




該当件数 : 38

No significant changes were observed in renin, ACTH, or cortisol levels.
Renin activates the renin-angiotensin system by clea
ells lining the afferent arterioles to release renin, activating the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
Further information: Plasma renin activity
entration of aldosterone divided by the plasma renin activity in blood plasma.
oduces hypertension associated with low plasma renin activity, and metabolic alkalosis associated w
evere, hypertension associated with low plasma renin activity, metabolic alkalosis due to hypokalem
The first two targets that were attempted were renin and ACE.
ion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH/Vasopressin), renin and aldosterone.
s with Bartter syndrome may also have elevated renin and aldosterone levels.
Inhibitors of renin can therefore effectively reduce hyptertension
Renin cleaves the zymogen angiotensinogen, always pr
Renin comes one level higher than Angiotensin Conver
Hydralazine may also increase plasma renin concentration, resulting in fluid retention.
octors have been looking for a drug to inhibit renin directly.
modification of the peptide-like inhibitors of renin, Hoffman-La Roche started developing renin inh
Main article: Renin inhibitor
Aliskiren (developed by Novartis) is a renin inhibitor which has been approved by the US-FD
More recently a new series of renin inhibitors based on the ketopiperazine structu
ued the task of designing ketopiperazine-based renin inhibitors which have shown greater potential(
, causing the JG cells to release the protease renin into circulation.
Malignant hypertension...............Excessive renin is being secreted by the kidneys.
Plasma concentration of renin is measured prior to and following the adminis
Renin is secreted by renal juxtaglomerular cells and
The CCT is considered positive if the renin levels increase substantially or the baseline
e structure) which was selective in inhibiting renin over other aspartic proteases.
Renin plasma, sodium, and potassium is checked throu
asive medical test that measures the change in renin plasma-levels in response to administration of
drugs are used chronically, the body increases renin production, which drives blood pressure up aga
It acts to regulate the levels of renin protein produced in the cell.
The renin receptor binds renin and prorenin.
The renin receptor also known as ATPase H(+)-transportin
cAMP augments renin release.
renin secretion is increased,
n inhibits the negative regulatory feedback on renin secretion.
The Renin stability regulatory element (REN-SRE) is a ci
Binding of renin to this receptor induces the conversion of ang

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