



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > UPRISINGの意味・解説 > UPRISINGに関連した共起表現


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When the November Uprising, a struggle for Polish independence, broke ou
, 1642, during the war that followed the 1641 uprising, a number of English settlers, including a Dr
n the 1K intro "JenterErForetrukket" by Youth Uprising; a demoscene production.
The uprising, a final act of defiance of the local populat
From 1648, the start of Bohdan Khmelnytsky's uprising, a hetman was the head of the whole Ukrainian
ndence and an autonomous church,and the April Uprising, a significant event of armed opposition to O
Plans to start an uprising across all parts of the partitioned Poland si
It was a brief popular uprising advocating for the rural poor and against mil
White" faction which only came to support the Uprising after it was already under way, and which, wh
Karegeya who earlier this week called for an uprising against Mr. Kagame.
is Spanish territory was in the process of an uprising against Spanish rule; the Spanish response wa
Soviet Socialist Republic to help suppress an uprising against the local pro-Moscow Bolshevik regime
ain a transportation system to supply the NLF uprising against the South Vietnamese government.
successful Polish commanders of the November Uprising against Russia.
Hojo Niyaz returned to Xinjiang where another uprising against the Kumul Khanate, led by Timur Halpa
The overall aim was to start an uprising against the English using the deep-rooted pat
his friends who died in the failed Hungarian uprising against Habsburg rule in 1848.
The Superferry Chronicles: Hawaii's Uprising Against Militarism, Commercialism, and the De
to cooperate with the Soviets in a nationwide uprising against the Germans.
ud was renamed Rizgari after the 1991 Kurdish uprising against the Ba'ath party.
royed on September 12, 1942 during a partisan uprising against the Nazis.
mother committed seppuku, and the final major uprising against Tokugawa rule for another 250 or so y
s abandoned, the ghetto underground staged an uprising against the Germans.
n, western Pakistan attempting to organise an uprising against the Pakistani military dictatorships
story and a true narrative of America's first uprising against English military authority, by Neil H
t of the 29th of March 1947 that the Malagasy uprising against French colonial rule started.
and the first Jew in Palestine to call for an uprising against the British administration.
he participated in the unsuccessful Communist uprising against the Bulgarian regime in 1923 and was
e formation failed to relieve the 1944 Warsaw Uprising against the Nazis.
afterwards SMARO, aided by SMAC organized the uprising against the Ottomans, which after the initial
ember 1963 they went to Portugal, planning an uprising against Portuguese colonial authorities in An
ble event of his term was "Bloody Monday", an uprising against (mostly Catholic) German and Irish im
turned to Poland and took part in the January Uprising against Imperial Russia.
rete and was one of the leaders of the Chania uprising against the dictatorial regime (28 July 1938)
ards he goes to Krbava and Lika and organizes uprising against the Turks from Brinje.
Bin Laden urges uprising against Musharraf - September 20, 2007
- March 1698) was a Croatian friar who led an uprising against Ottoman forces in Slavonia.
Leftist parties led an uprising against the leaders of the newly-declared Ind
marked the commencement of the 1745 Jacobite uprising against the Hanoverian crown.
ng San successfully led the BNA in a national uprising against the Japanese in collaboration with th
In 1931, he took part in the Cuban uprising against the dictator Machado.
Her father left Hungary after the 1956 uprising against the Stalinist government and traveled
Pawo fled Tibet during the uprising against Chinese Communist rule in 1959, trave
ttempt to force Wyatt's surrender during that uprising against Mary I.
ople in other parts of Kurdistan, started the uprising against Ba'ath regime and became the Gate of
ds, Domeyko participated in the November 1830 Uprising against the Russian Empire.
lligence chief Patrick Karegeya's call for an uprising against President Kagame is proof that the Rw
cterized the On-to-Ottawa Trek as "not a mere uprising against law and order but a definite revoluti
Third Russian Revolution, a failed uprising against the Bolsheviks, 1918-1922
n soldiers and partisans fighting in the June Uprising against the retreating Soviets, responded to
behind- the-scenes efforts: another political uprising against Stuyvesant broke out just weeks after
throughout the 1650s in plans for a royalist uprising against the Interregnum and Protectorate regi
Universals calling upon everyone to join his uprising against the Polish "usurpers".
il H. Dallal, who was active in the 1936 Arab Uprising against the British Mandate.
also depicted as a rebellious son, who led an uprising against his father in 987, and chased him out
897 planned and led the second and last major uprising against Spanish colonial rule in Puerto Rico,
ery of Agia Lavra and proclaimed the national uprising against the Ottoman empire.
apoleon Orda took part in the failed November Uprising against Russia and served with distinction in
for the beginning of what became the January Uprising against Tsarist Russia.
But as the monks got involved in the 1831 Uprising against Russian rule, the school was closed i
ford and Lovell rebellion was the first armed uprising against Henry VII after he won the crown at t
which was responsible for preparing a general uprising against Tsarist rule in order to reestablish
He took part in the start of the uprising against Pakistan beginning in 1969 and fought
ks, he became a soldier and joined the German uprising against Napoleon.
In 1956 he participated in the Hungarian Uprising against the Soviet occupation, but did not ki
settlement of Murree in July 1857 during the uprising against British colonial rule - with a force
d Gabriel in Vostitsa to discuss plans for an uprising against the Turks.
rs in a rocket ship, where he leads a popular uprising against the ruling group of Elders, with the
In 1381, an uprising against the tax collectors of Brentwood quick
During the popular uprising against the royal regime in 1990, CPN(Mashal)
minantly Maronite Kisrawan district staged an uprising against their Sheikhs and landlords, the Khaz
ack to Iraq for the first time since the 1991 uprising against Saddam Hussein.
Edelman, would participate in the 1944 Warsaw Uprising against the Nazis.
The Bavarian national uprising against the imperial occupation of 1705/06 is
An uprising against this agreement failed in October of t
modern rifles to the Mongolians to start the uprising against the Chinese rule in Mongolia.
which planned and executed the Warsaw ghetto uprising against the Nazis.
Congress Poland and took part in the January Uprising against Russia.
Hindus and there was a widespread and violent uprising against the British colonial rule of India in
t came to be called a "counter-revolutionary" uprising against the government.
Samdup, who escaped from Tibet after the 1959 uprising against the Chinese, who teaches traditional
s an event that took place during the Mau Mau Uprising against British colonial rule at a colonial d
rian Communists avoided organising mass armed uprising against the Bulgarian authorities in Vardar M
Henry IV and one of the leaders of the Saxon uprising against the emperor.
During the 1990 popular uprising against the monarchy, the group formed part o
Konrad IV of Salzburg occupied the fort in an uprising against Albert of Habsburg, the son of King R
lfonso made it clear he favoured the military uprising against the Popular Front government, but Gen
rticipated with his older brother Eugen in an uprising against the French occupation forces.
Kona chiefs who supported Kamehameha I in his uprising against Kiwalao, Kame'eiamoku, one of the roy
ut the "Prague Spring", a failed Czechoslovak uprising against Soviet rule.
o new forts were built in response to a local uprising against the governor, rather than for the def
n 1869 in the aftermath of the failed January Uprising against the Russian Tsar.
ople of Qalaze stayed there until the Kurdish uprising against Saddam Hussein's regime in 1991.
and 1897, on the outbreak of the last Cretan uprising against the Ottoman empire, which ended the G
c (1645-1711), the leader of the 1683 Serbian uprising against the Ottoman Empire.
the Bruges Matins (Brugse Metten), a violent uprising against Philip the Fair.
or's harrying of the North, punishment for an uprising against the Norman invaders of 1066.
He participated in 1848 in a Polish uprising against Prussian rule in Poznania.
the first multiparty elections following the uprising against monarchic autocracy in 1990.
rch 1848, the city-state of Milan launched an uprising against Austrian occupation.
iel Bethlen of Transylvania, the leader of an uprising against the Habsburg Monarchy from 1619-1626,
e became the King in 1561 when due to a local uprising against Cankili 1.
October 2001 while trying to create a popular uprising against the Taliban in Afghanistan in the wak
The Sena took part in an armed uprising against the monarchic rule in Nepal in the la
ство, Basmachestvo) or Basmachi Revolt was an uprising against Russian Imperial and Soviet rule by t
In the course of the preparation of the April Uprising against the Ottoman Empire the representative
His eldest son, Madog, led an uprising against English occupation between 1294-1295.
ns, eastern Indians and fugitive slaves in an uprising against the federal government.
He heard of the plans for an uprising against the Japanese and advised that it be p
e Louis Riel led his Metis people in an armed uprising against the Canadian government in 1885.
decided to call for preparations for an armed uprising against the occupying Central Powers forces a
Czechoslovak Legion, he heard of the Left SR uprising against the Bolsheviks in early July and left
The Tapani Incident, a large scale uprising against Japanese rule, occurred during his te
rivers and the whole of nature in a constant uprising against a civilization that has alienated man
Bohun took part in the Khmelnytsky Uprising against Polish rule in Ukraine.
dall, South Dakota during the Minnesota Sioux Uprising, aka the Dakota War of 1862, he met a young F
on the band returned to Jamaica to record the Uprising album and to make trips to Brazil and to Zimb
The outcome was a mass uprising all over India with mass boycotts and civil d
Kiev Arsenal January Uprising, also known as January rebellion.
Slacker Uprising also features performances by Steve Earle, Ed
The March 1966 Mizo National Front uprising also happened during his tenure.
The uprising also involved the hero of the Serbian revolut
on behind this failure to support the Vercors uprising, although the logistical difficulties for the
schwitz and was a consultant for Defiance and Uprising, among other Holocaust-related films and docu
e Army and used extensively during the Warsaw Uprising, among others.
ss about the 1879 Meeker Massacre and the Ute uprising among the northern Utes on the White River.
His arrest provoked an uprising among the Ghassanids under Mundhir's son al-N
il constitution of the clergy also aroused an uprising among the highly religious islanders.
It was reported Selim wanted to incite an uprising among Spanish Moriscos.
Mahmud's flight sparked an uprising amongst his troops against provincial authori
The police attacked and suppressed the small uprising, and ten prominent activists, including Osugi
h occupation troops in Haifa in the 1936-1939 uprising, and his mother Sadi'a Khouri is also from al
named him as co-conspirator behind the Boxer uprising, and he was, along with his family, banished
It was released in 1980 on their last album Uprising and is included on Bob Marley & The Wailers g
He was lightly wounded during the uprising, and received Polish Cross of Valour.
fought under Micuta for the remainder of the uprising and according to Micuta: "They fought like ma
The uprising and its suppression caused a great wave of em
the state and dynasty of Hyderabad, led to an uprising and violent struggle.
ained lighter than they had been prior to the Uprising and until the end of the Hetmanate peasants w
The town joined the Khmelnytsky Uprising and became a company center of Bila Tserkva r
After the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and the liquidation of the Ghetto by the Germ
Goldstein was liberated during Warsaw Uprising and participated in it.
y soldiers, who finally defeated the workers' uprising and reconquered the Ruhr area.
led in 53 BC, the remaining Nervii joined the uprising and besieged Quintus Tullius Cicero - brother
Im was in Gwangju during the Gwangju Uprising and this critically influenced his outlook.
The courage of the Warsaw Uprising, and its utter betrayal by the Soviet Union,
Kaliszanie eventually supported the November Uprising and joined the ranks of the National Governme
so reported from Poland during the Solidarity uprising and was the BBC's Washington correspondent du
to a greater or lesser extent in the Chartist uprising and had to leave the area rather hurriedly wh
Polish Army, participant in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and the Warsaw Uprising.
nt George Washington successfully quelled the uprising, and for the first time the courts had to int
After the failure of the uprising, and as the Qing court turned against the Box
agraph making it clear that the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and Warsaw Uprising were two different events
atization failed after the Athens Polytechnic uprising and the hardliners' coup under Dimitrios Ioan
Shook the Communist World: The 1956 Hungarian Uprising and Its Legacy originally Der Ungarnaufstand
t, the Chervena Voda detachment, in the April uprising, and other revolutionaries have been honoured
He took an active part in the November Uprising and was wounded in battle in May 1831.
nkara of 1402 provided good conditions for an uprising, and the Christian forces crossed the Danube
ommission trying participants in the northern uprising, and in 1571 he was thanked by Cambridge Univ
mber of such grenades were used in the Warsaw Uprising and other battles of the Operation Tempest.
one-hour news program has focused on the Arab Uprising and other global news.
The rebellion followed the 1921 Svanetian Uprising and was organized by the Committee for Indepe
ervention in Libya, caused by the 2011 Libyan uprising and enforcement of United Nations Security Co
the Soviets and several other factors, Warsaw Uprising and Operation Tempest failed in their primary
north of Coal Creek) and Kentucky to join the uprising, and a parallel anti-leasing conflict took pl
ousands of rifles with the aim of creating an uprising and forming an independent state.
ution of the yamen fell victim to the Wuchang Uprising and the Xinhai Revolution, after which warlor
Rakotonirina was in favor of a popular uprising, and in April 1971 he was arrested.
tion Day (5 May) to commemorate the Istedgade uprising and general strikes of the summer of 1944.
n the rhetoric of the leaders of the Ta-pa-ni uprising and the Righteous Harmony Society of the rece
She was executed after a failed uprising and today is considered a hero in China.
He supported Skanderbeg's uprising and was the vice captain of Skanderbeg's troo
He participated in the Ilinden-Preobrazhenie Uprising and after all seemed lost, along with Dame Gr
Cumberland's forces crushed the uprising and effectively ended Jacobitism as a serious
e Republican Revolution, supported by popular uprising and virtually no resistance, is victorious an
P for Launceston was arrested for plotting an uprising and on 6 October Sir Richard Vyvyan of Trelow
rld War I, the Russian Civil War, the Hamburg Uprising, and World War II.
He took part in the Punnapra-Vayalar uprising and was arrested and imprisoned and could not
after seeing the considerable success of the uprising, and observing its wide, and growing, support
i Shimada in Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising, and CTU Agent McCallan and FBI Agent Mark Do
e considered to be the main architects of the uprising and the youth rebellion.
1821 (around Tudor Vladimirescu's Wallachian Uprising), and assisted in establishing the Romanian t
mers and coffee-plantation workers joined the uprising and in a frenzy of rage against Portuguese se
is case, and news of the enormous size of the uprising and the brutal loss of African life, caused a
hrushchev after the crushing of the Hungarian uprising, and broke ties with communists.
He ruled at the time of the Babai uprising and the Mongol invasion of Anatolia.
In October it was the Hungarian uprising and for the next two months he was busy organ
ain in 2001 in order to end the popular 1990s Uprising and return the country to constitutional rule
and decolonialization (especially the Mau Mau Uprising and the Malayan Emergency).
police forces during the assumed all-national uprising and after the liberation.
She fought in the Warsaw Uprising and was promoted to Lt.Colonel.
an operation that triggered the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and led to the extermination of more than 50,
e town became the center of Ivan Bolotnikov's uprising and briefly a base for the False Dmitry I for
The Tambov uprising and unrest elsewhere were significant reasons
ment with the suppression of the Great Cretan Uprising and reluctance to further complicate its rela
Polish troops, with militia units staging an uprising and engaging Lithuanian units still in the ci
strict grooming policy that lead to a prison uprising and an unsuccessful lawsuit against him.
Worried about the possibility of an Indian uprising and/or a slave rebellion, Governor DuVal requ
In the event, after an uprising Andronicus was killed in 1185 and succeeded b
During the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Apfelbaum was commander of a squad who took p

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