



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > araliaceaeの意味・解説 > araliaceaeに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 101

ra is a species of flowering plant of family Araliaceae and the only representative of genus Woodbur
us is a species of flowering plant of family Araliaceae and the only species of genus Sinopanax.
t belongs to a different genus in the family Araliaceae, and it is currently illegal in the United S
anax is a genus of flowering plant of family Araliaceae, comprising 3 species of the sub-genus Airam
ylon is a genus of flowering plant of family Araliaceae, comprising 60 species.
mall genus of flowering plants in the family Araliaceae, consisting of three species of deciduous sh
alia malabarica is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family endemic to India.
(False Aralia) is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family, native to New Caledonia.
amblea malayana is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
opanax obscurus is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
xylon whitmorei is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
era euthytricha is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
nax yunnanensis is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
onia mauritiana is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
panax scopoliae is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
Gastonia crassa is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
efflera chapana is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
Afrikaans) is a small evergreen tree in the Araliaceae family.
ree or common cabbage tree) is a tree in the Araliaceae family.
'nanocephala' is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
chefflera wrayi is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
fflera apioidea is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
opanax peltatus is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
fflera curranii is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
panax concinnus is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
x sessiliflorus is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
panax tibetanus is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
hefflera agamae is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
fflera brenesii is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
astanopsidicola is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
ederopsis major is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
lera taiwaniana is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
hefflera mannii is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
opsis acuminata is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
era multinervia is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
x zingiberensis is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
Meryta lucida is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
flera apiculata is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
flera pueckleri is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
cias paniculata is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
yscias farinosa is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
oxylon reburrum is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
lon chrysanthum is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
flera myriantha is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
Meryta drakeana is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
scias quintasii is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
Aralia tibetana is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
ax ecuadorensis is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
flera hullettii is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
reopanax klugii is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
lbido-bracteata is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
mariannense is a rare species of tree in the Araliaceae family.
ssaiopsis minor is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
multifoliolata is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
ntapanax henyri is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
lera rubriflora is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
flera vitiensis is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
edraeostrobilus is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
flera hierniana is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
anax lempiranus is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
x leschenaultii is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
panax cissoides is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
era kontumensis is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
nax sanderianus is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
efflera harmsii is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
ra capitulifera is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
yscias gracilis is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
yta raiateensis is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
avicenniifolius is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
x nitentifolius is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
fflera veitchii is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
aiopsis simplex is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
e Parasol Tree) is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
cias tahitensis is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
ropanax chienii is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
era palmiformis is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
ta choristantha is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
is kwangsiensis is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
parvifoliolata is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
panax andreanus is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
ax grandifolius is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
llum proliferum is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
ropsis maingayi is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
a marchionensis is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
ra dolichostyla is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
lera beccariana is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
efflera nervosa is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
flera urbaniana is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
lera fastigiata is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
Aralia javanica is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
ryta mauruensis is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
Oreopanax rosei is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
fflera stearnii is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
panax impolitus is a species of plant in the Araliaceae family.
plumata ( Araliaceae), Hainan)
wering plant most often placed in the family Araliaceae; it might be closer to the Apiaceae however.
70 species of flowering plants in the family Araliaceae, native to South America, New Zealand and th
1882) was described from a fossil mine in a Araliaceae species.
pecies of flowering plant in the ivy family, Araliaceae, that is endemic to the Hawaiian island of O
mely rare flowering plant in the ivy family, Araliaceae, that is endemic to the island of Kauaʻi in
es of flowering plant in the ginseng family, Araliaceae, that is endemic to the islands of Oʻahu and

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