



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Bêtaに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 1631

superfamily of nuclear transcriptional regulators This gene encodes retinoic acid receptor beta, a m
), a platform for coordinating open source funding SourceAgency (beta), a platform for coordinating o
a medium adaptin (mu), and a small adaptin (sigma) The AP-2 complex is a heterotetramer consisting of
enzyme that in humans is encoded by the MANBA gene Beta-mannosidase, also known as lysosomal beta A m
Main article: Beta Abraham Main article: Beta Abraham
nd a discounted price over planned release pricing Pre-order benefits include early beta access and a
(Alpha acid 3.5-5.5% / beta acid 3-4%) (Alpha acid 3.5-5.5% / beta acid 3-4%)
a decrease in alpha activity in the EEG recordings Bromazepam alters electrical status of the brain c
tein kinase catalytic domain having 95% similarity Overall, the beta adrenergic receptor kinase 2 has
r BARK) is a serine/threonine intracellular kinase Beta adrenergic receptor kinase (also referred to
hrough the action of the G proteins of the type Gs Beta adrenergic receptors are involved in the epin
rats in 1991 and the human gene was cloned in 1993 The beta adrenergic receptor kinase-2 was cloned f
rgic receptor kinase-2 was linked to schizophrenia Subsequent studies, while noting that chromosome 2
zyme which catalyzes the conversion of ATP to cAMP The pharmacologic effects of beta adrenergic agoni
as no effect on alpha or beta adrenergic receptors It has no effect on alpha or beta adrenergic recep
rgic receptor by epinephrine, Gs will be activated (steps 1) Upon stimulation of the Beta adrenergic
to interact with PDE6G, GNAQ, Src, PRKCB1 and GIT1 Beta adrenergic receptor kinase has been shown to
tor kinase-2 appears to affect dopamine metabolism Beta adrenergic receptor kinase-2 appears to affec
two other known subtypes of the beta adrenoceptor ICI binds to the β2 subtype with at least 100 time
e distribution of beta adrenoreceptors in the body Its 125I radiolabelled derivative has been widely
Entrepreneurship Club 2009 TigerLaunch competition Memrise launched in private beta after winning the
ible; often fatal; airway failure and inflammation General Practitioners may sometimes be confused by
one, but rather a compound known as a beta agonist Ractopamine in feed for animals is responsible for
in humans is much higher that other beta agonists Ractopamine is allowed as its half-life is lower,
pile-time type checking and run-time type checking BETA aims to achieve an optimal balance between co
14 fully licensed vehicles, and over 30 challenges The beta allows the player to test six tracks, fou
Beta Alpha Psi, Honorary Accounting Fraternity Beta Alpha Psi, Honorary Accounting Fraternity
of Beta Alpha Psi, the accounting honor fraternity Remias was a member of Beta Alpha Psi, the account
a member of Beta Alpha Psi and Knights of Columbus Nick Bruno is a member of Beta Alpha Psi and Knigh
Beta Alpha Psi Beta Alpha Psi
eta Alpha) - Time National Political Correspondent Karen Tumulty (Beta Alpha) - Time National Politic
to connect to Twitter to post updates via the game The beta also allows players to connect to Twitter
atin M, that in humans is encoded by the OSMR gene Oncostatin-M specific receptor subunit beta also k
enzyme that in humans is encoded by the GSK3B gene Glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta, also known as GSK
(Cluster of Differentiation 79B), is a human gene CD79b molecule, immunoglobulin-associated beta, al
ta alumni and the officiator of the Greek Olympiad Eugene Levy as Noah Levenstein, Beta alumni and th
ect this hallmark pathology of Alzheimer's disease AV-45 can be used to detect beta amyloid plaques i
is thought to be less toxic) forms of Beta amyloid Brain tissue has ACE enzyme which takes part in lo
l growth factor (VEGF)-stimulated neo-angiogenesis Binding to the ATP-binding site, enzastaurin selec
Beta Analytic Inc. (BETA) Beta Analytic Inc. (BETA)
by far more powerful versions of their own attacks In what could be seen as poetic justice, Baion Bet
GDP and complexes with the beta and gamma subunit The inactive form contains the alpha subunit bound
mon beta and gamma subunits with the IL-2 receptor It consists of an interleukin 15 receptor, alpha s
hree main types: alpha, beta and gamma crystallins Crystallins from a vertebrate eye lens are classif
, drama club, FCA, FBLA, BETA, and student council St. Mary's sports and clubs include football, girl
ation and plays a major role in ethanol catabolism Class I alcohol dehydrogenase, consisting of sever
TA, and played at the 2003 edition of POP Montreal Bad Flirt played shows with Relapse Records band B
ents (produced by alpha, beta and gamma radiation) This allows background events to be rejected as nu
s, which are of three types- alpha, beta and gamma Other globulins, which are of three types- alpha,
Beta and VHS including Doraemon: Nobita's Dinosaur The company was founded in 1970 as Hong Kong Enter
d gamma) of the 11S regulator have been identified Three subunits (alpha, beta and gamma) of the 11S
ha subunits combine to form a heterohexameric ring Three beta and three alpha subunits combine to for
m to enlarge with Shadow Beta and V-Rex facing him Once the team gathered, Time Red and Time Pink dou
lieve the game would not make it to western shores Some controversy was drawn about the game after an
stallin is found exclusively in reptiles and birds Four major groups of crystallin have been distingu
in misfolding diseases such as Alzheimer's disease This has been suggested as a mechanism in the conf
and Stanford University, earning business degrees She attended the University of Washington, where s
s with alpha, beta, and gamma angles of 90 degrees The resolution of the structure is fairly high at
oforms, alpha, beta and gamma have been identified In vertebrates, three main groups of actin isoform
ma radiation and decays with a half-life of 8 days 131I emits both beta and gamma radiation and decay
two- for alpha, four- for beta, and two- for gamma Each receptor isoform has several splice variants:
tradeoffs in terms of time and message complexity The concept was originally proposed in (Awerbuch,
delta, beta, and gamma subunits in a 1:1:1:1 ratio Calcium channels mediate the influx of calcium ion
y organized in a genomic segment as a gene cluster Three genes encoding alpha, beta and gamma subunit
ut, go ahead and bump that score up a letter grade Gaming website 1up.com summarized much of the nega
s are found in the lenses of all other vertebrates For example, alpha, beta, and delta crystallins ar
bottle and put my head as a genie coming out of it When this series of origin of elements, alpha, bet
a that lies within both Beta and neighboring Addie Several industries were once located in Beta, and
ideo Cassette Recorder (VCR) under on Sony Betamax The label's first Blu-ray releases were Arti Sahab
her as a protein superfamily called βγ-Crystallins Beta- and gamma-crystallins (such as CRYGC) are si
appear on Good Morning America in January 2009.[1] In November 2008, Diane Sawyer and Melinda Gates v
Beta, and Spoon following the release of the album The group toured with Guided By Voices, VHS or Bet
Public Beta and the predecessor of Mac OS X v10.1 It was the successor of the Mac OS X Public Beta a
n groups of actin isoforms, alpha, beta, and gamma The protein encoded by this gene belongs to the ac
with a time-limited demo version available as well The game was first released as an open beta and wa
e classified into alpha, beta and theta categories On the basis of their size and pattern of disulfid
slab box in Room Gamma containing an agrimi rhyton Of particular note at the site are the pier-and-do
notable for its DECA, FFA, Beta and Interact Clubs Beech is notable for its DECA, FFA, Beta and Inter
re development for the user and content management Viant worked on the site as well, offering project
Jacket, Wax Fang, VHS or Beta and The Villebillies Louisville is home to a thriving indie music scene
of catenins seem to exist: alpha, beta, and gamma Three different types of catenins seem to exist: a
d gamma exposure, and estimation of energy spectra Radiation type detection: Use of multiple filters
utilities) were written in Z-80 Assembly Language Beta and initial production releases of Valdocs' a
eleton, and as mediators of internal cell motility The beta and gamma actins co-exist in most cell ty
allation packages based on daily compilation cycle From 2009, Orange is in 2.0 beta and web site offe
a crystallins are also considered as a superfamily Mammalian lens crystallins are divided into alpha,
proposed for use in radiotherapy for small tumours Beta- and gamma-emitting radionuclides used medica
Time Zone, Tribe 22, Wild Girls, or Zsa Zsa Deluxe This list does not include material by Maurice Eng
owly rotates around its X-axis (nose to tail axis) When the orbiter is in-flight (not docked to ISS)
ime, and in its line-of-sight the rest of the time That same satellite also will have a beta angle wi
ellite and how long the Earth is blocked from view For example, the beta angle of a satellite in orbi
lting in time periods referred to as "beta cutout" The effect of the beta angle on shuttle missions i
be applied to give the beta angle of other objects The above discussion defines the beta angle of sat
re 90 degrees while the gamma angle is 120 degrees The alpha and beta angles are 90 degrees while the
h orbit with respect to the sun (the solar vector) Beta angles describing non-geocentric orbits are i
ku, ValleyWag, InventorSpot, Japanator, and others A post on the Outblaze Blog dated February 15, 200
ith Genzyme to further develop TGF beta antibodies In 2000, Cambridge Antibody Technology signed a co
Aps, β Apodis) is a star in the constellation Apus Beta Apodis (β Aps, β Apodis) is a star in the con
High Schools a 2nd year consecutively, ranked #233 In June 2010, BETA appeared on Newsweek's 1500 Top
domains bind to accessory proteins and to clathrin The alpha and beta appendage domains bind to acces
arius, five degrees north of the star Beta Aquarii Messier 2 or M2 (also designated NGC 7089) is a gl
, β Aquilae) is a star in the constellation Aquila Beta Aquilae (β Aql, β Aquilae) is a star in the c
e has magnitude 3.71 and is of spectral class G8IV Beta Aquilae has magnitude 3.71 and is of spectral
ae) is the brightest star in the constellation Ara Beta Arae (β Ara, β Arae) is the brightest star in
or supergiant with an apparent magnitude of +2.84 Beta Arae is an orange K-type bright giant or supe
the same amino acid sequence as the native enzyme Agalsidase alpha and beta are both recombinant for
ht, and lipotropin beta are the major end products The encoded protein is synthesized mainly in corti
(LXRA) and beta, are known to encode LXR proteins Two genes, alpha (LXRA) and beta, are known to enc
eased a map editor for the beta as part of Patch 9 Blizzard also released a map editor for the beta a
The site is in open beta as of June 2009 The site is in open beta as of June 2009.
ETA as representatives of successful small schools In August 2006 Rashid became the third Principal o
ng with data from anywhere, including from the Web In July 2007, Kirix relaunched Strata in beta as a
f writing this article an open beta is in progress Beta, at the time of writing this article an open
mber 54 on its list of America's Best High Schools In its November 30, 2007, U.S. News & World Report
Beta atriplicifolia Beta atriplicifolia
Beta Aurigae Beta Aurigae
oronae Borealis, Zeta Crateris, and Beta Serpentis It may be a member of the proposed Sirius Superclu
g, later to be reused on The Best of the Beta Band The Beta Band logo for the album was created by co
he pub, after Tommy watches news about war in Iraq The song "Squares" by The Beta Band plays later in
eta Band, Harvey Pekar, Bob Monkhouse and Bob Lind Anderson has written articles on various cultural
second release by The Beta Band, released in 1998 The Patty Patty Sound is the second release by The
The Beta Band, released in 1997 on 12" vinyl only Champion Versions is the first release by The Beta
ct Scottish experimental rock group, The Beta Band He has also designed record sleeves for Ruthless R
e third release by The Beta Band, released in 1998 Los Amigos del Beta Bandidos (Translated to 'The F
Champion Versions and Los Amigos del Beta Bandidos All the tracks from the EP were later included on
Patty Patty Sound and Los Amigos del Beta Bandidos The EP was later included in its entirety on the 1
It forms an 8 stranded beta barrel structure It forms an 8 stranded beta barrel structure.
structure with two alpha helices and a beta-sheet Human peptidylprolyl isomerase A, which exists in
of 14 beta-strands in the concanavalin A molecule This emission has been assigned to the breathing m
l packed around an alpha helix in the central pore They share a common and characteristic tertiary st
eus Beta based upon the final Wilkinson manuscript The 1996 "popular edition" of The Law is for All w
a simple toolkit but grew into a full interpreter Beta BASIC (ZX Spectrum) - Extension to Sinclair B
Beta became available at Adobe MAX in October 2007 A Public Beta became available at Adobe MAX in Oct
eta because of the people, not the actual sorority Lisa's mother admits that she enjoyed being in Pi
An open beta began in September 2009 An open beta began in September 2009.
g the groceries in the store in alphabetical order Alpha Beta began as a system of organizing the gro
is open to all users with a Perfect World account Beta began on April 13, 2010 and is open to all us
25, 2010 with an official release later that year The Chinese closed beta began on March 25, 2010 wi
y, Beta Beginer [sic], Gamma Greenhorne [sic], etc Once all the player's planes are destroyed, the ga
Tau Delta (English), and Sigma Theta Tau (nursing) The college has 12 Honor Societies: Alpha Chi (gen
ing the formation of a higher order gating complex Another protein, importin (beta) binds to the heli
l infarction: an overview of the randomized trials Yusuf S, Peto R, Lewis J, Collins R, Sleight P. Be
ith some utility in the treatment of heart disease Tazolol is a beta blocker with some utility in the
calcium channel blocker to minimize these effects A beta blocker may be combined with a dihydropyrid
ocker with some intrinsic sympathomimetic activity Oxprenolol (Trasacor, Trasicor, Coretal, Laracor,
both a beta blocker and a calcium channel blocker Bevantolol (INN) is a drug which acts as both a be
tagonist, used in the treatment of angina pectoris Alprenolol, or alfeprol, alpheprol, and alprenolol
l, was the first beta blocker ever to be developed Dichloroisoprenaline (DCI), also known as dichloro
erties and some intrinsic sympathomimetic activity Bucindolol is a non-selective beta blocker with ad
rrier more easily than water soluble beta blockers Oxprenolol is a lipophilic beta blocker which pass
the other adrenoreceptors (β2, β3, α1, α2) occurs Bisoprolol minimizes the side effects that might o
scontinued first, then moxonidine after a few days If concomitant treatment with a beta blocker has t
(a Beta Blocker) to assess the efficacy of AH-1058 Sudies have compared AH-1058 to widely used and cl
lol (the first clinically-successful beta blocker) Although DCI was of no clinical value itself, furt
beta-adrenergic receptor inhibitor (beta blocker) Levobetaxolol is a beta-adrenergic receptor inhibi
Epanolol is an beta blocker Epanolol is an beta blocker.
Xibenolol is a beta blocker Xibenolol is a beta blocker.
Arnolol is a beta blocker Arnolol is a beta blocker.
Amosulalol (INN) is a beta blocker Amosulalol (INN) is a beta blocker.
Cloranolol (or tobanum) is an beta blocker Cloranolol (or tobanum) is an beta blocker.
Bopindolol (INN) is a beta blocker Bopindolol (INN) is a beta blocker.
pindolol (Betagon) is a non-selective beta blocker Mepindolol (Betagon) is a non-selective beta block
isolol (INN, trade name Selecal) is a beta blocker Tilisolol (INN, trade name Selecal) is a beta bloc
of mild to moderate congestive heart failure (CHF) Carvedilol is a non-selective beta blocker/alpha-1
ly beta blockers to temporarily treat their phobia Some affected people have turned to certain types
have used beta blockers for 'performance anxiety' Some people have used beta blockers for 'performan
during public performance and especially auditions In particular, musicians, public speakers, actors,
blockers are used for all indications listed below Large differences exist in the pharmacology of age
may require beta blockers or even benzodiazepines Anticholinergic drugs are used to control neurolep
Beta blockers Beta blockers
s, though the mechanism of action is not known (2) There is clear evidence from many controlled trial
stem which mediates the "fight or flight" response Beta blockers block the action of endogenous catec
responses, hence reducing the tendency to stutter Stutterers also use beta blockers to avoid fight/f
Beta blockers (Propanolol, atenolol, etc.) Beta blockers (Propanolol, atenolol, etc.)
blood vessels in addition to effects on the heart Along with labetalol and carvedilol, it is one of
A Model Illustrating the Effect of Beta Blockers" Neftel, Klaus A. "Stage Fright in Musicians: A Mod
kers, used in the treatment of high blood pressure Celiprolol (brand names Cardem, Selectol, Celipres
kers, used in the treatment of high blood pressure Tertatolol (Artex, Artexal, Prenalex) is a medicat
to repair/replace the mitral valve or aortic valve Since pulmonary venous hypertension is synonymous
kers, used in the treatment of high blood pressure Penbutolol (Levatol, Levatolol, Lobeta, Paginol, H
s but does not stimulate beta adrenergic receptors Regadenoson stress tests are not affected by the p
rdiovascular side effects than other beta blockers Levobetaxolol has fewer cardiovascular side effect
gh it shares many indications with beta blockers.) Despite the -lol suffix, the drug is not a beta-bl
portant historical interventions in this condition Pharmacological manipulation of rate control, for
Chapter Beta: Boss 112 Chapter Beta: Boss 112
Beta Boy - Out Of Orbit - 2004 Beta Boy - Out Of Orbit - 2004
Beta brought Strauss in as his followers disbanded In the end, Shadow Beta brought Strauss in as his
FLOW Beta: Brussels FLOW Beta: Brussels
ss than 70°, and a blank if no other rule pertains Sheets with beta bulges are likewise symbolized by
8 patch was available for download on the same day The expansion was released in Summer 2001 as versi
elopment of alpha beta but not gamma delta T cells Science 266,1208-1212 (1994); Fehling, H.J., Krotk
was likely Jessica, which was used in many crosses Minnesota 78 is recorded as a cross of Beta by Wit
by invitation and through the game's Facebook page Players were given advanced access to the closed b
and Beta by Family Home Entertainment in May 1985 The special was released on VHS and Beta by Family
of Vitis labrusca by a variety of Vitis aestivalis Minnesota 78 is recorded as a cross of Beta by Wit
y providing fairly low time and message complexity Gamma synchronizer: This provides a reasonable tra
VHS and Beta by Vestron Video in late October 1986 The film was released on VHS and Beta by Vestron V
of Vitis labrusca by a variety of Vitis aestivalis Although recorded as a cross of Beta by Witt, many
tensile strengths of over 200,000 psi (1,400 MPa) Certain titanium alloys (e.g., Beta C) achieve ten

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