![]() ![]() 企業の人事・総務関連の業務で用いられる人事労務関連の用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 人事・労務 URL http://www.jinji-roumu.com/ |
- tag relief
- take-home pay
- take-over
- taking breaks at the same time
- tapping on the shoulders
- tax decrease
- tax increase
- tax qualified pension plan
- taxicab driver
- technological innovation
- technological unemployment
- technology transfer
- tele-working
- telegrams of congratulations and/or condolences
- temporary annuity
- temporary disability
- temporary disability benefit
- temporary employee
- temporary employment agency
- temporary life annuity with guaranteed installment
- temporary release from work
- temporary transfer to a subsidiary company
- temporary work
- temporary worker
- temporary worker from temporary employment service
- tentaive hiring decision pending formalization
- termination of employment
- tertiary industry
- the disabled
- the early retired
- the hidden unemployed
- the individual being rated
- the jobless
- the right-person-for-the-right-position
- the unemployed
- third sector
- three generation family
- three-crew-three-shift system
- tie-up
- tight labor market
- time spent for commuting
- time-keeping
- time-limit strike
- title
- to pay into the worker’s bank accounts
- to pay wages in advance
- top-down decision-making
- total cash earnings
- total hours worked
- total labor force
- total quality control
- totally unemployed persons
- track record
- trade friction
- trade skill test
- trade union
- Trade Union Law
- trade union officer
- transfer
- transfer of permanent domicile
- transferee
- transfereed worker
- trial of strength
- trust bank
- turnover
- type of employment