![]() ![]() 統計などで用いられる商品の分類名の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 政府統計の総合窓口(e-Stat) URL http://www.e-stat.go.jp/ |
- 絞込み
- S
- SA
- SB
- SC
- SD
- SE
- SF
- SG
- SH
- SI
- SJ
- SK
- SL
- SM
- SN
- SO
- SP
- SQ
- SR
- SS
- ST
- SU
- SV
- SW
- SX
- SY
- SZ
- S(50音)
- S(タイ文字)
- S(数字)
- S(記号)
- Seat equipment
- Seat loaders
- Seat sets
- Seat springs
- Seats; 100 or more
- Seats; 19 or less
- Seats; 20-29
- Seats; 29 or less
- Seats; 30 or more
- Seats; 30-39
- Seats; 40-49
- Seats; 50-59
- Seats; 60-69
- Seats; 70-79
- Seats; 80-99
- Seaweed processing machines
- Seaweed, processed or preserved, n.e.c.
- Seaweeds of a kind used for manufactuing agar-agar, n.e.c.
- Seaweeds of a kind used for manufacturing agar-agar
- Seaweeds, n.e.c.
- Seaweeds, prepared or preserved
- Sebacate plasticizers
- Second cut
- Second, inferior grade steel scrap
- Secondary aluminium alloy ingots
- Secondary aluminium alloy ingots for castings
- Secondary aluminium alloy ingots for die-castings
- Secondary aluminium ingots
- Secondary aluminium ingots for wrought products
- Secondary aluminium tingots for deoxidizing
- Secondary amyl alcohol
- Secondary batteries
- Secondary battery parts
- Secondary bytyl alcohols
- Secondary drying tea rollers
- Secondary magnesium ingots
- Secondary metal forming machinery
- Secondary metal forming machinery, n.e.c.
- Secondary photon process spectrophotometers
- Secondary radar equipment
- Secondary tea driers
- Secondary type gliders
- Section egg laying apparatus
- Section insulators
- Sectional warpers
- Securities and coin processing machines
- Security printing products
- Security printing products and cards
- Security printing products and financial certificates
- Security printing products, n.e.c.
- Sedge harvesters
- See-saw switches
- Seed cocoons
- Seed cocoons and silk-worm eggst
- Seed fibres
- Seed oysters
- Seeders
- Seeders, transplanting machines and planters
- Seeds
- Seeds , n.e.c.
- Seeds of forage crops and manure crops
- Seeds of grain,cereals and pulses
- Seeds of wheat and barley
- Seersucker
- Segment rings
- Segmented circular saws
- Segmented endless saws
- Segmented frame saws
- Segmented polishing wheels
- Segmented tools
- Sei whale
- Seismic isolation
- Seismic wave survey equipment
- Seismographs
- Seiyo-ningin
- Sekaiichi
- Sekihan steamed rice with red beans
- Selective digging tunnelling machines
- Selenic acid
- Selenium
- Selenium chlorides
- Selenium compounds
- Selenium monochloride
- Selenium oxide
- Selenium oxychloride
- Selenium rectifiers
- Selenium tetrachloride
- Selenous acid
- Self advancing props
- Self balancing type centrifugal extractors
- Self balancing type solvent extraction machines
- Self centering chucks
- Self contained compressed oxygen breathing apparatus
- Self contained compressed-air breathing apparatus
- Self energized type seals
- Self feeding threshers
- Self hardening sand conditioning machines
- Self igniting signalling lights
- Self loading foraze boxes
- Self propelled bean threshers