科学技術分野全般における専門用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 科学技術振興機構 URL http://pr.jst.go.jp/ |
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- 絞込み
- O
- OA
- OB
- OC
- OD
- OE
- OF
- OG
- OH
- OI
- OJ
- OK
- OL
- OM
- ON
- OO
- OP
- OQ
- OR
- OS
- OT
- OU
- OV
- OW
- OX
- OY
- OZ
- O(50音)
- O(タイ文字)
- O(数字)
- O(記号)
- ophthalmoblenorrhea
- ophthalmodynamometer
- ophthalmodynamometry
- ophthalmograph
- ophthalmography
- ophthalmologist
- ophthalmology
- ophthalmomalacia
- ophthalmometer
- ophthalmometry
- ophthalmomycosis
- ophthalmomyositis
- ophthalmoneuritis
- ophthalmopathy
- ophthalmoplegia
- ophthalmoplegia internuclearis
- ophthalmoplegic exophthalmos
- ophthalmoplegic migraine
- ophthalmoscope
- ophthalmoscopy
- ophthalmospasm
- ophthalmotonometer
- ophthalmotrope
- ophthalmus
- opiate
- opiate antagonist
- opiate receptor
- Opiliones
- opine
- opinion
- opinion leader
- opinion poll
- opinion survey
- opioid
- opioid analgesic
- opioid antagonist
- opioid dependence
- opioid receptor
- opioid receptor agonist
- opioidpeptide
- opiomania
- opiomelanocortin
- opipramol
- opipramol hydrochloride
- opisthion
- opisthobranch
- Opisthobranchia
- opisthomastigote
- opisthonephros
- opisthorchiasis
- opisthorchid
- Opisthorchiida
- Opisthorchiidae
- Opisthorchis
- Opisthorchis felineus
- Opisthorchis viverrini
- opisthosoma
- opisthotonus
- opisth‐aptor
- opium
- opium alkaloid
- opium alkaloid hydrochloride
- opium den
- opium eater
- Opium Ipecac Powder
- opium law
- opium tincture
- opiumism
- opobalsamum
- opodeldoc
- opossum
- Oppenheim disease
- Oppenheim’s disease
- oppilation
- opponens
- opponens digiti minimi muscle of hand
- opponens pollicis muscle
- opponensplasty
- opponent
- opponent‐color theory
- opportunism
- opportunist
- opportunistic infection
- opportunistic pathogen
- opportunity
- opportunity cost
- opportunity loss
- opposed engine
- opposed firing
- opposed‐piston engine
- opposing reaction
- opposite
- opposite angle
- opposite color
- opposite correlation
- opposite direction
- opposite joint
- opposite phase