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該当件数 : 54



Duly rec'd of Mr. Ito the sum of 100 yen.  - 斎藤和英大辞典


Duly rec'd of Mr. A. B. the sum of 100 yen.  - 斎藤和英大辞典


He was never heard of again after猟場請取 of 立場 by 下代 dated on May 24, 1582.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


the manner of making an application under sub-section (1) and the period for withdrawal of such application under sub-section (2) of section 133;  - 特許庁


7 .特別相談会開催による下請取引の適正化【23 年度補正予算:2.0 億円】例文帳に追加

7. Measures to make subcontracting transactions fair and proper through special consultation fairs (fiscal 2011 supplementary budget: ¥200 million)  - 経済産業省


2 .相談体制の強化と下請取引適正化に関する普及啓発【23 年度予算:6.0 億円の内数】例文帳に追加

2. Strengthening of consultation system and raising of awareness of importance of making subcontracting fairer (fiscal 2011 budget: included in ¥600 million)  - 経済産業省


(1) Market development assistance through subcontracting trade mediation and organization of business negotiation events (fiscal 2011 budget: included in ¥600 million)  - 経済産業省


(1) Market development assistance through subcontracting trade mediation and organization of business negotiation events (fiscal 2012 budget: included in ¥590 million)  - 経済産業省


Business transactions in Japanese manufacturing are distinguished by a subcontracting structure. - 経済産業省



The Business conditions DI for manufacturing SMEs which are involved in subcontracted work had been deteriorating since 2007, saw a sharp decline in the second half of 2008, and is currently at a lower level than manufacturing SMEs that are not involved in subcontracted work. - 経済産業省



The 48 consultation centers for subcontractors, including the headquarters and regional centers in the 47 prefectures, provided consultations regarding subcontracting transactions, implemented out-of-court dispute settlement procedures and made efforts to raise awareness about and promote guidelines on improvement of subcontracting transactions. - 経済産業省


Orally-placed orders in subcontracting transactions can easily lead to trouble, since the order content and terms and conditions of the transaction are undefined. - 経済産業省


Collaborations among enterprises are shifting from vertical relationships as seen in the existing subcontractor dealings to more relaxed horizontal relationships. - 経済産業省


At the wedding between Tadaoki HOSOKAWA (a son of Fujitaka) and Princess Tama (Gracia HOSOKAWA, a daughter of Mitsuhide AKECHI), Yasuyuki served as the organizer for Tama.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Fig. 2-3-9 shows what needs clients felt were not properly met when they terminated subcontracting relations.  - 経済産業省


The security device 10 finishes the change request processing in a similar manner when it receives a request cancel signal from the portable terminal 30. - 特許庁


In order to raise awareness about and promote the best practices concerning subcontracting transactions, 120,000 copies of the revised edition of a pamphlet listing such best practices were printed. - 経済産業省

2 . 相談体制の強化と下請取引適正化に関する普及啓発【24 年度予算:5.9 億円の内数】(継続)(p.200参照)例文帳に追加

2. Strengthening of consultation system and raising of awareness of importance of making subcontracting fairer (fiscal 2012 budget: included in ¥590 million) (Continuation) (See p. 198.)  - 経済産業省


In order to raise awareness about and promote the best practices concerning subcontracting transactions, 120,000 copies of the revised edition of a pamphlet listing such best practices were printed. - 経済産業省


As it was defined in Kujigata-osadamegaki (the law of Edo bakufu) that 連判証文請負徳用割合請取芝居木戸銭無尽, nakamagoto referred to suits concerning profit-sharing inside a group such as joint enterprise, mutual loan association, admission of play, fee of prostitute and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


48 consultation centers for subcontractors were opened, including the headquarters and regional centers in the 47 prefectures, in order to provide conscientious consultations regarding subcontracting transactions, implement out-of-court dispute settlement procedures, and raise awareness about and promote guidelines on improvement of subcontracting transactions. - 経済産業省

19 下請代金法では書面等の交付が義務づけられているが、調査結果の中には、下請代金法で定める下請取引に該当しない取引も含まれていることに留意する必要がある。例文帳に追加

19) The Subcontracting Charges Law requires the issuance of documentation, but it must be kept in mind that the survey results include transactions that do not correspond to subcontracting transactions as defined in the Subcontracting Charges Law - 経済産業省

2 国は、中小事業者の取引条件に関する不利を補正するため、その下請取引の適正化に関し必要な施策を講ずるものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) In order to correct disadvantages concerning trade terms with regard to small and medium sized business operators, the State shall take the necessary measures to make their subcontracting transactions fair and reasonable.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2) Although there has not been a decline in enterprises engaging insubcontractingin terms of producing for a larger enterprise than itself as an affiliated or partner enterprise, dependence on subcontracting business is declining  - 経済産業省


In later years, this system was simplified; an 'Uketori' (receipt) prepared by Mandokoro was sent to the Okura along with a 'Shitagaki' prepared by the Kurabugyo to substitute for the written order.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the Transaction Environment Survey, clients have to date terminated their subcontracting relations with approximately one third (29.7%) of the subcontractors with which they did business 10 years ago.  - 経済産業省


However, asking both contractors and clients that have actually terminated (or had terminated) their subcontracting in the past 10 years the reasons therefor reveals interesting differences.  - 経済産業省


As seen above, more export companies are expected to request a reduction in transaction unit prices, and it is therefore necessary to continue implementing measures for fair and adequate subcontracting transactions. - 経済産業省

17 下請代金支払遅延等防止法は、独占禁止法の特別法であり、下請取引の公正化と下請事業者の利益を保護することを目的としている。例文帳に追加

17) The Law on the Prevention of the Delay in the Payment of Subcontracting Charges and Related Matters is a special act of the Antimonopoly Law, the purpose of which is to make subcontracting transactions fair and to protect the interests of subcontractors. - 経済産業省


(2) For the purposes of disseminating information on and raising public awareness of the Subcontracting Charges Law, etc., various subcontracting business improvement workshops will be organized primarily for persons at parent companies and persons responsible for outsourcing (purchasing) at subcontractors.(continuation) (\\88 million budget) - 経済産業省


Subcontracting is when an enterprise or other entity larger than one's own contracts out production, repair, creation of information deliverables, or provision of services, and a keiretsu pattern of subcontracting within corporate groups with large enterprises at their core is particularly apparent in the contracting out of manufacturing activities. - 経済産業省


For example, SMEs who had been responsible for subcontracting work ended up taking orders directly from end-users (becoming main contractors), and developed original software packages. - 経済産業省


On January 17, 1694, he was assigned to receive Matsuyama-jo Castle (Bicchu Province), which was a castle of a daimyo (feudal lord), as the Mizutani family of the domain of Bicchu-matsuyama was abolished.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Almost one in two subcontractors (46.3%) consider themselves to have terminated the subcontracting relationship positively and actively for reasons such as the expansion of marketing outlets and selection of customers.  - 経済産業省


In order to raise awareness about and promote the implementation of the Subcontract Proceeds Act, lectures on the improvement of subcontract transactions were held for officials in charge of outsourcing (procurement) at original contracting businesses and subcontracting businesses. - 経済産業省

今般 主上御巡幸之節 優等生へ下賜之品有之県庁より御渡に相成候間明八日午後第三時御請取に御出頭可有之候也例文帳に追加

During the Imperial tour, the Emperor granted an item to the honor student and the prefecture government will pass it on to you, and therefore you are requested to come to receive it at three o'clock in the afternoon on October 8.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In order to ensure that subcontracting transactions are conducted in a fair and proper manner so that an unreasonable burden does not fall on small and medium subcontractors owing to their relatively weak position compared with subcontracting entrepreneurs, small and medium subcontractors need to be protected by clamping down on unfair subcontracting transactions and preventing legal violations from occurring.  - 経済産業省


When a security guard unlocks the security facility device 17, enters a monitoring object, and changes a security state of the monitoring object after checking the inside, the security device 10 transmits a countermeasure request cancel signal to the monitoring center 40 and stops transmission of the unlocking permission signal to the security facility device 17. - 特許庁


In actuality, the proportion of subcontractors fell from over 65.5% in 1981 to 47.9% in 1998 (Fig. 2-1-9), and among enterprises currently heavily dependent on subcontracting, many hope to reduce the proportion of business that they receive from subcontracting. The number of subcontractors is therefore expected to fall even further in the years ahead (Figs. 2-1-10, 2-1-11). - 経済産業省


Although this is still a relatively small proportion, this provides some indication that even in subcontracting, enterprises are now being expected to fulfill, regardless of their size, some of the functions previously performed by clients by, for example, coming up with development proposals themselves and taking orders encompassing a number of processes.  - 経済産業省


In order to make subcontracting transactions more effective and efficient, a written survey was conducted on original contracting businesses and subcontracting businesses, and on-site inspections of them were implemented based on the Subcontract Proceeds Act. In light of the results of these surveys and inspections, recommendations, guidance, written warnings and written guidance for improvement were issued. - 経済産業省


In order to make subcontracting transactions more effective and efficient, a written survey was conducted on new businesses and subcontracting businesses and on-site inspections of them were implemented based on the Subcontract Proceeds Act. In light of the results of these surveys and inspections, guidance for improvement was given to businesses that have violated or may violate the Subcontract Proceeds Act or may violate the law. - 経済産業省


Regular customers are both growing in number and becoming more dispersed (Fig. 2-4-23), indicating that amid the increasingly rapid rise and fall of enterprises and industries, the model of business based on stereotypical subcontracting relations dependent on a small number of industries and enterprises is becoming increasingly untenable.  - 経済産業省


When the bakufu entrusted its properties to the okura, the Mandokoro (Administrative Board) prepared 'Okurijo' and send it to Kubo-okura with a 'Shitagaki' issued by the Kurabugyo along with the properties to be stored, and the Nosenkata of the Okura, in return, sent an 'Uketori' (receipt) to the government to acknowledge receipt.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In these circumstances, in order to promote fairness in subcontracting relations and to protect the interests of the subcontractors, efforts will be made to spread awareness and understanding of relevant laws; specifically, the Law on the Prevention of the Delay in the Payment of Subcontracting Charges and Related Matters (hereinafter referred to as the "Subcontracting Charges Law") and the Law on the Promotion of Subcontracting Small and Medium Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the "Subcontractor Promotion Law"). - 経済産業省


The pattern of transactions engaged in by the SMEs upon which Japanese manufacturing depends for its core technologies such as the production and processing of parts and materials is changing.  - 経済産業省

さらに、11 月に実施した「下請取引適正化推進月間」においては、「円高の影響が現れやすい違反をした親事業者」や「過去に同様の改善指導を2 回以上受けている親事業者」等を対象に、特別事情聴取を実施し、下請代金法の厳格な運用を図った。例文帳に追加

Additionally, rigorous compliance with the Subcontractor Payment Act was encouraged by conducting special questioning ofsubcontracting entrepreneurs that have committed infringements likely to arise due to the appreciation of the yen” and “subcontracting entrepreneurs that have been instructed to make similar improvements at least twice in the past.”  - 経済産業省


(1) In order to promote fairness in subcontracting relations, written investigations of parent companies and their subcontractors and on-site investigations of parent companies will be conducted in close cooperation with the Fair Trade Commission and other related organizations in accordance with the Subcontracting Charges Law. Strict measures will be taken against businesses found to be violating the Subcontracting Charges Law. (continuation) - 経済産業省


However, globalization and the prolonged slump are altering the subcontracting environment. As large enterprises have transplanted their operations overseas and their own business performances have worsened, the merits and capacity to maintain keiretsu have been lost. From the point of view of subcontractors as well, subcontracting has lost its luster. - 経済産業省



Once kankai (audit) had been done at Shuzeiryo (Bureau of Taxation) of Minbusho (Ministry of Popular Affairs) to make sure there was no digital inconsistency, unpaid or deficit compared to the related material, Minbusho issued and handed over the hensho (a document as receipts, but also as proof of delivery or transport when presented goods and paid money to government office) to Shozeichoshi, or if there was any problem, shozeicho was sent back along with shozei henkyakucho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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