
「集中生産」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(3ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 集中生産に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 109



In the embodiment of this invention, a plurality of tire marking devices 10A, 10B which are installed on the same place or the different places, and the main data processing device 20 which is installed on the one place of a plant or a company, for example, are connected on line so as to intensively manage for a plurality of tires W produced at the different places. - 特許庁


At the same time, we will also promote a variety of policies in a concentrated manner, including clearing away the mood of self-restraint, rebuilding production equipment and facilities, measures for electricity supply and demand, restoring and reconstructing supply chains, employment measures (such as the creation of direct and indirect employment for reconstruction projects and the agricultural, forestry and fishery industries, etc.), and the prevention of damage from rumors in Japan and abroad. - 経済産業省

2007 年2月に行われた東アジアに進出している我が国製造業に対するアンケート調査結果によると、直近3年間で各企業の事業ネットワーク上に生じた変化としては、製品・部品ごとの生産集中が進展したとの回答や、東アジア内における調達先国・販売先国が拡大したとの回答が上位を占めている(第2-2-2 図)。例文帳に追加

In a questionnaire survey of Japanese manufacturing industries that have expanded into East Asia conducted in February 2007 regarding some of the changes that have come about through their business networks in the past three years, the change most frequently identified was progress made in concentrating production by product and part. Also mentioned as frequently were increases in the number of countries within East Asia from which they could procure parts and materials and to which they could export (Figure 2-2-2). - 経済産業省


As technology leaps ahead and the pursuit of efficiency in specialist areas heightens,sustaining economic growth and the dynamism of the Japanese economy will require takingadvantage of the manufacturing industriesproduction technology and sales strategies, which have always been Japan’s strengths, while at the same time addressing a process of selection and concentration and building a powerful network with the new, differentiated and developedservice industries which have emerged. - 経済産業省



This project entails the comprehensive and concentrated adoption of policies that support the autonomous efforts of SMEs from the following standpoints: (1) "creation of value added" in order to improve productivity; (2) "increasing management capability" to support the effort in (1); and (3) the "establishment of a fair, efficient, and rational business environment" that makes it possible to earn profits based on efforts and ability. - 経済産業省



In this consideration, the council is trying to extract indicators related to R&D and patents that are correlated to ROE and ROA in light of technological characteristics of respective industries. Candidate indicators under consideration include cumulative R&D expenses, R&D efficiency, 58 productivity in patent acquisitions,59 patent profitability,60 share of patent applications61 and patent concentration. - 経済産業省

第一条 この法律は、私的独占、不当な取引制限及び不公正な取引方法を禁止し、事業支配力の過度の集中を防止して、結合、協定等の方法による生産、販売、価格、技術等の不当な制限その他一切の事業活動の不当な拘束を排除することにより、公正且つ自由な競争を促進し、事業者の創意を発揮させ、事業活動を盛んにし、雇傭及び国民実所得の水準を高め、以て、一般消費者の利益を確保するとともに、国民経済の民主的で健全な発達を促進することを目的とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 The purpose of this Act is, by prohibiting private monopolization, unreasonable restraint of trade and unfair trade practices, by preventing excessive concentration of economic power and by eliminating unreasonable restraint of production, sale, price, technology, etc., and all other unjust restriction on business activities through combinations, agreements, etc., to promote fair and free competition, to stimulate the creative initiative of entrepreneurs, to encourage business activities, to heighten the level of employment and actual national income, and thereby to promote the democratic and wholesome development of the national economy as well as to assure the interests of general consumers.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Based on the Nissan Revival Plan (NRP) formulated in October 1999 and with new management know-how, Nissan carried out bold business restructuring. It completely renovated management systems, and as a result of efforts such as the joint use of production facilities between Nissan and Renault and bold concentration on its core business, a company that was680 billion yen in debt in FY1999 staged a dramatic recovery to end up 370 billion yen in the black inFY2001, just two years later. - 経済産業省


第二条 地域における産業集積の形成及び活性化は、産業集積が事業者相互間における効率的な分業、事業高度化に資する情報の共有、研究開発における緊密な連携等を促進することにより、効率的かつ創造的な事業活動を可能とし、もって地域経済に活力をもたらすとともに我が国経済の生産性の向上に資するものであることにかんがみ、地方公共団体が緊密に連携して、企業立地の動向を踏まえつつ、地域における自然的、経済的及び社会的な特性に適合し、かつ、当該地域において産業集積の核となるべき業種について、集中的かつ効果的に施策を講ずることを旨として、行われなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 2 Considering that industrial clusters will enable efficient and creative business activities through promoting an efficient division of work among business operators, sharing information that may contribute to business innovation, and promoting closer coordination in research and development and will thereby re-energize local economies and contribute to the improvement of the productivity of the entirety of the Japanese economy, the formation and development of regional industrial clusters shall be carried out under close collaboration among local public entities, based on trends in the establishment of new business facilities, in view of taking measures intensively and effectively for industries that conform to the natural, economic and social characteristics of respective regions and can become the core of industrial clusters therein.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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