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The plant is hairless and waxy and varies in color from green to pinkish, gray
The upper surface is shiny, waxy, and olive green in color, the lower gray-green
The leaves are hairless, waxy, and blue-green in color, often with characteri
ause the normally fluid cell membrane to become waxy and relatively impermeable to nutrients.
te-green leaves are oval, woolly, and sometimes waxy, and are mostly basal but extend a ways up the
odium in its environment because its leaves are waxy and can endure the salty breeze.
Each leaf is dull, waxy, and often bristly in texture, smooth or toothe
The skin of creamer potatoes is waxy and high in moisture content, and the flesh con
The starch is waxy and makes an excellent gel.
The bark is gray-white, waxy, and somewhat hairy, especially when new.
Its leaves are waxy and woolly to smooth and hairless, with smooth
ches are hairless to velvety when new, becoming waxy and shiny with age.
The woody parts are gray in color and waxy and somewhat hairy in texture.
weet, coconut meat, lactonic, creamy, milky and waxy and, at a dilution of 20 ppm, a taste described
The waxy basal leaf is 10 to 20 centimeters long and wit
Leonardite is a soft waxy, black or brown, shiny, vitreous mineraloid tha
8-13 mm in diameter, blue-brown with a whitish waxy bloom, and contain a single seed (rarely two);
, 5-9 mm in diameter, blue-black with a whitish waxy bloom, and contain 1-3 (rarely 4 or 5) seeds; t
.51 in.) in diameter, blue-brown with a whitish waxy bloom, and contain a single seed (rarely two or
erry 4-6 mm diameter, blue-black with a whitish waxy bloom.
iameter, blue-black, only rarely with a whitish waxy bloom; they ripen from late spring (in Florida)
w 14.5%, the yeast do not form their protective waxy cap and the wine oxidizes to the point of becom
The waxy, channeled basal leaf is 10 to 20 centimeters l
They secrete a waxy coating for defense; this coating causes them t
A waxy coating appears on the cells' exterior, causing
ean "covered with a greyish, bluish, or whitish waxy coating or bloom that is easily rubbed off" (e.
m, are gutter-shaped and glaucous (covered by a waxy coating), about 20-22 millimetres (0.79-0.87 in
e, 6-9 mm diameter, blue-black with a thin pale waxy coating, and contain three to six seeds; they a
The leaves are thick and fleshy, and have a waxy coating.
erry 3-5.5 mm diameter, with a pale blue-purple waxy coating; they are an important food for Yellow-
a lipophilic colorless odorless crystalline to waxy compound.
a lipophilic colorless odorless crystalline to waxy compound.
a lipophilic colorless odorless crystalline to waxy compound.
obert P. Bear also discovered and reported that waxy corn (100% amylopectin starch) also occurred as
y summer mature females begin to secrete white, waxy, cottony-appearing egg sacs in which they lay a
because the insects are protected by their hard waxy covers.
ple inflorescences and the presence of a thick, waxy cuticle on the leaves.
N. hirsuta from Borneo, are known to produce a waxy cuticle, although it is less developed than in
Its leaves are protected by a waxy cuticle.
The leaves are thick and coated in a white waxy cuticle.
The waxy, deep orange endosperm of the seed is used in M
Why Are Waxwings Waxy Delayed Plumage Maturation in the Cedar Waxwing
inted lobes with a bumpy textured surface and a waxy epidermal coating.
This is a perennial herb growing a waxy, erect stem up to two meters in height.
It is a perennial herb growing a waxy, erect stem that approaches a meter in height.
When ripe, the rind has a slightly waxy feel.
ish color with bodies covered with long, white, waxy filaments giving them a woolly appearance.
There are a number of short waxy filaments projecting around the margin.
Nymphs have a tail of waxy filaments.
The waxy, fleshy leaves have blades divided into multilo
Waxy flexibility is a psychomotor symptom of cataton
However it is important to note that although waxy flexibility has historically been linked to sch
ce, if one were to move the arm of someone with waxy flexibility, they would keep their arm where on
sely clustered thyrse-like panicles of greenish waxy flowers with yellow recurved lobes, narrowly ur
lowers in the spring or summer with one or more waxy flowers 4-6 cm diameter near its apex; the nume
It has clusters of waxy flowers that are either white or lavender in co
mat-forming perennial herb growing in clumps of waxy foliage on short, hairy, glandular stems.
The spherical, slightly waxy fruit is just under 2 millimeters wide and is d
The waxy gray-green leaf blades are made up of several v
located in several whorls about the stem, each waxy green and up to 7 centimeters in length.
This is an annual herb producing a waxy, hairless or slightly hairy stem up to about 20
Zietrisikite is a waxy hydrocarbon mineral; although only in the sense
herb somewhat similar to other fiddlenecks, but waxy in texture and pinkish in color along the lower
g, pale green to reddish in color, and somewhat waxy in texture.
They are gray-green to yellowish in color and waxy in texture on the upper surfaces, and yellowish
ntimeters long, and dull, smooth, and sometimes waxy in texture.
ems up to 40 centimeters long, and hairless and waxy in texture.
The brached flowering stem is hairless and waxy in texture.
The herbage is hairless and waxy in texture.
The leaves are green in color and waxy in texture.
It is somewhat waxy in texture and studded with glandular hairs.
The leaves are waxy in texture and hairlike, measuring no more than
leaves are up to 12 centimeters long, sometimes waxy in texture.
They are stiff, whiplike, or limp, sometimes waxy in texture, and serrated on the edges.
The herbage of the plant is generally very waxy in texture.
a basal leaf 10 to 20 centimeters long which is waxy in texture and withers at flowering.
Waxy is an American stoner rock band.
The consistency of sorbitan tristearate is waxy; its color is light cream to tan.
It has rosettes of waxy lance-shaped leaves.
species of mealybug lay their eggs in the same waxy layer used for protection in quantities of 50-1
hese glasses are usually surrounded by a yellow waxy layer of palagonite, formed by reaction of side
hobic substance, this plant's epicuticular wax ( waxy leaf coating on the surface of leaves), when dr
s a cousin to the Creosote bush, it has similar waxy leaves being an adaptation to desert temperatur
The waxy leaves are typically 2.5 inches long and about
The thick, waxy leaves are triangular to oblong and usually poi
The thick, waxy leaves are generally oval in shape, up to 9 cen
Eustoma russellianum has blue-green waxy leaves and showy bell shaped flowers in blue pi
h grows to about 1.5 m. with two close ranks of waxy leaves.
is a succulent plant forming basal rosettes of waxy leaves.
cosmoline is a homogeneous mixture of oily and waxy long-chain, non-polar hydrocarbons.
hich has been slightly dehydrated and sold in a waxy lump.
is a translucent white triclinic mineral with a waxy luster.
The remaining waxy mass is known as a concrete, which is a mixture
Phyllomedusa sauvagii, commonly known as the Waxy Monkey Leaf Frog, is a hylid frog belonging to
Waxy Monkey Leaf Frog Phyllomedusa sauvagii
Phyllomedusa sauvagii, Waxy Monkey Leaf Frog
if made correctly; however it will often have a waxy mouthfeel and a more bland flavor.
Once discovered and reported, the occurrence of waxy mutations was fairly frequent in the order of o
y (11,000 m3/d) of medium density, low sulphur, waxy North Sea crude oil.
leaves are up to 15 centimeters long, hairless, waxy on the undersides, and accompanied by wide stip
Begonia semperflorens ( Waxy or fibrous Begonia)
ed the mixture of hydrocarbon oils now known as waxy paraffin or coal oils.
tment with a weak acid, producing a dark bluish waxy pigment.
Cutin is one of two waxy polymers that are the main components of the pl
Waxy potato starch is a new species of starch only c
VEBE produces since 2005 a GMO-free amylopectin waxy potato starch (ELIANE) and is investing in a ne
a is planned to be sold to industries that need waxy potato starch without amylose.
Waxy potatoes have lower starch content (16-18%) tha
They are sometimes coated in a waxy, powdery looking exudate.
tarch synthase, starch synthase II (ambiguous), waxy protein, starch granule-bound nucleoside diphos
It is an annual herb producing a hairless, waxy, purple or purple-tinged stem up to half a mete
e other species of waxwing, it lacks the row of waxy red feather-tips on the wing which gives the bi
It is an annual herb producing a rough, waxy, red stem up to about 45 centimeters tall.
jeopardized by biopiracy because it produces a waxy secretion that may have medicinal uses against
It is covered with a whitish, waxy secretion which makes it look dusty.
ny species also use downward pointing hairs and waxy secretions to make it difficult for insects to
ting is made extremely uncertain by the smooth, waxy secretions found on the surfaces of the upper p
omewhat triangular, yellowish or pale green and waxy, slightly hairy, or smooth in texture.
tearate is a light cream to tan-coloured, hard, waxy solid with a slight characteristic odour and bl
250 and 3000 daltons In this form it is a white waxy solid that melts between 20 and 30 °C.
olorless deliquescent sheet crystals or a white waxy solid that is soluble in water and ethanol, sli
This colourless waxy solid consists of a dodecyl group (C12H25) atta
The fleshy, waxy, sometimes woolly leaves are 1 to 5 centimeters
Waxy starches, after starch gelatinisation, retrogra
This is an annual herb growing a hairless, waxy stem 20 to 30 centimeters in maximum height.
an annual herb producing a hairless, sometimes waxy stem up to about 30 centimeters in maximum heig
is an annual herb producing a mostly hairless, waxy stem up to 40 or 45 centimeters tall.
It is an annual herb producing a hairless, waxy stem up to about 40 centimeters in maximum heig
and is mostly hairless in texture, with a thin, waxy stem.
num is a perennial herb with one or more erect, waxy stems usually exceeding a meter in height.
herb takes a clumpy form, producing pale green, waxy stems up to 70 to 76 centimeters in maximum hei
s perennial herb takes a clumpy form, producing waxy stems up 26 to 40 centimeters in maximum height
It produces spindly, waxy stems which may approach a meter in height, and
This is a delicate annual herb with slender, waxy stems growing no more than about 20 centimeters
The bees, trying to get the waxy substance containing the scent, sometimes fall
st Michel Chevreul when he heated spermaceti, a waxy substance obtained from sperm whale oil, with c
Arachidyl alcohol, also 1-icosanol, is a waxy substance used as an emollient in cosmetics.
The powdery, waxy substance that is often found on the surface of
ad pointed lobes near the base, with a slightly waxy, succulent texture.
, black berries, about a centimeter wide with a waxy surface, speckled with yellow glands.
c solvents, increasing their penetration of the waxy surfaces of plants.
gh, bristly, and smooth-edged, sometimes with a waxy texture.
Marfona is a potato cultivar with a moderately waxy texture.
cal, their inner surfaces are covered with fine waxy that readily exfoliates, the tank fluid is high
an Waxwings which, as well as having the row of waxy tips, are slightly larger with a yellow tail-ti
It is waxy to touch and melts at about 100 °C.
It is an annual herb producing a waxy, upright flowering stem up to about 50 centimet
Adipocere is a crumbly, waxy, water-insoluble material consisting mostly of
spines along their backs which are covered in a waxy white substance.
rs, which are small, urn-shaped to rounded, and waxy white to very pale pink.
temperature, cetyl alcohol takes the form of a waxy white solid or flakes.
Inside, he found it coated with a waxy white material which was oddly slippery.
e shrub a naked thicket of gray twigs coated in waxy whitish hairs.
The knobby, waxy yellow flower buds open into cylindrical golden
lower and upper pitchers have an unusually long waxy zone, which in the latter extends for as much a

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