Weblio英和和英辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- K
- KA
- KB
- KC
- KD
- KE
- KF
- KG
- KH
- KI
- KJ
- KK
- KL
- KM
- KN
- KO
- KP
- KQ
- KR
- KS
- KT
- KU
- KV
- KW
- KX
- KY
- KZ
- K(50音)
- K(タイ文字)
- K(数字)
- K(記号)
- knowing
- knowing english strenghts
- knowing good and well
- Knowing how much school for my kids is costing, it's impossible to relax with a beer and take it easy.
- Knowing is one thing, teaching quite another.
- knowing it is reckless
- knowing it is unreasonable
- knowing look
- knowing one
- knowing only is
- knowing something of
- knowing that
- Knowing their languages is not enough to communicate effectively, because the methods of communication are determined by their cultures.
- knowing things by halves
- Knowing very well that his wife wanted to go to a movie, the husband, who was a dog in the manger, cooked up a scheme whereby they had to stay at home waiting for a certain visitor who was not expected to come.
- Knowing your place is also important out in the world
- knowing. . .
- knowing. . .,
- knowing;
- knowingly
- knowingness
- knowit vqa
- knowl
- knowledg
- knowledgable
- knowledge
- Knowledge
- knowledge abbout or of
- knowledge about
- knowledge about someone
- knowledge about the Sabbath
- knowledge above ?
- knowledge acquisition
- knowledge acquisition system
- knowledge acquisitive support
- knowledge activity
- knowledge and experience
- Knowledge and skills are important parts for the speaking ability, but it is also important to have the courage to speak
- knowledge and virtue
- Knowledge and virtue
- knowledge assimilation
- knowledge base
- Knowledge base
- Knowledge Base
- knowledge base approach
- knowledge base building
- knowledge base construction
- knowledge base construction method
- knowledge base group
- knowledge base machine
- Knowledge Base Manager
- knowledge base system