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g adequate amounts of other nutrients extends lifespan across a broad range of organisms.
They have a limited 3 year lifespan, although black market technology has been de
ng for the strain, Kull Warriors have a short lifespan and eventually succumb to heart attacks.
plains that Violet has reached the end of her lifespan, and has only 36 hours left to live.
damage (HIDL hypothesis), and therefore their lifespan and aging patterns may be sensitive to early-
ing and health may explain how differences in lifespan and related traits may also have arisen durin
s mass, Adhafera will have a relatively short lifespan and leave the main sequence approximately one
unctioning and neural architecture across the lifespan, and therefore to comparisons between adults,
White and Negro Spirituals, Their Lifespan and Kinship: Tracing 200 Years of Untrammeled
and males carry this colouring through their lifespan and have the distinguishing golden cheeks; fe
cells are created throughout the whole human lifespan, and that the integration of the new brain ce
ever, New Caloundra Light was to have a short lifespan as a coastal light.
onfirmed that "normal" Juraians have the same lifespan as normal humans.
never affected land until the very end of its lifespan as a weak extratropical system, which had min
The experimenters discussed that lifespan autobiographical episodic recall was largely
Their lifespan averages 26.4 years.
tory will remain with a vessel throughout its lifespan, being updated as all new installations enter
During the show's short lifespan, Bette's daughter (played by Lindsay Lohan in
oposed that the caloric restriction increases lifespan by decreasing the activity of the Target of R
It exceeded its anticipated two-year orbital lifespan by six years, being received on 13 October 19
xplain the basis of the observed extension of lifespan by restriction of sugar intake.
It is odd to increase the lifespan by an amount of length, as a lifespan is meas
the trail's birth is not clearly defined, its lifespan continues to grow, as there have been more ad
Lifespan Development by Helen Bee and Denise Boyd
Because a human's lifespan does not allow enough time to learn every jut
During the convention's short lifespan during 2008 and 2009, Wrath of Con has seen n
ly about 4 to 5 months making it the shortest lifespan ever recorded for a four legged vertebrate.,
in has vocally questioned the hypothesis that lifespan extension from caloric restriction is mediate
s states that the Face has an abnormally long lifespan for an unknown reason; he had six children du
10, having significantly exceeded the average lifespan for his kind and is one of the longest-lived
long enough to have gone through their useful lifespan: for example, a new type of car engine or a n
The longest known lifespan for a Wood Thrush in the wild is 8 years, 11
During its short lifespan, free AA may affect the activity of the neuro
look in on four periods of the Velvet Comet's lifespan, from early on in the Comet's life (Eros Asce
raham Sofaer) shows Reeves and Farlan the new lifespan granted to the defendant; Reeves calls it "ve
His powers and long lifespan have led some to conclude he was a euhemerise
gue that the Greek term usually translated as lifespan, helikia, can also sometimes mean stature, an
remain in a certain phase of its life and its lifespan if hypothetical conditions are met.
remain in a certain phase of its life and its lifespan if hypothetical conditions are met.
However the technique shortens the users lifespan if used without the proper breathing techniqu
other lemurs in the genus family, the maximum lifespan in the wild ranges between 20 and 25 years.
person with the second longest recorded human lifespan in history, after Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment.
creased activity of the Sir2 enzyme increases lifespan in the budding yeast.
a way of re-living the whole Beatles musical lifespan in a very condensed period."
Lifespan in the wild is unknown.
It was found to extend lifespan in nematode worms.
Typical lifespan in captivity is around five years.
The average lifespan in the satya yuga is 100,000 years.
It was about 4 years old, which is a normal lifespan in our facilities."
their age-related abnormalities reversed and lifespan increased to normal when vitamin C was put in
Their entire lifespan is several years, but most of this time is sp
The natural lifespan is not known although one captive individual
live to 20 years in good health, the average lifespan is from 12 to 14 years.
) the rate of living theory, which holds that lifespan is an inverse function of metabolic rate.
Their lifespan is very short, in the females lasts about 45
The normal microfilariae lifespan is 1-2 years; however, their presence in the
Lifespan is generally several years.
The tree's lifespan is around 50 years.
Their average lifespan is 15 years.
The estimation of the lifespan is at least 3-7 years.
ill considered quite healthy, and the average lifespan is 12-15 years.
Lifespan is at least 27 years for females and at least
Their average lifespan is 9 years with 19 years and 2 months being t
Their lifespan is listed as anything from 30 to 80 years of
he town did endure numerous floods during its lifespan, it survived all the floods of its history.
ncluding the fact that, by extending people's lifespan, it helps them to take more advantage of life
ole and since such massive stars have a short lifespan it is thought that GCIRS 13E must have migrat
As Popscene developed over its five year lifespan it went on to be cited by many as one of the
During the end of the house's lifespan it was in poor condition.
During its lifespan it only had one really active branch, the Dub
During the 3DO's short lifespan, Jurassic Park Interactive was one of the sys
n went through three managements in its short lifespan), KVST signed-off after only 19 months on the
Gold or platinum toned prints may have a lifespan limited by that of the base material.
In their 8 year lifespan, males can reach a length of 120 mm (4.7 in),
Because of the program's short lifespan, many of the indexes were not published and r
A long lifespan may very well explain the size of these creat
lack serotonin have an increased reproductive lifespan, may become obese, and sometimes present with
Throughout its lifespan, Networks II runs only under DOS 3.x.
It had a lifespan of six months and was not extended.
The average lifespan of a Parson Russell Terrier is between 14 to
in the upper watershed of rivers reduces the lifespan of reservoirs.
Males die soon after maturity and have a lifespan of three to six years.
ce this plant is grown the plant has a useful lifespan of several decades.
ulti-trunked small tree or large shrub with a lifespan of 30 to 50 years.
epeated regularly for many months, or for the lifespan of the animal.
It has an average lifespan of a few days like most mayflies and lives ne
rams (5,200 lb), with an expected operational lifespan of around fifteen years.
rams (1,500 lb), with an expected operational lifespan of around seven years.
RGS proteins markedly reduce the lifespan of GTP-bound alpha subunits by stabilising th
in determining the rate of ageing and average lifespan of the laboratory worm Caenorhabditis elegans
ife at 2028, instead of the original 100-year lifespan of 2068.
grams (4,580 lb), and an expected operational lifespan of eight years.
treatment chemicals designed to lengthen the lifespan of cooling towers, chillers, boilers, and oth
In tropical species, the natural lifespan of a mantis in the wild is about 10-12 months
The brown mouse lemur has a lifespan of 6-8 years in the wild, although it average
ve years in other cities, the equipment has a lifespan of seven years
grams (5,020 lb), and an expected operational lifespan of five years, although it carried fuel for l
cted, and it is now estimated that the useful lifespan of the dam will be 85 years, to about 2060.
e as one study has shown that it extended the lifespan of IMR90 fibroblasts by more than 20 populati
placed, and was expected to help lengthen the lifespan of the structure by 40 years.
With a lifespan of more than three years, they have state-of-
ifornia, and grows in dry, rocky areas with a lifespan of 5-7 years.
rams (5,500 lb), with an expected operational lifespan of around 5 years.
ring the availability of glucose extended the lifespan of the worms.
The harbor will have a minimum lifespan of 50 years and has been designed to handle d
ams (14,070 lb), with an expected operational lifespan of around 15 years
rams (9,870 lb), with an expected operational lifespan of around 15 years.
ed U.S. state governor ever, having reached a lifespan of 101 years, 56 days on that date.
It is very stable, has an atmospheric lifespan of 50,000 years, and a high greenhouse warmin
Secondly, the average lifespan of male lords in Palestine was rather low, du
Due to the relatively short lifespan of closed-cone pines, many dead trunks and sn
ea each year, but also decreases the expected lifespan of the vessel from 30 years to 20 years.
Miniature horses, with an average lifespan of thirty years, live much longer than dogs,
rams (9,550 lb), with an expected operational lifespan of 16 years
ng a clear benefit of treatment and the short lifespan of heartworms in cats, adulticide therapy is
In reality, the lifespan of a star is greater than what is estimated b
em," the new road deck was expected to have a lifespan of 75-100 years.
quasi-star is predicted to have had a maximum lifespan of about one million years, after which the c
arrels or equivalent per day), and a probable lifespan of existing assets of about ten years, before
Only two 7K-L3's have been flown in the short lifespan of the failed Soviet lunar program, both of t
en after Sprint effectively ended the upgrade lifespan of the phone.
dies of old age, giving a successful colony a lifespan of 10-20 years.
ty, and finding other methods to increase the lifespan of existing warheads and maintain a confident
rams (6,200 lb), with an expected operational lifespan of 12 years.
There is normally a five-year limit on the lifespan of Parliaments and provincial assemblies in C
or Flash memory where each write reduces the lifespan of the memory.
In reality, the lifespan of a star is greater than what is estimated b
They have a lifespan of 10-15 years in captivity.
This species has an average lifespan of 8-10 months.
They have an average lifespan of 12 years.
It is used to estimate the useful lifespan of a product or its shelf life when actual li
en transponders, and had an expected on-orbit lifespan of three years.
Late in the lifespan of SendMeRSS, NBC was likely breaking anti-sp
The lifespan of Alba is an open question - she may or may
Allegedly, the average lifespan of a Grow-a-Frog is 5 years.
He thus enjoyed the longest post-service lifespan of any former MP.
wo transponders, and has an expected on-orbit lifespan of 12 years.
The lifespan of the mine is expected to be 16 to 22 years.
amergate reproduction results in an increased lifespan of colonies.
e Battery was decommissioned in 1906, a short lifespan on the whole.
tored at lower temperatures, increasing their lifespan outside a living body.
in voice, development of voice throughout the lifespan, professional voice, voice therapy; pathology
The data it collected during its 9-year lifespan provide a significant chunk of the long-term
ian Huskies, with proper care, have a typical lifespan ranging from twelve to fifteen years.
as she fought cancer, Ferguson sponsored the Lifespan Respite Care Act, which authorized $289 milli
The energy output of a star over its lifespan should only change very gradually; variable s
to book hardcore acts during the band's short lifespan, so the Fartz often found themselves scrambli
ochrome graphics, was reaching the end of its lifespan, so Hogue wrote Miner 2049er for the Atari 80
is the fraction of the pathogen population's lifespan spent cycling between wild animals and vector
Over the course of its lifespan, Studio Ironcat published over fifty titles.
Sh-mutant flies have a shorter lifespan than regular flies; in their larvae, the repe
tles" released near the end of that console's lifespan that debuted at only $9.99 MSRP.
Over its lifespan, the mine yielded approximately 262 tonnes of
nt auto-making ventures, over its eleven-year lifespan the company only recorded production of about
In 1994, near the end of the Famicom's lifespan, the game was rereleased in cartridge format.
Towards the end of Maine Road's lifespan there were proposals for other sports teams t
8 week lifespan, these insects cause damage to plants.
pularity outside of Harrisonburg during their lifespan, they established a unique sound melding epic
Birdwing lays about 27 eggs during its entire lifespan; this estimate was made by Ray Straatman by d
show any obvious defects and exhibit a normal lifespan, though they are more sensitive to hyperoxic
hat they've maximized the equipment's working lifespan through their due diligence.
full life span (one would presume "remaining" lifespan, thus stealing half of their life).
isms that control brain plasticity across the lifespan to be able to modify them for the subject's o
Gene Martin ( lifespan unknown) was an American professional basebal
nomic net present value (ENPV) over a 50-year lifespan up to 2061.
ntury it was already thought that the Earth's lifespan was far longer than that suggested by literal
Pearl speculated that lifespan was limited by vital cell components that wer
on 23 November 1978 and although its intended lifespan was only until 1989 it is still valid (with s
superior strength, durability and an extended lifespan when compared with normal humans.
ttracted more than 300,000 customers over its lifespan, with people queueing in their hundreds for h

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