人体の器官や部位の名称の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 船戸和弥のホームページ URL http://www.anatomy.med.keio.ac.jp/f unatoka/ |
英和解剖学用語集 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- M
- MA
- MB
- MC
- MD
- ME
- MF
- MG
- MH
- MI
- MJ
- MK
- ML
- MM
- MN
- MO
- MP
- MQ
- MR
- MS
- MT
- MU
- MV
- MW
- MX
- MY
- MZ
- M(50音)
- M(タイ文字)
- M(数字)
- M(記号)
- M1 segment of middle cerebral artery
- M1区
- M2 segment middle cerebral artery
- M2区
- M3 segment of middle cerebral artery
- M3区
- M4 segment of middle cerebral artery
- M4区
- Macula
- Macula cribrosa inferior
- Macula cribrosa media
- Macula cribrosa superior
- Macula of retina
- Macula of saccule
- Macula of utricle
- Maculae cribrosae
- Maculae utriculosacculares
- macular
- Magenstrasse
- Magnocellular division of ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus
- Magnocellular layers of dorsal nucleus of lateral geniculate body
- Magnocellular nucleus of medial dorsal nucleus of thalamus
- Magnocellular part of inferior vestibular nucleus
- Magnocellular part of lateral reticular nucleus
- Magnocellular part of metathalamus
- Magnocellular part of red nucleus
- Magnocellular subnucleus of spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- Magnocellular subnucleus of spinal tract nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- magnus
- Magnus raphe nucleus
- Main portal fissure
- major
- Major alar cartilage of nose
- Major arterial circle of iris
- Major calices
- Major calyx
- Major circulus arteriosus of iris
- Major duodenal papilla
- Major forceps
- Major renal calyces
- Major salivary glands
- Major sublingual duct
- Malar lymph node
- Malar node
- male
- Male external genitalia
- Male genital system
- Male internal genitalia
- Male urethra
- Malleolar fossa of lateral malleolus
- Malleolar groove
- Malleolar prominence
- Malleolar stria
- Malleus
- Malpighian corpuscle
- Mammary gland
- Mammary region
- Mammelons
- mammillary
- Mammillary arteries
- Mammillary body
- Mammillary line
- Mammillary process
- Mammillary process of lumbar vertebra
- Mammillotegmental fasciculus
- Mammillotegmental tract
- Mammillothalamic fasciculus
- Mandible
- Mandibular canal
- Mandibular dental arcade
- Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve
- Mandibular foramen
- Mandibular fossa
- Mandibular lymph node
- Mandibular nerve
- Mandibular node
- Mandibular notch
- Mandibular symphysis
- Mandibular torus
- Manubriosternal synchondrosis
- Manubrium
- Manubrium of sternum
- Margin
- Margin of tongue
- marginal
- Marginal arcade
- Marginal artery
- Marginal branch of cingulate sulcus
- Marginal branch of parieto-occipital sulcus
- Marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve
- Marginal nucleus
- Marginal nucleus of restiform body
- Marginal part of orbicularis oris
- Marginal ridge of tooth
- Marginal sinus
- Marginal sulcus
- Marginal tubercle
- Marrow cavity