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A Brief History 例文帳に追加

略歴 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Greenman, David, A Brief History of FreeBSD 例文帳に追加

Greenman, David, FreeBSD 小史 - FreeBSD

Williams, Nate, A Brief History of FreeBSD 例文帳に追加

Williams, Nate, FreeBSD 小史 - FreeBSD

Grimes, Rod, A Brief History of FreeBSD groups, Groups 例文帳に追加

Grimes, Rod, FreeBSD 小史 - FreeBSD


Walnut Creek CDROM, A Brief History of FreeBSD 例文帳に追加

Walnut Creek CDROM, FreeBSD 小史 - FreeBSD


a brief history of a thing 例文帳に追加

概略を記した系譜 - EDR日英対訳辞書

a brief summary of a personal history 例文帳に追加

簡単な経歴 - EDR日英対訳辞書

4.3BSD-Lite, A Brief History of FreeBSD 例文帳に追加

FreeBSD を利用している大規模サイト, FreeBSDはどこに使われていますか? - FreeBSD

Free Software Foundation, A Brief History of FreeBSD, The Current FreeBSD Release, GNU Info Files 例文帳に追加

Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD 小史, 現在のリリースについて, GNU の Infoファイル - FreeBSD


The end of the 11th century: 'Ura Shimako Den', collected in "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan) 例文帳に追加

11世紀末:「浦島子伝」(『扶桑略記』所収) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan) and "Mizukagami" he passed away at the age of eighteen. 例文帳に追加

『扶桑略記』『水鏡』などには18歳で崩御とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(a) Brief history of the Exxon-Florio Amendment例文帳に追加

①エクソン・フロリオ条項の沿革 - 経済産業省

History books during this period were "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan), "Honcho seiki" (Chronicle of Imperial Reigns), etc. 例文帳に追加

この時期の歴史書には『扶桑略記』、『本朝世紀』がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

[HH] I have summarized the history of the hacker culture in A Brief History Of Hackerdom. 例文帳に追加

[HH] ハッカー社会(hackerdom)の歴史については、ここにまとめてみた(邦訳はこちら)。 - Eric S. Raymond『ノウアスフィアの開墾』

History and values matter. I have summarized the history of the hacker culture in A Brief History of Hackerdom[HH]; 例文帳に追加

ぼくはハッカー文化の歴史について、別のところでまとめたことがある[HH]。 - Eric S. Raymond『ノウアスフィアの開墾』

Berkeley, What Can FreeBSD Do?, A Brief History of FreeBSD, The Current FreeBSD ReleaseUDP, How It Works 例文帳に追加

U.C. Berkeley, FreeBSD で何ができるの?, FreeBSD 小史, 現在のリリースについて - FreeBSD

Sangoku Bukkyo Ryakushi (A Brief History of Buddhism in three countries): co written with Tokuno ODA, Komei-sha, 1890 例文帳に追加

三国仏教略史織田得能共著鴻盟社明23 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Figure II-4 outlines a brief history of trade liberalization negotiations.例文帳に追加

これまでの自由化交渉の流れを示すと、図表Ⅱ総―3のようになる。 - 経済産業省

The "Shintojo" is a history book about the Tang Dynasty, but it also includes a brief history of Japan. 例文帳に追加

『新唐書』は唐の歴史をまとめた史書だが、日本の歴史も略述されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Mizu Kagami" (The Water Mirror), "Okagami" (The Great Mirror), "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan), "Dainihonshi" (Great history of Japan), Nobutomo BAN, official theories in the Meiji period 例文帳に追加

『水鏡』,『大鏡』,『扶桑略記』,『大日本史』,伴信友,明治日本の公式説 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Other works based on "Mutsuwa-ki" include "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan) and "Jikkinsho" (A Miscellany of Ten Maxims). 例文帳に追加

このほか、『陸奥話記』を典拠とする話は、『扶桑略記』『十訓抄』などにもみえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the chapter of March 29, 730 of "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan), there is a description of 'East Pagoda of Yakushi-ji Temple was established.' 例文帳に追加

『扶桑略記』天平2年(730年)3月29日条に、「始薬師寺東塔立」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan) and "Shichidaiji Junrei Shiki (Private Journal of a Pilgrimage to the Seven Great Temples) tie the temple to Kume-no-sennin. 例文帳に追加

一方、『扶桑略記』『七大寺巡礼私記』などは当寺を久米仙人と結び付けている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tomonobu authored a biography of Kazan titled 'Kazan Sensei Ryakuden' (Brief History of Teacher Kazan) in 1881, after the death of Kazan. 例文帳に追加

友信は崋山の死後の明治14年(1881年)に「崋山先生略伝」として崋山の伝記を書き残している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His name was shortened as 'Muraji' in "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan) and "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan) but spelled differently in Chinese characters. 例文帳に追加

名前は単に「連」(『日本書紀』)、また「武羅自」(『扶桑略記』)とも書かれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Presentation of a brief personal history of the deceased, sharing of memories and so on are sometimes included in a sermon by a pastor or are sometimes separated as independent items. 例文帳に追加

故人の略歴の紹介・記憶の披露などは、牧師の説教に組み入れられることも別個の項目となることもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is known from "Nihongi Ryaku" (Summary of Japanese Chronologies) and "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan) that Grand Minister FUJIWARA no Tamemitsu held Hoju-ji Temple's 'rakkei hoyo' (a memorial service to celebrate the construction of a temple) in the year 988. 例文帳に追加

988年(永延2年)、太政大臣藤原為光が法住寺の落慶法要をいとなんだことが『日本紀略』『扶桑略記』などにみえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Besides "Konjaku Monogatari Shu" (a collection of anecdotes), as well as a chapter of "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan) mentioning the episode in 798 also introduces tradition about the foundation of Kiyomizu-dera Temple. 例文帳に追加

ほか、『今昔物語集』、『扶桑略記』の延暦十七年(798年)記などにも清水寺草創伝承が載せられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Additionally, "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan) says that Daikandai-ji Temple in the Asuka area had a fire in 711, the year following the relocation of the capital. 例文帳に追加

なお、『扶桑略記』によれば飛鳥の大官大寺は和銅4年(711年)すなわち遷都の翌年に火災に遭ったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan), "Mizu Kagami (The Water Mirror)" and "Uji Shui Monogatari" (a collection of the Tales from Uji), she is considered to have released information at that time to Prince Oama (Oama no Miko), her father. 例文帳に追加

『扶桑略記』『水鏡』『宇治拾遺物語』ではこの際彼女が父である大海人皇子に情報を流したとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan), he placed honzon (principal image of Buddha) at the Takaichi County in the Yamato Province and worshipped 'Chinese god.' 例文帳に追加

すでに大和国高市郡において本尊を安置し、「大唐の神」を礼拝していたと『扶桑略記』にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She was described as SOGA no Umako's wife, 'Futohime' in the "Kishi Kacho" (Lineage of the Kishi clan), "Isonokamifuri Jingu Ryakusho" (A Brief History of Isonokamifuri Jingu Shrine) and Lineage of the Shinto Priest FURU no Sukune. 例文帳に追加

『紀氏家牒』・『石上振神宮略抄』神主布留宿禰系譜料では「太媛」といい蘇我馬子の妻。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The age of SOGA no Emishi who appeared in the article of the volume 22 in 610 of "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan) was 25 according to "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan). 例文帳に追加

『日本書紀』巻第二十二、推古十八年(610年)の記事に現れる蘇我蝦夷の年齢は、『扶桑略記』の記述によると25歳となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although its details are not known, it is described in "Fuso Ryakki" (A brief history of Japan) and "Nihongi Ryaku" (Summary of Japanese chronologies) that it took around ten years to suppress the war. 例文帳に追加

乱の詳細は不明であるが、その鎮圧には10年余りかかったことが『扶桑略記』や『日本紀略』に記載されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the "Fusoryakuki" (A Brief History of Japan), there is an account stating that Oku no Himemiko was appointed as Saigu for the first time during the period of Emperor Tenmu. 例文帳に追加

『扶桑略記』には天武天皇の時に初めて大来皇女を斎宮を置いたという旨の記事があること。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Mononobe Bunsho," one of the so-called 'Koshi Koden' (Ancient History and Legends), the Dewa-Mononobe clan called itself a descendant of MONONOBE no Moriya, and Fuso Ryakki (A Brief History of Japan) and Mutsu Waki (A Tale of Mutsu) say that MONONOBE no Nagayori was appointed to Mutsu no Daisakan (the fourth rank officer). 例文帳に追加

所謂「古史古伝」のひとつである物部文書に拠ると出羽物部氏は物部守屋の子孫と称し、扶桑略記、陸奥話記などには物部長頼が陸奥大目となったことが記載されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although he was called 'an officer with good knowledge of Confucianism' in "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan), he in fact had profound knowledge not only of Confucianism and history but also of 3 fields of Xuanxue (Neotaoism) that were "Shueki," "Roshidotokukyo," and "Soshi," and therefore, he had very good knowledge of yin-yang philosophy. 例文帳に追加

『扶桑略記』には「在朝の通儒」と評されたが、儒教や歴史のみならず、『周易』・『老子道徳経』・『荘子』の三玄の学に通じて、陰陽道に対する造詣が深かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is confirmed that Genpo translated 99 titles (nearly 160 volumes in total) including "Taisei Meii Iko" (literary, Western medicine), the first medical journal in Japan, "Geka Hitsudoku" (literary, essentials for surgery), "Sanka Kanmei" (literary, a brief explanation about obstetrics), "Oranda Bunten" (literary, grammar of Dutch language), "Hakko Tsushi" (literary, the overview of world history), "Suijosen Setsuryaku" (literary, a brief explanation about steamboat), "Seisei Kiko" (literary, records on the Western world) and his specialty ranged from medical science, language, history of the Western world, to military science and philosophy of religion. 例文帳に追加

日本最初の医学雑誌『泰西名医彙講』をはじめ、『外科必読』・『産科簡明』・『和蘭文典』・『八紘通誌』・『水蒸船説略』・『西征紀行』など阮甫の訳述書は99部160冊余りが確認されており、その分野は医学・語学・西洋史・兵学・宗教学と広範囲にわたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Stories in "Kojidan" get their subject matter from anecdotes about the aristocracy, customs and practices of the court and military households, and folklore, and many include excerpts from earlier literature such as "Shoyuki" (The Diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke), "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan), "Chugaisho" (The Narrative of FUJIWARA no Tadazane), and "Fukego" (A Collection of the Sayings of FUJIWARA no Tadamitsu). 例文帳に追加

貴族社会の逸話・有職故実・伝承などに材を取り、『小右記』『扶桑略記』『中外抄』『富家語』などの先行文献からの引用が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(There is a description in "Fuso ryakki" [A Brief History of Japan], saying 'the empress conducted shosei at the government in the year of hinotoi [which means 687 here]; that she ascended the throne four years after; and that she put the capital in the Fujiwara Palace, Asuka kiyomihara no miya, Takaichi County, Yamato Province.) 例文帳に追加

(『扶桑略記』に、「皇后朝に臨んで称制し丁亥の歳をもって元年となす四年に至って即位し大和國高市郡明日香淨御原宮藤原宅に都す」とある) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a brief comment about this expedition in the "Ruiju Kokushi (Book of History)" that 'Vice Commander SAKANOUE Osukune no Tamuramaro conquered the Ezo army,' which leads us to believe that Tamuramaro was playing a leading part in the expedition as one of the four Vice Commanders. 例文帳に追加

この戦役については『類聚国史』に「征東副将軍坂上大宿禰田村麿已下蝦夷を征す」とだけあり、田村麻呂は四人の副使(副将軍)の一人ながら中心的な役割を果たしたらしい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, the existence of more than 50 diaries in 10 years from September 21, 887 when the Emperor Uda to August 8, 897 were confirmed in itsubun (a composition previously existing but no longer remains) such as "Saikyuki" (record of court practices and usage, written by MINAMOTO no Takaaki) and "Fuso Ryakki (A Brief History of Japan)." 例文帳に追加

また、『西宮記』『扶桑略記』等の逸文から、宇多天皇践祚当日の仁和3年(887年)8月26日から譲位した寛平9年(897年)7月3日までの10年間に50余条が確認される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it cannot be denied that the Heian period was centuries after the Jinshin War in the 7th century, and a large quantity of such descriptions can be partly attributed to "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan). 例文帳に追加

しかし、7世紀の壬申の乱からみて時代が下ることは否定できず、また、数の多さは部分的には『扶桑略記』の影響力の産物でもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan), Michinaga visited Yamada-dera Temple in 1023, when he marveled that magnificence and solemnity inside the temple was beyond description, showing that the Yamada-dera Temple building already existed in the early 11th century. 例文帳に追加

『扶桑略記』によれば、治安3年(1023年)、山田寺を訪れた道長は、堂内の「奇偉荘厳」は言葉で言い尽くせないほどだ、と感嘆しており、11世紀前半には山田寺の伽藍は健在であったことがわかる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The following is a brief history of the word "saburafu". The oldest form of this word to have been found is "samorafu", which made its appearance in the Nara period. 例文帳に追加

以下、「サブラフ」の語史について述べれば、まず奈良時代には「サモラフ」という語形で登場しており、これが遡り得る最も古い語形であるであると考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The record of discovery of dotaku can possibly track back to the description in "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan) saying it was found during the construction of Sofuku-ji Temple in Shiga District in Omi Province in the seventh year of Emperor Tenchi's reign. 例文帳に追加

銅鐸が発見された記録は、『扶桑略記』の天智天皇7年、近江国志賀郡に崇福寺を建立するのに際して発見された記述が最古であろうという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan) says 'Otomo Grand Minister became the crown prince in October in the 10th year of Emperor Tenchi. The emperor died on December 3. Prince Otomo was enthroned on December 5.' 例文帳に追加

『扶桑略記』は、「天智天皇10年10月に大友太政大臣が皇太子に立った。12月3日に天皇が崩じた。同5日に大友皇太子が帝位についた」と記す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Following this, Kataharu YANAGIMOTO was assassinated in the Battle of Nakanoshima, Takakuni HOSOKAWA committed suicide at Daimotsu-kuzure (the Battle of Daimotsu), Tadakata HOSOKAWA was also murdered, and the history of the castle became unknown for a brief period of time. 例文帳に追加

その後、柳本賢治は中嶋の戦いで暗殺され、細川高国は大物崩れで自害、細川尹賢も殺害され、一旦城史は不明となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Accordingly, even an empress was not recognized as part of the Koshin if she had come from a subject's household, as seen with Empress Komyo (Fujiwara clan), whereas one who married into a subject's household could still be conferred a court rank, as with Imperial Princess Teishi who was conferred the second court rank after she had married FUJIWARA no Norimichi (Chapter December 19, 1041, "Fuso Ryakki" [A Brief History of Japan]). 例文帳に追加

従って、光明皇后(藤原氏)のように、皇后であっても臣下の家の出身者は皇親とは認められず、逆に藤原教通室となった禔子内親王の様に臣下に降嫁後に二品叙位を受けた例も存在する(『扶桑略記』長久2年12月19日条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is not recognized as conclusive, but he recalculated years of the history according to "Double Year Theory" which says in "Weilue (Brief Account of the Wei Dynasty)", a half year of the present was counted as a year at that time in Japan, and as a result, he asserts that Emperor Jinmu was enthroned in 181 and his life duration was 63 years, half of 127 years. 例文帳に追加

決定的とは認知されていない説だが、『魏略』には現在の半年を当時の日本が一年として数えていたという『倍年説』を基に歴史を再計算しその結果、神武天皇の即位は西暦181年であり、寿命は127歳の半分の63歳であったと主張している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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