
「財産贈与」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 財産贈与の意味・解説 > 財産贈与に関連した英語例文






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make a settlement on…  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


to donate illegally  - EDR日英対訳辞書


property inherited upon the death of the former owner  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a tax imposed on transfers of property by gift during the lifetime of the giver  - 日本語WordNet



a special donation of property in accordance with a person's last will and testament  - EDR日英対訳辞書


二 前年中において贈与により取得した財産について同年分の贈与税が課される場合における当該財産に係る贈与税の課税価格(相続税法(昭和二十五年法律第七十三号)第二十一条の二に規定する贈与税の課税価格をいう。)例文帳に追加

(ii) The assessed value of gift tax (this refers to the assessed value of the gift tax provided for in Article 21-2 of the Inheritance Tax Act (Act No. 73 of 1950)) pertaining to the property in case the gift tax for the previous year is imposed on a property acquired by a gift in the same year.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

遺言書の中で彼は, 自分の財産はすべて妻に贈与する, と言い残していた.例文帳に追加

In his will he stated that his wife should inherit all his estate.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


In October of the same year, the personnel affairs part of the Civil Code, donation covering the acquisition of property part, testamentary bequest, husband and wife and property contract were issued.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

2 前項の費用は、遺留分権利者が贈与の減殺によって得た財産をもって支弁することを要しない。例文帳に追加

(2) The expenses of the preceding paragraph are not required to be paid out of property obtained by a claimant to statutory reserved portion through abatement of a gift.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第千二十九条 遺留分は、被相続人が相続開始の時において有した財産の価額にその贈与した財産の価額を加えた額から債務の全額を控除して、これを算定する。例文帳に追加

Article 1029 (1) Total legally reserved portion shall be calculated as the value of any gifts made by the decedent added to the value of the property held by the decedent at the time of commencement of inheritance minus the entire amount of obligations.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



While expenses for the Imperial family are paid out from the national treasury to allocate for the daily living expenditure of the Inner Court as well for the purpose of allotting funds to maintain the court rank as a member of the Imperial family, the bestowal or the transference of estate is strictly governed by the Constitution and the Imperial Household Finance Act.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One is the gift of property made to the heir for free while the owner is still alive to achieve the same effect as inheritance and the other is the gift made to a third party other than the heir (usually, unrelated person).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

第九百三条 共同相続人中に、被相続人から、遺贈を受け、又は婚姻若しくは養子縁組のため若しくは生計の資本として贈与を受けた者があるときは、被相続人が相続開始の時において有した財産の価額にその贈与の価額を加えたものを相続財産とみなし、前三条の規定により算定した相続分の中からその遺贈又は贈与の価額を控除した残額をもってその者の相続分とする。例文帳に追加

Article 903 (1) If there is a person from amongst joint heirs who has previously received a testamentary gift, or has received a gift for marriage, adoption, or as capital for livelihood, the total inherited property shall be deemed the value calculated by adding the value of the gift to the value of the property belonging to the decedent at the time of commencement of inheritance and the share in inheritance of that person shall be the remaining amount after deducting the value of that testamentary gift or a gift from the share in inheritance calculated pursuant to the provisions of the preceding three Articles.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

三 国内に所在する財産で国内に居住する者が所有するものに係る遺言若しくは死因贈与に関する法律事件又は国内に所在する財産で死亡の時に国内に居住していた者が所有していたものについての遺産の分割、遺産の管理その他の相続に関する法律事件で、その当事者として日本国民が含まれるものについての代理及び文書の作成例文帳に追加

(iii) representation or the preparation of documents regarding a legal case concerning a will or a gift on donor's death regarding an asset located in Japan and owned by a person who resides in Japan or a legal case concerning the division of the estate, or administration of the estate, or other matters of inheritance regarding an asset located in Japan and owned by a person who resided in Japan at the time of death, and in which a Japanese national is involved as a party.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第九百四条 前条に規定する贈与の価額は、受贈者の行為によって、その目的である財産が滅失し、又はその価格の増減があったときであっても、相続開始の時においてなお原状のままであるものとみなしてこれを定める。例文帳に追加

Article 904 With regard to the value of the gift referred to in the provisions of the preceding Article, even if, through the conduct of the recipient there the property of the gift is lost, or if there is a fluctuation in its value, the determination of value shall be deemed as the value at the time of commencement of inheritance in its original state.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六条 部員級以上の自衛隊員は、事業者等から、金銭、物品その他の財産上の利益の供与若しくは供応接待(以下「贈与等」という。)を受けたとき又は事業者等と自衛隊員の職務との関係に基づいて提供する人的役務に対する報酬として自衛隊員倫理規程で定める報酬の支払を受けたとき(当該贈与等を受けた時又は当該報酬の支払を受けた時において部員級以上の自衛隊員であった場合に限り、かつ、当該贈与等により受けた利益又は当該支払を受けた報酬の価額が一件につき五千円を超える場合に限る。)は、一月から三月まで、四月から六月まで、七月から九月まで及び十月から十二月までの各区分による期間(以下「四半期」という。)ごとに、次に掲げる事項を記載した贈与等報告書を、当該四半期の翌四半期の初日から十四日以内に、防衛大臣に提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 6 (1) When self-defense forces personnel at the rank of staff or higher receive a give of money, article, or other property benefits, or an entertainment or a treat (hereinafter referred to as "gifts, etc.") from business operators, etc., or when they receive the payment of a reward provided for in the Self-Defense Forces Personnel Ethics Code as the reward for a personal service offered, based on a relationship between the business operators, etc. and the duties of self-defense forces personnel (limited to cases where they were self-defense forces personnel at the rank of staff or higher when they received the gifts, etc. or the payment of the reward, and limited to cases where a profit received through the gifts, etc. or a value of the reward received in payment exceeds 5,000 yen per case), the self-defense forces personnel shall submit a report of gifts, etc., describing the following items to the Defense Minister within 14 days from the first day of the quarter following the current quarter, with quarters being divided as January through March, April through June, July through September and October through December (hereinafter referred to as "quarter").  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六条 本省課長補佐級以上の職員は、事業者等から、金銭、物品その他の財産上の利益の供与若しくは供応接待(以下「贈与等」という。)を受けたとき又は事業者等と職員の職務との関係に基づいて提供する人的役務に対する報酬として国家公務員倫理規程で定める報酬の支払を受けたとき(当該贈与等を受けた時又は当該報酬の支払を受けた時において本省課長補佐級以上の職員であった場合に限り、かつ、当該贈与等により受けた利益又は当該支払を受けた報酬の価額が一件につき五千円を超える場合に限る。)は、一月から三月まで、四月から六月まで、七月から九月まで及び十月から十二月までの各区分による期間(以下「四半期」という。)ごとに、次に掲げる事項を記載した贈与等報告書を、当該四半期の翌四半期の初日から十四日以内に、各省各庁の長等(各省各庁の長及び特定独立行政法人の長をいう。以下同じ。)又はその委任を受けた者に提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 6 (1) When officials at the rank of assistant director or higher at the headquarters receive a give of money, article, or other property benefits, or an entertainment or a treat (hereinafter referred to as "gifts, etc.") from business operators, etc., or when they receive the payment of a reward provided for in the National Public Service Ethics Code as the reward for a personal service offered, based on a relationship between the business operators, etc. and the duties of officials (limited to cases where they were officials at the rank of assistant director or higher at the headquarters when they received the gifts, etc. or the payment of the reward, and limited to cases where a profit received through the gifts, etc. or a value of the reward received in payment exceeds 5,000 yen per case), the officials shall submit a report of gifts, etc., describing the following items to the heads of each ministry and agency, etc. (this refers to the heads of each ministry and agency and the heads of the specified incorporated administrative agencies; the same shall apply hereinafter) or to a person who is delegated by them within 14 days from the first day of the quarter following the current quarter, with quarters being divided as January through March, April through June, July through September and October through December (hereinafter referred to as "quarter").  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(i) 有価約因の有無を問わず,国内標章に関する所有の個人的権利若しくは財産権又は保証の権利を設定し,変更し又は移転する生存者間の証書 (ii) (i)にいう権利に関する分割の証書,会社の証書,贈与財産の証書及び放棄の証書 (iii) (ii)にいう証書が予め記録されていない場合には,その証書の存在を確立する判決記録された証書の無効,失効,取消,撤廃又は廃止を確立する判決は,それらが関係する証書の記録の余白に記載しなければならない。更に,本条にいう判決を受けることを目的とした法的請求を記録することができる。この場合,判決の記録の効力は,その法的請求の記録の日に遡及して生ずる。 (iv) 適法な遺言書を残さない相続を立証する遺言書及び証書並びにこれらに関連する判決第50条例文帳に追加

(1) deeds inter vivos, whether for valuable consideration or not, constituting, modifying or transferring personal or property rights of possession or guarantee rights in respect of national marks; (2)deeds of partition, company deeds, deed of settlement, deeds of release relative to the rights referred to in the preceding item; (3) judgments establishing the existence of the acts referred to in the preceding items, where such acts have not been previously registered. Judgments establishing the invalidity, annulment, termination, rescission, revocation of a registered act must be noted in the margin of the registration of the act to which they refer. Furthermore, judicial claims to obtain the judgments referred to in this Article may be registered; in such case, the effects of the registration of the judgment shall be retroactive to the date of registration of the judicial claim; (4) wills and acts proving the intestate succession and the judgments relative thereto. - 特許庁


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