眼科の診療現場などで使用頻度の高い単語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 医療法人社団医新会 URL http://www.ocular.net/ |
眼科専門用語辞書 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- G
- GA
- GB
- GC
- GD
- GE
- GF
- GG
- GH
- GI
- GJ
- GK
- GL
- GM
- GN
- GO
- GP
- GQ
- GR
- GS
- GT
- GU
- GV
- GW
- GX
- GY
- GZ
- G(50音)
- G(タイ文字)
- G(数字)
- G(記号)
- glia
- glial cell
- glial tissue
- glioma
- gliosis
- glis
- glistening
- globe
- globoid cell leukodystrophy
- glutathione
- Glyceol
- glycerin
- glycerol
- glycogenosis
- glycyrrhizinate dipotassium
- goblet cell
- goggles
- gold knife
- golden ring
- Goldenhar's syndrome
- Goldmann applanation tonometer
- Goldmann lens
- Goldmann perimeter
- Goldmann slit lamp biomicroscope
- golf club spud
- goniodysgenesis
- goniodysgenetic glaucoma
- goniolens
- goniophotocoagulation
- gonioscope
- gonioscopy
- goniosynechia
- goniosynechiolysis
- goniotome
- goniotomy
- gonococcal conjunctivitis
- gonorrhea
- gonorrheal conjunctivitis
- gonorrheal ophthalmia
- gonorrthea
- GP lens
- Gradenigo's syndrome
- gradient index lens
- Graefe knife
- Graefe's sign
- graft
- graft rejection
- Gram's stain
- granular
- granular corneal dystrophy
- granular dystorophy
- granular ophtalmia
- granuloma
- granulomatous inflammation
- granulomatous iritis
- granulomatous scieritis
- granulomatous uveitis
- graticule
- Graves' disease
- gravidic retinopathy
- gray cataract
- gray line
- gray optic atrophy
- green color blindness
- green color weakness
- green cone
- green cone monochromatism
- green vision
- grid pattern photocoagulation
- Groenouw's dystrophy
- Gronblad-Strandberg syndrome
- guanethidine
- guanethidine sulfate
- Gullstrand's schematic eye
- guttata
- guttate choroiditis
- guttate choroidopathy
- gyrate atrophy of choroid and retina
- gyri orbitales