
「違法な取引」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 違法な取引に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 11



There had been no illegal financial deals. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


(3) Liability of Business Entities Handling Electronic Commerce for Mediating Transmission of Illegal Information Through Hosting Services  - 経済産業省


In Japan, apart from the "abuse of right" issue, if such clause is proved to be disturbing fair competition in the context of antimonopoly law, such clause would be illegitimate on the grounds that it falls under the definition of "unfair business practice ("fukousei na torihiki houhou")", which is subject to relief in the form of an abatement by order of Japan FTC.s or by private action.  - 経済産業省


Where spare parts, accessories or the like that are suitable for use with another’s goods are offered for sale, it shall be unlawful to allude, in the manner specified in the first paragraph of this Section, to the trade symbol of the other party in any way liable to create the impression that the goods offered for sale originate with the proprietor of the said trade symbol or that the proprietor has permitted the use of the trade symbol.  - 特許庁


なお、本報告書は、我が国企業が他の競争法違反類型に比して関与しやすく、かつ 各国において共通して違法とされる、価格、数量、設備、取引先等に関する協定(い わゆるハードコア・カルテル)に係るコンプライアンスを主眼としている。例文帳に追加

Moreover, the focus of this Report is compliance relating to agreements on pricing, quantity, facilities and business transaction parties (also known as, "hard-core cartels"), which Japanese corporations may find themselves easier to become involved in and are considered violations in many other countries, compared to other types of anti-competition violations. - 経済産業省



First, we will discuss China’s stock markets. Until 2000, local government had owned authority to approve certain stocks’ listing. This means that it was not financially sound companies alone that were allowed stock listing. Because of the discretion being accorded to local government in approving stock listing, unfair practices, such as window-dressing of corporate accounting, manipulation of stock prices and insider trading, were rampant in stock markets. - 経済産業省


The Registrar, a Deputy Registrar or an employee commits an offence if he or she sells, acquires or traffics in: a registered design, whether granted in Australia or anywhere else; or a right to, or licence under, a registered design, whether granted in Australia or anywhere else.  - 特許庁


Corruption facilitates and is fueled by illicit trade as criminal entrepreneurs and illicit networks traffic, costing APEC economies jobs and vital tax revenue, corroding the integrity of legitimate supply chains, endangering the welfare, health and safety of our families and communities, and harming the economic interests of our businesses and markets. - 経済産業省

3 第一項の規定は、同項各号の申込み、約束又は提供が事故(金融商品取引業者等又はその役員若しくは使用人の違法又は不当な行為であつて当該金融商品取引業者等とその顧客との間において争いの原因となるものとして内閣府令で定めるものをいう。以下この節及び次節において同じ。)による損失の全部又は一部を補てんするために行うものである場合については、適用しない。ただし、同項第二号の申込み又は約束及び同項第三号の提供にあつては、その補てんに係る損失が事故に起因するものであることにつき、当該金融商品取引業者等があらかじめ内閣総理大臣の確認を受けている場合その他内閣府令で定める場合に限る。例文帳に追加

(3) The provisions of paragraph (1) shall not apply where the application, promise or provision of property benefit prescribed in the respective items of said paragraph is made or conducted in order to compensate in whole or in part a loss incurred from a Problematic Conduct (meaning an illegal or unjust act conducted by a Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. or Officer or employee thereof that is specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as a potential cause of a dispute between said Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. and his/her customer; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section and the following Section); provided, however, that with regard to the offer or promise made under item (ii) of said paragraph or the provision of property benefit under item (iii) of said paragraph, this provision shall only apply in cases where said Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. has obtained confirmation from the Prime Minister in advance to the effect that the loss to be compensated was incurred from a Problematic Conduct or other cases specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



(I) Liability for not deleting the information If a business entity participating in electronic commerce (the "provider") by hosting7 or using a message board for information sent by users fails to delete illegal information sent by users or otherwise those who post messages thereon, such business entity may be held liable for tort (Articles 709 and 719 of the Civil Code), provided the transmission of such information apparently infringes another person's rights and it is easy to prevent the transmission of such information (i.e., "delete" it).  - 経済産業省


第10 条の条項を侵害することなく、次に掲げる行為を為す者はいずれも20,000 ポンド以上100,000 以下の罰金に処する。本法の規定に従って特許が付与されている発明又は実用新案の主題を商業目的で模造発明に対する特許又は製品に対する実用新案がエジプトにおいて付与され有効である場合に、模造品であることをその当事者が知る製品の販売、販売若しくは流通の申し込み、輸入、又は取引を意図した所有。ある当事者が発明の特許又は実用新案を持っていると信じさせるような表示が付いた、製品、宣伝広告、商標、包装又はその他における違法使用。例文帳に追加

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 10, shall be subject to a fine of not less than 20,000 pounds and not more than 100,000 pounds any party who undertakes: the imitation, for commercialization purposes, of the subject matter of an invention or a utility model for which a patent has been granted in accordance with the provisions of this Law; the sale, offer for sale or circulation, importation or possession with the intention to trade, of products known to that party as imitations, where the patent for the invention or the utility model for such products is granted and valid in Egypt; the unlawful use, on products, advertisements, trademarks, packaging or others, of indications that may lead to believe that such a party has obtained a patent for an invention or a utility model.  - 特許庁


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