
「調達する」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(25ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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SMEs that have procured funds using the new loan have praised the system saying that they were able to secure funds in only a short period of time after applying and that the loan was convenient in not requiring a third-party guarantee. Others have praised not only the financing itself but also point out that the loans increase the importance of transparency in accounting. - 経済産業省


This impact involves airlines, especially as the situation with FukusDai-ichi NPS became clearer. Airlines have taken measures; for example switching away Narita and change stopovers to via Kansai Airport, Chubu Airport or nearby airports neighboring companies, changing the procurement of the in-flight meals and accommodation flight crews, etc. - 経済産業省

さらに、2008 年の中国の原油輸入量は約360 万バレル/日(約50 万トン/日)であり(第2-1-3-9 図)、そのうち約8 割がマラッカ海峡を経由する輸入となっているが、喫水の深いVLCC(大型タンカー)の通行の安全性等も考慮して、中国政府はエネルギーの安定供給という観点から、ロシア・カザフスタンからの陸路(パイプライン・鉄道)による石油調達多様化構想も進めている。例文帳に追加

Furthermore, China's crude oil imports in 2008 was some 3.60 million barrel per day (some 500,000ton per day) (see Figure 2-1-3-9) and about 80% is imported through the Strait of Malacca. Considering the safety of travel of Very Large Crude Oil Carrier (VLCC) with deep draft, the Chinese government is proceeding with the petroleum procurement diversify project that uses land transportation (pipelines and railroads) through Russia and Kazakhstan for the stable energy supply. - 経済産業省

市場のグローバル化の加速、1995 年のWTO/TBT協定、翌96 年の政府調達協定の発効、及び2001 年の中国のWTO加盟、さらには、科学技術の進歩に伴うモジュール化、デジタル化、ネットワーク化の進展等により、国際市場での製品等の展開において優位なポジションを獲得・維持するための手段として国際標準の重要性はますます高まっている。例文帳に追加

Accelerating the globalization of markets, the WTO / TBT Agreement in 1995, an agreement on Government Procurement came into force in 1996. China's WTO accession in 2001, and even with advances in science and technology; modular, digital, and network due to the progress of the importance of international standards as means to acquire and maintain a dominant position in the product. It is increasingly becoming important to have International Standards for obtaining and maintaining an advantageous position while expanding into the international market. - 経済産業省


サービス協定では第17条でサービス貿易におけるサービス及びサービス提供者への内国民待遇付与を定めている。また、複数国間貿易協定である政府調達協定においても内国民待遇条項が取り入れられたほか、TRIPS 協定第3条においても、知的財産保護に関する他の加盟国の国民への内国民待遇が明示的に規定されている例文帳に追加

GATS Article XVII provides national treatment for services and service providers and Article 3 of the TRIPS Agreement provides national treatment for the protection of intellectual property rights. The plurilateral Agreement on Government Procurement also contains a national treatment clause. - 経済産業省



For start-ups angel investors not only play financial roles as suppliers of risk money, which is difficult to obtain at the early stage of business start-up. Most angels also support them in business operations. Engagement they have in their business and advice they give as a shareholder work to transfer their business experience and expertise to the ventures and help them with business administration.  - 経済産業省


Some point out that in the United States, among others, while the amount of money venture capitals manage has increased mainly due to the growing inflow of capital from pension funds, fewer of these are engaged in hands-on support, one of features they originally had, and that they make fewer investments in start-ups at the early stage of business start-up, which has made it more difficult for the start-ups to raise money.  - 経済産業省


Since 2000, more than 1,000 stocks have been listed on the seven exchanges, with 100 to 150 new listings each year after 2000. The number of companies listed has come quite close to those on similar exchanges in the United States and Europe. They deserve credit for, over the decade, having rapidly improved the environment for start-ups in financing in the stock market.  - 経済産業省


JFCs SME Unit and Micro Business and Individual Unit provided lending to SMEs that engage in initiatives such as startups, restructuring, and other business activities that contribute to maintaining and improving regional economic vitality. These took the form of subordinated loans, whose purpose is to make these enterprises financially more robust and facilitate their raising of funds from private financial institutions.  - 経済産業省


また、下請代金法の違反行為を未然に防止するための講習会を開催した。親事業者の調達担当者を対象とした講習会を113回、経営者層を対象とした講習会を50回開催し、下請代金法及び下請振興法の一層の周知を図ったほか、全国8 会場で親事業者の取組事例等を紹介し、広く下請代金法の遵守を呼びかけるシンポジウム等を開催した。例文帳に追加

Courses on how to prevent the occurrence of violations of the Subcontractor Payment Act were also held. 113 courses for procurement managers and 50 courses for managers at subcontracting entrepreneurs were held to further raise awareness of the Subcontractor Payment Act and Subcontracting Promotion Act, while symposiums were held at eight venues across Japan to showcase instances of best practice at subcontracting entrepreneurs and urge wider compliance with the Subcontractor Payment Act.  - 経済産業省



It is to be hoped that financial institutions will make appropriate use of relationship banking and transaction banking to suit the value of loans and the attributes of enterprises, and that SMEs accurately ascertain the types and nature of the funds that they require, and use not only banks but also a wider diversity of fund providers in order to raise funds in a manner that best suits their situation. - 経済産業省


Recognizing the increase in the number of APEC sub-fora, we welcomed actions taken by Senior Officials to streamline and right-size APEC groupings, improve accountability and communications on the part of sub-fora leaders, link project funding more closely with top APEC priorities, and enhance participation by the private sector.  - 経済産業省


Looking at how councils responded to requests, 44.5% of enterprises received advice on improving their management and/or finances, were referred to appropriate agencies, or became able to raise fresh operating funds from financial institutions through councils’ intervention. In a large proportion of cases, therefore, enterprisesproblems were resolved at the consultation stage (Fig. 1-2-27).  - 経済産業省


Regarding quick loan interest rates, lenders seek to set rates according to borrower risk, which is reflected by the fact that 52.0% of respondents that say that they are chargedhigher than normalinterest rates (Fig. 1-3-19). Nevertheless, the evidence suggests that quick loans play a supplementary financing role of some importance, particularly among enterprises with few employees and low equity ratios, and enterprises in fields where conditions are comparatively difficult, such as construction (Fig. 1-3-20).  - 経済産業省


In the information and communication electrics equipment industry, goods are actively procured from Japan and Asian countries since parts and components are being standardized worldwide, are relatively light, and are transported at low costs. In contrast, it is said the automobile industry tends to form clusters of related companies since parts and components differ in standards according to car models, are relatively heavy, and are transported at high costs. - 経済産業省

また、2010 年11 月に閣議決定された「基本方針」では、早期にEU との交渉に入るための調整を加速し、そのために国内の非関税措置への対応を加速する、との方針が明示され、2010 年12 月には、「いくつかの特定の非関税案件」とされた、「先進安全自動車技術指針」、「政府調達ウェブサイト」、「建築用木材基準」、「医療機器」について、具体的な成果に合意した。例文帳に追加

The Basic Policy on Comprehensive Economic Partnerships, approved by the Cabinet in November 2010, stipulates that the Japanese government will expedite arrangements to enter into negotiations with the EU at an early date, and that for this purpose, it will accelerate efforts to reform its domestic non-tariff measures. And, in December 2010, the two sides reached an agreement on concrete measures with regard to the technical guideline on the Advanced Safety Vehicle, government procurement websites, wood product standards and medical equipment, which were cited as some specific non-tariff measures. - 経済産業省

2007 年2月に行われた東アジアに進出している我が国製造業に対するアンケート調査結果によると、直近3年間で各企業の事業ネットワーク上に生じた変化としては、製品・部品ごとの生産集中が進展したとの回答や、東アジア内における調達先国・販売先国が拡大したとの回答が上位を占めている(第2-2-2 図)。例文帳に追加

In a questionnaire survey of Japanese manufacturing industries that have expanded into East Asia conducted in February 2007 regarding some of the changes that have come about through their business networks in the past three years, the change most frequently identified was progress made in concentrating production by product and part. Also mentioned as frequently were increases in the number of countries within East Asia from which they could procure parts and materials and to which they could export (Figure 2-2-2). - 経済産業省

これらの特徴をいかしながら、内外の物流業者は、保税物流園区を拠点として、国際調達、国際配送、国際中継など多様な国際物流モデルを構築することができ、中国政府も保税物流園区を国際物流業の発展拠点として位置づけ、その運用方針を明確にした。これを契機に保税物流園区の利用は拡大している(コラム第6-3 図)。例文帳に追加

By taking advantage of these special characteristics, distributors in China and overseas can build various international logistics models such as international procurement, international distribution, and international entrepot trade using bonded logistics parks as their hub. The Chinese government has positioned bonded logistics parks as bases for development of the international distribution industry and has spelled out plans for their operation, with a view to expanding the utilization of bonded logistics parks (Column Figure 6-3). - 経済産業省

また、インドなど一部の国では海外で原株式を直接上場できない制度となっていることを踏まえ、我が国の金融市場をより開かれたものにし、特に東アジア等の成長企業が我が国で円滑に資金調達を行える魅力ある金融市場とするため、日本型預託証券(JDR:Japanese Depositary Receipt)の活用等を促進すべきである。例文帳に追加

Also, as some countries such as India have systems which do not allow direct listing of original shares in foreign countries, Japan’s financial markets should be more open, and utilization of Japanese Depository Receipts (JDRs) should be promoted to make it an attractive financial market, especially for East Asian and other growth companies to smoothly raise capital in Japan. - 経済産業省


As for the functional side, establishing prompt communication in English by the market participants, reducing the time spent for examinations and procedures by increasing the number of experts in international accounting standards (e.g. , certified public accountants), expanding the scope of financing, improving liquidity, and enhancing the system of communicating with major foreign countries are among the conceivable measures. - 経済産業省


Taking into account that companiesinformation disclosure is supported by third parties (Nomad199) in the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) of the United Kingdom, quick and easy financing for growing companies must be made possible in the new stock markets of Japan by developing the framework for the market for professionals as described earlier in an effort to facilitate and support venture businesses in their information disclosure. - 経済産業省

「各府省の情報システム調達における暗号の利用方針」では、今後、総務省及び経済産業省が、電子政府推奨暗号リストに掲載された暗号の安全性及び信頼性について今後の情報通信技術の進展を踏まえ必要に応じて評価する、とされており、両省はCRYPTREC において電子政府推奨暗号の監視を行っていくこととしている。例文帳に追加

According to the Guidelines, MPHPT and METI will conduct evaluations of the security and reliability of the ciphers listed if necessary, while watching the future advancement of telecommunication technologies. Therefore, both ministries will monitor the e-Government recommended ciphers in CRYPTREC.  - 経済産業省


The company, in a bid to expand its competitive business further, tries to build an international business network, which is aimed at manufacturing products with same technological levels across its all manufacturing units, procuring the same quality of parts and materials and making necessary amount of products in an appropriate timing while responding to needs of local markets. - 経済産業省


They are believed to be operating overseas not just to achieve an immediate objective of reducing costs ? the objective of being able to buy parts at cheaper prices ? but to achieve a grandiose goal of minimizing inventories in each process of business activities ? parts procurement, design, production, distribution and marketing ? and supplying the right amount of products ? products that meet customers' needs ? in an appropriate timing while not sticking to their affiliates or group companies in doing business. - 経済産業省


For SMEs trying to participate and expand sales channels in Asian and other growing foreign markets, METI will cooperate with relevant organizations in enhancing JETRO support for participation in overseas trade fairs and assistance regarding information, human resources development and fund-raising operations and in developing the environment for their smooth business operations after their expansion into these markets. - 経済産業省


In Section 2, we discussed how important regional financial institutions are in strengthening their business relationships with SMEs by promoting community-based finance so as to diversify fundraising schemes available to SMEs, including finance not overly dependent on security or guarantees. It also pointed out the need for regional financial institutions to enhance their ability to evaluate the technical capacity and growth potential of SMEs. - 経済産業省


Although it was also expected that the introduction of common rules such as fiscal discipline would encourage the convergence of economic fundamentals among participating members, because the introduction of the euro enabled current account deficit countries to be easily financed from abroad when needed. The incentives for structural reform, on the contrary, were greatly weakened. - 経済産業省


However, the economy declined considerably due to harsh fiscal restraint, and other factors, and it gradually became evident that it would be difficult for the government to achieve its fiscal reconstruction goals with the reduced tax revenues. Subsequently, there was a fast-growing concern in the market that not only would it be difficult for Greece to achieve its financing through issuance of long-term government bonds in 2012,but also that the ?110 billion support would result in shortages of funds sooner or later, forcing that country to restructure its debts. - 経済産業省


Advantages of Islamic finance for the borrowing side which are pointed out are that generally (a) compared to ordinary finance, there is a tendency for procurement costs to be relatively lower, since it is a finance scheme which incorporates the funds of Muslims who prefer operations that conform to the doctrine of the Islamic religion, and (b) it is readily accepted religiously among Muslims, since the origin of funds and method of borrowing comply with the doctrine of the Islamic religion. - 経済産業省

従来、地域密着性が主要な企業の競争力の源泉となってきたサービス産業にとって、その事業規模は限られ、結果として規模の利益を享受することに限界があったと考えられるが、以上のように、IT 投資の積極的拡大や大量調達とグローバル展開を同時に進めることで規模の利益を実現し、双方が成果を生む好循環を生み出していると考えられる。例文帳に追加

In the past, regional bonding was the main source of competitive strength for companies in service sector, business scale became limited, and as a result there were limits to obtaining economies of scale. But as mentioned above, achieving economies of scale by simultaneously pushing forward with active expansion of IT investments, large volume purchasing and global expansion can bring a favorable cycle of benefits from all these factors. - 経済産業省

石炭火力発電分野及び送配電分野ともに、相手国の調達基準を導入コスト重視からトータルコスト・外部不経済も含めた複合的な基準へ変更 するよう政府レベルでも働きかけるとともに、日本企業による相手国へのコンサルティング業務を政府が支援していくこと等が期待される。例文帳に追加

Together with the coal-fired power generation sector and electric transmission and distribution sector, it is expected to work in the government level to change counterparty country's supply criteria from the introduction cost sensitive to the total cost, complex criteria inclusive of external diseconomy. At the same time, it is expected for Japan's government to support consulting operation which is undertaken by Japanese company to the counter-party country. - 経済産業省

同条項(当初案)の経済効果について分析した試算11 によると、公共事業で調達される鉄鋼製品の全てを米国産とすることで鉄鋼製品の5 千万トンの増産が見込まれるが、鉄鋼産業は他の産業と比較し資本集約的であるため雇用創出効果はわずか1 千人に過ぎない。例文帳に追加

According to tentative calculations analyzing the economic effect of the provision (based on the initial draft of the Act),11 switching all iron and steel products procured for public works to American products will increase the production of iron and steel products by 50 million metric tons; however, because of the capital-intensive nature of the iron and steel sector, this would only create job opportunities for one thousand people. - 経済産業省


The impact on Japan has been an increase in additional costs as a result of buying higher priced spot contracts for coal from other countries to compensate for insufficient coal stocks due to the delayed arrival of Australian coal attributable to its delayed departure. Other increases in the cost of coal procurement, placing pressure on company operations, include rising marine freight rates due to a decline in the number of ships actually operating around the world, and users being burdened with demurrage costs. - 経済産業省


Concrete examples of (ii) organizational capital include brands (those established in business activities through names, marks, symbols, package designs and other ensigns companies use to identify or differentiate their own products, etc. from products, etc. of competitors ), processes (organizational structures, etc.), networks (raising funds, customer development, etc.) and so on. - 経済産業省


Lifecycle emissions of CO2 is the CO2 equivalent of environmental burdens a product imposes throughout the chain of materials procurement, research and development, production, use and consumption, disposal and recycling and distribution. It is the approach to look at environmental burdens in an integrated manner covering not only those arising from inside the company but also those that could be generated in business activities at large. - 経済産業省


The Federal Minister for Justice shall have power to prescribe by statutory order, to the extent that provision therefor has not been made by law, the collection of administrative fees to cover the costs incurred by use of the services of the Patent Office and may, in particular order that fees be charged for certificates, authentications, inspection of files and information as well as for expenses incurred, issue provisions on the person liable for costs, due date of costs, requirements on advance on costs, exemption from costs, statutory limitation and the procedure for determining costs.  - 特許庁

二 他勘定預金契約等 他の特別国際金融取引勘定承認金融機関との間の前項第十一号イ若しくはロに掲げる取引であつて当該取引に係る資金の運用若しくは調達に関する経理が当該他の特別国際金融取引勘定承認金融機関における特別国際金融取引勘定において整理されるものに係る契約又は他の特別国際金融取引勘定承認金融機関との間の外国公社債等若しくは流動化証券の取得若しくは譲渡であつて当該行為に係る資金の運用若しくは調達に関する経理が当該他の特別国際金融取引勘定承認金融機関における特別国際金融取引勘定において整理されるものをいう。例文帳に追加

(ii) Deposit contract for other account, etc.: Meaning a contract pertaining to the transactions listed in item (xi)(a) or (b) of the preceding paragraph with another approved financial institution for the special international financial transactions account, of which accounting related to the operation or procurement of funds pertaining to the transactions is adjusted in the special international financial transactions account of the another approved financial institution for the special international financial transactions account, or the acquisition or negotiation of the foreign public or corporate bonds, etc. or liquid securities from or to another approved financial institution for the special international financial transactions account, of which accounting related to the operation or procurement of funds pertaining to the act is adjusted in the special international financial transactions account of the another approved financial institution for the special international financial transactions account  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六条 独立行政法人中小企業基盤整備機構は、特定研究成果の民間事業者への移転を促進するため、承認計画に係る特定大学技術移転事業の実施に必要な資金を調達するために発行する社債(社債、株式等の振替に関する法律(平成十三年法律第七十五号)第六十六条第一号に規定する短期社債を除く。)及び当該資金の借入れに係る債務の保証の業務を行う。例文帳に追加

Article 6 In order to promote the transfers of Specified Research Results to private business operators, the Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation shall engage in the business of guaranteeing bonds to be issued in order to procure the funds necessary for implementing the Specified University Technology Transfer Operations pertaining to Approved Plans (excluding short term corporate bonds provided in Article 66, item 1 of the Act Concerning Transfer of Bonds, Shares, etc. (Act No. 75 of 2001)) and for debts arising from borrowing of said funds.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


It is necessary to promote better communication between parties related to the start-up stock market and eliminate poor public relations and avoidable misunderstandings among them. For instance, exchanges should play a central role in providing parties related to the start-up stock market, such as start-ups that raise capital from exchanges, and securities firms, auditing firms and attorneys that support them in listing procedures, with opportunities to exchange opinions regularly.  - 経済産業省


The most important thing is that financial institutions, mainly regional ones, properly and actively exercise their financial intermediary function for SMEs. In this sense, we would like to continue requesting an active exercise of the financial intermediary function while remaining conscious of the end of the fiscal year as you mentioned in your question. Banks should use the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions based on their own management judgment if they find their capital bases inadequate as a result of efforts to actively exercise their financial intermediary function or when they are about to make such efforts and if they have difficulty in raising necessary capital from the market or on a commercial basis alone or face very tough terms.  - 金融庁


"Hanzei" originally meant 'paying half of the tax' and thus meant, at that time, absolving peasants of half of their customs or taxes; however, in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, "Hanzei" was used to mean that half of the customs or taxes on the manors and lands under the control of the feudal government were submitted to the troops in order for provincial constables to cover military expenditure and provisions locally, and the first hanzei law was enforced by the feudal government in 1352 (Note that "Hanzei" was also used to mean absolving peasants of half of their customs or taxes in the Northern and Southern Courts period and the Muromachi period).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


All right. Allow me to give a little more detailed account – when I met with Premier Wen Jiabao, I requested, from the standpoint of further promoting mutually beneficial cooperation between Japan and China in the area of financial services as well, that a flexible stance be taken in relation to Japanese financial institutions in enforcing the requirement on the loan-to-deposit ratio, or the so-called LDR, so as to facilitate further support from Japanese financial institutions in financing Chinese companies.  - 金融庁


In particular, they should strive to enhance the overall financing capacity of recipient countries themselves, including by increasing domestic saving and by helping catalyze private capital flows; address institutional and structural issues that hamper poverty reduction, to ensure transparency, accountability, the rule of law, and appropriate social and human investments for the poor; and strengthen the financial sector in recipient countries so as to help them prevent and manage financial crises.  - 財務省


Developing countries have traditionally been very cautious about establishing new procurement disciplines, but some have begun to realize the need for an agreement of this type. Accordingly, the November 2001 Ministerial Declaration issued at the Fourth Ministerial Conference in Doha included an agreement by Members to consider negotiating modalities for a multilateral agreement on transparency in government procurement, keeping in mind the need for enhanced capacity building in developing countries. However, members failed to agree on negotiating modalities by the Fifth Ministerial Conference in Cancun in September 2003. - 経済産業省

その後、EU は米国に対し、EU の電気通信部門の自由化や政府調達に関する新指令の適用から電気通信部門を除外することにより、既存の制裁措置を相互に廃止することを提案し、更に2002年1月には、EU 委員会が米国のタイトルⅦへの制裁措置を廃止する規則案を採択したが、同規則案は米国の制裁措置撤廃と同時に理事会により採択される予定であり、現時点で制裁措置はまだ有効となっている。例文帳に追加

Subsequently, the EU made a proposal to the United States to mutually abolish existing sanctions by excluding the telecommunications sector from the application of a new directive on government procurement. In January 2002, the EU adopted rules to abolish sanctions against the United States Title VII provision. The sanctions, however, remain in effect because they will be abolished only after the rules are formally adopted by the EU in concert with the abolition of the US sanctions. - 経済産業省


In order to further facilitate the protection of receivables and financing by building subcontractors, etc., factoring companies were requested to actively fulfill their guarantee obligations under the Subcontracting Receivables Protection Support Program, whose purpose is to assist the protection of receivables held by building subcontractors and similar enterprises. Receivables for construction work in the affected regions and the removal of waste caused by the disaster (disposal of debris, etc.) were also freshly purchased, and receivables for removal of waste caused by the disaster in affected areas and for hire purchase, lease, and rental of construction machinery were added to the scope of protection.  - 経済産業省

温室効果ガス排出量を「見える化」することで、事業者によるサプライチェーン全体の温室効果ガス削減を促し、事業者と消費者とが一体となって低炭素社会の構築に貢献するために、製品のライフサイクル全体(原材料調達~廃棄・リサイクル)を通して排出される温室効果ガス排出量をCO2 量に換算し表示する「カーボンフットプリント制度」にて、制度参加事業者への専門家派遣や全国で説明会を開催するなど、制度の構築・理解促進等の取組を進めた。例文帳に追加

Action was pursued to develop and promote understanding of the Carbon Footprint System by dispatching experts to participating businesses and organizing explanatory events around the country. The Carbon Footprint System is a system for converting emissions of greenhouse gases throughout the product lifecycle (from procurement of raw materials through to disposal and recycling) to carbon dioxide equivalents, and is designed to contribute to the development of a low-carbon society through concerted action by businesses and consumers by making it easier for them to visualize greenhouse gas emissions and so encourage cuts in such emissions by businesses along the entire supply chain.  - 経済産業省

第八条 外国等は、商業的取引(民事又は商事に係る物品の売買、役務の調達、金銭の貸借その他の事項についての契約又は取引(労働契約を除く。)をいう。次項及び第十六条において同じ。)のうち、当該外国等と当該外国等(国以外のものにあっては、それらが所属する国。以下この項において同じ。)以外の国の国民又は当該外国等以外の国若しくはこれに所属する国等の法令に基づいて設立された法人その他の団体との間のものに関する裁判手続について、裁判権から免除されない。例文帳に追加

Article 8 (1) A Foreign State, etc. shall not be immune from jurisdiction with respect to Judicial Proceedings regarding commercial transactions (meaning contracts or transactions relating to the civil or commercial buying and selling of commodities, procurement of services, lending of money, or other matters (excluding labor contracts.); the same shall apply in the following paragraph and Article 16) between said Foreign State, etc. and a citizen of a State other than said Foreign State, etc. (for those other than a State, the State to which they belong, hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) or a judicial person or any other entity established based on the laws and regulations of the State or the State, etc. which belongs to the State.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


For this reason, Japan must be prepared to take on the issue of mandatory application of IFRS from a broad range of perspectives, defining the path to be taken in the case of making the use of IFRS by a certain range of Japanese business enterprises mandatory, while attending to the various aforementioned conditions in Japan and abroad.This approach would be appropriate in view of the need to envisage Japan’s future in a proactive manner from the stand point of providing information that excels in international comparability of financial statements, ensuring the international competitiveness of Japan's financial and capital markets, facilitating the fund-raising by Japanese companies, maintaining the international presence of Japanese auditing firms, and strengthening the country's capability to have its opinions reflected in the standards-setting process.  - 金融庁



Specific actions for greater transparency, stronger accountability, improved institutional governance deeper country ownership, more decentralization and use of country systems where appropriate, and enhanced procurement guidelines, new ways of managing and tracking results and financial contributions, strengthen knowledge management, ensuring the right human resources with appropriate diversity, better implementing environmental and social safeguards, sound risk management, and ensuring financial sustainability with pricing linked to expenses, and a commitment to continue to reduce administrative expenses and make them more transparent.  - 財務省


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