科学技術分野全般における専門用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 科学技術振興機構 URL http://pr.jst.go.jp/ |
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- 絞込み
- C
- CA
- CB
- CC
- CD
- CE
- CF
- CG
- CH
- CI
- CJ
- CK
- CL
- CM
- CN
- CO
- CP
- CQ
- CR
- CS
- CT
- CU
- CV
- CW
- CX
- CY
- CZ
- C(50音)
- C(タイ文字)
- C(数字)
- C(記号)
- cancer metastasis
- cancer milk
- cancer nest
- cancer of intestine
- cancer of kidney
- cancer of liver
- cancer of lung
- cancer of the larynx
- cancer of the rectum
- cancer of the skin
- cancer of the stomach
- cancer of the tongue
- cancer of the uterine cervix
- cancer of the uterus
- cancer of tongue
- cancer pain
- cancer patient
- cancer pearl
- cancer prevention
- cancer promoter
- cancer research
- cancer risk
- cancer screening
- cancer therapy
- cancer tissue
- cancer vaccine
- cancer virus
- canceration
- cancerization
- cancerocidal substance
- cancerogenic substance
- cancerophobia
- cancerous cachexia
- cancerous degeneration
- cancerous goiter
- cancerous niche
- cancerous peritonitis
- cancerous ulcer
- cancrinite
- cancroid
- cancrum
- cancrum oris
- candela
- candelilla
- candelilla wax
- candicidin
- candid advice
- candid camera
- Candida
- Candida albicans
- Candida albicans vaginitis
- candida granuloma
- Candida krusei
- Candida parapsilosis
- Candida pneumonia
- Candida tropicalis
- Candida utilis
- candidacy
- candidate
- candidate compound
- candidate descriptor
- Candida属
- candidemia
- candidiasis
- candidid
- candied fruit
- candle
- candle maker
- candle power
- candlelight
- candlestick
- candoluminescence
- CANDU reactor
- candy
- candy cane
- candy store
- cane
- cane chair
- cane sugar
- canfieldite
- canicola fever
- Canidae
- canine
- canine adenovirus
- canine babesiosis
- canine distemper
- canine distemper virus
- canine fossa
- canine herpesvirus
- canine leishmaniasis
- canine oral papilloma virus
- Canis
- canister
- canities
- canker
- canker sore
- canna
- cannabichromene
- cannabidiol