![]() ![]() 人体の器官や部位の名称の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 船戸和弥のホームページ URL http://www.anatomy.med.keio.ac.jp/f unatoka/ |
- 絞込み
- F
- FA
- FB
- FC
- FD
- FE
- FF
- FG
- FH
- FI
- FJ
- FK
- FL
- FM
- FN
- FO
- FP
- FQ
- FR
- FS
- FT
- FU
- FV
- FW
- FX
- FY
- FZ
- F(50音)
- F(タイ文字)
- F(数字)
- F(記号)
- Folia of cerebellum
- foliate
- Foliate papilla
- Folium
- Folium of vermis
- Follicle
- Fontanelles
- Foot
- Foot region
- Footplate
- Foramen
- Foramen caecum of frontal bone
- Foramen caecum of medulla oblongata
- Foramen caecum of tongue
- Foramen cecum of frontal bone
- Foramen cecum of medulla oblongata
- Foramen cecum of tongue
- Foramen lacerum
- Foramen magnum
- Foramen ovale of heart
- Foramen ovale of sphenoid bone
- Foramen petrosum
- Foramen rotundum
- Foramen singulare
- Foramen spinosum
- Foramen transversarium
- Foramina nervosa
- Foramina of cribriform plate
- foraminate
- Forearm
- Forebrain
- Forehead
- Forel's H1 field
- Forel's H2 field
- Foreskin
- Fornix
- Fornix cerebrae
- Fornix of lacrimal sac
- Fornix of stomach
- Fornix of vagina
- Fossa
- Fossa antihelica
- Fossa for cerebellum
- Fossa for gallbladder
- Fossa for lacrimal gland
- Fossa for lacrimal sac
- Fossa for occipital lobe of brain
- Fossa of incus
- Fossa of oval window
- Fossa of round window
- Fossa ovalis
- Fossula
- four-headed
- Four-headed muscle
- Fourchette
- fourth
- Fourth toe
- Fourth ventricle
- Fovea
- Fovea centralis in macula
- Fovea for ligament of head
- Foveola
- free
- Free border of nail
- Free border of ovary
- Free part of lower limb
- Free part of upper limb
- Free taenia
- Free tenia
- Free upper limb
- Frenulum
- Frenulum of cheek
- Frenulum of clitoris
- Frenulum of ileal orifice
- Frenulum of labia minora
- Frenulum of lower lip
- Frenulum of prepuce
- Frenulum of superior medullary vellum
- Frenulum of tongue
- Frenulum of upper lip
- Frenulum veli
- Front of chest
- Frontal
- Frontal angle of parietal bone
- Frontal aspect
- Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis muscle
- Frontal bone
- Frontal border of parietal bone
- Frontal branch of middle meningeal artery
- Frontal branch of ophthalmic nerve
- Frontal branch of superficial temporal artery
- Frontal crest
- Frontal diploic vein
- Frontal eminence
- Frontal foramen
- Frontal forceps
- Frontal horn of lateral ventricle
- Frontal lobe