting requirements.  - 金融庁

FAR は、米国の政府調達に関する一般的な調達原則を定めたもので、入札招請から契約に至る完全かつオープンな競争手続を規定している(ただし、バイ・アメリカン法の適用は妨げられない。)が、「国家非常事態における製品・サービスの供給源維持及び産業動員基盤確保のために特定の供給源と契約しなければならない場合」や、「供給源の数を制限しない限り、機関がそのニーズを開示することによって国家安全保障が脅かされる場合」は、そのような競争手続に従わなくてよいとしている。例文帳に追加

FAR provides general rules on US government procurement. It provides for full and open competition in the acquisition process. (The Buy American Act is still applicable, though.) FAR, however, allows exceptions from those procedures for contracts: (1) when it is necessary to award the contract to a particular source or sources and keep a facility, producer, manufacturer or other supplier available for furnishing certain supplies or services in case of a national emergency or to achieve industrial mobilization; or (2) when the disclosure of the agency’s needs would compromise national security (unless the agency is permitted to limit the number of sources from which it solicits bids or proposals). - 経済産業省

3 前項の「特別国際金融取引勘定」とは、銀行その他の政令で定める金融機関が、非居住者(外国法令に基づいて設立された法人その他政令で定める者に限る。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)から受け入れた預金その他の非居住者から調達した資金を非居住者に対する金銭の貸付け、非居住者からの証券の取得その他の非居住者との間での運用に充てるために行う次に掲げる取引又は行為に係る資金の運用又は調達に関する経理をその他の取引又は行為に係る資金の運用又は調達に関する経理と区分して整理するため財務大臣の承認を受けて設ける勘定をいう。例文帳に追加

(3) The "Special International Financial Transactions Account" set forth in the preceding paragraph shall mean the account set by banks or other financial institutions specified by Cabinet Order with the approval of the Minister of Finance in order to adjust accounting related to the operation or procurement of funds pertaining to the following transactions or acts, which are committed to allocate deposits received from a non-resident (limited to juridical persons established pursuant to foreign laws and regulations and those specified by Cabinet Order; hereinafter the same shall apply in this and the next paragraph) or other funds procured from a non-resident to money loan to a non-resident, acquisition of securities from a non-resident or other operations with a non-resident, in distinction from the accounting related to the operation or procurement of funds pertaining to other transactions or acts.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

三 その個人が国外において建設、すえ付け、組立てその他の作業につき契約の締結又は当該作業に必要な人員若しくは資材の調達を行ない、かつ、国内において当該作業を施行する場合 当該作業により生ずるすべての所得例文帳に追加

(iii) Where the individual, outside Japan, concludes a contract for, or procures personnel or materials necessary for, construction, installation, assembly or any other work, and carries out the work in Japan: All income arising from the work  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

三 その法人が国外において建設、すえ付け、組立てその他の作業につき契約の締結又は当該作業に必要な人員若しくは資材の調達を行ない、かつ、国内において当該作業を施行する場合 当該作業により生ずるすべての所得例文帳に追加

(iii) Where the corporation, outside Japan, concludes a contract for, or procures personnel or materials necessary for, construction, installation, assembly or any other work, and carries out the work in Japan: All income arising from the work;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二十六 放送番組等の制作のために使用される舞台背景、建具等の大道具又は調度品、身辺装飾用品等の小道具の調達、製作、設置、配置、操作、搬入又は搬出の業務(法第四条第一項第二号に規定する建設業務を除く。)例文帳に追加

(xxvi) work to procure, produce, set, place, operate, carry in or carry out stage sets, such as scenery and fittings, or props such as accessories used for producing broadcast programs (excluding construction work prescribed in item (ii) of paragraph (1) of Article 4 of the Act).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


On March 17, Yoshinoya announced to start round-the clock gyudon sales for the first time in four years and a month because it was successful to expand the supply source of US beef, a main ingredient of the gyudon, and became capable of securing the quantity of beef required for regularly offering 24-hours serving at about 1040 outlets nationwide..  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In recent years, viewer ratings among young people have dropped and production costs (such as checks for historical accuracy and licensing for the use of related data, production and procurement of sets and props, securing of locations and related licensing, plus costs and labour involved in makeup, wigs, costumes) have increased compared to contemporary dramas.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At such a crisis of the ex-master's family, Gengobe seemed to have been losing himself in playing with a geisha; however, he at last explains to Hachiemon that his such stupid behavior has been the disguise for deceiving the enemies, in fact, he has been secretly trying to prepare 100 ryo for the stolen money and to be allowed to join the group of the loyal avengers by offering the money.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Afterwards, he served not as a general on the front lines but mainly as a supporting bugyo (commissioner), concerned with highway maintenance as the Highway Bugyo, the supply military of ships during the Kyushu Campaign and he attended the requisition of Odawara Castle during the Battle of Odawara, as well as investigating the Asari Incident as an Oshushioki, or judge.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There was very little financial support from the Aizu clan, so the Mibu Roshingumi, at SERIZAWA's instigation, robbed money from wealthy merchant houses (a common practice of the Tenguto), and from that point, HIRAMA who was close to SERIZAWA, took control of their finances.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Bando samurai have a lifeline of support in the exercise of authority of the Musashi provincial government, who supplied horses and weapons, both indispensable to samurai warriors, and, with the seizure of Mutsu, the influence of MINAMOTO no Yoshitomo (who promoted Bando control) was enhanced.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the Russo-Japanese War, the food supply got disconnected and it was difficult to procure on the spot, so the soldiers' energy (calories) came purely through rice, and as the supply of barley rice to the army was stopped by Ogai and others, it led to many cases of beriberi and many deaths.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On January 26, 1185, with support from Koreyoshi OGATA, a Gozoku (local ruling family) in Bugo Province, Noriyori was able to get army provisions and ships, convince Yoshimori WADA and other busho who wanted to go back to Kamakura even without permission and finally was able to go to Bungo from Suo Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At first Kikuchi's forces on the Imperial side were superior because the Ashikaga forces were greatly outnumbered and the military equipment obtained by Sadatsune SHONI was destroyed by fire during the attack of Dazaifu; the situation, however, was reversed due to betrayal by many warriors in Kikuchi's forces: leading Kikuchi's forces to collapse and flee, and in the meantime, Korenao ASO died in battle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the Boshin War eventually started, the Oetsu-reppan alliance: the Aizu, Sendai, Nihonmatsu, Kubota, and other domains started coining counterfeit money, followed by Imperial army domains such as Satsuma, Tosa, Geishu, Uwajima, Sadowara, and Gunyama Domain, for the purpose of raising capital to import weapons from overseas.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Kyo-yashiki residences played a role in purchasing high-level artifacts of each domain, collecting the knowledge/information on ceremonies and rites, promoting the sale of the products of their own domains and financial dealings like borrowing from merchants, and so on which were close to the role of the Kurayashiki (Warehouse-residence) in Osaka.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

その結果、当該 ABCP に対して流動性補完を供与していた欧米の金融機関が、短期金融市場において、流動性の供与に必要な資金調達を余儀なくされたことから、欧米の短期金融市場の流動性が逼迫することとなった。例文帳に追加

Consequently, U.S. and European financial institutions, which had been providing liquidity support to said ABCP, were forced to secure the funding necessary to ensure liquidity in the ABCP market, thereby constraining the liquidity in U.S. and European short-term money markets.  - 金融庁


・ The process of developing, procuring or modifying the new system or software should be appropriately recorded and retained. In the case of modification, records on the status of internal control design over the old system or software must be updated.  - 金融庁


In recent years, as organizational restructuring of the insurance industry has advanced, examples have been observed such as where the capital of an insurance company is increased using funds procured through loans by another company within the group.  - 金融庁

第三者割当増資やいわゆる私募CB(MSCBを含む。)等については、企業再生等に 係る資金調達手段として有効と考えられる一方で、発行条件及び利用方法次第で希薄化による既存株主に対する不利益が生じるリスクもある。例文帳に追加

While capital increases through third-party allotment and private placement of convertible bonds (CBs) (including moving-strike CBs (MSCBs)) are seen as effective fund-raising means for corporate rehabilitation and other measures, they involve the risk that the interests of existing shareholders may be undermined through the dilution of the value of their shareholdings, depending on the issuance terms and the usage method.  - 金融庁


Amidst the low birth rate, the increasingly aging society, and the economys low growth rate, the financial sector is expected to provide more solid support to the real economy and enterprises, by providing suitable investment opportunities to the household sector, and diverse fundraising methods to enterprises.  - 金融庁


The positive developments include the readiness of the large U.S. and European financial institutions that I mentioned just now to quickly recognize and disclose losses related to securitization products on a quarterly or semiannual basis, and raise fresh capital to strengthen their capital bases if they find themselves to be undercapitalized.  - 金融庁


There are also parties - mainly sovereign wealth funds - that are willing to provide capital in response to these moves to raise capital. That a mechanism like this is working under the private sector's initiative is a positive factor.  - 金融庁


When investing in a long-term investment product for which early redemption of the contract is difficult7, for example, do the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions take account of various risks (credit, market risks, etc) involved in the gap between the maturities of funds invested and raised and consider an extraordinary long-term financing plan?  - 金融庁


When investing in a long-term investment product for which early redemption of the contract is difficult, for example, do the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions take account of various risks (credit, market risks, etc) involved in the gap between the maturities of funds invested and raised and consider an extraordinary long-term financing plan?  - 金融庁


As measures for SMEs, we aim to prioritize support for overseas strategies by SMEs, support for R&D, measures to facilitate financing, and other efforts designed to stimulate SMEs, while also supporting SMEs in raising the minimum wage.  - 財務省

更に、EFSFに替わる、より恒久的なメカニズムとして、各国の払込み資本金と請求払い資本金でやはり債券を発行して資金を調達し、5000億ユーロ規模の融資能力を持つ欧州安定メカニズム(ESM:European Stability Mechanism)を創設することになっている。例文帳に追加

In addition, as a more permanent mechanism replacing the EFSF, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), is to be established, with a lending capacity of 500 billion euro, financed by the paid-in capital and callable capital contributed by the member countries, as well as by bond issuance.  - 財務省


Strengthened regulation and supervision must promote propriety, integrity and transparency; guard against risk across the financial system; dampen rather than amplify the financial and economic cycle; reduce reliance on inappropriately risky sources of financing; and discourage excessive risk-taking.  - 財務省


In such a case, close collaboration with the Fund is of course essential. But, since the World Bank Group is equipped with functions of its own to raise funds from the market and to guarantee private capital mobilization, I request that the Bank consider new scheme of assistance that will capitalize on these functions.  - 財務省


The Committee looked forward to receiving at its next meeting a report on progress made in further delineating priority global public goods investment areas for the Bank, as well as on division of labor between development partners and the development of appropriate financing arrangements.  - 財務省


3. We intend to implement debt management policy appropriately, reflecting market needs and trends in order to curb financing cost in the long term and to secure stable financing, while ensuring confidence in government bonds through fiscal structural reform. - 財務省


The lesson learned from the currency crisis is that Asian bond markets must be fostered so that the private sector does not become entrapped in a "currency" and "maturity" mismatch in their financing. An environment must be developed to ensure access to a stable supply of long-term funds to support private-sector investment. It is also desirable for the savings of the Asian region to be effectively utilized within the region itself. - 財務省

欧州では、7 月 21 日のユーロ圏首脳会議において、主に欧州金融安定化ファシリティー(EFSF)の柔軟化を通じて、ギリシャや資金調達の緊張に直面しているその他の国々の状況に対処するための包括的なパッケージが決定された。例文帳に追加

In Europe, the Euro area Summit decided on July 21 a comprehensive package to tackle the situation in Greece and other countries facing financial tensions, notably through the flexibilisation of the EFSF.  - 財務省


To provide a method of manufacturing a nitrogen-doped silicon single crystal by the Czochralski method (CZ method) capable of suppressing raw material procurement cost by sufficiently decreasing the used amount of a high-priced raw material of a nitrogen dopant and capable of improving manufacturing efficiency. - 特許庁


To promote the sales of merchandise in a shop, and to efficiently perform the work of sending a storage means to a customer using a home delivery service and the complicated work of calculating and estimating a required cost at a shop side in the procurement or the like of a shop visit gift. - 特許庁



To provide a weed-preventing material by using steelmaking slag, continuing a weed-preventing effect for a long period of time, simple for construction, easy for procurement of the material, not damaging the weed prevention effect by the traffic of humans and vehicles and showing a low extent of effect on the environment, and a method of construction by using the same. - 特許庁


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